Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest

SMB Digest  October 19, Volume 16  Issue 42
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Wandi Ding: ding.smb.digest(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
http://www.smb.org/ .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at
http://www.springer.com/11538 .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
   SMB President: Open Letter to the Mathematical, Computational...
   CfP: SMB Subgroup on Ecology and Evolution
   CfP: SMB Education Subgroup
   BigDat 2017: Bari, Italy, Feb 13-17, 2017
   Conference: Multi-Scale Evaluation..., NIMBioS, Feb 23-24, 2017
   CfP: 2017 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, 2017
   Keystone Symposia: FREE Panel Discussions on Autophagy and ncRNAs
   Keystone Symposia: Webcast: Genome Editing Revolution, Nov 10
   PhD Position: Modelling Infection and Immunity, Sydney Australia
   Postdoc Position: Computational Systems Biology, NIMBioS
   Postdoc Position: Modeling of Synthetic Gene..., U of Houston
   Postdoc Position: Numerical Modeling..., Imperial College, London
   Tenure-Track Position: Math Biology, U of Technology, Australia
   Faculty Position: Quantitative Biology, U of South Florida
   Faculty Position: Applied Math, Heriot Watt U, Edinburgh, UK
   Chief Position: Cancer Data Science Laboratory, NCI
   SMBnet Reminders


From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 9:49 PM
Subject: SMB President: Open Letter to the Mathematical, Computational...

Open Letter to the Mathematical, Computational and Theoretical Biology 

Dear Colleagues,

The Society for Mathematical Biology owns the copyright of our society 
journal: The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Like in any other scientific 
society, our official journal is an invaluable intellectual source for 
mathematical, computational and theoretical biology. At the same time, the 
Bulletin is the most valuable financial asset of the society; it has 
historically provided over 80% of the annual income of the society's 
operations. In practical terms, this means that the society has been 
funding its annual meetings, prizes, travel awards, and support for 
workshops around the world through the income of the Bulletin of 
Mathematical Biology royalties.

Unfortunately, our royalty income is currently under an imminent threat. 
In the modern online subscription system, the royalty income is 
proportional to the total number of papers published per year by a 
scientific journal. To remain profitable, the Bulletin of Mathematical 
Biology needs to increase the number of published papers by over 30%. In 
order to maintain the high quality of publications, the Bulletin has 
expanded its editorial scope and board in response to scientific changes 
in the field, and will be improving its handling workflow. The Bulletin 
is now accepting different type of articles for submission, which will 
allow a variety of academic manuscripts of importance to mathematical 
and quantitative biology to be published.

The society membership and mathematical biology community can demonstrate 
its support to the Society and field by submitting more papers to the 
Bulletin. The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology is the first and oldest 
journal in mathematical and theoretical biology. It is led by your peers, 
colleagues and mentors. The Bulletin is the mathematical and theoretical 
biology journal with the largest number of Highly Cited Papers indexed at 
the Essential Science Indicators of Institute for Scientific Information. 
Now, you can freely share a read-only version of your article through the 
"Springer Nature SharedIt!" initiative to make your research widely 

The Society has a strong international presence through its membership, 
and support of meetings across the world in mathematical and theoretical 
biology. We are proud to sponsor mathematical biologists, and inspire 
new research at the intersection of biology and mathematics.

I urge to support the Society for Mathematical Biology by submitting your 
papers to the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology!

Sincerely yours,

Santiago Schnell
President of the Society for Mathematical Biology


From: James Watmough <watmough@unb.ca>
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 1:06 PM
Subject: CfP: SMB Subgroup on Ecology and Evolution

If you are supportive of forming an SMB subgroup on Ecology and Evolution,
please sign the petition on the other end of this link


From: Will Heuett <wheuett@marymount.edu>
Date: Mon, Oct 17, 2016 at 10:46 AM
Subject: CfP: SMB Education Subgroup

The formation of SMB subgroups is intended to encourage participation of 
many society members and to provide a way to support participation of 
speakers in subgroup symposia at the Annual Meetings. If you are 
interested in the teaching and learning of topics in mathematical biology, 
please consider joining the SMB Education Subgroup by signing the 
petition here:



From: GRLMC <grlmc@grlmc.com>
Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 2:11 PM
Subject: BigDat 2017: Bari, Italy, Feb 13-17, 2017

February 13-17, 2017
Organized by: University of Bari "Aldo Moro"
Rovira i Virgili University

Early registration deadline: October 21, 2016


From: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 12:30 PM
Subject: Conference: Multi-Scale Evaluation..., NIMBioS, Feb 23-24, 2017

NSF INCLUDES Conference on Multi-Scale Evaluation in STEM Education, 
February 23-24, 2017.

Effective program evaluation is an essential component of STEM education 
and workforce development. The conference and associated events will 
enhance participants' abilities to develop an evaluation plan that meets 
the needs of an INCLUDES Alliance Project. Participants will include 
individuals involved in current INCLUDES 
(https://www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=505289) projects, those 
considering collaborating in such projects and STEM educators considering 
inclusion of formal evaluation in their projects. Examples of program 
evaluation developed by the program organizers are available at 

Webinar: Program Evaluation 101, 2 p.m. EST, Feb. 9
Location: Online

Pre-Conference Tutorial: Modern Methods in Program Evaluation, Feb. 22
Location: NIMBioS

Conference: Multi-Scale Evaluation in STEM Education, Feb. 23?24
Location: University of Tennessee Conference Center, Knoxville

Co-hosts: The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis 
(NIMBioS) and the National Institute for STEM Education and Research

Travel and local expenses support are available for those traveling from 
institutions in the United States and its territories. Those from non-U.S. 
institutions may apply to attend but no financial support is available.

Application deadline: November 21. Selected participants will be notified 
by December 9.  

For more details, including speakers, topics and the online application, 
visit http://www.nimbios.org/IncludesConf/


From: Adrianne P. Ali <Ali@siam.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 10:08 AM
Subject: CfP: 2017 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 10-14, 2017

2017 SIAM Annual Meeting

This meeting is being held jointly with the SIAM Conference on Industrial 
and Applied Geometry (GD17), July 10-12, and the SIAM Conference on Control 
and Its Applications (CT17), July 10-12.
This meeting is co-located with the SIAM Workshop on Parameter Space 
Dimension Reduction (DR17), July 9-10, and the SIAM Workshop on Network 
Science (NS17), July 13-14.

Location: David Lawrence Convention Center, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Dates: July 10-14, 2017
The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:
Twitter hashtag:

January 4, 2017: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
February 1, 2017: Contributed Lecture, Minisymposia, Poster and 
Minisymposteria Presentation Abstracts
January 20, 2017: SIAM Student Travel Award
Please visit http://www.siam.org/meetings/an17/submissions.php for 
detailed submission information.
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department 


From: <keystonesymposia@keystonesymposia.org>
Date: Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:35 PM
Subject: Keystone Symposia: FREE Panel Discussions on Autophagy and ncRNAs

Keystone Symposia Virtual Events: FREE Panel Discussions on Autophagy and 



From: <keystonesymposia@keystonesymposia.org>
Date: Sun, Oct 16, 2016 at 5:41 PM
Subject: Keystone Symposia: Webcast: Genome Editing Revolution, Nov 10

Register for Free Live Webcast Nov 10 on The Genome Editing Revolution:


From: Miles Davenport <mdavenport@kirby.unsw.edu.au>
Date: Tue, Oct 18, 2016 at 1:07 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Modelling Infection and Immunity, Sydney Australia

PhD scholarship $40,000 per annum: Mathematical modeling in infection and 
immunity, Infection Analytics Program, Kirby Institute, UNSW.

The Infection Analytics Program at the Kirby Institute is looking for 
talented students to join their team in Sydney, Australia, investigating 
immunity and vaccination for chronic infectious disease. Major current 
projects involve understanding the dynamics of "latent" infection in HIV, 
and how the immune system controls malaria infection. The group is an 
interdisciplinary team including applied mathematicians, physicists, and 
computer scientists, who collaborate widely with experimental groups 
around the world. The team uses mathematical modeling, statistical 
analysis, and computer simulation to understand immunity to infection. The 
scope of studies ranges from modeling immune kinetics in vivo, analysis 
of genetic evolution in HIV, to analysis of cohort data on malaria 
infection in the field. The group has a high publication output and a 
strong history in successful interdisciplinary training. It is an ideal
venue for students with a quantitative background (mathematics/physics/
statistics) aiming to either establish themselves or diversify their 
experiences in mathematical biology.

Applicants are sought for the prestigious UNSW Scientia PhD scholarships
from both local and International students for PhD studies. These
scholarships cover tuition and a stipend of $40,000 p.a.. PhD studies
generally last 3.5 years.

The scholarships are highly competitive. For local students, first class 
honours is usually required. For international students, a high GPA 
(first class honours or equivalent. High ranking in class) +/- 
publications are required.

More information on the group's research is available at the Infection
Analytics website:


Details of the scholarships are available at:


Applications for mid-2017 close on 11 November.

Interested students should forward a CV and outline of interests to 
Professor Miles Davenport (m.davenport@unsw.edu.au).


From: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 13, 2016 at 8:59 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Computational Systems Biology, NIMBioS

(NEW!) Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational Systems Biology at NIMBioS

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis(NIMBioS), 
located at the Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville, is currently accepting 
applications for a two-year postdoctoral fellowship in computational 
biology with an interest in using systems approaches to solve problems in 
cell biology, cancer biology, immunology or development biology.

Support: annual stipend of $51,000, full University of Tennessee employee 
fringe benefits, and an annual travel allowance of $3,000. 
Deadline: The deadline for fellowship research beginning as early as late 
spring 2017 is December 11, 2016. All letters of recommendation must be 
submitted before the request deadline.

How to apply: Follow the guidelines at http://www.nimbios.org/positions/

For more information, contact NIMBioS Deputy Director Chris Welsh at 


From: Kresimir Josic <josic@math.uh.edu>
Date: Sat, Oct 15, 2016 at 10:14 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Modeling of Synthetic Gene..., U of Houston 

We are seeking qualified applicants for a postdoctoral researcher to work 
on an NIH funded project to develop control systems for synthetic 
probiotic bacteria. Specifically, we seek a postdoctoral researcher to 
model the dynamics of synthetic gene circuits at the single cell and 
population levels. The position is part of a collaborative effort that 
involves experimental biologists and applied mathematicians: The successful 
applicant will work with the mathematicians K. Josic and W. Ott 
(University of Houston), and biologists M. Bennett (Rice University) and 
L. Swint-Kruse (University of Kansas) on modeling and developing new 
methods for transcriptional bacterial computing. The project will involve 
mathematical modeling, model analysis, data analysis, and regular 
interactions with experimental scientists. A PhD or equivalent degree in 
mathematics, physics or related field is required. We are especially 
interested in identifying candidates with a background in mathematical 
biology, nonlinear dynamics, and/or statistical physics.

Applicants must submit a cover letter, curriculum vita, a research 
statement, and three letters of recommendation to MathJobs.Org: 


For further information, please contact Dr. Ott Email: ott@math.uh.edu or 
Dr. Kresimir Josic: josic@math.uh.edu


From: Tweedy, Jennifer H <j.siggers@imperial.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 9:47 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Numerical Modeling..., Imperial College, London

Postdoctoral Research Associate / Assistant at Imperial College London
Two-year position
Deadline for applications: 28 October 2016

This project will focus on applying deep learning to improve numerical 
modelling in engineering and biology, with application to modelling 
patterns of electrical activity within heart tissue. The successful 
applicant will work primarily with the BICV Group of the Department of 
Bioengineering. The BICV Group has been using deep convolutional 
architectures for the analysis of spatial data for over 15 years, and has 
recently extended this work to include deep reinforcement learning and 
adversarial networks. The BICV Group sits within Bioengineering, which is 
home to over 30 academic staff with backgrounds in mathematics, physics, 
computer science, medicine and biology. 95% of Bioengineering's returned 
research is considered to be world-leading. The collaborating Departments 
include: Aeronautics, Computing, Mathematics and the National Heart and 
Lung Institutes.

You should have a good undergraduate degree/MSc in computer science, 
mathematics, physics or engineering, and have or be working towards a PhD 
in the area of machine learning, or a related topic (or equivalent). You 
will have previous experience in machine learning and preferably also deep 
learning. We would also expect that you have experience in writing and 
preparing scientific papers for publication as well as strong programming 
skills, including familiarity with appropriate tools such as version 

More information and to apply: http://www.bicv.org/ or contact Dr Anil 
Bharath a.bharath@imperial.ac.uk


From: Matthew Simpson <matthew.simpson@qut.edu.au>
Date: Wed, Oct 12, 2016 at 5:23 PM
Subject: Tenure-Track Position: Math Biology, U of Technology, Australia

Queensland University of Technology, Australia
School of Mathematical Sciences
Lecturer (tenure-track) in Mathematical Biology

The School of Mathematical Sciences: https://www.qut.edu.au/science-engineering/our-schools/school-of-mathematical-sciences
at Queensland University of Technology (https://www.qut.edu.au/) are 
recruiting a tenure-track lecturer (assistant professor) in Mathematical 
Biology. The position description can be obtained here: 
The deadline for applications is November 2, 2016. If you have any 
questions about the position please contact me: Matthew Simpson 


From: Fox, Gordon <gfox@usf.edu>  
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 12:01 PM
Subject: Faculty Position: Quantitative Biology, U of South Florida

Assistant or Associate Professor Position in Quantitative Biology

The Department of Integrative Biology at the University of South Florida 
(USF) is seeking applicants for a 9 month, full-time, tenure­ earning 
Assistant or Associate Professor position in Quantitative Biology. The 
research and graduate teaching foci of the successful applicant should 
include innovative applications of mathematical or statistical models to 
biological problems at any level of organization from ecosystems to genes. 
Applicants who develop quantitative approaches to important challenges in 
areas such as ecological or evolutionary biology, integration of 
empiricism and theory, systems biology, biological statistics, or other 
biological subdisciplines are particularly encouraged to apply. Applicants 
must have a PhD or equivalent degree and an appropriate track record in 
research that includes a demonstrated record of publications and other 
accomplishments consistent with an appointment as an Assistant or Associate 
Professor. Preference will be given to candidates with postdoctoral 
experience, who can teach graduate-level mathematical or statistical 
modeling and are collaborative. Salary is competitive and negotiable. 
Responsibilities of the successful applicant will include developing a 
productive, extramurally funded research program, teaching, and service to 
support the Department of Integrative Biology, which offers both MS and 
PhD degree programs. USF is classified as "R1: Research Universities 
(Highest research activity)" in the Carnegie Classification of Institutions 
of Higher Education.

Applicants should use the Online Application Link given below to submit an 
application as a single pdf file, which must include 1) a cover letter, 2) 
a curriculum vitae, 3) a research statement, 4) a teaching statement, and 
5) contact information, including email, for three references. For 
additional questions about this position contact Mary Parrish 
(mparrish@usf.edu). The committee will begin reviewing applications on 
November 11, 2016, but the position will remain open until filled.

Conclusion of this search is subject to final budget approval. According 
to Florida Law, applications and meetings regarding them are open to the 
public. USF is an Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Institution. For 
disability accommodations, contact Mary Parrish at 813/974-6210 or 
mparrish@usf.edu, a minimum of five working days in advance.

Online Application Link: 


From: Painter, Kevin <K.Painter@hw.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Oct 19, 2016 at 8:47 AM
Subject: Faculty Position: Applied Math, Heriot Watt U, Edinburgh, UK

Assistant Professor / Associate Professor / Professor in Applied 
Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Building on the outstanding REF2014 results in Mathematics and our 
excellent NSS outcomes, Heriot-Watt is looking to grow and complement its 
existing research and teaching capacity within mathematics. We are seeking 
to make at least two academic appointments to strengthen our research in 
the areas of applied mathematics, industrial mathematics, mathematical 
biology, mathematical ecology, computational mathematics, mathematical 
data science, stochastic modelling or uncertainty quantification. The role 
will also have a teaching responsibility.

We are particularly interested in individuals who can expand the profile 
of the research group in mathematical biology and ecology or who can 
exploit links to work on geosciences in the Lyell Centre.

This role is being recruited as part of Heriot-Watt's Global Platform 
Initiative which aims to increase the number of Research Leaders in the 
University by creating new posts when we identify the best talent. We will 
consider candidates at the level of Assistant Professor, Associate 
Professor or Professor, depending on experience

Applications for this vacancy should be made online through the Heriot-Watt 
University iRecruit system. Further details can be found at


Applications can be submitted up to midnight (UK time) 4th December. 

Informal enquiries regarding this position can be directed to Prof. Bernd 
Schroers, HoD.maths@hw.ac.uk


From: Arthur Sherman <arthurs@mail.nih.gov>
Date: Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Chief Position: Cancer Data Science Laboratory, NCI

Position Description:
The National Cancer Institute (NCI) is seeking a visionary scientist in 
cancer computational biology and data science to establish and lead the 
new Cancer Data Science Laboratory (CDSL) in the Center for Cancer 
Research (CCR), National Cancer Institute. The position of Chief is 
equivalent to that of an academic department chair.

Web Version: https://ccr.cancer.gov/careers/17215


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

To subscribe to the SMB Digest please point your browser at
and complete the subscription information.  Alternatively, if you prefer
to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to
    LISTSERV@listserv.biu.ac.il  with  "subscribe SMBnet Your Name"
in the body of the mail (omit the quotes and include your name).
After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional 

Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest should be sent to
    SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/pubs/fyi .

The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/digest/ .

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part 
with attribution.

End of SMB Digest
