ISSN 1086-6566
March 15, 2017


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue's Topics:

  Workshop on Data Challenges in Systems Immunology, Cardiff, UK
  NETTAB 2017 Announcement and Call for abstracts
  4th Int Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology
  Young Investigators Conference, April 26 - April 28, College Park, MD
  MBI National Mathematical Biology Colloquium
  Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling and its Applications
  NIH Update: Resubmission data, revisited; NIH Regional Seminars ...
  Marie Curie PhD Fellowship: CDS Lab, ICAR-CNR
  Two fully-funded PhD studentships at the University of Adelaide
  Joint University of Adelaide - University of Nottingham PhD programme
  Postdoc Membrane modeling, University of Oslo
  Postdoc Fellows Wanted in Biomedical Modeling - University of Idaho
  Postdoc Position in Quantitative Biology Education
  Postdoc Research Scientist in Cancer Phenotypic Evolution
  Assistant/Associate Prof, UCSF Institute for Computational Health Sciences
  Visiting Assistant Professors at the UC Dept. of Mathematical Sciences
  Smbnet Reminders


From: Barbara Szomolay <>
Date: 2017-03-09 13:31 GMT-03:00
Subject: Workshop on Data Challenges in Systems Immunology, Cardiff, UK

Workshop announcement on 'Data Challenges in Systems Immunology', 6th Jun,
Cardiff, UK.


From: Paolo Romano <>
Date: 2017-03-10 14:24 GMT-03:00
Subject: NETTAB 2017 Announcement and Call for abstracts

Methods, tools & platforms for Personalized Medicine in the Big Data Era
16-18 October 2017, Palermo, Italy


Abstracts for oral communications: May 26, 2017
Abstracts for posters, software demo and late posters: TBA

Submissions are sought for oral communications, posters and software demos.
Abstracts must be submitted at
See full instructions:

Paolo Romano & Alfonso Urso & Alfonso Valencia


From: GRLMC <>
Date: 2017-03-12 10:35 GMT-03:00
Subject: 4th Int Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology

The 4th International Conference on Algorithms for Computational Biology
(AlCoB 2017) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. AlCoB 2017
will be held in Aveiro (Portugal) on June 5-7, 2017. See
Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with
conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth discussion.


Presentations displaying novel work in progress on algorithms in computational
biology are encouraged on the following topics:

- assembling sequence reads into a complete genome,
- identifying gene structures in the genome,
- recognizing regulatory motifs,
- aligning nucleotides and comparing genomes,
- reconstructing regulatory networks of genes, and
- inferring the evolutionary phylogeny of species.

Posters do not need to show final research results. Work that might lead to
new interesting developments is welcome.

Poster submission deadline: April 28, 2017
Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: May 5, 2017

Please submit a .pdf abstract through:


From: Sara Moran <>
Date: Mon, Mar 13, 2017 at 2:28 PM
Subject: Young Investigators Conference, April 26 - April 28, College Park, MD

Frontiers in Mathematical Oncology: Young Investigators Conference
April 26th - April 28th, 2017, College Park, MD


From: Tony Nance <>
Date: 2017-02-09 11:22 GMT-03:00
Subject: MBI National Mathematical Biology Colloquium

MBI National Mathematical Biology Colloquium
Wednesday February 15, 2017 at Noon Eastern Time

Joel Cohen (Laboratory of Populations, Rockefeller and Columbia Universities)

The Variation is the Theme: Taylor's Law from Chagas Disease Vector Control to
Tornado Outbreaks

Darwin and Mendel discovered key roles of variation in biology. Some useful
tools for quantifying,
understanding, and exploiting variation are not sufficiently widely known
among biologists. Taylor's
power law of fluctuation scaling describes a relationship between the variance
and the mean of a
positive quantity. Examples of Taylor's law include the population density of
bacteria, rice, wheat, potatoes, trees, triatomine bugs that transmit Chagas
disease, fish, rodents,
and humans; the numbers of cells per mammalian organ, parasites per host,
cancer metastases, and single nucleotide polymorphisms; and non-biological
quantities such as the prime numbers, the number of
tornadoes per outbreak, and the volumes of currency exchanges and stock
trades. Taylor's law results from a
wide variety of processes, so inferences based on Taylor's law require care.
This talk will be partly a tutorial addressed to the question:
What can Taylor's law do for you?

This online series gives individuals and groups the opportunity to watch talks
and to
interact with distinguished speakers. Details of how to connect to the talks
are available
on the MBI website at

Upcoming talks:

Mar 15
URI ALON (Molecular Cell Biology, Weizmann Institute)
Design Principles in Biology

Apr 12
JAMES KEENER (Mathematics, Utah)
Cell Physiology:  Making Diffusion Your Friend


From: Emilia Vynnycky <>
Date: 2017-03-15 13:48 GMT-03:00
Subject: Introduction to Infectious Disease Modelling and its Applications
2 week intensive course on:


organized jointly between the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and
Public Health England
Venue: London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine
Course dates: 19th -30th June 2017
Cost: £2,375

Mathematical modelling is increasingly applied to predict the future incidence
and control of infectious diseases.  Applications include predicting the
impact of control strategies, such as vaccination or treatment, against
pandemic influenza, Ebola, zika, measles, HIV, vector-borne diseases and
veterinary problems. Modelling was used extensively in the UK during the swine
flu pandemic to monitor the extent of ongoing transmission and the potential
impact of interventions such as school closures and vaccination.
This two week intensive course introduces professionals working on infectious
diseases in human or animal populations to this exciting and expanding area.
The emphasis of the course is on developing a conceptual understanding of the
basic methods and on their practical application, rather than the manipulation
of mathematical equations. The course provides numerous practical examples,
including real-time modelling of outbreaks, pandemic influenza, sexually
transmitted infections, HIV, Ebola, vector-borne and animal diseases, as well
as tuberculosis, measles and rubella, and health economics.
By the end of the course, participants will have deepened their current
understanding of infectious disease epidemiology and have gained an
understanding and practical experience of the basics of infectious disease
modelling, which will be important in their future work.
Who should attend:
The course is designed for individuals interested in expanding their knowledge
of the techniques for analysing and interpreting epidemiological data on
infectious diseases and for predicting the impact of control programmes,
including medical and health professionals, policy makers, veterinary
scientists, health economists, medical statisticians and infectious disease

Specialist mathematical training is not a prerequisite.  However, individuals
with degrees in mathematical disciplines working on some aspect of infectious
disease dynamics and/or control, who wish to learn about the potential of
infectious disease modelling will also benefit.

Further details about the course content and an application form are available
or contact one of the course organizers:

Emilia Vynnycky or Richard White  (e-mail: or or or the LSHTM Registry
(email: )

Other shortcourses at LSHTM:
The website provides
details about other shortcourses at LSHTM.
For details about the advanced course on modelling fitting, see


From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <>
Date: Wed, Mar 8, 2017 at 4:17 PM
Subject: NIH Update: Resubmission data, revisited; NIH Regional Seminars ...

NIH Update: Resubmission data, revisited; NIH Regional Seminars; loan
repayment program and eRA Commons updates; continuous submission FAQs

Please see


From: Mario Guarracino <>
Date: 2017-03-11 14:48 GMT-03:00
Subject: Marie Curie PhD Fellowship: CDS Lab, ICAR-CNR

Opportunity: Marie Curie PHD fellowship at CDS lab  of ICAR-CNR (20 positions
in total)
DESCRIPTION: The INCIPIT programme ( aims at
creating a hub of excellence in research and training in the South of Italy
through synergies among the eight institutes of the National Research Council
of Italy (CNR), already performing excellent research. Indeed, these
institutes (IAC, IBB, IBP, ICAR, ICB, IEOS, IGB and IPCB) have different and
complementary expertise, ranging from biology and genetics to mathematics,
statistics, engineering, computer science, chemistry and medicine, and offer
well-equipped laboratories and cutting-edge technologies.

The Position: We seek a talented (three years) Ph.D. student to take part to
the newly established computational biology and bioinformatics activities at
the High Performance Computing and Networking Institute, Napoli (IT) branch.
The appointed individual will focus on the development of novel algorithms and
methodologies, and their implementation in computational pipelines, for the
integration and analysis of genomics sequencing data. The focus is on
statistical machine learning and data mining techniques for the analysis of
biological experiments, particularly on next-generation sequencing data (DNA-
seq, RNA-seq, ChIP-seq, etc). The student will integrate the developed
pipelines in a software support tool for more accurate diagnosis and
personalised treatment plans. He/she will also be engaged in collaborative
research projects within the Institute and beyond, potentially resulting in
high profile publications. He/she will be encouraged to develop his/her own
research interests in areas related to the Institute activities.

The Candidate: The successful candidate holds a master degree in Mathematics,
Computer Science, Computational Biology or Bioinformatics, and has a proven
experience in biological data integration and analysis. Expertise in programs
such as R, Python, Matlab is a requirement, and the ability to use PHP, SQL,
Java, C, C++  are considered a plus. The working language at CDS-LAB is
English, and excellent written and oral communication skills as well as high
accuracy, reliability and excellent interpersonal and organizational skills
are a requirement.

The Laboratory: The aim of Computational and Data Lab is to develop
algorithms, models and software tools to detect, understand and design
scientific and technological solutions through the analysis of data obtained
from experiments and tests, and/or through simulation of the processes
generating them, dealing with new scientific challenges and multidisciplinary
activities, related to ICT. Its activity is focused on the resolution of real
problems with methodologies spanning from computer simulation, to scientific
modelling and analysis, processing and management of complex and big data,
sometimes heterogeneous, integrating knowledge domains and competences that
belong to Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Statistics.
Fields of application include:
Computational Biology: development of models to describe and predict
biological phenomena.
Bioinformatics: data analysis of high throughput sequencing and spectrometry
Biotechnology: detecting new prognostic and therapeutic targets.
Video and image processing: pattern recognition and video tracking from phase
contrast and fluorescence microscopy.
Computer graphics: photorealistic rendering of interesting biological
molecules and of ambience and landscapes.

The Institute: The Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking
(ICAR-CNR) offers innovative solutions in terms of research, technology
transfer and high education in the area of intelligent systems with complex
functionality (cognitive systems and robotics, knowledge representation,
extraction and reasoning, human-computer interface, optimization) and high
performance computing (cloud computing, parallel and distributed environments
and advanced technologies for the Internet). Significant applications are
developed in the areas of e-health, energy, security, bioinformatics, cultural
heritage, smart cities.

HOW TO APPLY: Application should be submitted by March 30th to


From: Edward Green <>
Date: 2017-03-14 22:48 GMT-03:00
Subject: Two fully-funded PhD studentships at the University of Adelaide

Two fully-funded PhD studentships at the University of Adelaide - Mathematical
modelling of the manufacturing process for biochemical sensors

Two PhD projects are offered with scholarships as part of a wider
project ?Mathematics the key to modern glass and polymer fibre technology?,
the ARC Future Fellowship awarded to Associate Professor Yvonne Stokes
(February 2017- February 2021). The wider project is concerned with
mathematical modelling of microstructured optical fibre
(MOF) fabrication for a variety of uses. Mathematics is essential to
solving the inverse problem of determining the preform and draw parameters to
produce a desired fibre and has already proved to be of significant practical

The PhD projects focus on hollow-core tapers or fibres containing a micro-
bubble or micro-bottle which are of much current interest as
whispering gallery resonator biochemical sensors with the limit of
detection potentially down to a single molecule. They are fabricated from
commercially available capillaries by first drawing or tapering the capillary
down to the required diameter (typically <100µm), and then heating a small
section while, at the same time, pressurising the air inside to form a bottle
or bubble in the heated region. The thinner the wall of the microbubble/bottle
the better the sensor, although some consideration has to be given to its

- PhD 1: Unsteady capillary stretching for microstructured tapers.
This project focuses on mathematical modelling of the fabrication of
microstructured tapers used for whispering gallery resonator sensors, mass-
spectrometry and medical devices. Their fabrication is by heating and pulling
a suitable capillary/preform. Pressurisation of the air channel(s) may be
required to achieve the desired geometry. Both flow and temperature sub-models
will be required and asymptotic methods exploiting the slenderness of the
taper will be used in their derivation. The model will be used to investigate
the relationship between the length of the heated region and the temperature,
the pulling tension and velocity, the surface tension and pressure, on the
length of the taper and the cross-sectional geometry along its length.
Experiments will be run, with assistance from skilled technicians, for
comparison with the model.
Primary supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Yvonne Stokes, School of Mathematical
Sciences, The University of Adelaide.
Co-supervisor: Prof. Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem, Institute for Photonics
and Advanced Sensing, The University of Adelaide.

- PhD 2: Micro-bubble and micro-bottle blowing in a fibre for whispering
gallery resonator sensors.
This PhD project focuses on mathematical modelling of the fabrication of
whispering gallery resonator sensors by blowing a micro-bubble or micro-bottle
in a heated microstrutured taper. Both flow and temperature sub-models will be
required and asymptotic methods exploiting the slenderness and/or the small
wall thickness of the taper will be used in their derivation. The model(s)
developed will be used to investigate
the relationship between surface tension, pressure, wall thickness of the
fibre/taper and wall thickness and size of the bubble/bottle. The thinner the
wall of the fibre/taper the more sensitive it will be to the applied pressure
and the greater the chance of blow-out and, consequently, failure to achieve
the desired sensor. Avoiding this,
while still achieving thin-walled micro-bubbles/bottles, will be of key
interest. The model(s) will be compared with experiments run with assistance
from skilled technicians.
Primary supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Yvonne Stokes, School of Mathematical
Sciences, The University of Adelaide.
Co-supervisor: Dr Yinlan Ruan, Institute for Photonics and Advanced
Sensing, The University of Adelaide.

Full project descriptions, and details of eligibility requirements and
application procedures can be found at:


From: Edward Green <>
Date: 2017-03-14 22:52 GMT-03:00
Subject: Joint University of Adelaide - University of Nottingham PhD programme

Joint University of Adelaide - University of Nottingham PhD programme
Applications are invited to the University of Adelaide - University of
Nottingham Joint PhD programme in Mathematics. The programme provides fully
funded 3-year PhD studentships. Students will be co-supervised by staff at
both universities and will undertake a minimum period of research of 18 months
at each institution. The Adelaide-Nottingham Doctoral Scholars will be
primarily based on the North Terrace Campus in Adelaide and on the University
Park campus in Nottingham. Both campuses are renowned for their world-leading
research and their outstanding facilities for research and teaching.
PhD graduates will obtain a jointly awarded degree from the University of
Adelaide and the University of Nottingham. The studentships will cover PhD
tuition fees, plus a stipend corresponding to the standard research council
rate in the UK or the APA rate in Australia. Subject to satisfactory progress,
the duration of the stipend will be 3 years including time spent at the
partner overseas campus.

Three projects are currently available:

- Calcium signalling and travelling wave response to oocyte
Supervised by Associate Professor Yvonne Stokes (Adelaide), Dr Ruediger Thul
and Professor Stephen Coombes (Nottingham) in collaboration with Associate
Professor Jeremy Thompson, School of Medicine, University of Adelaide.

- Designing rubber-like metamaterials
Supervised by Dr Luke Bennetts (Adelaide) and Dr Kostas Soldatos (Nottingham)

- Modelling growth and morphogenesis of colonic organoids
Supervised by Dr Edward Green (Adelaide) and Professor John King (Nottingham),
in collaboration with Dr Daniel Worthley, Gastrointestinal Cancer Group, South
Australian Health and
Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI)

The projects are available to begin either immediately or in the 2017/2018
academic year.
Full project descriptions, and details of eligibility requirements,
application procedure, etc. can be found at:
These studentships are open until filled. Early application is strongly


From: Andreas Carlson <>
Date: 2017-03-09 5:57 GMT-03:00
Subject: PostDoc: Membrane modeling, University of Oslo

A 3-year post-doctoral research fellowship is available at the Department of
Mathematics, Mechanics Division, at the University of Oslo.
The project is funded by the Research Council of Norway, lead by Associate
Professor Andreas Carlson and focuses on the development of mathematical
models and numerical simulations of cell membrane dynamics. More specifically,
it will address the basic mechanochemical processes that regulate one of the
most fundamental communication pathways in cell biology - the encapsulation
and internalization of liquid and transmembrane cargo at intracellular
membranes. The project work will be conducted in close collaboration with
experimental cell biologists at Oslo University Hospital (Professor Harald A.
Experience in multidisciplinary research and knowledge of basic methods in
membrane modelling, biophysics, numerical simulations of PDE's and/or fluid
mechanics is highly beneficial.
Further details about the position and the application procedure is
found at:
Enquires about the position can be made to Associate Professor Andreas Carlson


From: Mattoon, Michele ( <>
Date: 2017-03-10 13:18 GMT-03:00
Subject: Postdoc Fellows Wanted in Biomedical Modeling - University of Idaho

The NIH-funded Center for Modeling Complex Interactions (CMCI) at the
University of Idaho is an intellectual, cultural, and physical environment to
foster synergy in interdisciplinary biomedical research. The focal point of
CMCI is the Collaboratorium, a space and a culture for collaborative modeling.
It brings together faculty and students from both the empirical and modeling
realms with postdoctoral scientists who reside in the Collaboratorium and
devote full-time effort to collaborative modeling.  We currently have openings
in the Collaboratorium for two postdoctoral fellows interested in biomedical
CMCI fellows are knowledgeable modelers who are creative, collaborative, and
strong communicators. They engage in interdisciplinary research, working with
both experimentalists and other modelers, and take leadership roles on
research direction, manuscript preparation, offering workshops to the UI
research community, and presenting research at national and international
scientific meetings.
Our current openings are for modelers who have expertise in mathematical and
statistical methodology and are skilled computer programmers. Expertise in
more than one modeling approach and more than one programming language is
desired. The specialty is open, but we are particularly interested in systems
biology, statistical, and agent-based modeling. The specialties of current
CMCI fellows include bioinformatics, protein modeling, and ecological
CMCI interfaces with several strong research programs at the University of
Idaho including bioinformatics, computational biology, evolutionary biology,
microbiome ecology, infectious disease, and movement science. Fellows will
have opportunities to collaborate across campus on these and other areas of
biomedical research.
For more information about CMCI, go to  To apply,
submit: 1) a letter of application addressing the criteria outlined above; 2)
a CV; 3) contact information for three individuals who can provide
recommendations; and 4) PDFs of up to three publications to
Use COLLABORATIVE POSTDOC APPLICATION as the subject line.  Review of
applications will begin in mid-March and will continue until all positions are


From: Wojdak, Jeremy <>
Date: 2017-03-12 14:11 GMT-03:00
Subject: Postdoc Position in Quantitative Biology Education

Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical Biology Education
A postdoctoral position is available with the Quantitative Undergraduate
Biology Education and Synthesis (QUBES) project ( ), with
investigators at the Radford University, the University of Pittsburgh, the
College of William and Mary, Unity College, and the BioQUEST Curriculum
Consortium ( ).
Project: In brief, the project aims to facilitate greater penetration of
quantitatively rigorous curriculum and experiences in undergraduate biology
programs across the country.  As part of the larger project, QUBES develops
and supports online Faculty Mentoring Networks that partner geographically
distributed faculty who wish to incorporate more quantitative approaches in
their teaching with a mentor who has expertise and experience doing just that.
The focal idea is to provide support, guidance, and faculty development during
the implementation and assessment of curricular change rather than just
before. Read more about the Faculty Mentoring Networks and the larger project
here: .
Position: The postdoctoral research position, funded by a grant from the
National Science Foundation, will be involved in curriculum development,
faculty development, web communications, and assessment of the QUBES Faculty
Mentoring Networks.  The position will include teaching responsibilities in
the Department of Biology at Radford University, providing opportunities for
implementing and assessing innovative curriculum first-hand. The work will be
supervised most directly by Dr. Jeremy M. Wojdak at Radford University, but
will include close interactions with the Project Director, Dr. Sam Donovan at
the University of Pittsburgh, and Dr. Kristin Jenkins, the Executive Director
of BioQUEST.
Qualifications/ Requirements: Applicants must have a Ph.D. in the biological
sciences or a related field, preferably including experience/expertise in
biological mathematics or statistics. Preference will be given to applicants
that have demonstrated a strong interest in undergraduate STEM education.
Indications of interest in STEM education include participation in
professional development programs (e.g., FIRST IV, HHMI Teaching Fellows
program, or participation in CIRTL, or coursework in education/pedagogy),
experience with outreach (e.g., GK12 project, directing REU program or summer
program for high school students), or publications on undergraduate education
We desire applications with strong verbal and written communication skills,
good social and organizational skills, and a robust work ethic.  Familiarity
with statistics (R or equivalent) and the analysis of educational or program
assessment data is desirable, as is experience working with diverse faculty
and student populations.
Benefits and Opportunities: This is an excellent opportunity for a recent
Ph.D. with career interests in science education ? by the nature of the
mentoring network project, the postdoctoral researcher will have frequent
opportunities to connect and interact with a wide swath of faculty interested
in quantitative biology education across the country. This position will allow
the postdoctoral researcher to gain meaningful teaching experience and robust
professional development as an instructor. The project team has a wealth of
experience in STEM education pedagogy, scientific publishing, and grant
writing, and training in these areas will be available.
Salary will be commensurate with experience, and includes Radford University?s
competitive benefit package.  The candidate will initially be hired for one
year, with an annual extensions possible contingent on performance.  Grant
funding will provide support for travel to conferences and project team
Radford University is a comprehensive, midsize public university nestled in
the New River Valley along the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains.  Radford
provides a diversity of outstanding undergraduate and graduate academic
programs for approximately 10,000 students.  Renowned for teaching excellence
and a focus on strong faculty/student bonds, the innovative use of technology
in the learning environment and a vibrant student life on a beautiful campus,
Radford University offers many opportunities to engage both faculty and
students in teaching, research, and public service as scholars and citizens.
Our faculty is proud of our students and their accomplishments.  We seek new
colleagues who will work to promote their development and help them pursue
their aspirations as well as contribute to our versatile and collegial
intellectual community.   Additional information about the university can be
found at  The surrounding region affords a diversity
of cultural and recreational activities along with several excellent school
systems.  The university is within a few hours drive from both the Washington,
D.C., and the Charlotte, NC, areas.
Application: Questions and applications should be forwarded to Dr. Jeremy
Wojdak, Radford University, .  Applications should
include a CV, a statement of research and career interests including
relationships between applicant?s interests and QUBES project goals and plans,
a statement of teaching philosophy, and the names and contact information for
three professional references. Additional materials may be requested at a
later time.  The ideal starting date is Fall Semester 2017 (August) or
earlier; interviews will continue until the position is filled.
Radford University is an EO/AA employer committed to diversity.  All new hires
to Radford University will be subject to E-Verify beginning June 1, 2011. E-
Verify is administered by the U. S. Department of Homeland Security, USCIS-
Verification Division and the Social Security Administration and allows
participating employers to electronically verify employment eligibility.  This
contractor and subcontractor shall abide by the requirements of 41 CFR 60-
300.5(a).  This regulation prohibits discrimination against qualified
protected veterans, and requires affirmative action by covered prime
contractors and subcontractors to employ and advance in employment qualified
protected veterans.


From: Fred Adler <>
Date: 2017-03-13 19:46 GMT-03:00
Subject: Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Cancer Phenotypic Evolution

Postdoctoral Research Scientist in Cancer Phenotypic Evolution
University of Utah
The labs of Andrea Bild and Fred Adler

are part of an multi-disciplinary team at the University of Utah that
unites mathematical, computational and lab biologists with data
scientists and physicians to address the joint genetic and phenotypic
evolution of cancers.  This recently funded project is part of the
Cancer Systems Biology Consortium

We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher to work in a creative and
collaborative environment and develop mathematical and statistical
approaches to model and analyze sequential single cell genetic sequence
and transcriptome data from patients with late stage breast and ovarian

Candidate qualifications include:

PhD in a quantitative science (mathematics, computational biology, or
statistics) or life science with strong focus on mathematical modeling,
computation or data analysis, with expertise in analyzing high-throughput
sequencing data or other large data sets.

Application Process:

Please send the following to

1. Cover letter, highlighting experience with quantitative methods for
understanding biological data
2. CV
3. Names and contact information for three references


From: Vanessa Phanouvong <>
Date: Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 12:11 PM
Subject: Assistant/Associate Prof, UCSF Institute for Computational Health
Health Sciences

Assistant or Associate Level Professor

UCSF Institute for Computational Health Sciences

Please apply online at


From: Diemler, Nancy (diemlenl) <>
Date: 2017-03-14 18:12 GMT-03:00
Subject: Visiting Assistant Professors at the UC Dept. of Mathematical

of Mathematical sciences

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cincinnati would
like to have the following job listed in the SMB Digest:
Visiting Assistant Professor ? A&S Mathematical Sciences
The Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Cincinnati is
seeking applicants for several Visiting Assistant Professorships in
mathematics and/or statistics. Appointments will begin on August 15, 2017 and
will initially be for one year with the possibility of renewal for a second
year. The teaching load will nominally be two (3 - 4 credit) undergraduate
courses per semester. Candidates must have a PhD in mathematics or statistics
by the start date.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences is dedicated to excellence in both
research and teaching. The Department has a graduate program offering MS and
PhD degrees in mathematics and statistics. The Department is looking for
candidates with high-quality teaching and research and a strong potential for
collaboration in areas of expertise with current faculty.
Completed applications consisting of a cover letter, vita, description of
research, description of teaching experience, and three letters of
recommendation (at least one of which addresses teaching expertise)  should be
submitted on at
Applicants must also submit a current CV, cover letter, and a statement
(maximum 1 page) on their commitment to diversity and inclusion to UC?s
recruitment system at
Review of applicants will begin immediately and applications will be accepted
until all of the positions are filled.
The Department of Mathematical Sciences, as part of the University of
Cincinnati, embraces diversity and inclusion as core values that empower
individuals to transform their lives and achieve their highest potential . For
more information please visit the following sites: and
The University of Cincinnati is an equal opportunity/affirmative action
employer with a strong commitment to diversity. We actively seek a broad
spectrum of candidates including women, people of color, people with
disabilities, and veterans.
The University of Cincinnati, as a multi-national and culturally-diverse
university, is committed to providing an inclusive, equitable, and diverse
place of learning and employment. As part of a complete job application, you
will be asked to include a Contribution to Diversity and Inclusion statement.


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

To subscribe to the SMB Digest please point your browser at
and complete the subscription information. Alternatively, if you prefer
to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to with "subscribe SMBnet Your Name"
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Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part with

The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at