Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
Issue's Topics:
SMB Presidential Message to Digest
CfP: NETTAB 2017 Methods, Tools & Platforms for Personalized...
Schools Announcement - ICTP-SAIFR
Year of Mathematical Biology Kick-off Meeting 2018
IMO Workshop 7: Stroma, Oct 29 - Nov 3, 2017
Workshop: 1st CIBio: Computational Intelligence and Biomathematics
Workshop: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling..., Italy 2018
Springer: Publications in Mathematical Biology
WIREs Syst Biol Med Content Alert
PhD Position: Ecological Modeling, Population..., U of Georgia
Postdoc Position: Modeling Healthcare-associated Infections, WSU
Postdoc Position: Computational Biology Modelling, Uppsala U
Postdoc Position: Model selection and discrepancy... U of Nottingham
Faculty Position: Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College
Faculty Position: Multi-Scale Modeling/System Biology, USC
Faculty Positions: OIST, Japan
Selected NIH Intramural Research job openings - September 2017
SMBnet Reminders
Date: Thu, Sep 7, 2017 at 7:39 AM
Subject: SMB Presidential Message to Digest
Welcome to another exciting academic year! I am both humbled and excited
by the opportunity to serve as the 20th president of the Society of
Mathematical Biology (SMB). We have almost 1000 international members with
exciting programs and numerous awards. SMB has also multiple communication
channels: the SMB Digest, SMB Newsletter, and our official journal The
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. If you want to learn more about the
Our goal this year is to grow membership significantly worldwide and
support smaller meetings around the world to promote Mathematical Biology
(2018 has been declared the Year of Mathematical Biology). In addition,
diversity comes in many forms, and one aspect of SMB that has always been
exciting to me is the level of involvement from women, junior faculty,
trainees, and minorities. We want to continue this strong tradition in a
number of ways, including awards, travel funds, awards and mentoring to
help foster success at all levels. There are a number of new SMB awards
that have been established for travel and posters, and I would like to see
these fully endowed! So please consider SMB for your tax-deductible
If you enjoy your subscription to the SMB Digest, and you're not a member
of SMB, please consider joining our society. SMB membership fees are among
Wishing you a fantastic Fall semester!
Denise Kirschner, PhD? President, SMB
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 6:46 AM
Subject: CfP: NETTAB 2017 Methods, Tools & Platforms for Personalized...
Call for poster abstracts and for Participation in the next NETTAB 2017
workshop on Methods, tools & platforms for Personalized Medicine in the Big
Data Era. 16-18 October 2017, Palermo, Italy.
Call for poster abstracts
Date: Mon, Sep 4, 2017 at 3:50 PM
Subject: Schools Announcement - ICTP-SAIFR
The announcement of the following events of ICTP-SAIFR to be held at
IFT-UNESP/São Paulo/Brazil in January, 2018 The application deadline is
November 10, 2017.
VII ICTP-SAIFR Southern-Summer School on Mathematical Biology:
January 15-21, 2018
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
ICTP-SAIFR School on Physics Applications in Biology:
January 22-27, 2018
Location: São Paulo, Brazil
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:55 AM
Subject: Year of Mathematical Biology Kick-off Meeting 2018
We are happy to announce the kick-off meeting of the Year of Mathematical
Biology on 4-5 January 2018. This is a joint meeting of EMS, ESMTB, and
the Finnish Mathematical Society FMS, in Joensuu, Finland, with a
mathematical biology session running through the entire conference.
Plenaries will be given by Odo Diekmann and Benoit Perthame; invited
speakers are Barbara Boldin, Jose Carrillo, Fabio Chalub, Josef Hofbauer,
Julia Gog, and Geza Meszena. A limited number of time slots for oral
presentations are available, and the conference will also have a poster
All interested are warmly welcome! The conference registration is open,
If you would like to give a presentation in the mathematical biology
your title and abstract.
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:32 AM
Subject: IMO Workshop 7: Stroma, Oct 29 - Nov 3, 2017
We are currently organizing the 7th Integrated Mathematical Oncology (IMO)
workshop that will run from Oct 29th-Nov 3rd at Moffitt. The IMO workshop
is designed to motivate and facilitate a hands-on modeling experience
focused on the role of stroma in cancer progression and treatment.
Comprising of both an educational event and competition, the workshop
divides participants into four teams integrating clinical, experimental
and theoretical members that will focus their energies on developing and
implementing a mathematical model of stromal interactions in cancer. Each
team consists of around 10-12 participants from mixed disciplines and
career stages, chosen to provide complimentary skills to help the 3 team
co-leaders achieve success. The teams are expected to come up with a
question, build a model, solve it and give a presentation all within 4.5
intense days. The morning of the 3rd is dedicated to presentations and
As with last years workshop there will be a "speed dating for scientists"
to break the ice among diverse group of participants on the 29th. The
opening presentation on the 30th will summarise what is expected of the
teams and serve to motivate the subsequent hands on model development
sessions. We also plan to have an seperate poster session on the evening
of the 30th to allow participants to showcase their own research. To
facilitate integration and motivate participation we are offering an Amazon
gift voucher to active participants of the winning team and to the runner
up team. I am also pleased to say that the leaders of the winning team
will be awarded a $50K pilot grant, that will be administered primarily by
the IMO but most likely will facilitate experimental and clinical validation.
We are also pleased to announce that we are offering deluxe travel awards,
these are extremely limited and competitive - not a first come first
served basis. Each award will cover flight + accommodation + meals for up
to 6 nights and allow for both national and international scientists to
participate in this unique hands on educational event. TRAVEL AWARD
Postdoc, PhD student or junior faculty interested in participating in the
and follow instructions. Time is very tight, so please don't wait to
register for this exciting opportunity.
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 10:10 AM
Subject: Workshop: 1st CIBio: Computational Intelligence and Biomathematics
I am organizing the 1st CIBio: Computational Intelligence and Biomathematics:
Please, let people from systems biology know about it.
Essentially, it is an attempt to highlight via webinars/seminars/papers the
overlapping between methods from computational intelligence and biomathematics.
The scope is quite broad, mainly, any application that comes from the application
simultaneously of computational intelligence and biomathematical methods. The
deadline for paper is approaching, but I can consider the possibility to extend
it if some gets interested.
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 6:09 PM
Subject: Workshop: Mathematical and Numerical Modeling..., Italy 2018
We announce the INdAM Workshop "Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of
the Cardiovascular System" that will be held in Rome, Italy, on April
16-19, 2018 (the venue will be the "Istituto Nazionale di Alta
Matematica" (INDAM), located at the Mathematics Department of the
University of Rome).
The workshop aims at creating a meeting point for the researchers devoted
to the mathematical and numerical study of the vascular and cardiac
systems in order to provide a scientific exchange of the recent
developments on such topics.
The abstracts should be submitted before January 31, 2018.
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 3:07 AM
Subject: Springer: Publications in Mathematical Biology
Springer Visit us at
You can read this email online at
Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 1:27 PM
Subject: WIREs Syst Biol Med Content Alert
Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and Medicine can be viewed
online at
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 11:49 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Ecological Modeling, Population..., U of Georgia
Department of Infectious Diseases at the University of Georgia, is
seeking to recruit prospective Ph.D. students for Fall 2018. One student
will use primarily mathematical modeling approaches to develop theory
relating to lab interests (spatial ecology, population and community
ecology, disease ecology). One or more additional students are sought for
the following projects, to be co-advised by Professor Sonia Altizer
theoretical, field and experimental approaches:
- Foraging behavior, human-wildlife interactions and pathogen transmission
dynamics, applied to an aquatic bird, the White Ibis, and its
environmentally transmitted enteric pathogens, in urban and non-urban
habitats the southern U.S.
- The consequences of shifting resource distribution (habitat loss vs
resource subsidy) and parasitism for migratory populations, applied to
monarch butterflies in eastern North America
- The community ecology of host-parasite interactions, applied to monarch
butterflies and their pathogens, parasitoids and resource competitors.
Students will join the world-class Ecology graduate program at the Odum
School of Ecology (
ose.uga.edu), and may also be eligible for admittance
to the NSF-funded Graduate Research Training program in Interdisciplinary
We seek motivated graduate students with demonstrated research experience,
strong academic records, critical thinking skills and clear interests in
theoretical ecology, species interactions, and/or the consequences of
anthropogenic change for wildlife ecology and conservation. Interested
applicants should send a cover letter indicating their research and
training interests, and a copy of their CV including GPA and GRE scores to
rjhall@uga.edu. Students with prior experience in mathematical modeling, and
students from underrepresented backgrounds, are especially encouraged to
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 8:14 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Modeling Healthcare-associated Infections, WSU
The Lofgren Lab in the Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health at
Washington State University is seeking a postdoctoral research associate
to support an ongoing research project on the dynamics of healthcare-
associated infections. The postdoctoral research associate will have
access to an extensive infection surveillance database and will be working
with a diverse team of biomedical and computer science researchers working
to understand how the stochastic dynamics of infections within hospitals
impacts surveillance, intervention evaluation, and clinical care.
Responsibilities of the position include the mentoring of graduate and
undergraduate students in the lab; the analysis of datasets; the design,
implementation, and analysis of mathematical models of disease
transmission; and the preparation of manuscripts and conference abstracts.
The specific focus of the postdoctoral research associate can be tailored
to their interests and expertise but will likely include the implementation
and analysis of stochastic network models of disease transmission
addressing a broad range of clinically-driven questions, including surface
decontamination, hand hygiene, antimicrobial stewardship, and active
Requirements: It is recommended candidates should have a PhD or equivalent
degree in Epidemiology, Biostatistics, Mathematical Biology, Disease
Ecology, or a related field at time of hire, as well as good written and
oral communication skills and the ability to work collaboratively across
disciplines. Candidates who have not yet completed their PhD but have a
scheduled defense date in the near future may be considered.
Preferred Qualifications: Experience with mathematical or simulation
models of infectious diseases; fluency in Python, Julia, or R programming
languages; and an interest in the control of healthcare associated
This position is initially a one-year appointment with yearly extensions
possible depending on progress and performance, and/or available funding.
Start Date: 1/1/2018 or as soon as possible
Salary per Month: Commensurate with qualifications and experience
To apply for this position at Washington State University, Pullman,
to include a cover letter, CV and contact information for three references
with the online application. WSU is an equal opportunity and affirmative
action educator and employer.
If you have questions regarding this position, please contact
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 10:01 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Computational Biology Modelling, Uppsala U
I have funding for two new computational biology modelling postdocs in my
Uppsala University lab, Sweden on integrated projects working with several
highly distinguished vascular biology collaborators: Elizabetta Dejana, Lena
Claesson-Welsh, Christer Betsholtz and Taija Makinen.
Full job advert and application process:
Date: Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Model selection and discrepancy... U of Nottingham
A two year postdoctoral position is available at the University of Nottingham
to work on a Wellcome Trust, Royal Society and Nottingham University funded
project entitled "Improving assessment of drug-induced cardiac risk with
mathematical electrophysiology models".
Date: Sat, Sep 2, 2017 at 9:15 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Mathematics, Harvey Mudd College
Math (Data Science & Analytics): Assistant Professor, tenure-track. Must
demonstrate teaching excellence, commitment to inclusion and diversity, and a
strong research program accessible to undergrads. More information:
Mathematics - all areas broadly related to applications and data analytics.
Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 12:20 PM
Subject: Faculty Position: Multi-Scale Modeling/System Biology, USC
The Department of Biological Sciences in the Dornsife College of Letters,
Arts and Sciences at the University of Southern California invites
applications for an Open Rank (Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or
Professor) tenured or tenure-track position in the fields of Multi-Scale
Modeling / Systems Biology. Priority will be given to applicants based on the
overall originality of their work and promise for establishing a strong
independent research program.
Successful candidates will join the Molecular and Computational Biology
section within Biological Sciences at USC, located in Los Angeles, California.
We have a robust Ph.D. program in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics,
which emphasizes both rigorous mathematical training and immersive
co-localization with experimental biologists. The anticipated start date is
August 16, 2018, and applicants must have received a Ph.D. (or equivalent)
degree by time of appointment.
Review of applications will begin November 1st, 2017 and continue until the
position is filled. Applicants are required to submit an electronic application
Please submit, in a single PDF file, a curriculum vita, a cover letter, a
statement of research accomplishments and future research plans, and the
contact information of at least three references that will provide letters of
Date: Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 3:41 AM
Subject: Faculty Positions: OIST, Japan
Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University invites
applications for at least 6 new faculty positions as part of its planned
expansion. Targeted areas for the current search include: Chemistry,
Computer Science, and Cell Biology. Applications from strong candidates in
other fields may be considered.
OIST seeks applicants with excellent scholarship and creativity. Successful
candidates are expected to establish an active program of research, to
supervise student research, and to teach in the graduate program. Generous
research resources are provided, which may be supplemented with external
grants. Appointments will be Tenure-Track or Tenured. Starting date is
All applications must be submitted online with the following materials:
1. Letter of intent
2. CV and publication list
3. Summary of previous research
4. Research proposal
5. Teaching statement
6. Three publications of note
7. Names and contact details of 3 referees
Application Deadline: October 15, 2017
Date: Fri, Sep 1, 2017 at 9:08 AM
Subject: Selected NIH Intramural Research job openings - September 2017
Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigators
(deadline: September 29)
The National Institutes of Health, the U.S. government's premier biomedical
and behavioral research enterprise and a component of the Department of Health
and Human Services, is pleased to announce its ninth annual call for "NIH Earl
Stadtman Investigators," a broad recruitment of tenure-track investigators
(assistant professor equivalent) for the NIH intramural research program.
Come join the team whose hallmarks are stable funding, intellectual freedom,
shared resources, and access to a wide range of scientific expertise. A
fantastic array of scientists already has been hired through the "Stadtman"
recruitment in the last eight years.
A variety of basic and translational/clinical positions are available,
with areas of active recruitment including (but not limited to): Behavioral
Sciences, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics, Biostatistics,
Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, Cell Metabolism, Chemical Biology, Chromosome
Biology, Computational Biology/Bioinformatics (including natural language
processing and text mining), Developmental Biology, Epidemiology, Genetics,
Genomics, Health Disparities, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology,
Molecular Pharmacology, Neurodevelopment, Neurosciences, Physiology, RNA
Biology, Social Sciences, Structural Biology, Systems Biology, Toxicology,
Translational and Clinical Research, and Virology.
Who we are: Among our approximately 1,100 principal investigators and 4,000
trainees in the NIH intramural research program are world-renowned experts
in basic, translational, population-based, and clinical research. Similar
to academia, we offer our scientists the opportunity to mentor outstanding
trainees at all levels (e.g., graduate students and postdoctoral fellows)
in a research setting.
Whom we seek: We seek a diverse cadre of creative thinkers eager to take
on innovative, high-impact research.
Qualifications/eligibility: Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D.,
D.D.S./D.M.D., D.V.M., D.O., R.N./Ph.D., or equivalent doctoral degree
and have an outstanding record of research accomplishments as evidenced
by high quality publications in peer-reviewed journals. Applicants should
be non-tenured scientists. Appointees may be U.S. citizens, resident
aliens, or non-resident aliens with, or eligible to obtain, a valid
employment-authorization visa.
How to apply: Applicants must submit four items (the first three items must
be in a PDF format): (1) a CV, which should include a list of publications,
and mentoring and leadership activities; (2) a three-page proposal titled
Research Goals, i.e., the research you hope to perform at the NIH; (3)
a one-page statement titled Long-term Research Vision and Impact, i.e.,
what you hope to achieve for yourself, your field, and society; and (4)
contact information for three professional references. Submit these through
August 1 and September 29, 2017 (11:59 p.m. EDT). You will be asked to
designate up to two scientific areas of expertise to aid in assigning your
application to the appropriate review committee. Requests for letters
of recommendation will be sent to your references when you submit your
application. Reference letters will be accepted via upload to the website
until October 7, 2017 (11:59 p.m. EDT). Reference letters must also be
submitted in a PDF format. We cannot accept paper applications.
What to expect: Search committees, composed of experts in various
fields, will review and evaluate applicants based on criteria which
include publication record, mentoring experience, scientific vision,
potential scientific impact of current and proposed research, awards, and
references. Select applicants will be invited to the NIH for interviews
and will be considered candidates. These candidates will also present
seminars open to the public. Some applicants not selected as Earl
Stadtman Investigator candidates may be considered for other open NIH
research positions. Please find answers to frequently asked questions at
inspiring story of Earl and Thressa Stadtman's research at the NIH is at
recruitment effort may be directed to Dr. Roland Owens, Assistant Director,
equal opportunity employers. The NIH is dedicated to building an inclusive
and diverse community in its training and employment programs.
Staff Scientist
Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch, NCI-DCEG
(deadline: September 30)
The Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG), National Cancer
Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH) is recruiting a Staff
Scientist in the Infections and Immunoepidemiology Branch (IIB). IIB conducts
research on the role of infections and altered immunity in cancer etiology
through population-based epidemiologic research. IIB research aims to inform
efforts to reduce the burden of cancer through translation of etiologic
insights into effective strategies for cancer prevention. IIB's research
spans the study of infectious agents associated with cancer. A major focus of
IIB research is evaluation of vaccines against human papillomavirus (HPV),
understanding the determinants of vaccine-induced protection, and building
the knowledge base to enable implementation of effective vaccination programs.
The Staff Scientist, working under the direction of a Senior Investigator
within the IIB, will have responsibilities for all aspects of a large
randomized clinical trial of HPV vaccines in Costa Rica and other related
projects. Specific duties will include assisting with study design
(developing protocols, questionnaires, specimen handling procedures),
management (data coding and cleaning, specimen tracking, human subjects'
approvals), statistical analysis, and preparation of reports for presentation
or publication. Some international travel is required.
The successful candidate must hold a doctoral degree or equivalent in a
relevant discipline (e.g., epidemiology or public health). Experience in
field-based epidemiological research would be an asset, as would knowledge of
Spanish, given that much of this work is conducted in Costa Rica. The study
also includes biologic specimens; thus, training in a biologically-related
field or experience working with laboratory samples is an asset. The position
requires organizational abilities, attention to detail, initiative, and
an aptitude for multi-tasking. The ability to communicate effectively in
speech and in writing is essential, as demonstrated in presentations and
publications. Salary is commensurate with experience.
Interested individuals should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, brief
summary of research interests and experience, and two letters of reference
to: Ms. Kat Bern, Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National
Cancer Institute, 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rm. 7E322 MSC 9775, Bethesda,
1 and September 30, 2017. DHHS, NIH, and NCI are equal opportunity employers.
Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch, NIEHS
(Review of applications begins: November 12)
The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS)
is recruiting an accomplished scientist to serve as Chief
of the Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch (BCBB)
Members of the BCBB carry out methodologic research and collaborate
broadly across the Institute to address a wide range of questions related
to effects of the environment on human health. The Branch currently has 4
tenured investigators, 1 tenure-track investigator, 5 staff scientists and
additional trainees, with more recruitments anticipated. Research at NIEHS
incorporates both human- and laboratory-based studies including epidemiology,
genetics, epigenetics, toxicology, imaging, and structural biology. This
research provides both opportunities and analytic challenges related to
high-dimensional data.
The Branch Chief directs their own independent research program, provides
leadership, and facilitates the research and collaborative activities of
Branch scientists. In addition to administrative oversight, the Chief will
supervise staff members, mentor tenure-track investigators and post-doctoral
fellows, and ensure the scientific excellence of the Branch's research
portfolio. The successful candidate must have a keen interest in synergizing
collaborations, both within the BCBB and with other Intramural and National
Toxicology Program investigators at NIEHS. The Chief will lead the BCBB into
new directions as biostatistics, computational biology, and environmental
science continue to evolve.
Qualifications: The ideal candidate will have an outstanding record
of publication, achievement, and leadership, with broad interests
in biostatistics and computational biology. Applicants must have a
Ph.D. or equivalent degree in statistics/biostatistics/computational
biology/bioinformatics or a related field, a record of accomplishments
commensurate with an academic rank of tenured associate or
full professor, and meet the requirements for tenure at the NIH
eligible, an applicant must be a U.S. citizen, resident alien, or non-resident
alien with, or eligible to obtain, a valid employment-authorization visa.
Salary/Benefits: The Branch Chief will be eligible for a tenured appointment
with excellent start-up, salary, and benefit packages.
How to Apply: Interested persons should send a cover letter, their
curriculum vitae, a 3-page statement of research interests, goals and
leadership/administrative experience, and contact information for 3 references
citing Vacancy Announcement DIR-AC1322 in the subject line. Incomplete
applications or paper applications will not be accepted. We will begin
evaluating applications on November 12, 2017. Applications will be accepted
until the position is filled.
The NIH is dedicated to building a diverse community in its training
and employment programs. HHS and NIH are equal opportunity employers.
Applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities are
strongly encouraged.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to
in the body of the mail (omit the quotes and include your name).
After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional
Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest may be sent to
Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
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The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at