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application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
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Issue's Topics:
Conference: BAMM! Registration Deadline
A3-NIMS Joint Workshop, Daejeon, Korea
MBI National Mathematical Biology Colloquium
CfA: RevBayes NIMBioS Tutorial: Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny
Science Policy News from AIBS
ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 79, Issue 4
PhD Position: Evolution and Development, University of Helsinki
PhD position: Evolutionary game theory, Jacobs University Bremen
Postdoc: TB Transmission Modelling, LSTM
Postdoc: Cholera Dynamics, Johns Hopkins University
Postdoc: Mathematical modelling/Systems biology, RCSI
Postdoc: Forest Modeling, Washington State University
Postdoc: University of Houston
Senior Research Fellowship in Quantitative Fisheries Science
Program Director Position in Cognitive Neuroscience at NSF
SMBnet Reminders
From: Rebecca Segal <rasegal@vcu.edu>
Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Conference: BAMM! Registration Deadline
This is just a reminder that the registration deadline for BAMM! Biology and
Medicine through Mathematics! is Monday, April 10th.
The conference will be held at Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA
from May 18-20, 2017.
From: Jaekyoung Kim <jaekkim@kaist.ac.kr>
Date: Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 12:03 PM
Subject: A3-NIMS Joint Workshop, Daejeon, Korea
A3-NIMS Joint Workshop on Interdisciplinary Research Connecting Mathematics
and Biology
May 12-14, 2017, Daejeon, Korea
From: Tony Nance <tony@mbi.osu.edu>
Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 7:59 PM
Subject: MBI National Mathematical Biology Colloquium
MBI National Mathematical Biology Colloquium
Wednesday April 12, 2017 at Noon Eastern Time
Jim Keener (Mathematics, Utah)
Cell Physiology - Making Diffusion Your Friend
Diffusion is the enemy of life. This is because diffusion causes small
particles to spread out, and for aggregates of particles to dissipate. Thus,
in order to be alive and maintain its structure, an organism must have ways to
counteract the constant tendency of things to spread out. And indeed they do.
Plants, for example, are able to harness the energy of the sun to convert
carbon dioxide and water into high energy compounds such as carbohydrates.
These high energy compounds are then carefully deconstructed by living
organisms to do work moving things around and building and repairing their
structures. In this way, living things are able to combat the tendency of
structures to dissipate and fall apart.
However, living organisms do much more than simply counteract diffusion; they
actually exploit it for specific purposes. That is, they expend energy to
concentrate molecules and then use the fact that molecules move by diffusion
down their concentration gradient to do useful things. How do theydo this? The
short answer is that they couple diffusion with appropriate chemical reactions
and are thereby able to exploit the inherent diffusive motion of molecules.
Indeed, many of the processes that take place in living cells can be described
as the interaction of reacting and diffusing chemical species. This
realization has led to the mathematical description of many interesting
biological processesand this in turn has led to an increased understanding of
how biological systems work.
In this talk, I give several examples of the ways that cells use diffusion to
their advantage, and describe the equations that model these processes. In
particular, I will describe how molecular diffusion and reaction are used to
make signals, to create functional aggregates, to take a census, and to make
length measurements.
In this way, I hope to convince you that living organisms have made diffusion
their friend, not their enemy, and in the process, demonstrate the importance
of understanding the solutions of the equations governing diffusion-reaction
This online series gives individuals and groups the opportunity to watch talks
and to interact with distinguished speakers. Details of how to connect to the
talks are available on the MBI website at https://mbi.osu.edu/go/n/colloquium
From: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
Date: Tue, 4 Apr 2017 13:45:14 -0400
Subject: CfA: RevBayes NIMBioS Tutorial: Bayesian Inference of Phylogeny
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) is
now accepting applications for its Tutorial, "RevBayes: Bayesian Inference of
Phylogeny," to be held August 7-11, 2017, at NIMBioS.
Objectives: This course features RevBayes, an exciting new program for
Bayesian inference of phylogeny. RevBayes is the successor to the popular
program MrBayes, but represents both a complete rewrite of the computer code
and a fundamental re-conception of phylogenetic models. Specifically, RevBayes
adopts a 'graphical-model' framework that views all statistical models as
comprised of components that can be assembled in myriad configurations to
explore a corresponding array of questions. This graphical-model approach to
phylogenetic inference provides effectively infinite flexibility. Moreover,
the graphical models are specified using an R-like language, Rev, that
empowers users to construct arbitrarily complex phylogenetic models from
simple component parts (i.e. random variables, parameter transformations and
constants of different sorts).
This course is focused on phylogenetic trees and comparative-phylogenetic
methods, including divergence-time estimation, morphological evolution,
lineage diversification, and historical biogeography. Instruction is based on
a combination of carefully tailored lectures introducing the theoretical and
conceptual basis of each inference problem and hands-on computer tutorials
demonstrating how to explore these questions using RevBayes (see
Participants are not assumed to have expertise in phylogenetic theory; rather,
we provide an accessible introduction to Bayesian statistical inference and
stochastic models. We assume only that the students are familiar with
phylogenetic trees and their applications to evolutionary biology. We
therefore anticipate that this course will be most suitable for senior PhD
students, postdoctoral researchers, and faculty who want to learn these
Location: NIMBioS at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Instructors: Bastien Boussau, CNRS Researcher, Univ. of Lyon; Emma Goldberg,
Assistant Professor, Univ. of Minnesota; Tracy A. Heath, Assistant Professor,
Iowa State Univ.; Sebastian Höhna, Postdoc, Univ. of California, Berkeley;
John Huelsenbeck, Professor, Univ. of California, Berkeley; Brian Moore,
Professor, Univ. of California, Davis; April M. Wright, Postdoc, Iowa State
For more information about the tutorial and a link to the online application
form, go to http://www.nimbios.org/tutorials/TT_revbayes
Registration Fee: $500 for faculty and postdocs and $350 for students, payable
upon acceptance of application.
Participation in NIMBioS tutorials is by application only. Individuals with a
strong interest in the topic are encouraged to apply, and successful
applicants will be notified within three weeks after the application deadline.
Application deadline: May 14, 2017 (applications received after the deadline
will be considered if space is available)
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)
(http://www.nimbios.org) brings together researchers from around the world to
collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic
and applied problems in the life sciences. NIMBioS is sponsored by the
National Science Foundation, with additional support from The University of
Tennessee, Knoxville.
From: AIBS Public Policy Office <polrept@aibs.org>
Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 4:12 PM
Subject: Science Policy News from AIBS
American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) Public Policy Report.
From: Springer <springer@alerts.springer.com>
Date: Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 12:00 PM
Subject: ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 79, Issue 4
In this issue
Toward a Unique Definition of the Mutation Rate
Qi Zheng
A Mathematical Model of Lymphangiogenesis in a Zebrafish Embryo
Kenneth Y. Wertheim & Tiina Roose
Assessing the Potential Impact of Hormonal-Based Contraceptives on HIV
Transmission Dynamics Among Heterosexuals
Noble J. Malunguza, Senelani D. Hove-Musekwa & Zindoga Mukandavire
How Herbivore Browsing Strategy Affects Whole-Plant Photosynthetic Capacity
E. Penelope Holland, Julie Mugford, Rachelle N. Binny & Alex James
Bifurcation Analysis of Reaction Diffusion Systems on Arbitrary Surfaces
Daljit Singh J. Dhillon, Michel C. Milinkovitch & Matthias Zwicker
Neutral Genetic Patterns for Expanding Populations with Nonoverlapping
Nathan G. Marculis, Roger Lui & Mark A. Lewis
Bistability of Evolutionary Stable Vaccination Strategies in the Reinfection
SIRI Model
José Martins & Alberto Pinto
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of Biofilm Dynamics with Quorum
Sensing in a Flow Cell
Jia Zhao & Qi Wang
Efficient FPT Algorithms for (Strict) Compatibility of Unrooted Phylogenetic
Julien Baste, Christophe Paul, Ignasi Sau & Celine Scornavacca
Bayesian Calibration, Validation and Uncertainty Quantification for
Predictive Modelling of Tumour Growth: A Tutorial
Joe Collis, Anthony J. Connor, Marcin Paczkowski, Pavitra Kannan,
Joe Pitt-Francis, Helen M. Byrne & Matthew E. Hubbard
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Please visit the homepage of Bulletin of Mathematical Biology,
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Impact Factor: 1.326 (2015)
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From: Isaac Salazar-Ciudad <isaac.salazar@helsinki.fi>
Date: Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 2:54 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Evolution and Development, University of Helsinki
From: Hildegard Meyer-Ortmanns <h.ortmanns@jacobs-university.de>
Date: Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 9:00 AM
Subject: PhD position: Evolutionary game theory, Jacobs University Bremen
From: Gabriela Gomes <Gabriela.Gomes@lstmed.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 2:52 PM
Subject: Postdoc: TB Transmission Modelling, LSTM
From: Laura Bowles <lbowles@jhu.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 5, 2017 at 4:18 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Cholera Dynamics, Johns Hopkins University
Postdoctoral Position in Cholera Dynamics and Oral Cholera Vaccination Impact
Our group in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health is looking for a postdoctoral fellow to work on
projects related to cholera dynamics to better understand the global burden
and geographic distribution of the disease. The ideal applicant will be highly
quantitative with experience in epidemiology, statistics, ecology and/or
infectious disease modeling. Experience in disease mapping and/or the
development of R packages is highly desirable. Applicants with, or nearing
completion of, a doctoral degree in epidemiology, biostatistics, or a related
quantitative field (e.g., computer science, ecology) will be considered.
The successful applicant will work with Dr. Justin Lessler, Dr. Andrew Azman
and colleagues on a project primarily funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation that aims to improve our understanding of cholera epidemiology in
order to design rational strategies for use of oral cholera vaccine. Over the
past years our team has built a massive database of cholera incidence and
mortality worldwide and the postdoctoral work will largely focus around
gaining new insights from these data. This work will involve the development
of Bayesian methods to estimate the incidence and endemicity of cholera across
the world and the exploration of how various covariates shape cholera risk
across time and space. In addition, there will be opportunities to combine
phylogenetic and epidemiologic data to understand large-scale patterns of
cholera transmission within Africa. While this work has theoretical components,
it is highly connected to ongoing cholera control work throughout the world
through the Global Taskforce for Cholera Control, and the successful applicant
will have the chance to share results with policy and operational partners
including the WHO, MSF and others.
You would be joining a highly collaborative group (iddynamics.jhsph.edu) who
works on projects ranging from empirical data collection to theoretical
modeling of disease dynamics, and there will be ample opportunities to work on
cross-cutting projects focused on issues in infectious disease transmission
and control.
The position will be for 1-2 years, depending on applicant interest and career
Interested candidates should contact Laura Bowles (lbowles@jhu.edu) with a CV,
statement of interest, and references. Applications will be considered on a
rolling basis and should be submitted by May 30, 2017.
From: Marc Sturrock <marcsturrock@rcsi.ie>
Date: Sat, Apr 1, 2017 at 3:22 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Mathematical modelling/Systems biology, RCSI
From: Nick Strigul <nick.strigul@wsu.edu>
Date: Sun, Apr 2, 2017 at 12:17 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Forest Modeling, Washington State University
We have an exciting opportunity within a new research project on forest
landscape change and climate change. We are seeking an individual who can
conduct forest modeling and work collaboratively across teams for two years.
The research (postdoctoral) position is available at the Dynamic Ecosystems
and Landscapes Lab at Portland State University
(https://sites.google.com/a/pdx.edu/dynamic-ecosystems-landscape-lab/) and the
Mathematical Ecology and Environmental Modeling Lab at The Washington State
University Vancouver (https://labs.wsu.edu/mathbio/). This person will work
with the project PIs, Dr. Robert Scheller (PSU) and Dr. Nick Strigul (WSUV),
on parameterization and validation of ecological models, in particular,
LANDIS-II and SORTIE-PPA. Additional information about the project is
available at
Desired qualification: PhD in relevant field, excellent programming skills
(C++ and R), experience in datamining of ecological, environmental or climatic
databases, statistics and model parameterization. We would also consider a
candidate with MS degree in relevant area and 5+ years of professional
experience in environmental modeling. Highly competitive salary and benefits.
The successful candidate will be officially hired by Washington State
University Vancouver. Position located in the Portland metropolitan area (OR).
Portland area is in the heart of the Pacific Northwest, it provides
exceptional recreational opportunities and healthy work/life balance. There is
a flexibility in the starting date, the position can begin on June 1, 2017 or
later. In order to receive full consideration please submit CV, cover letter
and research statement by email (rmschell@pdx.edu and nick.strigul@wsu.edu)
and arrange 3 letters of recommendation sent by references.
Washington State University is an EO/AA educator and employer
From: Kresimir Josic <josic@math.uh.edu>
Date: Mon, Apr 3, 2017 at 3:50 AM
Subject: Postdoc: University of Houston
The Mathematics Department in the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
at the University of Houston expects to hire a Research Associate 1
(postdoctoral position). The position will be for two years, with the
possibility of a one year renewal. The successful applicant will conduct
research in an area compatible with the research interests of the Mathematics
Department. For this position we are especially interested in computational
mathematics, mathematical medicine, mathematical biology or related areas. In
addition the successful applicant may teach up to one course per semester.
Screening of applications will begin as soon as possible and the search will
continue until the position is filled.
The University of Houston is one of the most diverse research universities in
the nation. It is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.
Minorities, women, veterans and persons with disabilities are encouraged to
Salary will be commensurate with experience.
TO APPLY: Submit applications to both
https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/10182 (mathjobs) and
(University of Houston internal system).
FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please contact Kre?imir Josi? - josic@math.uh.edu.
From: Keith Farnsworth <k.farnsworth@qub.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, Mar 31, 2017 at 7:12 AM
Subject: Senior Research Fellowship in Quantitative Fisheries Science
Senior Research Fellowship in Quantitative Fisheries Science
Wanted: a quantitative scientist with a strong mathematical background and
experience of scientific programming using e.g. Matlab, R, Python, C or
similar, to help build and test mathematical models of new fisheries
management systems to apply to commercial marine fisheries in the waters
around Ireland. The emphasis is on finding ways to achieve sustainability
across multiple species simultaneously, using improvements in data that
allow the spatio-temporal dynamics to be modelled. The post-holder will lead
mathematical modelling within the project (commissioned by an Irish
Government Ministry) which involves other scientists and PhD students as
part of a collaboration across several Institutes in the UK and Ireland.
This 5-year post is offered at a senior level since substantial experience
of independent work making mathematical models, using advanced statistics
and publishing results is needed. Experience of fisheries science would be
an advantage. Further information from Dr Keith Farnsworth
(k.farnsworth@qub.ac.uk). Apply online at www.qub.ac.uk/jobs.
From: Laura Skipper-kallal <lskipper@nsf.gov>
Date: Tue, Apr 4, 2017 at 5:43 PM
Subject: Program Director Position in Cognitive Neuroscience at NSF
Do you want to help identify areas of potentially transformative research?
Serve as the liaison to our research community? Build new national or
international collaborations? Experience how the merit review process
The Division of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences is pleased to announce an
opening for a Program Director in Cognitive Neuroscience. Specifics and
application procedures can be found at
https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/466845000/ for a two-to-three year
position and at https://www.usajobs.gov/GetJob/ViewDetails/466841200/ for a
permanent position. The close date for applications is 5/11/2017. You will
need to have a Ph.D. in Cognitive Neuroscience or in a related field with
relevant expertise.
NSF offers the rare opportunity for scientists to join as temporary program
officers for up to three years before returning to their institution.
Information about our rotator program can be found at
For additional queries, contact Uri Hasson (uhasson@nsf.gov)
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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