ISSN 1086-6566
March 1, 2017


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue's Topics:
  Call for Proposals: Host the 2021 SMB Annual Meeting
  Forensic Entomology Workshop, NJSchool of Conservation, Branchville, NJ
  Workshop: Multiscale analysis of host-microbe interactions, 24-25 April
  Game Theory Workshop, July 4-7, City University of London
  CfA: CNS*2017, July 15-20, Antwerp, Deadline March 5
  Postbac Research Associate, University of Michigan Medical School
  PhD Position: Computational Biology, FU Berlin
  PhD Positions: Life Sciences, Mathematical Modelling & Image Analysis
  Two Postdoc Openings: Quantitative Biological Modeling, Northwestern
  Postdoc: Infectious Disease Dynamics, Spatial Statistics & Dengue Trans
  Postdoc: Nonlinear dynamics for ecosystem-based management and ...
  Postdoc: Mathematical Biology, Nanyang Technological U, Singapore
  Looking for a Postdoc? Interested in Teaching? UMichigan IRACDA Program
  Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Translational Research Exchange, Exeter
  Position Opening, NIMBioS Education and Outreach Coordinator
  SMBnet Reminders


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 4:47 PM
Subject: Call for Proposals: Host the 2021 SMB Annual Meeting

The Society for Mathematical Biology promotes the development and
dissemination of research at the interface between the mathematical and
biological sciences through its annual meetings. The Annual Meeting of the
Society for Mathematical Biology is the most important event organized and
sponsored by the Society. It is the most visible yearly event organized
by the Society and thus serves as a showcase for the goals, ambitions,
and activity of the Society.

The elected Board of Directors has opened the call to host the Society for
Mathematical Biology Annual Meeting in 2021. Prospective annual meeting
organizers should inform the President of the Society (Santiago Schnell,
Email: and the Society's Secretary (Amina Eladdadi,
Email: of their intentions and begin to prepare a
written proposal.  The deadline for submitting all materials is June 30th,
2017. The proposal should be sent to the Society's Secretary.

The Annual Meeting program must respond to and serve the needs of the members
of the Society, who represent diverse scientific, technical, educational, and
demographic constituencies. The Annual Meeting should accommodate conferees'
desires to share their results with colleagues; to meet and discuss personal
and collegial matters of interest; to learn about important advances in other
areas of mathematical biology; and to advance their technical, analytical,
and other skills needed for their career development goals. Special attention
must be given to the experiences of junior members of the Society who may
be attending a national or international meeting for the first time. The
Annual Meetings are generally organized in North America in odd years,
and outside North America in even years.

For more information, please read the call for
proposals to organize the Annual Meeting on:


From: Denise Gemmellaro <>
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 7:12 PM
Subject: Forensic Entomology Workshop, NJSchool of Conservation, Branchville, NJ

Hello Everyone!

For the fifth year, the New Jersey School of Conservation together with
Montclair State University and Rutgers University is organizing a two-week
workshop on forensic entomology; the workshop will be held at the NJSchool
of Conservation, in Branchville, NJ, just about 1h from New York City. 

Forensic entomology is the study of insects associated with organic
decomposition. Students will observe and analyze the small ecosystem which is
created around and on decomposing carcasses, describe post-mortem phenomena,
collect entomological evidence and perform lab analysis to help establish
PMI (Post-Mortem Interval) or time of death. For those who are interested,
included in the workshop is also a guided visit to the Newark morgue,
where the participants will attend a lecture on common practices of legal
medicine and on how law enforcement forces handle dead bodies after they
are discovered; depending on availability, the participants will also have
the possibility to observe an autopsy.

Here is the link to the page of the workshop, where you can find the current
brochure as well as pictures and videos from the past editions:

Participants will have two weeks of room and board, educational activities
(lectures, field work and lab work) and lots of recreational activities, such as
boating, archery and climbing.

For information please contact Denise Gemmellaro at 

Thank you and please feel free to pass this info to anyone who may be


From: Markus Owen <>
Date: Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 4:34 AM
Subject: Workshop: Multiscale analysis of host-microbe interactions, 24-25 April

UK Multiscale Biology Network - Multiscale analysis of host-microbe
interactions - 24/25 April 2017 - Earlham Institute, Norwich

The aim of this workshop is to bring together key experts and early-stage
scientists working on host-microbe interactions, including pathogen
infections, commensals and microbiome level studies, to share novel scientific
ideas on the multiscale investigation of host-microbe interactions and to
provide an exciting opportunity to establish and improve cross-disciplinary
and UK-wide collaborations.

Start: Mon 24 April, 10:30am refreshments for first session at 11:30
Close: Tue 25 April, 14:30pm

After kick off with three keynote speakers on current challenges, the
program provides structured study groups to discuss: 1) novel methodological
approaches; 2) potential future projects requiring participants from different
disciplines; 3) the best ways to get funding for such multi-disciplinary
projects. We will facilitate these goals with short presentations and
brainstorming opportunities in coordinated team works, and with panel
discussion with representatives of key relevant funding agencies and
charities.  Detailed program coming soon.

Call for Project

In principle, any project (or project idea) that involves host-microbe
interactions is invited, even if it focuses only on the host or on
the microbe side. Potential topics include (but not limited to) biofilm
formation, rhizobiome or gut microbiome studies, antibiotic resistance,
and host-pathogen modelling. Modelling approaches on molecular or population
level are all encouraged to apply.

Funders talks and Posters

We will provide a platform to discuss field-specific questions and challenges
with key funding agencies and charities. The output ideas of the study groups
will have the chance to directly get a feedback from representatives of the
research councils and charities about potential funding ways. In parallel,
flash presentations and posters about your existing projects can also
increase the visibility of your research.

Arrangements and registration

Refreshments, lunches and dinner will be provided. There is no registration
fee but you have to register before 15th March. The MSB Network can provide
a contribution to travel costs of up to £50 each for up to 40 attendees. We
can arrange a cheap and pleasant accommodation at the campus on a discounted
rate for participants.
Please register at:

best wishes,
Tamas Korcsmaros & Richard Morris

and the UK MSB Network Steering Group
(Markus Owen, Ruth Baker, Malcolm Bennett, Helen Byrne, John King, Nicolas
Le Novere, Andrew Millar, Carmen Molina-Paris, Marco Viceconti, Philip Wigge)


From: Broom, Mark <>
Date: Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 2:26 PM
Subject: Game Theory Workshop, July 4-7, City University of London

Workshop Announcement:

Conflict, Competition, Cooperation and Complexity: Using Evolutionary Game
Theory to model realistic populations, July 4-7, 2017, City, University of
London, London UK.

This is the second workshop of the European Union's Horizon 2020 research
and innovation programme FourCmodelling (No 690817) under the Marie
Sk?odowska-Curie grant agreement. The workshop will consist of talks,
discussion, and break out sessions that focus on the following aspects of
evolutionary game theory: 1. Multiplayer games in structured populations,
2. Complex foraging games and time constraints, 3. Modeling pandemics as
complex systems, 4. Modeling cancer as a complex adaptive system.

This event is open to researchers whose areas of expertise complement
these themes. A limited number of positions is reserved for PhD students
and junior researchers working/interested in evolutionary game theory and
their applications within the scope of this project. The workshop fee is £300
and the reduced fee is £125 including lunch and coffee/tea during the day.

If you want to be a part of this exciting event, send a short motivation
e-mail (indicating whether you want to present a talk/poster) to Prof. Mark
Broom at not latter than April 30, 2017. Selected
candidates will be notified shortly after.

You may also be interested in the conference Mathematical Models in Ecology
and Evolution taking place at City directly after this workshop, July
10-12. The call for abstracts is currently open, with a deadline of March 15th


From: Sharon Crook <>
Date: Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 4:08 PM
Subject: CfA: CNS*2017, July 15-20, Antwerp, Deadline March 5

CNS*2017 Call for Abstracts

Organization for Computational Neurosciences (OCNS)
26th Annual Meeting

Antwerp, Belgium
July 15-20, 2017

The main meeting (July 16-18) will be preceded by a day of tutorials (July 15)
and followed by two days of workshops (July 19-20).

Invited Keynote Speakers:

Erik De Schutter, Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Panayiota Poirazi, IMBB-Forth, Greece
Karl Friston, University College London, UK
Sue Denham, University of Plymouth, UK

A preliminary program for the workshops is available at:

Registration and abstract submission are open.
Abstract submission deadline: March 5th, 2017

Note that one of the authors must register as sponsoring author for the main
meeting before abstract submission is possible. In case the abstract is not
accepted for presentation, the registration fee will be refunded.

For up-to-date conference information, please visit:


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 2:08 PM
Subject: Postbac Research Associate, University of Michigan Medical School

The Schnell Lab at the University of Michigan Medical School's Department
of Molecular & Integrative Physiology has announced a postbaccalaureate
research associate position for mathematics, engineering, or biophysics
graduate who is seeking to gain significant research experience before
applying to a Medical Scientist Training Program or PhD program.

The researcher will combine chemical kinetics, biophysical principles,
biochemical measurements, and mathematical/computational modeling to build
a quantitative understanding of enzyme-catalyzed and protein aggregation
reactions. Although the Schnell lab's primary research interest is in enzyme
kinetics and protein aggregation, we also investigate complex biomedical
systems comprising many interacting components, using modeling and theory
to aid in the identification of key mechanisms underlying the behavior of
the system. The successful applicant will be under the direct supervision
of the Principal Investigator, Prof. Santiago Schnell, and will receive
excellent mentorship in his/her research, career development, and graduate
school application process.

The position allows both the flexibility of developing and leading individual
projects as well as working as a team member with expert collaborators.
Applicants must have excellent communication skills, enjoy working in a team,
and have a strong work ethic. The successful applicant will interact with our
experimental collaborators at the University of Michigan, and may have the
opportunity to train in experimental techniques as well. Applicants should
have some experience in cross-platform MATLAB, C++, or Python programming,
and software development environments and tools. Applicants should also have
experience in mathematical modeling and numerical solutions of differential
equations. The research associate will be expected to work effectively both
independently and with other colleagues as required.

The job is full-time. Applicants are advised that they will undergo standard
pre-employment screening. For inquiries, please contact Prof. Santiago Schnell
via email at Applications, including a full CV, a cover
letter explaining suitability for the position, and the names and addresses
of two referees should be sent to Prof. Santiago Schnell. Candidates must
arrange for their referees to send references directly to Prof. Schnell
(email is sufficient). Review of applications will continue until the
position is filled.


From: Max von Kleist, PhD <>
Date: Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 9:46 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Computational Biology, FU Berlin

PhD position (f/m) in computational biology (2/3 TV-L)

Institution: FU Berlin, Department of Mathematics/Computer Science
Start date: April 2017
Job description: Scientist (PhD, PraeDoc)

Description & responsibilities: We are searching for a highly motivated
employee to join the Systems Pharmacology & Disease Control group
( as part of the BMBF funded project
"Meth4Pharm". The candidate will generate mathematical models of antiviral
pharmacokinetics and drug effects against HIV-1. Moreover, he/she will
generate runtime-optimized programs to model virus spread and the effects
of drug treatment on viral spreading. It is expected that the candidate
makes a theoretical as well as an applied contribution to the aforementioned
objective, publishes the results in peer-reviewed journal and presents them
on international conferences. The applicant will be given the opportunity to
obtain his/her PhD.  References relating to the topic:,

Requirements & desirable qualifications: Major in bioinformatics or systems
biology or related field (natural sciences, engineering, mathematics,
computer sciences, physics) We are seeking for a talented and involved
employee with good programming skills in at least one script-based
language (Matlab, Python, R) and at least one higher language (e.g. C++,
Java etc.). Experience in numerics (differential equations, parameter
estimation problems, stochastic simulation) are appreciated. Experience with
phylogenetic methods is an advantage. The applicant should be open towards
interdisciplinary collaborations with practitioners from the biomedical
sector. Proven expertise in bioinformatics or systems biology are of
advantage, as well as the ability to play a part in interdisciplinary and
international collaborations.

Applications to: Max von Kleist, PhD, email:
FU Berlin, Department of Mathematics/Computer Science


From: Martin Wild <>
Date: Mon, Feb 27, 2017 at 8:57 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: Life Sciences, Mathematical Modelling & Image Analysis

16 PhD Positions in Life Sciences, Mathematical Modelling and Image Analysis

The joint graduate program of the Excellence Cluster Cells in Motion (CiM)
and the International Max Planck Research School - Molecular Biomedicine
(IMPRS-MBM) offers positions to pursue PhD projects in the areas of biology,
chemistry, physics, mathematics or computer science. We are looking for young
scientists with a vivid interest in interdisciplinary projects to image cell
dynamics from the subcellular to the patient level. PhD projects range from
the analysis of basic cellular processes to clinical translation, from the
application of novel biophysical approaches and the generation of mathematical
models to the development of new imaging-related techniques and compounds.

Research areas:
Cell and Molecular Biology * Developmental and Stem Cell Biology
Vascular Biology * Immunology
Microbiology * Neurobiology
In vivo Imaging * High Resolution Optical Imaging
Biophysics * Chemical Biology
Label Chemistry * Mathematical Modelling
and more.

Applications for the PhD program can be submitted from 26 February - 1 May 2017.
Projects start in October 2017. Applications can only be submitted via our
online system.

For online application and further information go to

We offer 16 PhD positions. More positions financed by work contracts may
be offered depending on availability. Excellent scientific and transferable
skills training, competitive work contracts or tax-free fellowships as well
as support with administrative matters, accommodation, and visas are part of
the program. There are no tuition fees. The program language is English. We
invite applications from highly qualified and motivated students of any
nationality from biological sciences, chemistry, mathematics, computer
sciences and physics. We are looking forward to your application for a PhD
position in Muenster.



From: Hermann Riecke <>
Date: Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 12:02 PM
Subject: Two Postdoc Openings: Quantitative Biological Modeling, Northwestern

Overview: The Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
solicits applications for postdoctoral fellowships in quantitative biological
modeling. Two positions are available starting September 1, 2017 and a
third position starting September 1, 2018. These positions are part of a
National Science Foundation Research Training Grant (NSF-RTG).

Duties: Postdoctoral fellows will conduct research on the quantitative
modeling of biological systems and will teach three quarter courses
per year in the department. Each position will typically be for three
years. Postdoctoral fellows will additionally participate in RTG-related
training and career development activities.

Environment: Postdoctoral fellows will be part of an interdisciplinary
environment focusing on current problems in experimental and computational
biology. Fellows will gain experience from training in mathematical
modeling, numerical methods, and modern data analysis/statistical tools
relevant to biological problems. Research internships outside of Northwestern
will broaden fellows' perspectives. Each fellow's research will be mentored
by faculty from both applied mathematics and a biological discipline. Ongoing
collaborations exist with faculty in Neurobiology, Molecular Biosciences,
Environmental Engineering and Preventive Medicine, and additional areas
of interest are welcome. An overall goal of the program is to broaden
computational biological modeling in the department and at Northwestern.

Requirements: Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Interested candidates should submit a curriculum vitae, three reference
letters (one addressing teaching qualifications) and brief research and
teaching statements online at the URL:

If desired, one or two representative publications may also be submitted.
Applications for the Fall 2017 position are currently being reviewed and will
continue being considered until the position is filled.

Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action
Employer of all protected classes including veterans and individuals with
disabilities. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Inquiries about the position may be directed to:
Hermann Riecke
Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
Northwestern University
2145 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208-3125
Phone: (847) 491-3345


From: Laura Bowles <>
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Infectious Disease Dynamics, Spatial Statistics & Dengue Trans

Postdoctoral Position in Infectious Disease Dynamics, Spatial Statistics
and Dengue Transmission

Our group in the Department of Epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg
School of Public Health is looking for a post-doctoral fellow to work
on projects related to spatial statistics and understanding Dengue
transmission in Thailand. The ideal applicant will be highly quantitative
with experience in epidemiology, statistics, ecology and/or infectious
disease modeling. Applicants with, or nearing completion of, a doctoral
degree in epidemiology, biostatistics, or a related quantitative field
(e.g., computer science, ecology) will be considered.

The successful applicant will work with Dr. Justin Lessler, Dr. Amy Wesolowski
and colleagues on a project funded by the National Institutes of Health
that aims to develop and extend statistical and modeling methodologies to
analyze data across spatial scales (from point pattern data to national
statistics), forecast future dengue incidence, and better understand the
transmission dynamics of Dengue in Thailand. This work will included the
opportunity work with "big data", such as mobile phone records, to understand
the dynamics of population behavior and its impact on disease spread. You
would be joining a highly collaborative group who work on projects ranging
from empirical data collection to theoretical modeling of disease dynamics,
and there will be ample opportunities to work on cross cutting projects
focused on issues in infectious disease transmission and control.

The position will be for 1-2 years, depending on applicant interest and
career plans.

Interested candidates should contact Laura Bowles ( with a
CV, statement of interest, and references. Application should be received
by March 31, 2017


From: Steve Munch <>
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 6:36 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Nonlinear dynamics for ecosystem-based management and ...

Postdoctoral Opportunity: Nonlinear dynamics for ecosystem-based management
and data-poor fisheries.

A postdoctoral fellowship is currently available in the department of Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology at UC Santa Cruz and the Southwest Fisheries Science
Center, working primarily with Stephan B. Munch and collaborators Marc
Mangel and Thanasis Kottas. The Fellow will develop methods for, and novel
applications of, nonlinear dynamics and nonparametric statistics. Although
the current project focuses on applications to data-limited fisheries and
ecosystem-based management, the methods developed are expected to be broadly
applicable. There will be ample opportunity to develop independent research
and collaborations.

The initial appointment is for twelve months and may be renewed for a second
year. The participant will receive a competitive stipend consistent with
the UC pay scale plus fringe benefits. Support is available for travel to
present research at scientific conferences.

The preferred start date is between March and June 2017. Applicants must
have received a doctoral degree prior to the start of the fellowship. As
this project straddles ecology and applied math, candidates should hold a
degree in ecology or environmental science and have a strong background
in quantitative methods, or hold a degree in applied math or statistics
and have a strong background in ecology. Facility with R, Matlab, C++,
or other programming language is essential as is a demonstrated enthusiasm
for writing. Experience with population dynamics, nonlinear forecasting,
nonparametric statistics, and / or dynamic programming is desirable.

To Apply: Send a letter of application by including research interests and
career goals, a current resume/CV, names and email addresses of two references
to Stephan B. Munch ( with subject: Postdoc Application,
[your name]. 


From: Xia Kelin (Asst Prof) <>
Date: Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 2:08 AM
Subject: Postdoc: Mathematical Biology, Nanyang Technological U, Singapore

Postdoc Position on Mathematical biology at Nanyang Technological University,

A full time postdoc position is available at School of Physics and
Mathematics, Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in Singapore. The
candidate should have a rigorous training in mathematical biology,
computational biology or bioinformatics. The ideal applicant should have
experience in modeling and programming. Previous experience in topological
modeling is preferred. For those interested, please send a CV, a research
statement, and contact information for three references to Dr.Kelin Xia
( at

NTU has constantly been ranked as top 1 among the world's best young
universities. In the QS World University Rankings 2015/16, it is ranked
13th globally. 


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 4:41 PM
Subject: Looking for a Postdoc? Interested in Teaching? UMichigan IRACDA Program

The University of Michigan IRACDA Program might be for you! 

Our new Institutional Research & Academic Career Development (IRACDA) program
provides 3-4 year postdoctoral positions for recent PhD graduates. The
goals of the program are to enhance both research and skills by providing
mentoring in the lab (wet, dry or both) and the classroom. The Michigan
IRACDA program operates through the departments of Biomedical Engineering
and Molecular & Integrative Physiology. More information and application
details are available at:

You can also contact the program directors:

M. Bishr Omary, MD PhD 
Professor and Chair
Molecular & Integrative Physiology

David Sept, PhD
Professor and Associate Chair
Biomedical Engineering


From: Northam, Leanne <>
Date: Tue, Feb 28, 2017 at 9:45 AM
Subject: Postdoctoral Research Fellows, Translational Research Exchange, Exeter

College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences

These full time post is available on a fixed term basis form 1 June 2017 to 31
May 2019.

The College wishes to recruit three Postdoctoral Research Fellows to
support the work of the Wellcome-funded Translational Research Exchange @
Exeter. This project will complement work already supported within the
Centre for Biomedical Modelling and Analysis. Housed within the brand
new Living Systems Institute in the heart of Exeter's Streatham campus,
successful candidates will work amongst a wider pool of 200 researchers
spanning biosciences and medicine.

Apply Link -


From: Catherine Crawley <>
Date: Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 11:46 AM
Subject: Position Opening, NIMBioS Education and Outreach Coordinator

Staff Position - Education and Outreach Coordinator - National Institute
for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)

This full-time position is responsible for coordinating all outreach and
education research activities of NIMBioS in collaboration with the Director
and the Associate Director for Education and Outreach. This position will
coordinate and continue to develop the array of outreach activities of NIMBioS
including activities with the general public, K-12 programs at schools,
workshops for high school teachers, coordination of summer undergraduate
research programs, and organization of workshops, tutorials and conferences
related to education and outreach. A master's degree in a quantitative
scientific field (e.g., mathematics, statistics or computer science) or an
area of the life sciences or equivalent experience is required; a PhD is a
plus. One or more years experience with education and/or outreach projects
in science, preferably involving quantitative and/or biological science
fields is necessary. Experience with science or education publication is
a plus. Applicants should also have experience working in collaboration
with researchers with BS, MS and PhD degrees to meet project tasks and the
ability to communicate scientific topics to diverse audiences.

To apply, visit UT's Job Search Page at

The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title VI/Title IX/Section
504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment
programs and services. All qualified applicants will receive equal
consideration for employment without regard to race, color, national origin,
religion, sex, pregnancy, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity,
age, physical or mental disability, or covered veteran status.


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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