ISSN 1086-6566
JULY 6, 2017


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Issue's Topics:
         ToC: Systems Biology and Medicine, Early View
         Book: BME computational PDEs
         Book: The Brain Rewiring: A Computational Approach to...
         PhD Position: Disease Modelling, PharMetrX, Germany
         Post-doc/PhD Positions: Cancer Dynamics, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, US
         Post-doc: Phenotypic Evolution & Embryonic, U Helsinki
         Post-docs: Complex Systems Analysis, Oregon St U, US
         Position: Comp. Neuroscience, Krembil Research Inst., Toronto
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Systems Biology and Medicine <>
Date: Sat, Jul 1, 2017 at 1:28 PM
Subject: ToC: Systems Biology and Medicine, Early View



From: William Schiesser <>
Date: Wed, Jun 28, 2017 at 8:26 AM
Re-sent From:
Raymond Mejía <>
Subject: Book: BME computational PDEs

A recent book in computational PDEs may be of interest:

The computer routines are available from a download link.

Please direct any questions to


From: Arjen van Ooyen <>
Date: Mon, Jul 3, 2017 at 8:22 AM
Subject: Book: The Brain Rewiring: A Computational Approach to...

?We would like to draw your attention to our recently published book:
The Rewiring Brain: A Computational Approach to Structural Plasticity in
the Adult Brain, van Ooyen, A, and Butz-Ostendorf, M, eds, Academic
Press, June 2017.

To order the book, go to


From: Cornelia Böhnstedt <>
Date: Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 4:39 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Disease Modelling, PharMetrX, Germany

PhD research fellowship: Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease

The Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX: Pharmacometrics &
Computational Disease Modelling is an interdisciplinary PhD program
bridging pharmacy and mathematics.

The PharMetrX program comprises an excellent research environment in the
vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area, fascinating and innovative research
projects in a highly relevant field, truely transdisciplinary
supervision, an individual mentorship from one of the industry partners
and a highly competitive 3.5 year fellowship.

In addition, PharMetrX offers a specifically tailored training
curriculum and a network of peers, both of which are also open for
external PhD students from other universities.

We are currently inviting applications to start the PharMetrX PhD
program in March 2018.

PharMetrX is open to candidates with a university degree in pharmacy,
mathematics/statistics, natural sciences or medicine.

Deadline for applications: September 15th, 2017.
For details see

PharMetrX is a joint program of the Freie Universität Berlin and the
Universität Potsdam, supported by several global research-driven
pharmaceutical companies.

Charlotte Kloft & Wilhelm Huisinga
Program Chairs


From: Sherman, Arthur (NIH/NIDDK) [E] <>
Date: Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 9:57 AM
Subject: Post-doc/PhD Positions: Cancer Dynamics, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, US

Postdoctoral fellows and PhD students in The Integrative Cancer Dynamics
Unit, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health Bethesda Campus, MD, USA

The research program of the Integrative Cancer Dynamics Unit at CCR/NCI
emphasizes an interdisciplinary theoretical approach to integrate the
fields of mathematical oncology with data science, translating basic
science into medicine using theories and methods from mathematics,
physics, computer science and statistics. Our main goal is to develop a
validated computational program that addresses tumor dynamics
(initiation, growth, progression, evolution, interactions with the
environment, etc.), drug resistance and treatment response to better
guide therapeutic intervention in the clinic.

For complicated diseases, such as cancer, many of our excessive efforts
to treat patients end in non-responding or relapsing patients, due to
the complex dynamic behavior of such quickly evolving and adapting
tumors. Integrated computational approach should be applied, including
using a range of complex and adaptive dynamical systems theories to
describe the nonlinear biological phenomena involved. We will primarily
be challenged with the integration of complex systems on different
levels: cellular, cell population and whole body, with different data
types describing: imaging, genotype, phenotype, drug response, patient
response, etc.

We are looking for smart, creative, independent, and energetic young
investigators (two postdocs and two Ph.D. students) with very strong
mathematical/computational background who are eager to solve challenging
computational problems that have the potential to impact cancer research.

Candidate qualifications include: For postdocs-PhD (or during their PhD
for the students) in a quantitative science (mathematics, physics,
computer science) with strong focus on scientific computation and
mathematical modeling, data analysis, with expertise in mathematical
oncology, bio-math modeling, complex dynamical systems, fluid mechanics,
population dynamics, pattern formation, signal and data processing, or
machine and learning algorithms.

Please send your CV, cover letter (highlighting experience with
quantitative methods for understanding data and dynamical processes),
and arrange for 2-3 recommendation letters to be sent directly to:
Orit Lavi, PhD
Head, Integrative Cancer Dynamics Unit
Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA


From: Salazar, Isaac <>
Date: Tue, Jul 4, 2017 at 3:26 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Phenotypic Evolution & Embryonic, U Helsinki

Post-doc in mathematical modeling on phenotypic evolution and embryonic


From: James Watson <>
Date: Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 3:10 AM
Subject: Post-docs: Complex Systems Analysis, Oregon St U, US

The Complex Social-Ecological Systems group at Oregon State University
( is looking to hire two
postdoctoral research associates in the fall 2017, for two years each.

We are seeking candidates to study cross-scale dynamics in three complex
systems: (1) the role of supply chain topology in determining marine
social-ecological system resilience; (2) the role of information in
directing mass human migration as a response to extreme climate/weather
events and (3) the impact of high-frequency algorithmic trading on
financial market stability. Each position will focus on one complex
system, but both scholars will work towards a comparative analysis of
complex systems. In particular, we are looking to find general feature
of micro-macro dynamics in complex systems, for example in terms of
cross-scale early warning signals of critical transitions. These
post-doctoral scholars will be based with Assistant Prof. James Watson
in the Complex Social-Ecological Systems group at Oregon State, but with
the expectation that they will spend time at Princeton University with
Profs. Simon Levin and Yannis Kevrekidis. These positions are part of a
new Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty
Award, and these scholars will join an active DARPA cohort researching
similar problems.

The ideal candidates will have a Ph.D. in theoretical ecology,
economics, physics, applied math, computer science, or related field. A
strong background in mathematical and computational analysis is
necessary, with experience in agent-based modeling and dynamical systems
desired. These positions will focus on the application of Equation Free
Modeling, a relatively new tool for exploring cross-scale and multilevel
dynamics in complex systems, and experience with this approach is
desired, but not required. In addition, we are looking for scholars with
excellent written and oral communication abilities, a promising record
of publication, and evidence of creativity and enthusiasm. Experience in
interdisciplinary research, and a desire to translate theory to
real-world applications is a strength for candidates interested in these

The positions are open until filled. Applicants are required to submit a
cover letter describing their research interests and qualifications,
along with a CV, two representative publications, and the names of at
least three professional references. Please email these materials to
James Watson ( The positions are expected
to begin in September 2017.


From: Jérémie Lefebvre <>
Date: Wed, Jul 5, 2017 at 2:35 PM
Subject: Position: Comp. Neuroscience, Krembil Research Inst., Toronto

The Krembil Research Institute at the University Health Network in
Toronto Canada invites applicants to apply for a Scientist position in
the area of Computational Neuroscience. See


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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This Issue?s Editor:


Name: Richard Schugart










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