ISSN 1086-6566
October 5, 2017


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Issue's Topics:
         CfP: SIAM Conference: Math Aspects of Materials Science, 2018
         SIAM Conference: Analysis of PDEs, Baltimore, Dec. 9-12
         Workshop: Neural Networks, Nov. 24, U of Exeter, UK
         2018 HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellows Competition
         2018 Nottingham Fellowships - Modelling and Data Science
         New Articles: WIREs Syst Biol Med Content Alert 
         New Articles: MBE Vol. 15, No. 1 February 2018 Issue
         CfP: Frontiers Research Topic on Data Assimilation and Control
         Postdoc Position: Fluid-Structure Interaction in Medicine, UNC
         NRC Research Associateship Programs: Deadline 11/1/17
         Postdoc Position: Engineering, Math & Physical..., U of Exeter
         Faculty Position: Computational Mathematics, San Diego State U
         Faculty Position: Applied Math, U of Bath
         Selected NIH Intramural Research job openings - October 2017
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Frank W. Kunkle <>
Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 12:01 PM
Subject: CfP: SIAM Conference: Math Aspects of Materials Science, 2018 

Conference Name: SIAM Conference on Mathematical Aspects of Materials 
Science (MS18)
Location: Oregon Convention Center, Portland, Oregon, USA
Dates: July 9 - 13, 2018

The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at: .
Twitter hashtag:

November 30, 2017: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
January 18, 2018: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium 
Presentation Abstracts
January 19, 2018: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career 
Travel Award Applications
Please visit   
for detailed submission information.
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department 


From: Frank W. Kunkle <>
Date: Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 12:45 PM
Subject: SIAM Conference: Analysis of PDEs, Baltimore, Dec. 9-12

SIAM Conference on Analysis of Partial Differential Equations (PD17)
Location: Hyatt Regency Baltimore Inner Harbor
Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Dates: December 9-12, 2017

Registration and the conference program are now posted at
November 9, 2017: Disconnect time is midnight EST
November 9, 2017
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMPD17
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department at


From: Warren, Sarah <>
Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 10:41 AM
Subject: Workshop: Neural Networks, Nov. 24, U of Exeter, UK

The Centre for Predictive Modelling in Healthcare:
at the University of Exeter, UK would like to invite you to attend the 
following workshop:
Workshop on neural networks: from dynamical systems to psychology
Friday 24th November 2017
Living Systems Institute, University of Exeter, UK
Networks are a highly topical subject for mathematical research in 
dynamical systems, where new challenges are being addressed, new 
methodologies developed and surprising connections uncovered. This 
workshop will discuss recent research on the mathematical and 
computational modelling of neural-inspired dynamic networks, as well as 
exploring connections to clinical-facing research.
The programme is as follows:
10.00 - Arrival and registration
11.00 - Claire Postlethwaite (Mathematics, Auckland, NZ)
11.45 - Lorenzo Livi (Computer Science, Exeter, UK)
12.30 - Lunch
14.00 - Juliane Britz (Psychology, Fribourg, Switzerland)
14.45 - Anke Karl (Psychology, Exeter, UK)
15.30 - Break
16.00 - Posters, Discussion session
18.00 - Workshop dinner, Exeter
We encourage participants to bring posters along to present during the 
poster session.
Please register here:
to attend.


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 9:25 AM
Subject: 2018 HHMI Hanna H. Gray Fellows Competition

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) is pleased to announce the 
2018 Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program competition. 

The program announcement:

Applicants can establish eligibility and submit an application via the 
HHMI online competition site:
Applications are due January 10, 2018, at 3:00 PM (Eastern Time). 
HHMI announced the selection of 15 exceptional scientists as the 
inaugural class of HHMI Hanna Gray Fellows. For more information, see 
our program page: 
or press release:
Additional information including a full Program Announcement is 
available at For questions, 
contact program staff at


From: Markus Owen <>
Date: Wed, Oct 4, 2017 at 3:21 AM
Subject: 2018 Nottingham Fellowships - Modelling and Data Science

2018 Nottingham Research Fellowships and Anne McLaren Fellowships - 
focus on Modelling and Data Science
Nottingham Research Fellowships (NRF) and Anne McLaren Fellowships 
(AMF) target the recruitment of outstanding early career researchers to 
deliver world-leading research across the University of Nottingham.

This year, the School of Mathematical Sciences:
will support applications in Modelling and Data Science. 
These internally funded fellowships include:
* three years' salary costs
* up to £25,000 per annum research expenses
* up to £5,000 per annum taxable childcare costs
* link to permanent academic appointment (subject to performance and 
the right to work in the UK).
The Anne McLaren Fellowship scheme is targeted at women in STEM 
subjects, and the Nottingham Research Fellowship is available across 
all participating schools. 
Candidates should have been awarded their PhD and have no more than 
eight years of post-doctoral experience following the award of their 
PhD (career breaks such as maternity leave can be discounted).
Expressions of Interest (EoI) should be developed in partnership with 
the School of Mathematical Sciences. Please contact David Hawker 
( to discuss your EoI. 
The deadline for submission of an EoI to the School is 3 November 2017. 


From: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews <>
Date: Sun, Oct 1, 2017 at 2:07 PM
Subject: New Articles: WIREs Syst Biol Med Content Alert 

Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine


From: zhoucuixin <>
Date: Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 10:45 AM
Subject: New Articles: MBE Vol. 15, No. 1 February 2018 Issue

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE)
Volume 15, Number 1, February 2018


From: Axel Hutt <>
Date: Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:24 AM
Subject: CfP: Frontiers Research Topic on Data Assimilation and Control

This is a Call for Paper for a Frontiers Research Topic on 
Data Assimilation and Control: Theory and Applications in Life Sciences



From: Griffith, Boyce Eugene <>
Date: Fri, Sep 29, 2017 at 12:31 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Fluid-Structure Interaction in Medicine, UNC

Applications are invited for one or more postdoctoral associates within 
the Carolina Center for Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics at the 
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Potential projects include:

* aortic mechanics, including the mechanics of aortic aneurysm and 
* cardiac electro-mechanical coupling;
* cardiovascular fluid dynamics and fluid-structure interaction, 
especially the fluid dynamics of medical devices such as prosthetic 
heart valves;
* numerical methods and computational infrastructure for fluid-structure 
interaction; and
* numerical methods and computational infrastructure for complex 
(polymeric) fluids

One position could be funded through an NSF Software Infrastructure for 
Sustained Innovation (SI2) award that supports the development of 
related computational software ( Another 
position could be funded in part through an NSF Focused Research Group 
(FRG) award that supports research on computational methods for complex 

Please provide via (1) a vita; 
(2) a brief statement of research interests; and (3) three letters of 
reference. Applicants must also apply online at 
to be considered for this position. A PhD in mathematics, computer 
science, bioengineering, or a related field is required. Ideally, 
applicants will also have substantial experience with scientific 
computing using compiled software languages (C, C++, Fortran).

For further information, please contact: Boyce Griffith: 


From: NASEM Research Associateship Programs <>
Date: Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 10:00 AM
Subject: NRC Research Associateship Programs: Deadline 11/1/17

NRC Research Associateship Programs: Deadline 11/1/17.


From: Bailey-Fox, Catherine <>
Date: Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 11:31 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Engineering, Math & Physical..., U of Exeter

Postdoctoral Research Fellows (Ref: P59206) -

These posts consist of a 3 year Postdoctoral Research Fellowship from 
1 April 2018 - 31 March 2021 (or earlier by negotiation). However, 
should the successful candidate secure their own independent Fellowship 
funding then they will have the opportunity to progress to a permanent 
Lectureship within an appropriate College, subject to satisfactory 
performance and compliance with visa regulations.


From: Joseph Mahaffy <>
Date: Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 1:49 PM
Subject: Faculty Position: Computational Mathematics, San Diego State U

Assistant Professor in Computational Mathematics at San Diego State 

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at SDSU has an open 
position in Computational Mathematics at the assistant professor level. 
Applicants must hold (i) a PhD in Applied or Computational Mathematics 
or a closely related field and (ii) a demonstrated strong record of 
independent research. The successful candidate is expected to perform 
research in the development and implementation of computational and 
applied mathematics methods to real-life applications. Research 
experience in multiscale algorithms developed at various scales (i.e. 
continuum, mesoscale, microscale, etc.) would be advantageous. The 
successful candidate will work closely with the members of the 
Nonlinear Dynamical Systems (NLDS) Group (,
researchers affiliated with the Computational Science Research Center 
(CSRC;, and external collaborators in 
applications to compelling problems in science and engineering.

Applicants should apply via Interfolio at 
Review of applications will begin November 1st, 2017 and will continue 
until the position is filled. Incomplete applications are not guaranteed
full consideration. Please direct any questions to the Search Committee 
Chair, Ricardo Carretero at The appointment 
will start in Fall 2018.

SDSU is a Title IX equal opportunity employer.


From: Kit Yates <>
Date: Mon, Oct 2, 2017 at 4:05 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Applied Math, U of Bath

A Lecturer (Assistant Professor) position in Applied Mathematics at the 
University of Bath.

For more details and an online application form please go to


From: Owens, Roland (NIH/OD) [E] <>
Resent: Raymond Mejía <>
Date: Tue, Oct 3, 2017 at 1:39 PM
Subject: Selected NIH Intramural Research job openings - October 2017

Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch, NIEHS
(Review of applications begins: November 12)

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
is recruiting an accomplished scientist to serve as Chief
of the Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch (BCBB)

Members of the BCBB carry out methodologic research and collaborate
broadly across the Institute to address a wide range of questions related
to effects of the environment on human health. The Branch currently has 4
tenured investigators, 1 tenure-track investigator, 5 staff scientists and
additional trainees, with more recruitments anticipated. Research at NIEHS
incorporates both human- and laboratory-based studies including epidemiology,
genetics, epigenetics, toxicology, imaging, and structural biology. This
research provides both opportunities and analytic challenges related to
high-dimensional data.

The Branch Chief directs their own independent research program, provides
leadership, and facilitates the research and collaborative activities of
Branch scientists. In addition to administrative oversight, the Chief will
supervise staff members, mentor tenure-track investigators and post-doctoral
fellows, and ensure the scientific excellence of the Branch?s research
portfolio. The successful candidate must have a keen interest in synergizing
collaborations, both within the BCBB and with other Intramural and National
Toxicology Program investigators at NIEHS. The Chief will lead the BCBB into
new directions as biostatistics, computational biology, and environmental
science continue to evolve.

Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have an outstanding record
of publication, achievement, and leadership, with broad interests
in biostatistics and computational biology. Applicants must have a
Ph.D. or equivalent degree in statistics/biostatistics/computational
biology/bioinformatics or a related field, a record of accomplishments
commensurate with an academic rank of tenured associate or
full professor, and meet the requirements for tenure at the NIH
To be eligible, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen, resident
alien, or non-resident alien with, or eligible to obtain, a valid
employment-authorization visa.

Salary/Benefits: The Branch Chief will be eligible for a tenured appointment
with excellent start-up, salary, and benefit packages.

How to Apply: Interested persons should send a cover letter, their
curriculum vitae, a 3-page statement of research interests, goals and
leadership/administrative experience, and contact information for 3 references
in one combined PDF, to Ms. Bonnie Earnhardt,
citing Vacancy Announcement DIR-AC1322 in the subject line. Incomplete
applications or paper applications will not be accepted. We will begin
evaluating applications on November 12, 2017. Applications will be accepted
until the position is filled.

The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training and
employment programs. HHS and NIH are equal opportunity employers. Applications
from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are strongly encouraged.

Also see:

Tenure-Track Opportunities at the NIH
Presented by: Dr. Roland Owens and Dr. Charles Dearolf, Assistant Directors,
NIH Office of Intramural Research
August 17, 2016

The NIH Intramural Research Program

Link to Fellowships and Positions of Interest to fellows


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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This Issue's Editor:


Name: Wandi Ding










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