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Issue's Topics:
Registration closing soon for SMB 2017 SMB 2017 early careers workshop Springer Book: Modeling Cellular Systems NIMBioS Seeks Proposals for Accelerator Tutorials NIH Update PhD position: Bioinformatics & motor neuron disease, Ulster University Postdoc: Modeling for the circadian clock, KAIST, Korea Data Science Curriculum Fellow, Harvard Medical School Webinar on June 15: NSF-Simons Research Centers for Mathematics of... SMBnet Reminders
From: Fred Adler <> Date: Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 5:26 AM Subject: Registration closing soon for SMB 2017
The deadline for registration is approaching for the annual meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology, July 17-20 on the campus of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. June 17 is the magic date for registration and for signing up for one of the field trips slated for the afternoon of Tuesday July 18. June 15 is the deadline for housing.
There is still room to join the mentoring and career planning workshop on Sunday July 16; email us at the address below if you've already registered, or sign up when you register. The program and information are posted at
From: Caroline Bampfylde <> Date: Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 9:09 PM Subject: SMB 2017 early careers workshop
There is a pre-conference workshop scheduled for Sunday July 16th in Salt Lake City, Utah.
All are welcome to attend and the cost is $25. Registration for the workshop can be done at the same time as conference registration. However if you have already registered for the conference, you can add this workshop to you registration by emailing
Please note the workshop is separate from the in-meeting mentoring programme where mentors are matched with mentees. Registration for this can also be completed at the same time as conference registration.
Workshop agenda: 12-1 Lunch 1-1.30 Welcome and introduction 1.30-2 Judy Project (including leadership, personal branding, networks, designing your future, gender and diversity considerations) 2-2.30 Elevator pitch working session 2.30-3.30 Careers Panel (including Government scientists, Publishing, Academia; junior scientist facilitated) 3.30-4 break 4-6 Getting a tenure track job 6-8 dinner and informal discussions
This contributed volume comprises research articles and reviews on topics connected to the mathematical modeling of cellular systems. These contributions cover signaling pathways, stochastic effects, cell motility and mechanics, pattern formation processes, as well as multi-scale approaches. All authors attended the workshop on "Modeling Cellular Systems" which took place in Heidelberg in October 2014. The target audience primarily comprises researchers and experts in the field, but the book may also be beneficial for graduate students.
Table of contents: - Spatiotemporal Modeling of Membrane Receptors - Distribution Approximations for the Chemical Master Equation: Comparison of the Method of Moments and the System Size Expansion - Sampling from T Cell Receptor Repertoires - IL-2 Stimulation of Regulatory T Cells: A Stochastic and Algorithmic Approach - Understanding the Role of Mitochondria Distribution in Calcium Dynamics and Secretion in Bovine Chromaffin Cells - Dynamical Features of the MAP Kinase Cascade - Numerical Treatment of the Filament-Based Lamellipodium Model (FBLM)
Best regards, Frederik Graw, Franziska Matthäus and Jürgen Pahle (eds.)
From: Catherine Crawley <> Date: Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 3:57 PM Subject: NIMBioS Seeks Proposals for Accelerator Tutorials
Got an innovative idea for teaching new quantitative approaches? The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) seeks proposals for its new Accelerator Tutorials, which aim to provide both students and professionals in-depth, cross-disciplinary instruction in quantitative topics.
Through Accelerator Tutorials, researchers master quantitative approaches within their own disciplines. Accelerator Tutorials help educators bring quantitative approaches to their classrooms. Whether you are in academia, government or industry, Accelerator Tutorials help you learn the latest mathematical and computational approaches to solving complex or data intensive research problems.
Accelerator Tutorials run for 3 to 5 days with nationally and internationally recognized professors and researchers as instructors. Tutorials can be held onsite at NIMBioS or with virtual participants held live online at NIMBioS.
Applications are invited for proposals for Accelerator Tutorials three times each year with deadlines on July 1, November 1, and April 1. Researchers interested in organizing an Accelerator Tutorial must submit a formal application to NIMBioS describing the proposed tutorial and the mathematical/ computational concept(s) to be taught. The description should include names of 4 to 6 primary instructors/presenters, including the organizers. Organizers select the instructors. An additional 25 to 35 participants will be identified through an open application process.
From: Jaekyoung Kim <> Date: Mon, Jun 5, 2017 at 6:47 AM Subject: Postdoc: Modeling for the circadian clock, KAIST, Korea
The Kim Lab ( at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST)?s Department of Mathematical Sciences has announced a postdoctoral fellow to work in the area of mathematical biology. The postdoctoral fellow will work specifically on developing a mathematical model and performing data analysis to investigate the function of the circadian clock to mediate sleep-regulated neurophysiology and cognition in collaboration with an optogenetic lab (U of Düsseldorf) and sleep labs (U of Michigan and U of Groningen). The position is supported by Human Frontier Science Program ( for three years (2017-2020). It will be renewed yearly subject to satisfactory performance.
Candidates should have experience in the mathematical modeling of biological systems and an understanding of biochemical kinetics and cell biology. Data analysis experience (e.g. Machine learning) is recommended, but not required.
For inquiries, please contact Prof. Jae Kyoung Kim via email at Applications, including a full CV, a cover letter explaining suitability for the position, and the names and addresses of two referees should be sent to Prof. Kim.
From: Naima Abdullahi <> Date: Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 4:52 PM Subject: Data Science Curriculum Fellow, Harvard Medical School
The Department of Biomedical Informatics (DBMI) at Harvard Medical School ( invites applications for a Data Science Curriculum Fellow, associated with the Master of Biomedical Informatics (MBI) programs (
From: Henry Warchall <> Date: Tue, Jun 6, 2017 at 11:28 PM Subject: Webinar on June 15: NSF-Simons Research Centers for Mathematics of...
Dear Colleagues,
The National Science Foundation will hold a webinar (teleconference seminar) to outline the goals of, and proposal-submission requirements for, the new program NSF-Simons Research Centers for Mathematics of Complex Biological Systems. There will be a question and answer session following the presentation.
The webinar will take place on Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm, EDT (Eastern Daylight Time; UTC/GMT -4 hours). To participate, please see the information on the NSF Event page for the webinar:
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