?Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest

SMB Digest  November 2, Volume 16  Issue 44
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Wandi Ding: ding.smb.digest(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
http://www.smb.org/ .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at
http://www.springer.com/11538 .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
   Call for Society for Mathematical Biology Prize Nominations
   CfP: SMB Subgroup on Developmental Biology
   CfP: SMB Subgroup on Mathematical Neuroscience
   CfP: SMB Subgroup on The Causes and Effects of Inflammation
   NSF Funding Opportunity: Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD)
   TPNC 2016: 2nd Call for Posters, Dec 12-13
   CfP: SIAM Conference on Control & Its Appl..., July 10-12, 2017
   Conferences: Keystone Symposia 2017 Cancer Conferences
   Highlights from SpringerOpen Mathematics
   Update from Letters in Biomathematics
   Springer: Highlights in Mathematics
   New Springer Books in November
   MS Position: Math Biology, Ohio State U
   PhD Position: Synthetic Biology, EPSRC & BBSRC Centre
   PhD Position: MIBTP, U of Warwick
   Postdoc Position: Multi-scale Modeling in..., U of Michigan
   Postdoc Position: Math & Computational Biology, UCI
   Postdoc Position: Statistical/Math..., Mount Sinai Medical School 
   Postdoc Position: Integrative Bioinformatic..., HZM, Germany  
   Postdoc Position: Math Modeling of Cancer, U of Washington
   Postdoc Position: Systems Pharmacology, CPSP, U of Florida
   Postdoc Position: Algebraic... Reaction Networks, U of Copenhagen
   Postdoc Positions: Math Biology/Applied Math/Stat, NCSU
   Postdoc Position: Aortic Disease Modeling, UNC-Chapel Hill
   Faculty Position: Math Biology, U of Tennessee 
   Faculty Position: Microbial Systems Biology, NIMBioS
   SMBnet Reminders


From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 7:41 PM
Subject: Call for Society for Mathematical Biology Prize Nominations

Through its awards program, the Society for Mathematical Biology honors its 
members and recognizes excellence in mathematical biology. The Society 
offers awards in six different categories. Nominations for the awards are 
solicited and evaluated by the Society for Mathematical Biology Awards 

The Society of Mathematical Biology is now accepting nominations for the 
2017 awards through December 16th, 2016. Society members are encouraged to 
nominate candidates by submitting a nomination form and the required 
materials in PDF format to the Society Secretary Dr. Amina Eladdadi 
(E-mail: eladdadi@gmail.com). The nominator must submit:
- A letter (no more than 4 pages) describing the nominee's qualifications 
 and commenting on the nominee's scientific contributions for the society 
- Two supporting letters from other Society members, and
- The nominee's curriculum vitae, including all publications.

*** Akira Okubo Prize***

The Akira Okubo Fund was established in memory of Akira Okubo, who made 
major contributions to many fields, including mathematical ecology and 
oceanography. Okubo was widely recognized for his scientific work, as well 
as for his exceptional humanity. In this cycle, the Akira Okubo Prize will 
honor a senior living scientist (associate/full professor or equivalent 
position) for outstanding and innovative theoretical work, for establishing 
superb conceptual ideas, for solving tough theoretical problems, and/or for 
uniting theory and data to advance a biological subject. The following 
criteria will be used for ranking nominations and selecting the award 
winner: originality (discovering a new theory and opening a new research 
direction), breakthrough (solving outstanding problems in the field), new 
synthesis (leading to a new research area), and impact already made, or 
expected, on subsequent studies. The prize is jointly administered by the 
Society for Mathematical Biology and the Japanese Society for Mathematical 

The Akira Okubo Prize consists of a cash prize of $500 and a certificate 
given to the recipient. The Okubo Prize winner is expected to give a talk 
at the joint meeting of the SMB and JSMB in 2018.

*** Arthur T. Winfree Prize ***

The Arthur T. Winfree Prize was established in memory of Arthur T. 
Winfree's contributions to mathematical biology. Winfree was one of the 
legendary figures in the field, one of the very few who combined brilliant 
theory with imaginative and masterful experiments. His pioneering work in 
biological periodicity and pattern formation built a foundation for current 
research. Winfree's genius was frequently hidden by his modest, even 
self-effacing manner. Beyond his scientific contributions, he was an 
exemplary scientist and human being. The objective of the Arthur T. Winfree 
Prize is to honor a theoretician whose research has inspired significant 
new biology. Nominations of individuals to be considered for the prize may 
focus on a single paper or series of papers which illustrate the close 
connection between theory and experiments, or may be based upon a larger 
body of theoretical work produced by the individual which has led to 
significant new biological understanding affecting observation/experiments.

The Winfree Prize consists of a cash prize of $500 and a certificate given 
to the recipient. The winner is expected to give a talk at the Annual 
Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology in 2017.

*** Distinguished Service Award ***

The Society for Mathematical Biology Distinguished Service Award honors 
service in the field of mathematical biology, service for the Society of 
Mathematical Biology, and contributions beyond achievements in research. 
The nominee must have made an exceptional contribution to the field of 
mathematical biology and in its advancement outside of research.

The award recipient will receive a cash award of $500 and a certificate at 
the award ceremony in the Annual Meeting of the Society in 2017.

*** John Jungck Prize for Excellence in Education ***

John R. Jungck is the founder of the Society for Mathematical Biology 
Education Committee. He is well-known for his contributions to mathematical 
and theoretical biology education, and promoting interdisciplinary work at 
the interface between science, technology, and the humanities. The John 
Jungck Prize for Excellence in Education is given for significant 
contributions to education in mathematical biology, including a 
distinguished record of excellence in classroom instruction, mentorship of 
research scientists at any level, development of novel educational methods, 
materials, or programs, promotion of scientific outreach efforts to the 
public or to youth, a track record of attracting new students to the field 
of mathematical biology, or creation of an environment exceptionally 
conducive to education in mathematical biology.    

The Jungck Prize consists of a cash prize of $500 and a certificate given 
to the recipient. The winner is expected to give a talk at the Annual 
Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology in 2017.

*** H. D. Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Award ***

Herbert D. Landahl became the second President of the Society for 
Mathematical Biology in 1981. He was a pioneer in the field of mathematical 
biology and became the first doctoral student in Nicolas Rashevsky's 
mathematical biology program at the University of Chicago. He was a 
professor at the University of Chicago until 1967, and then joined the 
University of California, San Francisco until his retirement. In this 
cycle, the H. D. Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Award will recognize the 
scientific contributions made by a graduate student fellow who is making 
exceptional scientific contributions to mathematical biology.

The award recipient will receive a certificate at the Society for 
Mathematical Biology Awards Ceremony, and an invitation to attend to the 
Annual Meeting of the Society in 2017.

*** Leah Edelstein-Keshet Prize in Mathematical Biology ***

Leah Edelstein-Keshet became the first woman President of the Society for 
Mathematical Biology in 1995. She is the author of the influential book, 
"Mathematical Models in Biology" in the SIAM Series "Classics in Applied 
Mathematics". Leah Edelstein-Keshet is well-known for her outstanding 
scientific contributions and impact on the field of mathematical biology 
and biophysics. She has served as a role model and mentor in mathematical 
biology and her scientific insight has positively influenced many students 
over the years. In this cycle, the award will recognize a woman in an early 
stage of her career (assistant professor level at the nomination deadline) 
who is making exceptional scientific contributions to mathematical biology, 
developing a strong independent research program, and exhibiting a 
continuously high level of scientific endeavor and leadership.

The Edelstein-Keshet Prize consists of a cash prize of $500 and a 
certificate given to the recipient. The winner is expected to give a talk 
at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology in 2017.


From: Alexander G Fletcher <a.g.fletcher@sheffield.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 5:12 PM
Subject: CfP: SMB Subgroup on Developmental Biology

Please consider signing the following petition in support of an SMB 
Subgroup on Developmental Biology:


Developmental biology has long proven a fertile ground for mathematical 
modelling, arguably starting with D'Arcy Thompson's 1917 work on 
morphogenesis, and including the highly cited 'reaction-diffusion' and 
'positional information' theories of pattern formation by Turing and 
Wolpert, respectively. With more recent advances in microscopy, image 
analysis, and fluorescent reporter methods, developmental biology is 
becoming an increasingly quantitative discipline. Processes can now be 
quantified and correlated to an unprecedented degree, from the molecular 
to the tissue scale, yielding an incredibly rich amount of data. As a 
result, we are now able to constrain mathematical models of developmental 
processes, for example through parameter estimation, increasing the 
potential of such models to be used in a predictive way. The objective of 
this SMB Subgroup is to accelerate these efforts, by supporting and 
advancing the use of mathematical modelling as part of the 'toolkit' of 
developmental biology.

Best wishes,
Alex Fletcher and Ruth Baker


From: Horacio G. Rotstein <horacerot@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 12:00 AM
Subject: CfP: SMB Subgroup on Mathematical Neuroscience

We'd like to invite you to join us in the creation of the SMB Subgroup on 
Mathematical Neuroscience by signing this petition. 


The primary goal of this subgroup is to contribute to the advancement of 
interdisciplinary research and dissemination of knowledge in mathematical, 
computational and theoretical neuroscience. Specific activities include 
the organization of workshops and/or minisymposia on mathematical 
neuroscience and related topics and the support of existing initiatives 
that further the subgroup's interests. Additional goals include promoting 
the interaction between theoretical and experimental neuroscientists, 
education and outreach. 

Chair and Alternate Chair: Horacio G. Rotstein and Stephen Coombes


From: Rebecca A Segal <rasegal@vcu.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 12:50 PM
Subject: CfP: SMB Subgroup on The Causes and Effects of Inflammation

We'd like to invite you to join us in the creation of the SMB Subgroup on 
The Causes and Effects of Inflammation by signing this petition:


The objective of this subgroup will be to discuss perspectives on the 
various causes and the dynamics of the inflammatory response and how 
inflammation affects 1) progression and outcome in different medical 
conditions or diseases and 2) the state of physiological systems. It will 
also be eligible to receive support to partially sponsor the participation 
of speakers in the subgroup symposia at the SMB Annual Meeting.

Co-organizers: Julia Arciero, Judy Day, Angela Reynolds, Rebecca Segal
Tentative Chair: Judy Day
Alternative Chair: Angela Reynolds


From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 5:10 PM
Subject: NSF Funding Opportunity: Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD)

A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 17-510) is now available:

Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD)

Please see
for details.

Full Proposal Deadline Date: February 21, 2017

Program synopsis:

The Algorithms for Threat Detection (ATD) program will support research 
projects to develop the next generation of mathematical and statistical 
algorithms for analysis of large spatiotemporal datasets with application 
to quantitative models of human dynamics. The program is a partnership 
between the Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) at the National 
Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency 


From: GRLMC <grlmc@grlmc.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 1:38 PM
Subject: TPNC 2016: 2nd Call for Posters, Dec 12-13

The 5th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural 
Computing (TPNC 2016) invites researchers to submit poster presentations. 
TPNC 2016 will be held in Sendai (Japan) on December 12-13, 2016. See



Poster submission deadline: November 9, 2016
Notification of poster acceptance or rejection: November 12, 2016


Please submit a .pdf abstract through:


It should contain the title, author(s) and affiliation, and should not 
exceed 500 words.


From: Adrianne P. Ali <Ali@siam.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 2:46 PM
Subject: CfP: SIAM Conference on Control & Its Appl..., July 10-12, 2017 

Conference Name:
SIAM Conference on Control & Its Applications (CT17)
David Lawrence Convention Center (DLCC)
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
July 10 - 12, 2017
Conference Co-Chairs
Wei Kang, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Qing Zhang, University of Georgia, USA
The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:
Twitter hashtag:
January 4, 2017: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
February 1, 2017: Contributed Lecture, Minisymposia, Poster and 
 Minisymposteria Presentation Abstracts
February 1, 2017: Full Paper for Consideration in Proceedings (Optional)
January 20, 2017: SIAM Student Travel Award and Post-doc/Early Career 
Travel Award Applications
Please visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/ct17/submissions.php for 
detailed submission information.
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department 


From: Jane Peterson <janelp@keystonesymposia.org>
Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2016 at 6:17 PM
Subject: Conferences: Keystone Symposia 2017 Cancer Conferences

The 2016-2017 Keystone Symposia conference season is underway and I want 
to bring to your attention conferences, that according to our records, you 
may be interested in attending. These conferences are listed below, and 
each listing is linked to the meeting webpage where you will be able to 
see the current program plus the discounted registration, abstract and 
scholarship deadlines. 

The 2017 conferences in our Cancer series are:

Cell Plasticity within the Tumor Microenvironment (A1):

Biobetters and Next-Generation Biologics: Innovative Strategies for 
Optimally Effective Therapies (A7):

Inflammation-Driven Cancer: Mechanisms to Therapy (J7):

Tumor Metabolism: Mechanisms and Targets (X3):

Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy: Taking a Place in Mainstream Oncology 

You can find more information about the programs, speakers and deadlines 
for all of our 2017 season conferences on our website at 


From: SpringerOpen | Mathematics <springer@news.springer.com
Date: Fri, Oct 28, 2016 at 10:06 AM
Subject: Highlights from SpringerOpen Mathematics

Springer, Visit us at

You can read this email online at

We are writing to let you know about our wide range of open access
mathematics journals and to invite you to submit your next
manuscript to a SpringerOpen journal.


From: Callender, Hannah <callende@up.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 6:12 PM
Subject: Update from Letters in Biomathematics

The editorial board for Letters in Biomathematics (LIB) is excited to 
announce that LIB has now been accepted for inclusion in the Directory of 
Open Access Journals (https://doaj.org/toc/2373-7867).

This important milestone for LiB will increase visibility, downloads, and 
hopefully submissions. We also wish to note that many institutions require 
inclusion in the DOAJ before they provide funding to authors so this should 
be helpful to authors wishing to publish in LIB. We urge readers to 
consider submitting their manuscripts to LIB. Details about the journal and 
submission guidelines can be found here: http://lettersinbiomath.org/


From: Springer <springer@news.springer.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 3:45 AM
Subject: Springer: Highlights in Mathematics

Highlights in Mathematics

Springer. Visit us at

You can read this email online at


From: Springer <SpringerAlerts@springeronline.com>
Date: Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 12:11 AM
Subject: New Springer Books in November

Please find below all print books and eBooks in your fields of interest
published in the last month.

>> Mathematical and Computational Biology <<

Applications of Intelligent Optimization in Biology and Medicine
Book Series: Intelligent Systems Reference Library, Vol. 96
Editor/s: Hassanien, Aboul-Ella; Grosan, Crina; Fahmy Tolba, Mohamed

Environmental Radiation Effects on Mammals
Smirnova, Olga A.

Pharmacokinetics in Drug Development
Editor/s: Bonate, Peter L.; Howard, Danny R.

Stochasticity in Processes
Book Series: Springer Series in Synergetics
Schuster, Peter

Systems Biology of Tumor Microenvironment
Book Series: Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Vol. 936
Editor/s: Rejniak, Katarzyna A.

The Physics of Living Systems
Book Series: Undergraduate Lecture Notes in Physics
Cleri, Fabrizio


From: Tien, Joseph <jtien@math.ohio-state.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 8:52 AM
Subject: MS Position: Math Biology, Ohio State U

MMS-Bio program at the Ohio State University

The Mathematics Department at the Ohio State University invites 
applications to our master's program in mathematical biology.

The Master's in Mathematical Sciences -- Mathematical Biosciences (MMS-Bio)
program is a two year, funded master's program providing training in both 
the mathematical and biological sciences. The MMS-Bio curriculum provides 
fundamental tools for employment in the vibrant field of mathematical 
biology. Our program is well suited for students looking to hone their 
research interests and build foundational skills before entering PhD 
programs in the mathematical and biological sciences, as well as for 
students seeking careers in industry such as biotech companies and health 
care. Outcomes highlights include publications in leading peer reviewed 
journals, employment in biotech, health care, and academics, and admission 
to PhD programs in mathematics and computational biology.

More information can be found at: 

Apply at: http://math.osu.edu/grad/future
Deadline: December 18, 2016

For questions, please contact Prof. Joseph Tien: jtien@math.ohio-state.edu


From: Antonis Papachristodoulou <antonis@eng.ox.ac.uk>
Date: Sat, Oct 29, 2016 at 5:59 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Synthetic Biology, EPSRC & BBSRC Centre

EPSRC & BBSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology

Doctoral Studentships Available

The EPSRC & BBSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology
(SynBioCDT) combines the fundamental understanding of biological
systems with the principles of engineering, so as to create the next
generation of industrial and academic leaders in Synthetic Biology.
The CDT focuses on the design and engineering of biologically based
parts, novel devices and systems as well as the re-design of existing,
natural biological systems across all scales from molecules to

SynBioCDT is an exciting collaboration between the Universities of
Oxford, Bristol and Warwick. The programme combines world-leading
expertise in engineering and the physical and life sciences across all
three Universities. The CDT's four-year programme of research and
training has strong industrial links and is multi-disciplinary,
accepting students from a wide range of scientific backgrounds who
will apply engineering principles to design biological parts, devices,
and systems.

SynBioCDT has a growing list of industrial partners including DSTL,
Syngenta, and GSK. We offer industrially oriented projects in
collaboration with these partners, and also encourage applicants to
consider development of research projects and areas that are within
the remit of our industrial partners.
A major advantage of SynBioCDT is that students choose a PhD project
after a training phase, allowing a more informed choice.

The first six months of the course develops advanced theoretical and
technical skills for Synthetic Biology, drawing from the engineering,
mathematical, physical, chemical and biological sciences. It also
involves a term-long project, in our purpose-built Wetlab. The taught
course is combined with research and communication skills training,
through a combination of intensive lecture courses and project work.

After completing the taught training, two, 11-week Exploratory
Research Projects are undertaken, at least one in the candidate's home
institution. The substantive PhD research project then follows, also
based in the home institution.

Applications are invited from students with a wide range of academic
backgrounds, including Engineering, Biology, Biochemistry, Physics,
Plant Sciences, Chemistry, Statistics, Mathematics and Computing who
have received, or are on target to achieve, a strong 2:1 degree or
above. You can apply to SynBioCDT through the graduate admissions
procedures at Oxford, Bristol or Warwick. By applying through one of
these universities, you identify it as your preferred host

Oxford applicants are encouraged to submit a copy of an up to date CV
for assessment before making a formal application for the programme to

Warwick applicants should not submit a CV before applying; instead
they should make a formal application via:

Bristol applicants should not submit a CV before applying; instead
they should make a formal application at

Full studentships are available to home students. A limited number of
studentships are available to EU and overseas students.

Deadlines vary depending on the host University of your choice. Please
check our website for more details: http://www.synbio-cdt.ac.uk


From: Davies, Kerry <K.Davies.1@warwick.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 7:20 AM
Subject: PhD Position: MIBTP, U of Warwick

We would like to advertise our funded PhD studentships on your website; 
please see the website - http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/cross_fac/mibtp/ 


From: Denise Kirschner <kirschne@umich.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 1:24 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Multi-scale Modeling in..., U of Michigan

Multi-scale Modeling in Immunology

An exciting opportunity is available for a mathematical/computational 
modeler to work in a multidisciplinary team on immune responses in the 
context of tuberculosis as well as treatment interventions. The position 
is available in the laboratories of Jennifer Linderman in the Departments 
of Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering and Denise Kirschner in 
the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, both at the University of 
Michigan. The project uses a systems biology approach to integrate our 
multi-scale and multi-organ in silico models with data from humans and 
non-human primates derived by our collaborators. An estimated one-third of 
the human population is infected with the pathogen Mycobacterium 
tuberculosis, making it a critical global health issue.

The postdoctoral fellow will require skills in computational modeling in 
biology. Thus the ideal applicant will have extensive experience in 
modeling and programming needed for working with differential equation 
and/or agent-based models, and, in addition, will have an ability to read 
scientific literature in immunology, microbiology and/or systems biology. 
Good communication skills are essential.

How to apply: Send a CV, names of 3 references, and a letter describing 

interests and summarizing Ph.D. work to Denise Kirschner kirschne@umich.edu 
and Jennifer Linderman linderman@umich.edu. Copies of published papers are 


From: Siran Kousherian <skousher@uci.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 1:26 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Math & Computational Biology, UCI

The Enciso lab at the University of California, Irvine, has an open 
position for a postdoctoral researcher in the area of mathematical and 
computational biology. We will develop new theoretical methods to 
approximate noise in stochastic chemical reaction networks. These methods 
will be used in the context of experimental models in molecular and cell 
biology. This work is part of a new interdisciplinary collaboration 
together with systems biology researchers at Harvard Medical School and 
Caltech, funded by DARPA. 

We are looking for a motivated mathematician, physicist or other 
quantitative scientist, with experience carrying out mathematical analysis 
in molecular biology. Experience with numerical simulations, preferably 
using Matlab, is strongly desired, as is also a familiarity with stochastic 
methods (chemical master equation, moment closure, SSA algorithm etc). The 
successful candidate should also be familiar with the analysis of 
deterministic chemical reaction networks, using methods such as deficiency 
theory. For a sample of the work involved see the recent publication in J 
Royal Society Interface,


Candidates are encouraged to write to PI Enciso about their interest in 
this position, while they prepare a formal application. Applications are 
welcome until the position is filled. The position is open to start January 
2017 through Fall 2018, with possible extension up to three years in total. 
J1 and H1 visas can be processed for international candidates. We encourage 
all qualified applicants to apply, including women, African Americans, 
Hispanics and other minorities.

Completed applications must be submitted electronically through 
https://recruit.ap.uci.edu/apply/JPF03739 and must contain:
- Cover Letter (Required)
- Curriculum Vitae (Required)
- Research Statement (Required)
- Misc/Additional documents (Optional)
- Letters of recommendation (Up to 3 letters, all optional)


From: Guttman, Emma <emma.guttman@mountsinai.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 3:28 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Statistical/Math..., Mount Sinai Medical School

We would appreciate if you can post this add for a post doc experienced in 
statistical/math modeling of biological processes:

Our research made paradigm shifting discoveries on inflammatory skin 
diseases and particularly atopic dermatitis/eczema and now also on alopecia 
Areata, and rare diseases such as ichtyosis. The field of inflammatory skin 
disease is very hot now as these diseases are targeted now successfully by 
broad or even single cytokine targeting, reversing the clinical and tissue 
disease phenotypes. This leads to increasing bioinformatic and machine 
learning needs of transcriptomic, genomic disease phenotyping at baseline 
and after treatment responses with various treatments and prediction models 
of responders etc.

Our work involves a lot of computational biology/statistics and complex 
modeling and we are looking for a talented, productive and motivated post 
doc or staff scientist with extensive knowledge of R, gene expression and 
microarray analyses, and also preferably RNAseq analyses. The candidate 
should have strong computational skills, complex statistical tools, 
prediction models and also if possible machine learning.
The successful applicant will work in the laboratory for inflammatory skin 
diseases at Mount Sinai. A strong biology background is a plus.

We offer a great fostering environment and growth potential with a possible 
joint appointment in the bioinformatics institute at Mount Sinai. The 
candidate is also expected to have good writing capabilities, and a good 
publication track record, with at least few papers as first author, and 
excellent recommendations. We value a team player, as the work environment 
is very important. We have a diverse team of MDs, PhDs, MSc. and students 
with a great publication record as attached.
Visas will be offered for excellent candidates outside the US.
For further details please contact Dr. Emma Guttman at: 


From: Kristian Unger <unger@helmholtz-muenchen.de>
Date: Thu, Oct 27, 2016 at 4:45 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Integrative Bioinformatic..., HZM, Germany

Job offer Postdoc f/m for integrative bioinformatic analyses of head and 
neck cancer

Abteilung fur Strahlenzytogenetik

The Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen in Munich, Germany, is a member of one of the 
leading research associations in Europe - the Helmholtz Association of 
German Research Centers. The aim of our research is to proactively detect 
health risks involving humans and the environment, decoding the mechanisms 
of pathogenesis and developing concepts for prevention and therapy. In the 
framework of the Helmholtz initiative Personalized Medicine (iMed) a close 
collaboration between the Institute of Diabetes and Cancer, the Research 
Unit Radiation Cytogenetics and the Clinical Cooperation Group 
"Personalized Radiotherapy of Head and Neck Cancer" has been established. 
For an interdisciplinary research project we are searching for a Postdoc.

Postdoc f/m for integrative bioinformatic analyses of head and neck cancer

Job Description
- Preprocessing and analysis of high-dimensional data from different 
 molecular levels (miRNA, DNAmeth, RNAseq, DNAseq, arrayCGH)
- Association analyses of omics data with clinical data, in particular with 
 metabolic parameters, and subsequent prediction analyses with respect to 
 radiation therapy response
- Reconstruction and analysis of regulatory networks
- Establishment of cell culture models for the functional characterization 
 of candidate targets with an emphasis on metabolic dysfunctions

Your Qualifications
- PhD in biology, molecular biology, bioinformatic, biostatistics or in a 
 related discipline
- Experience in statistics and analysis of omics data
- Profound knowledge of techniques in molecular biology/cell biology is of 
- Excellent communication and teamwork skills
- Willingness for interdisciplinary work with the collaborating units

Our Offer
- Working in an innovative, well- equipped and scientifically stimulating 
- Further training opportunities
- Initial short-term employment contract for 2 years with a standard 
public service salary (TV EntgO Bund EG 13)

The activity involves special knowledge and experience specific to own 
scientific skills. The Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen as holder of the Bavarian 
Advancement of Women Prize and of the Total E-Quality Certificate is 
striving to increase the overall proportion of women on its staff and
thus expressly urges qualified women to apply. We are looking forward to 
receiving your comprehensive online application.

online application



From: Ivana Bozic <ivana.bozic@gmail.com>
Date: Sun, Oct 30, 2016 at 8:09 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Math Modeling of Cancer, U of Washington

The Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington 
invites applications for a Research Associate position in the research 
group of Dr. Ivana Bozic, working on mathematical modeling of cancer. The 
start date is between March 16 and September 16, 2017, based on mutual 
agreement. This full-time temporary postdoctoral position is renewable for 
a total duration of three years. Successful applicants are expected to 
engage in research and will enjoy a reduced teaching load of two 
one-quarter courses each academic year.

Requirements include (1) background and interest in mathematical or 
computational modeling of biological processes, cancer modeling or 
stochastic processes (2) a PhD in mathematics or applied mathematics or 
another area relevant to mathematical or computational modeling; (3) an 
ability and affinity for communicating ideas of mathematical modeling, in 
both research and teaching settings.

Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2016 and continue until 
the position is filled. The University of Washington is an affirmative 
action and equal opportunity employer. All qualified applicants will 
receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, 
religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, 
protected veteran or disabled status, or genetic information.

Please apply at: https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/9506

For further information about this position, please contact contact 
Dr. Ivana Bozic (ibozic@uw.edu).


From: Bihorel,Sihem <sihem.bihorel@cop.ufl.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 4:05 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Systems Pharmacology, CPSP, U of Florida

Post-doctoral Associate Position
Posting date: 10/31/2016
Position: Two years, full time, post-doctoral associate in translational 
systems pharmacology. The start date will be January 2017.
Department: Center for Pharmacometrics and Systems Pharmacology (CPSP) at 
Orlando, FL, University of Florida
Faculty member: Dr. Sihem Bihorel. MS., PharmD., PhD
Position description: The CPSP at Orlando, FL, is seeking a talented, 
highly motivated, and energetic post-doctoral associate with expertise in 
computational biology. The aim of the project is the development of a new 
mathematical, computational, and systems-level understanding of immunology 
and pharmacology. Progress in this area will have not only fundamental 
scientific impact but also accrue immediate, broad practical benefits for 
the discovery of new therapeutic agents and biomarkers.
During the two years training at the CPSP, the post-doctoral candidate will 
have the opportunity to gain a breadth of experience in:

- Development and qualification of Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) 
 models and bridging these models to clinical pharmacokinetic (PK) and 
 enhanced pharmacodynamic (ePD) models
- Development and evaluation of advanced numerical and computational 
 methods for QSP data analysis
- Development and qualification of novel visualization tools for QSP/PK/ePD 
- Report within the project in terms of written reports/publications and 
 oral presentations

Qualifications required:
- Candidate should have a doctoral degree (PhD) in Systems Biology/
 Pharmacology, Bioinformatics, Pharmacometrics, Computer Science, 
 Computational Biology, Biostatistics, Applied Mathematics, Theoritical 
 Biology, or related quantitative data-heavy discipline.
- Proficiency in one or more of these mathematical frameworks:  MATLAB, R, 
 and Monolix.
- Understanding of in vitro cell based experimental techniques such as 
 cellular and molecular biology, and pre-clinical/clinical pharmacokinetic-
 pharmacodynamic studies.
- Ability to work as part of a team and independently.
- Skillful English writing ability with first author publications in peer 
 reviewed journals.
- Strong oral communication skills.
- Interest in pursuing a career in QSP, Pharmacometrics, and/or clinical 
How to apply: Please send CV, a brief letter of interest, and the names 
and email addresses of three referees to Dr. Sihem Bihorel, MS., PharmD., 
PhD via e-mail to sihem.bihorel@cop.ufl.edu.

CPSP Overview: The CPSP (http://cpsp.pharmacy.ufl.edu/) is located in the 
University of Florida Academic & Research Center at the Lake Nona Medical 
City about 5 miles southeast of the Orlando International Airport. The 
CPSP provides an academic home to a multidisciplinary and integrative, 
quantitative clinical pharmacology program in drug development and 
regulatory science. Lake Nona Medical City: http://www.lakenona.com/medical-city
is a landmark for Orlando and a premier location for medical care, research 
and education. It is anchored by University of Central Florida Medical 
School, the Sanford-Burnham Medical Research Institute, the newest VA 
Medical Center in the country, the Nemours Children's Hospital, and the 
University of Florida Academic and Research Center.


From: Elisenda Feliu <efeliu@math.ku.dk>
Date: Mon, Oct 31, 2016 at 4:53 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Algebraic... Reaction Networks, U of Copenhagen

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at the research group 
"Mathematics of Reaction Networks": http://www.math.ku.dk/english/research/spt/reaction-networks/ 
at the Department of Mathematical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen, 
with start date September 2017 (negotiable). 

The position is on algebraic methods for the study of biochemical reaction 
networks. The ideal candidate holds a PhD in mathematics, preferrably in 
algebra related topics. Prior knowledge in biology is not required. The 
successful candidate will work under the supervision of Elisenda Feliu. For 
questions regarding this position, send an email to efeliu@math.ku.dk 

To apply, follow this link: 
Deadline: 4th December 2016


From: Alun Lloyd <alun_lloyd@ncsu.edu>
Date: Tue, Nov 1, 2016 at 11:02 AM
Subject: Postdoc Positions: Math Biology/Applied Math/Stat, NCSU

We are looking to hire two postdocs as part of an NSF-funded Research 
Training Group (RTG) in the mathematical sciences at North Carolina State 
University. Our program, titled "Parameter Estimation for Mechanistic 
Biological Models", focuses on mathematical modeling of biological systems 
and challenges that arise in confronting these models with real-world data. 
Mathematical and statistical questions of particular interest include 
parameter estimation, uncertainty quantification and experimental design. 
Biological emphases are broad and are not limited to any particular system 
or scale of organization, although current group members focus mostly on 
physiology (e.g. cardiovascular dynamics and tissue dynamics) and 
population biology (e.g. ecology, epidemiology, evolution and within-host 

Our RTG involves a number of projects, each of which involve vertically-
integrated teams of faculty, postdocs, graduate and undergraduate students. 
Each postdoc will have a primary advisor drawn from the RTG faculty, but 
will be expected to work with more than one of these groups and contribute 
to mentoring group members. Active participation in RTG activities, such as 
a seminar series and workshops, is expected. RTG postdocs will teach one 
course per semester for the mathematics department.

RTG appointments are for up to three years, conditional on satisfactory 
progress and availability of funds. All applicants must be US citizens, 
nationals or permanent residents, and either hold a PhD in the mathematical 
sciences (or in a related discipline) or be a graduate student who will 
complete such a PhD before taking up the position. Through the mathjobs.org 
system, applicants should submit a cover letter, CV, research statement, 
publication list and arrange to have three letters of recommendation 
submitted on their behalf. Appointments will start in August of 2017. We 
will begin considering applications immediately and will continue to review 
applications until available positions are filled.

See http://rtg.math.ncsu.edu for more details about our RTG and for further 
details of these positions. Inquiries may also be directed to Alun Lloyd 
(RTG Director): alun_lloyd@ncsu.edu. The direct link to mathjobs.org is: 


From: Griffith, Boyce Eugene <boyceg@email.unc.edu>
Date: Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:27 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Aortic Disease Modeling, UNC-Chapel Hill

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in aortic disease 
modeling at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. This position, 
which is available immediately, is part of an ongoing project to develop 
large-scale computational models of aneurysmal, dissecting, and dissected 
aortas, and applicants are sought with experience in damage and fracture 
mechanics, simulating tissue growth and remodeling, and/or high-performance 
scientific computing. Prior experience in a specific area is not required, 
however, and any applicant with a relevant background and interests will 
receive full consideration. Further information on this position and 
application instructions are available at https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/9612.

For additional information, please contact Boyce Griffith at 


From: Judy Day <judyday@utk.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 9:31 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Math Biology, U of Tennessee 

Please see details below about a new mathematical biology assistant 
professor position in UT's Math Department. Apply online at MathJobs.org

The Mathematics Department at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville seeks 
exceptional candidates to fill a tenure-track, assistant professor 
position in the area of mathematical biology. A PhD or equivalent degree 
in mathematics, mathematical biology, or mathematical sciences is required. 
Postdoctoral experience is preferred. Evidence of potential for excellence 
in research and high quality teaching is required. Review of applications 
will begin December 5, 2015, and continue until the position is filled. 
The University of Tennessee encourages applications from candidates who 
have the ability to contribute in meaningful ways to the diversity and 
intercultural goals of the University.

The University of Tennessee at Knoxville is the flagship university in the 
Tennessee state higher education system. In recent years, the Department 
of Mathematics has increased its research prominence both within the 
University and in the larger mathematical community. Opportunities exist 
to collaborate with researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) 
and the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis 
(NIMBioS). Candidates should apply via MathJobs.org, including curriculum 
vitae, description of their research accomplishments and plans, teaching 
statement, publication list, and three or more letters of reference. The 
letters should include one that addresses teaching. Candidates should also 
provide a cover letter specific to the University of Tennessee assistant 
professor position, including the names of faculty at the University of 
Tennessee with whom the applicant would like to have research interactions 
and any other reasons that this position is of interest to the applicant.


From: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
Date: Wed, Nov 2, 2016 at 9:19 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Microbial Systems Biology, NIMBioS

The Department of Microbiology and the National Institute for Mathematical 
and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) at the University of Tennessee, 
Knoxville invite applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the 
rank of Assistant Professor in the area of Microbial Systems Biology, with 
a primary appointment in Microbiology. We seek applicants whose research 
will center on modeling the metabolism, regulation, evolution, and other 
emergent properties of microbial systems on the intracellular, community, 
or ecosystem level. Such research should integrate multiple types of 
experimental data, possibly including biomolecular "omics" data, into a 
mathematical framework for microbial systems. It is anticipated that 
candidates will have experience and interests in the synthesis of 
experimental and observational data through quantitative modeling and 
theory: a competitive start-up for creating a mathematics or theory based 
research group to collaborate with empiricists will be available. The 
successful candidate will address questions that complement existing 
strengths in the Microbiology department, and the cross-disciplinary 
approaches supported by NIMBioS. There also exist opportunities to interact 
with groups and facilities in the nearby Oak Ridge National Laboratory.

A PhD in a computational, statistical or mathematical sciences or a 
biological field as well as relevant postdoctoral research experience are 
required. The successful candidate is expected to establish an innovative, 
externally-funded research program and contribute to the departmental 
teaching mission at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The position 
will start as early as August 1, 2017, and the salary will be competitive.

Applications should include a brief cover letter, CV with list of 
publications, a 2-3 page outline of research interests, and a separate 1-2 
page description of teaching interests. Please provide the contact 
information for three individuals who are familiar with the applicant and
 would be willing to provide letters of recommendation. Please email the 
application as a single pdf file to MicroNIMBioS@nimbios.org. Letters 
should be addressed to Dr. Steven Wilhelm, Professor of Microbiology, and 
informal inquiries may be sent to him at wilhelm@utk.edu. Review of 
applications will begin Dec 1, 2016 and will continue until the position 
is filled.

For more information, visit http://www.nimbios.org/positions/


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