ISSN 1086-6566
March 9, 2017


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue's Topics:

Society for Mathematical Biology Landahl-Busenberg Travel Grants
Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology MPDE'17, Cape Town
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) 2017
Graduate Student Modeling Workshop (IMSM 2017), July 2017
ToC: WIREs Systems Biology & Medicine
AAi Short Course:  MATLAB - Stage 1 (Introduction)
PhD Studentship: Mathematics of Harmful Algal Blooms in Complex Flows, U York
Funded PhD Projects in Mathematical Biology, University of Southampton
Postdoc: Mathematical Neuroscience, Basal Ganglia Dynamics, Pittsburgh
Postdoc: Mixed Effect Models & Immune Response, Inria, Lyon
Postdoc: Phylodynamics Model of Dengue Dynamics in rural Cambodia, Pasteur
Postdoctoral positions, University of Melbourne
Research Fellow: Brain Stimulation for Epilepsy & Seizure Prediction
Mathematical Biologist: Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard University
Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Scientists at Certara
The Beauty of Theoretical Biology


From: Nick Cogan <>
Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 12:02 PM
Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Landahl-Busenberg Travel Grants

I would like to encourage everyone to apply for travel funding to theannual
meeting of the SMB to be held July 17-21 at the University of Utah,Salt Lake
City, UT, USA 
We are especially encouraging junior faculty and faculty at four year colleges
to apply for funding. The deadline for applications is April 1st and the
announcements of awards will happen soon after. 
Information can be found at

and you are welcome to email me directly I hope to see
you there!


From: Henri Laurie <>
Date: 2017-03-06 5:17 GMT-03:00
Subject: Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology MPDE'17, Cape Town

Models in Population Dynamics and Ecology is a series of conferences that
bring focus on the actual modelling process (as opposed to emphasising merely
the mathematical or the ecological aspects).
The 2017 edition will take place in Cape Town:
This is an opportunity not only to visit one the world's most beautiful cities
and biologicallymost interesting countries, but also to see the dynamism of
Africa in action, and contribute to its further growth.

We look forward to welcoming you!

Henri Laurie (University of Cape Town)
Cang Hui     (University of Stellenbosch)


From: Frank W. Kunkle <>
Date: 2017-03-06 17:55 GMT-03:00
Subject: SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS17)

Conference Name:
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems (DS17)Sponsored by the
SIAM Activity Group on Dynamical Systems.
Snowbird Ski and Summer Resort, Snowbird, Utah, USA
May 21-25, 2017
Organizing Committee Co-chairs:
Evelyn Sander, George Mason University, USA
Martin Wechselberger, University of Sydney, Australia

Organizing Committee:

Thomas L. Carroll, United States Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Elizabeth Cherry, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Barbara Gentz,
University of Bielefeld, Germany
Christopher Jones, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
Kresimir Josic, University of Houston, USA
Edgar Knobloch, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Yasumasu Nishiura, Tohoku University, Japan
Bob Rink, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Anna Vainchtein, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Lai-Sang Young, Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York
University, USA

Invited Speakers:

Arjen Doelman, Leiden University, the Netherlands
Gary Froyland, University of New South Wales, Australia
Giambattista Giacomin, Université Paris Diderot, France
Vadim Kaloshin, University of Maryland at College Park, USA and ETH Zürich,
L. Mahadevan, Harvard University, USA
Mary Silber, University of Chicago, USA
Hiroshi Suito, Okayama University and Japan Science and Technology Agency,

Registration and Program:
Registration and the conference program are now posted at

April 24, 2017

April 24, 2017


From: Juergen Pahle <>
Date: 2017-03-07 11:54 GMT-03:00
Subject: International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) 2017

The International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB) is a premier conference
in systems biology, organized by the International Society for Systems Biology
(ISSB) and hosted by leading research
institutions around the world. In previous years, ICSB was held in Spain
(2016), Singapore (2015), Australia (2014), and Denmark (2013). For details of
previous meetings, please check

Conference website:
Abstract and Proposal Submission:

We invite submissions of research abstracts and workshop/tutorial proposals on
a broad range of topics
of interest to the systems biology community.

For more details, please visit our website at:


From: Mansoor Haider <>
Date: 2017-03-07 18:35 GMT-03:00
Subject: Graduate Student Modeling Workshop (IMSM 2017), July 2017

The 23rd Industrial Mathematical & Statistical Modeling (IMSM) Workshop for
Graduate Students will take place at North Carolina State University, between
16-26 July 2017.  The workshop is sponsored by the Statistical and Applied
Mathematical Sciences Institute (SAMSI) together with the Center for Research
in Scientific Computation (CRSC) and the Department of Mathematics at North
Carolina State University.
The IMSM workshop exposes graduate students in mathematics, engineering, and
statistics to exciting real-world problems from industry and government. The
workshop provides students with experience in a research team environment and
exposure to possible career opportunities. On the first day, a Software
Carpentry bootcamp ¿will bring students up-to-date on their programming skills
in Python/Matlab and R, and introduce them to version control systems and
software repositories.
Local expenses and travel expenses will be covered for students at US
The application deadline is April 15, 2017.
Information is available at
and questions can be directed to

With best regards,
Mansoor Haider, Ilse Ipsen, Pierre Gremaud, and Ralph Smith


From: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews <>
Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 2:33 PM
Subject: ToC: WIREs Systems Biology & Medicine



From: Colin Wise <>
Date: Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 10:54 PM
Subject: AAi Short Course:  MATLAB - Stage 1 (Introduction), Friday 10 March

AAi Short Course - MATLAB - Stage 1 (Introduction) - Friday 10 March 2017


From: Martin Bees <>
Date: 2017-03-03 12:08 GMT-03:00
Subject: PhD studentship on the mathematics of harmful algal blooms in complex
flows, University of York

EPSRC strategic PhD studentship on the mathematics of harmful algal blooms in
complex flows.

Annual bursts in oceanic planktonic productivity fix as much atmospheric
carbon dioxide as terrestrial systems: they underpin our climate and are
fundamental to the marine ecosystems. However, less predictable local coastal
blooms can be harmful; toxins concentrated by fluid flow can contaminate the
food chain, impacting health and food supply. The PhD project will investigate
systematically the triggering of blooms using mathematical modelling, analysis
and bio-physical simulation, and will build on a new collaboration with Dr
Prasad Perlekar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Hyderabad.

Applicants can seek further information from Martin Bees or Jon Pitchford,
Mathematics, University of York.

To apply: complete the application form at,
specifying a start date of October 2017 full-time, stating ?Strategic
Studentship HAB? as the project title and naming Prof Bees & Dr Pitchford as
your supervisors.

Eligibility: UK nationals and EEA nationals resident in UK for at least 3
years; for exceptions see
Application deadline: 31st March 2017


From: Philip Greulich <>
Date: 2017-03-07 17:38 GMT-03:00
Subject: Funded PhD projects in Mathematical Biology

Funded PhD projects in Mathematical Biology available at University of
Southampton, UK* Fully-funded PhD studentships (3 years) for projects in
Mathematical Biology are available at the University of Southampton
(Mathematical Sciences). The PhD projects will be supervised by Drs Philip
Greulich and Ben MacArthur and will involve mathematical and computational
modelling of stem cell dynamics in biological tissues, in particularrelated to
cancer initiation. The candidate should have, or should expect, an upper
second-class degree or higher, and a genuine interest in biological problems.

An outline of potential PhD project topics is attached or indicating interest
and further information, please contact and see


From: Rubin, Jonathan E <>
Date: Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 10:36 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Mathematical Neuroscience, Basal Ganglia Dynamics,

Postdoctoral Position in Mathematical Neuroscience: Basal Ganglia Dynamics

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Departmentof
Mathematics at the University of Pittsburgh, funded in part by the U.S.
National Science Foundation. The successful candidate will work withProfessor
Jonathan Rubin and other collaborators on the mathematical and computational
analysis of issues relating to activity patterns in the basal ganglia,
particularly under parkinsonian conditions, and will interact with other
members of the Mathematical Biology Group and the Center forNeuroscience at
the University of Pittsburgh. There will likely be the opportunity to engage
in research in other areas of mathematical neuroscience and in some direct
neural data analysis as well.

The position is funded for at least 2.5 years, with an initial one-year
appointment and an expectation of extension, given satisfactory
performance. Applicants with a PhD in Mathematics, Applied Mathematics,
Computational Neuroscience, or a related discipline that includes training in
dynamical systems should send a CV including a list of publications, a
research statement, and reference contact information to
The University of Pittsburgh is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity
Employer, and women and members of minority groups under-represented in
academia are especially encouraged to apply.


From: Fabien Crauste <>
Date: Wed, Mar 1, 2017 at 9:46 AM
Subject: Postdoc: Mixed Effect Models & Immune Response, Inria, Lyon

Postdoc Position on Nonlinear Mixed Effect Models for the Immune Response

We are seeking for a highly motivated postdoctoral research fellow to develop
mixed effect models for the description of the CD8 T cell immune response. The
successful candidate will be in charge of developing and analyzing statistical
models in collaboration with immunologists. The aim is to better describe
experimental data, by incorporating both an average behavior and a measure of
inter-individual variability, in classical deterministic models of the immune

The position is full-time (100%) research at Inria, the French Institute for
Computer Science and Applied Mathematics, and the successful candidate will be
located in Villeurbanne/Lyon, France, on the University Lyon 1 campus, as a
member of the Dracula research team ( The
postdoc position should start on November 1st (possibly on October or December
1st) for 12 or 18 months, depending on the availability of the candidate. All
details can be found at

The applicant will have experience in mathematical and/or computational
modeling in biology with, ideally, experience in nonlinear mixed-effects
models. In addition, any of the following knowledge will be considered as a
plus: use of Monolix software (,
mathematical analysis of dynamical systems, numerical implementation of
continuous models (ODE, PDE). For further information, please contact Dr.
Fabien Crauste (, Dr. Olivier Gandrillon
( and Dr. Céline Vial (, who
will be in charge of supervising the postdoc. Deadline for applications is
March 24th 2017.


From: Bernard Cazelles <>
Date: 2017-03-02 4:07 GMT-03:00
Subject: Postdoc: Phylodynamics model of Dengue dynamics in Cambodia at
Pasteur Institute (Paris)

An 18-month post-doc position is available at the Pasteur Institute, Paris and
Department of Biology (ENS) under the supervision of Dr. Richard Paul and Pr.
Bernard Cazelles. Candidates are invited to work on "Phylodynamic models for
Understanding Dengue Dynamics in Rural Cambodia".

Today, Dengue fever represents a major challenge in public health and poses a
particular threat in South-East Asia. This study is part of two projects,
DENFREE a European project ( and PANIC an ANR project.
The mutual objective of these projects is to improve our knowledge of the
ecological and evolutionary dynamics of Dengue, in South East Asia, in order
to design innovative public health measures. These projects are strongly
interdisciplinary and involve the collaboration of epidemiologists,
biologists, computer scientists, statisticians and mathematicians.

As part of this research, the successful candidate will have to develop
cutting-edge models that would be used with empirical data on disease
incidence, viral genetic and antigenic variation. These mathematical and/or
computational models of dengue propagation will be supported by
epidemiological and antigenic data from DENFREE and PANIC consortia, in close
co-operation with the Pasteur Institute in Cambodia. In particular, the
successful candidate will have to account for heterogeneous and highly
interdependent data through a Bayesian framework. This approach is
sufficiently flexible to design phylodynamic models that account for non-
linear disease dynamics, molecular selection and population structure.
This modeling will also benefit from the use of the SSM platform

The successful applicant will have trained in quantitative biology or a
related field (PhD or equivalent degree required), with expertise in one or
more of the following areas; computer science, mathematics, and/or
computational biology. Previous
experience in biological modeling is expected. A strong aptitude for inter-
disciplinary research is required. The appointment is for eighteen months with
a start date between May and September 2017. The net salary will be
?28,000 pa after tax depending on the experience and qualifications of the

Applications should include a letter of motivation and a CV listing
publications and the addresses of at least two referees. Applications and
enquiries to: and


From: Edmund Crampin <>
Date: 2017-03-07 20:40 GMT-03:00
Subject: Postdoctoral positions, University of Melbourne

Postdoctoral positions in Mathematical and Computational Biology at the
Systems Biology Laboratory, University of Melbourne, Australia. The Systems
Biology Laboratory at the University of Melbourne led by Professor Edmund
Crampin has three postdoctoral
positions available starting immediately. We are looking for talented and
motivated quantitative scientists with interests in mathematical modelling of
biological systems at the molecular and cellular level to join our team.

For more information about the Systems Biology Laboratory and its constituent
research groups, please go here:

For each of the positions, the required qualification is a PhD in applied
mathematics, mathematical physics, bioengineering, or a related field. A
strong interest in biology and the application of mathematical and
computational modelling approaches
to understand biological systems is also required. Specific skills are
described below for each project. Postdoctoral positions are available in each
of the following projects:

1) Multiscale modelling of calcium signalling in heart cells (supervised by
Prof. Edmund Crampin and Dr. Vijay Rajagopal; funded by ARC Discovery Project
'How does calcium make the heart grow?? )

You will develop biophysically realistic and structurally detailed
computational models of calcium signaling in heart cells, at scales from
molecular through to multicellular models. As part of an international
interdisciplinary team including modellers, biophysicists, bioimaging experts
and physiologists, you will develop models to gain mechanistic insights into
the role of sub-cellular calcium dynamics in diseases such as cardiac
hypertrophy and diabetic cardiomyopathy. Familiarity with one or more of the
following areas would be advantageous: modelling and simulation of spatial
and/or stochastic systems, finite element modelling, stochastic processes,
calcium signalling, cardiomyocyte physiology.

2) Cell-nanoparticle interactions for nanomedicine (with Prof. Edmund Crampin,
in collaboration with other investigators in the ARC Centre of Excellence in
Convergent Bio-Nano Science & Technology)

As part of a highly interdisciplinary and collaborative team at the ARC Centre
of Excellence and across several Australian universities, you will develop
integrative computational modelling approaches and model-based standards for
understanding the 7interactions between nano-scale materials and cells. The
aims of the project are to better understand, and hence predict, how
properties of nano-engineered particles for drug delivery determine cellular
recognition, uptake and processing.  An interest in nano medicine, use of
computational modelling to interpret experimental data, and a confidence and
willingness to bring mathematical approaches into a highly collaborative
research cluster would be useful.

3) An energy-based approach for cellular systems and synthetic biology (with
Prof. Edmund Crampin and Prof. Peter Gawthrop)
We are developing a theoretical framework for constructing and analysing
physically-based models of cellular systems. Such a framework incorporating
both mass-flow (as is commonly represented in systems biology) as well as
energy flow (commonly neglected)
is urgently needed in order to construct integrative models which actually
work as expected. Furthermore this will allow design of new synthetic biology
networks and circuits which may actually function as intended. Desirable
skills include experience working with large systems of nonlinear ODEs,
knowledge of and interest in thermodynamics, familiarity with markup languages
(such as CellML
 and SBML).

Additional Information:
Start date is negotiable, although all positions are available to start
immediately. Appointments will be initially for two years, with possibility of
renewal contingent on satisfactory performance, progress in carrying out the
assigned duties, and mutual agreement. Salary is commensurate with experience.

To Apply:
Please send a cover letter including a brief statement of career goals, past
research, which position(s) you are interested in, and why you are interested.
Additionally, please include a curriculum vitae and one example (your best!)
publication / manuscript. In your cover letter, list the name of three
references. If you are short listed, referees will be contacted. Review of
applications will begin immediately and will continue until the positions are

Candidates are encouraged to contact Prof. Crampin
( directly for further information.


From: Levin Kuhlmann <>
Date: 2017-03-02 11:41 GMT-03:00
Subject: Research Fellow: Brain Stimulation for Epilepsy & Seizure Prediction

Exciting med-tech opportunity at the interface between academia and industry.
We are seeking talented research scientists to join
a team conducting a clinical trial of a fully implantable system for seizure
forecasting and control with epilepsy patients. Requires experience in
electrophysiology and neural signal analysis.

There are two Research Fellow positions available in our epilepsy research
group for a new NHMRC research project titled Critical
Slowing in Epilepsy. The research will quantify how the brain changes around
times where it is susceptible to seizures. Seizure susceptibility will be
studied using a new deep brain stimulation and recording system in a first in
man clinical trial in
partnership with the medical device company, Medtronic. There are also
opportunities to study seizure susceptibility using the one-of-a-kind long-
term continuous intracranial electroencephalography database obtained from the
clinical trial of the
Neurovista Seizure Advisory System.

At least one of the Research Fellows will be involved in all aspects of the
Medtronic trial, from testing with patients to data analysis and reporting.
Testing will involve measuring the interaction between the brain's response to
very small electrical stimuli and epilepsy-related changes.

Close date:  12 Mar 2017

Contact both Dr Levin Kuhlmann ( and Dr Dean Freestone
( for details. For a position description, selection
criteria and to apply visit:


From: Gallagher, Katherine <>
Date: 2017-03-02 15:12 GMT-03:00
Subject: Mathematical Biologist: Program for Evolutionary Dynamics, Harvard

The Program for Evolutionary Dynamics (PED) at Harvard University is seeking a
mathematical biologist to work on interdisciplinary research projects. A
strong doctoral record is required. Candidates with excellent quantitative
skills should send a research statement, current curriculum vitae, and two
letters of reference by email to Katherine Gallagher at

We highly encourage applications from female and other underrepresented
minority candidates. Harvard is an equal opportunity employer and all
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard
to race, color, religion, sex, sexual identity, gender identity, national
origin, disability status, protected veteran status, or any other
characteristic protected by law. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work
in the United States.


From: Tom Snowden <>
Date: 2017-03-06 12:46 GMT-03:00
Subject: Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Scientists at Certara

The Certara Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) group is a global
organization focused on the impactful application of QSP and mechanistic PKPD
modeling and simulation in drug discovery and development.  We recently
launched the first-of-its-kind QSP Consortium and have a rapidly expanding
consultancy portfolio.
Our modellers work in close collaboration with other Certara staff and clients
to generate and use state-of-the-art QSP models for pharmaceutical R&D. The
models are designed in close dialogue with clients and developed with a
view to creating user-friendly tools that will inform drug development
programs from discovery to regulatory filing. We are seeking highly motivated
and talented QSP modelling experts, who share our passion for using
approaches to understand and impact complex drug discovery and development
questions. Positions are available at various levels of experience.

Please send your CV, covering letter and the names of two references quoting
QSP/2017/March to
Closing Date for Applications: 2nd April 2017


From: Thomas Hillen <>
Date: 2017-03-05 15:28 GMT-03:00
Subject: The Beauty of Theoretical Biology

Data analysis, numerical treatment of a model, or simulation results can
generate stunning images, which represent pieces of art just by themselves. We
aim at collecting images, which were created in the process of research in
theoretical biology, and publishing a collection of these images in a book.

The online submission system for our art project "The Beauty of Theoretical
Biology? is now open and welcomes contributions. The information on how to
submit can be found via the link

The first tentative deadline for contribution is June 30 2017. Please help us
in this exciting project, submit a piece of art, and spread the word.


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