ISSN 1086-6566
JULY 12, 2017


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page, .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
         Workshop: Placental Biophysics, Aug 29-30, U Manchester, UK
         Symposium: Immune Computation, Nov 27-Dec 1, Hawaii, US
         Study Group: Multi-scale Biology, Dec 12-15, U Birmingham, UK
         Workshop: Dynamical Systems Applied..., Feb 7-9, Torino, Italy
         Conference: Imaging Science, SIAM, Jun 5-8, U Bologna, Italy
         PhD Position: O2 Delivery in Tumour Vasculature, U Edinburgh
         PhD Position: Theoretical Immunology, Utrecht U, Netherlands
         PhD Positions: Verific. & Systems & Synthetic Bio., Newcastle U
         Post-doc: Predicting Spread of Whirling Disease..., U Alberta
         Post-doc: Systems Bio. of Converging Signals, Penn St U, US
         Post-doc: Stochastic Gene Expression & Chromatin Org., UAB, US
         Post-doc: Predictive Models of Human Microbiome, UAB, US
         NIH: High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program Pre-Appl. Webinars
         NIH Update: Grant Reporting Responsibilities; eRA Account...
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Igor Chernyavsky <>
Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 1:54 PM
Subject: Workshop: Placental Biophysics, Aug 29-30, U Manchester, UK

Please see below a programme of the Placental Biophysics workshop that
brings together leading experts in this emerging field:

The registration is free but mandatory (space is limited to 50
participants). If you would like to attend, please fill in the
registration form:

Closing date: 31st July


From: Ramit Mehr <>
Date: Sun, Jul 9, 2017 at 11:14 AM
Ramit Mehr <>
Subject: Symposium: Immune Computation, Nov 27-Dec 1, Hawaii, US

2017 IEEE Symposium on Immune Computation (IEEE IComputation '17)

The 2017 IEEE Symposium on Immune Computation (IEEE IComputation 2017)
is a part of the IEEE Symposium Series of Computational Intelligence
(IEEE SSCI 2017).



From: Rosemary Dyson <>
Date: Fri, Jul 7, 2017 at 6:49 AM
Subject: Study Group: Multi-scale Biology, Dec 12-15, U Birmingham, UK

The University of Birmingham, with funding from the UK Multi-Scale
Biology Network, will host a Multi-Scale Biology Study Group from
12th-15th December 2017. This event will bring together biologists,
clinicians and scientists in industry with mathematicians to tackle
research questions posed by the experimentalists, following the
successful Multi-Scale Biology Study Group
( held in 2016.

Registration is free for up to 20 non-local UK-based researchers and
will cover accommodation and subsistence. Places will be filled on a
first-come first-served basis when registration opens shortly. Further
details will be posted at as they become
available, any queries should be directed to or Interested mathematics researchers at all levels
are encouraged to attend.

The call for problems will shortly go out - if you know of an
experimental researcher who may be interested please ask them to contact
Dave Smith ( or Rosemary Dyson


From: Andrea Pugliese <>
Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 4:59 PM
Subject: Workshop: Dynamical Systems Applied..., Feb 7-9, Torino, Italy

The Ninth Workshop on Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural
Sciences (DSABNS2018) will take place in Torino, Italy, on February
7-9, 2018.

The workshop is open both to theoretical methods and to practical
applications; topics include all areas in mathematical biology, but
especially population dynamics, eco-epidemiology, epidemiology of
infectious diseases, molecular and antigenic evolution.

For information look at the web page or write to

Registration will open soon on the web page. Deadline for abstract
submission is December 15, 2017.


From: Frank W. Kunkle <>
Date: Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 11:25 AM
Subject: Conference: Imaging Science, SIAM, Jun 5-8, U Bologna, Italy

The Call for Presentations for the SIAM Conference on Imaging Science is
available at:

Please visit for detailed
submission information.

For additional information, contact


Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 5:21 AM
Subject: PhD Position: O2 Delivery in Tumour Vasculature, U Edinburgh

Please see the advertisement for a PhD scholarship (UK/EU fees only) for
a project entitled: "Through the tumour labyrinth: developing a
mechanistic understanding of blood flow and oxygen delivery in tumour
vasculature". This is a collaboration with the group of Prof. Helen
Byrne at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, and other
colleagues in Edinburgh, Oxford, and Barcelona.

More details can be found in the PDF attached or online at:
Closing date for applications: Friday 28 July 2017.


From: Rob J de Boer <>
Date: Wed, Jul 12, 2017 at 2:23 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Theoretical Immunology, Utrecht U, Netherlands

We are looking for a PhD student with a keen interest in combining
mathematical modelling with immunology. Our aim is to apply current
models for the renewal of stem cells to the maintenance of memory cells
in T cell repertoires. For more information, see

If you have experience in mathematical modeling and an interest in
biology and/or immunology, please contact Rob J. de Boer for
(r.j.deboer (at) for information.


From: Paolo Zuliani <>
Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 5:46 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: Verific. & Systems & Synthetic Bio., Newcastle U

At the School of Computing Science at Newcastle University (UK) I have
available PhD studentships for two exciting projects involving Formal
Verification and Systems & Synthetic Biology. Application deadline:
31 July 2017.

Development, verification, and validation of psoriasis treatments

Verification of synthetic biology circuit designs

The successful candidates will join the ICOS group, a 50-strong team of
researchers in computer science and complex biological systems. In
August 2017 the School of Computing Science, including the ICOS group,
will move in a new, state-of-the-art, £58 million building in the
Science Central campus.

For further information feel free to contact me:


From: Mark Lewis <>
Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 8:18 AM
Subject: Post-doc: Predicting Spread of Whirling Disease..., U Alberta

We are seeking a postdoc to work on modelling the spread of whirling
disease using Bayesian Belief and Decision Networks.

The candidate will be jointly supervised by Profs Russ Greiner (Alberta
Machine Intelligence Institute) and Mark Lewis (Math/Stat Sciences and
Biological Sciences) at the University of Alberta, and will collaborate
with experts from Alberta Environment and Parks.

More information about the position can be found at and


From: Reka Albert <>
Date: Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 3:01 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Systems Bio. of Converging Signals, Penn St U, US

We seek a postdoc to join a collaborative project between Prof. Réka
Albert (Physics) and Prof. Sally Assmann (Biology) at the Pennsylvania
State University. The project will integrate computational analysis (by
graph theoretical and dynamic modeling methods) and experimental
investigation to develop dynamic models of convergent signal
transduction pathways in plant biology. The Albert and Assmann groups
have a strong track record of collaboration (e.g. PLOS Biol. 2006, PLOS
Comp. Biol. 2014). The postdoc will build on this foundation to
construct a new signal transduction network model. (S)he will also
develop graph theoretical and combinatorial logic methods to describe
convergent and overlapping directed networks, with implications for the
general phenomenon of cross-talk in biological systems.

The ideal candidate should have experience with network analysis and
dynamic modeling. Requirements include a Ph.D. in Physics, Mathematics,
or other quantitative science and experience with modeling biological
systems. Due to the collaborative nature of the project, the successful
candidate will be an excellent interdisciplinary communicator and team

Interested applicants should write to and include a CV.


From: Marquez-Lago, Tatiana T <>
Date: Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 5:23 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Stochastic Gene Expression & Chromatin Org., UAB, US

We are seeking highly motivated researchers to work in data analysis,
mathematical models and computational methods correctly accounting for
noise sources and biological processes involved in gene expression and
regulatory networks. Specific projects range from development
applications or disease-specific models to multi-scale models studying
the genome in both space and time. The postdoc will join the
Marquez-Lago lab ( and

Further information can be found at
Enquiries about the positions can be sent to Dr. Marquez Lago
(tmarquez (at)


From: Marquez-Lago, Tatiana T <>
Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 9:52 AM
Subject: Post-doc: Predictive Models of Human Microbiome, UAB, US

We are seeking highly motivated researchers to work in data analysis,
mathematical modeling and computational simulations of biochemical
networks relevant to human microbiome-host interactions (aka systems
biology of the microbiome). The postdoc will join the Marquez-Lago lab
( and

Further information can be found at
Enquiries about the positions can be sent to Dr. Marquez Lago
(tmarquez (at)


From: Murcia, Ellie (NIH/OD) [E] <murciae@OD.NIH.GOV>
Date: Thu, Jul 6, 2017 at 5:05 PM
Re-sent From:
Raymond Mejía <>
Subject: NIH: High-Risk, High-Reward Research Program Pre-Appl. Webinars

NIH High-Risk, High-Reward Research program pre-application webinars

Have questions about any of the awards in the High-Risk, High-Reward
Research program ( and their funding
Join NIH staff for live pre-application webinars. See NOT-RM-17-033
for more information on how to register and submit your questions ahead
of time.

Early Independence Award - July 17, 2017 @ 1 PM EDT

Pioneer Award - July 17, 2017 - 3 PM EDT

New Innovator Award - July 24, 2017 - 1 PM EDT

Transformative Research Award - July 24, 2017 - 3 PM EDT


From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <>
Date: Tue, Jul 11, 2017 at 4:51 PM
Subject: NIH Update: Grant Reporting Responsibilities; eRA Account...

NIH Update: Grant Reporting Responsibilities; eRA Account Emails;
Training Tables & XTRACT; Next Generation Researchers Initiative



Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at .






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This Issue's Editor:


Name: Richard Schugart










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