ISSN 1086-6566
MAY 4, 2017


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

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Issue's Topics:
  Virtual Cell short course, Jun 12-14, Deadline May 15
  Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School, Jul 17-21, Deadline May 10
  SAND8, May 31-June 2, Deadline May 19
  PhD Position: Collective escape of birds in flocks, Groningen
  PhD Position: Stochastic processes in biological systems, Barcelona
  Postdoc: Mathematical Chemistry/Theoretical Biophysics, Michigan
  International Call for Research Professors, BCAM
  Quantitative scientist position, Autonomous Therapeutics Inc.
  SMBnet Reminders


From: Michael Blinov <>
Date: Thu, Apr 27, 2017 at 5:09 PM
Subject: Virtual Cell short course, Jun 12-14, Deadline May 15

The annual Virtual Cell Short Workshop will take place June 12-14. This is an
intense hands-on course designed to enable cell biologists, biophysicists and
modelers to develop a Virtual Cell model of their biological system.
Virtual Cell (  is one-stop modeling and simulation platform
supporting deterministic (compartmental ODE or  reaction-diffusion-advection
PDE), stochastic reactions (several SSA solvers), spatial stochastic
(reaction-diffusion with Smoldyn), hybrid deterministic/stochastic, rule-based
and network-free agent based simulations. Support for membrane flux, lateral
membrane diffusion and electrophysiology. Models can be formulated as a set
of mathematical expressions, an explicit network, or generated from
graphically expressed reaction rules.
Applications consist of a short proposal explaining how you feel VCell will
help your research project. Deadline is extended to May 15th!!! For more
details see


From: Giuseppe Nicosia <>
Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2017 16:41:38 +0200
Subject: Synthetic & Systems Biology Summer School, Jul 17-21, Deadline May 10

University of Cambridge, UK, July 17-21, 2017

Early Registration Deadline: May 10, 2017



From: Heidi Rhodes Sestrich <>
Date: Tue, May 2, 2017 at 6:18 PM
Subject: SAND8, May 31-June 2, Deadline May 19

The eighth international workshop on Statistical Analysis of Neural Data
(SAND8) will take place May 31-June 2, 2017, in Pittsburgh, PA.

Final day to register for the conference is May 19.
Final day for discounted hotel rate is May 9th.
Please see our website:


From: C.K. Hemelrijk <>
Date: Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 2:32 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Collective escape of birds in flocks, Groningen



From: Daniel Campos Moreno <>
Date: Wed, May 3, 2017 at 9:35 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Stochastic processes in biological systems, Barcelona

**3-year PhD position available in the Physics Department (Universitat
Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain)**
Contact: Daniel Campos (
Deadline: May 16th


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Fri, Apr 28, 2017 at 8:23 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Mathematical Chemistry/Theoretical Biophysics, U. Michigan

The Schnell Lab ( at the University of
Michigan Medical School's Department of Molecular & Integrative Physiology has
announced a postdoctoral fellow to work in the area of mathematical chemical/
theoretical biophysics. The postdoctoral fellow will work specifically on
develop standard-based approaches to measure the rates of biochemical
reactions and distinguish their molecular mechanisms under physiological
conditions. The lab focuses on enzyme catalyzed reactions and protein
aggregation reaction mechanisms associated with protein folding diseases.

The position allows both the flexibility of developing and leading individual
projects as well as working as a team member with expert collaborators.
Applicants must have excellent communication skills, enjoy working in a team,
and have a strong work ethic. The successful applicant will interact with our
experimental collaborators at the University of Michigan, and may have the
opportunity to train in experimental techniques as well. Candidates should
have experience in the mathematical modeling and numerical solutions of
differential equations, parameter estimation, and an understanding of
biochemical kinetics, biochemistry and cell biology. This position would suit
individuals who have a first degree in mathematics, physics, chemistry,
engineering or biomedical sciences, and a PhD in applied mathematics,
biophysics, theoretical physical-chemistry, or engineering. Candidates must
have experience writing publications and very good communication skills. The
research fellow will interact with our experimental collaborators at the
University of Michigan, and will have the opportunity to train in experimental
techniques. This position is available for a period of four years. It will be
renewed yearly subject to satisfactory performance. Salary level is
determined by the number of full years of relevant postdoctoral experience at
the NIH NRSA scale.

The job is full-time. Applicants are advised that they will undergo standard
pre-employment screening. For inquiries, please contact Prof. Santiago Schnell
via email at Applications, including a full CV, a cover
letter explaining suitability for the position, and the names and addresses of
two referees should be sent to Prof. Santiago Schnell. Candidates must arrange
for their referees to send references directly to Prof. Schnell (email is
sufficient). Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.


From: Miguel A. Benitez <>
Date: Sat, Apr 29, 2017 at 11:03 AM
Subject: International Call for Research Professors, BCAM

The Basque Centre for Applied Mathematics (BCAM),
together with Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science, invites applications for one Research Professor
position in Computational Fluid Dynamics and one Research Professor position
in Data Science. This Research Professor call offers permanent contract
positions for experienced researchers.



From: Ariel Weinberger <>
Date: Tue, May 2, 2017 at 6:58 PM
Subject: Quantitative scientist position, Autonomous Therapeutics Inc.

We're a DARPA-backed biotech startup with a quantitative scientist position

About Us:

We were founded by PIs from Harvard and UCSF. Our aim is to radically alter
drug design and disease control-by developing the first evolving, 'resistance-
proof' therapeutics to target rapidly mutating pathogens and cancers.

Current drugs are static biological or pharmaceutical compounds. The problem
is that these non-evolving interventions are used to target evolving disease
targets that rapidly mutate across patients and populations. The mismatch
between non-adaptive therapeutics and adaptive disease targets is the reason
that many pathogens and cancers emerge resistant to drug control and

We aim to obviate resistance by developing (the first) mutating therapeutics -
drugs that co-evolve with infectious diseases like HIV and Zika to maintain
lifelong control. Imagine taking a drug (or flu vaccine) once in your life and
never needing to worry about that disease or any of its evolved variants again.  

About You:

You have strong experience developing deterministic and probabilistic models
to analyze dynamical systems (genetic evolution and disease transmission being
two examples). A Ph.D. is preferred, but your research experience and passion
are more important.  

You'll be working closely with experimentalists (at the company and at
universities) to probe whether our prototype therapies can safely control
fast-changing viruses. We'll build bioreactors to test your predictions. So,
you'll be developing (and publishing) new science, while helping optimize new
potential cures.

If your quantitative skills are exceptional and you're passionate about
learning biology, we'll train you in the biology. We'd love to see some of
your work.
Our scientists are full-time employees with competitive salaries and stock
options in an early growth-stage company (with a number of first-in-class
drugs in the preclinical pipeline).  
We also offer medical & dental insurance, 401(k) plans, commuter and fitness
benefits, and engaging places to work (e.g., New Lab in Brooklyn, UCSF campus
in San Francisco).

For the academic-minded, you will be able to publish, present at conferences,
attend DARPA workshops, and work closely with collaborators at seven academic

Feel free to email us directly at:


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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