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Issue's Topics:
2017-18 MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium
Springer Mathematical Biology Books
2017-2018 Keystone Symposia conferences
Survey: Goals and Needs of Biomodeling, Icahn School of Medicine
Postdoc Position: NIH/NSF, U Penn/U Houston/CU Boulder
Postdoc Position: Rockefeller Foundation Planetary Health Fellow
Faculty Positions: Math Biology, U of Alberta
Faculty Position: Applied Mathematics, UCR
Professor and Dept Head: Virginia Tech
SMBnet Reminders
Date: Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 12:47 PM
Subject: 2017-18 MBI Online Mathematical Biology Colloquium
MBI announces the second year of its successful online math
biology colloquium series. These live hourlong events give
you the opportunity to hear from outstanding mathematical
biologists and to be an active part of colloquium discussions.
All talks will be Wednesdays at Noon Eastern Time.
Sept 20: James Collins: Synthetic Biology: Life Redesigned
Oct 18: John Tyson: Network Dynamics and Cell Physiology
Nov 8: Kristin Swanson: Patient Specific Mathematical Neuro Oncology:
Every Patient Deserves Their Own Equations
Dec 6: Lisa Fauci: Biological Fluid Dynamics at the Microscale:
Nonlinearities in a Linear World
Speakers for Spring Semester 2018 are Alan Perelson, Alan Hastings,
Philip Maini, and Marc Suchard.
Details of how to participate live or to watch archived talks are
You can connect to colloquia either from your own office or from a
Date: Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 1:22 AM
Subject: Springer Mathematical Biology Books
Springer publishes key books in Mathematical Biology - take a look
More books:
Research in Computational Molecular Biology:
Innovative Algorithms and Analysis:
From Basic Survival Analytic Theory to a Non-Standard Application:
An Introduction to Modeling Neuronal Dynamics:
Algorithms for Computational Biology:
Date: Sun, Sep 10, 2017 at 5:32 PM
Subject: 2017-2018 Keystone Symposia conferences
The 2017-2018 Keystone Symposia conferences.
The 2018 conferences in our Plant Biology series are:
The 2018 conferences in our Neurobiology series are:
The 2018 conferences in our Cardiovascular series are:
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 6:39 AM
Subject: Survey: Goals and Needs of Biomodeling, Icahn School of Medicine
We would like to invite you to participate in a survey of the goals,
methods, and challenges of biomodeling. The goal of the survey is to
solicit your input into the biomodeling community's efforts to advance
biomodeling. We plan to share the results of the survey through a review
article in early 2018.
Please use the link below to complete the survey by Friday September 22.
The survey should take five to ten minutes to complete.
Date: Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 10:43 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: NIH/NSF, U Penn/U Houston/CU Boulder
We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to join an NIH/NSF funded
interdisciplinary project that includes Joshua Gold (University of
Pennsylvania), Kre?o Josic (University of Houston), and Zack Kilpatrick
(University of Colorado, Boulder). Our aim is to understand how the brain
accumulates evidence in dynamic environments. The project is guided by the
overriding hypothesis that brain networks involved in decision-making
computations incorporate learned expectations of the environment to
implement adaptive decision-making. We seek a candidate who can work at the
interface of experimental, computational, and theoretical neuroscience. As
part of an interdisciplinary team, The candidate will develop models of
neural circuits that approximate normative evidence accumulation in dynamic
environments. The candidate will also help to validate these models, using
behavioral data from humans and neural recordings from primates performing
dynamic decision tasks.
Date: Fri, Sep 8, 2017 at 12:34 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Rockefeller Foundation Planetary Health Fellow
With support from The Rockefeller Foundation, the Planetary Health Alliance
(PHA) at Harvard University has created The Rockefeller Foundation Planetary
Health (RFPH) Fellows program to enable recent doctorate recipients to
tackle complex questions at the intersection of global environmental change
and human health. The Rockefeller Foundation Planetary Health Fellows will
work for two years with Harvard faculty members in any school or department
to create new knowledge while also strengthening connections across Harvard
University and PHA member institutions. For more information about the
position and on how to apply, visit
Date: Mon, Sep 11, 2017 at 6:13 PM
Subject: Faculty Position: Math Biology, U of Alberta
Assistant Professor - Mathematical Biology
University of Alberta
Closing Date - November 12, 2017
The Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences at the University
of Alberta invites applications for a tenure-track position at the
Assistant Professor level in Mathematical Biology. An appointment at a
higher level may be possible under exceptional circumstances.
Date: Tue, Sep 12, 2017 at 1:17 PM
Subject: Faculty Position: Applied Mathematics, UCR
A faculty position in Applied Mathematics at the University of California,
Riverside. Applications and nominations are invited for one faculty
position beginning July 1, 2018.
Applications are welcome from those with strong interdisciplinary background
in any area of applied mathematics. Preference will be given to applicants
in Stochastic Modeling with Applications, Applied Differential Equations
and Numerical Analysis and Computational Methods. This position is intended
for the level of tenure-track assistant professor.
Date: Wed, Sep 13, 2017 at 12:36 PM
Subject: Professor and Dept Head: Virginia Tech
Virginia Tech Department of Biological Sciences: Professor and Head.
The Department of Biological Sciences, in the College of Science at Virginia
Tech, invites applications from visionary, creative, and energetic leaders
for the position of Department Head. We combine an international reputation
for excellence in research with a substantial teaching mission. The
department currently includes 47 tenure-track faculty members, two professors
of practice, eight instructors, 25 support staff, and 23 research scientists,
as well as more than 80 graduate students and 1300 undergraduate students.
We are a diverse department with research groups in (1) ecology, evolution
and behavior, (2) microbiology and immunology, and (3) molecular, cellular,
central role in interdisciplinary research on campus, which includes
engagement in Centers and Institutes such as the Global Change Center and
Fralin Life Sciences Institute, and nine out of Virginia Tech's 14
Interdisciplinary Graduate Education Programs. Several faculty are
associated with the Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute, located
adjacent to the VTC School of Medicine in Roanoke, Virginia.
Interested candidates should submit a current CV, a letter of interest
(maximum 3 pages) that describes research interests, relevant experience
and leadership style, and a list of three professional references upon
Review of applications will begin on October 31, 2017 and will continue
until the position is filled.
Please address inquiries to Professor Jeffrey Walters, Search Chair
(; Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech,
Blacksburg, VA 24061, USA; 540-231-3847).
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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