Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest
SMB Digest October 12, Volume 16 Issue 41
ISSN 1086-6566
Editor: Wandi Ding: ding.smb.digest(at)gmail(dot)com
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .
Issue's Topics:
NIMBioS Live Stream: Mathematics: It's Knot..., Oct 27
PhD Short Course: Life2Math, Milano Italy, Nov 14-18
CfP: Conference: TPNC, Dec 12-13
Multiscale Biology Study Group, U of Birmingham, Dec 12-15
Keystone Symposia: Biobetters & Biologics..., Jan 22-26, 2017
MBI Workshop: Women Advancing Mathematical..., April 24-28, 2017
Conference: VipIMAGE, Porto, Portugal, Oct 18-20, 2017
NSF: Mathematical Sciences Innovation Incubator (MSII)
NIMBioS Bi-Monthly News
PhD Position: Computational HIV Immunology..., U of Zurich
Postdoc Position: Modelling of Biofilm, U of Dundee
4 Postdoc Positions: Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)
Postdoc Position: Planetary Health, Harvard U
Postdoc Position: Population Genetics..., Georgetown U
Tenure-Track Positions: Computational Biology, U of Colorado
Tenure-Track Position: Assistant Professor of Statistics, UMKC
Faculty Positions: College of Engineering, UIUC
SMBnet Reminders
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 10:18 AM
Subject: NIMBioS Live Stream: Mathematics: It's Knot..., Oct 27
Mathematics: It's Knot What You Think! A Virtual Math Meet-Up for
Live stream from 5:30-7 p.m. EDT, Thursday, October 27, 2016
Join two inspiring mathematicians ? Mariel Vazquez, 2016 Blackwell-Tapia
Award Winning Mathematician from the University of California-Davis, and
Jose Perea of Michigan State University, to learn about the fascinating
field of topology, the mathematical study of properties preserved through
deformations, twistings, and stretchings of objects. Experts in their field,
Vazquez and Perea will discuss their career paths and the exciting
applications of their work in pure mathematics, medicine, computers,
engineering and more! This free event will be streamed live, accompanied
by a live chat on Twitter using #nimbios. Visit
Your host: the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 11:44 AM
Subject: PhD Short Course: Life2Math, Milano Italy, Nov 14-18
it is a pleasure and a great honor for me to inform you that in the week
November 14th - November 18th 2016, the PhD Course:
will take place at the Dipartimento di Matematica, Politecnico di Milano,
Milano Italy.
LIFE2MATH is a unique blend of theoretical, computational and experimental
models in Life Sciences and
is primarily offered to all students of the PhD School of Politecnico.
Theoretical lectures will be held by worldwide recognized scientists in
the areas of Molecular Biology, Clinical Research in Ophthalmology,
Mathematical and Computational Modeling in Biomechanics, Mechanobiology
and Electronics.
For more detailed information on the course program and for registration
(without fee), you are welcome to connect to the link:
In the hope that LIFE2MATH may represent a concrete occasion of cultural
advancement, interdisciplinary development and international interaction,
we look forward to meeting all of you at the Dipartimento di Matematica
of Politecnico di Milano, Italy in the days 14 to 18 November of this year.
Date: Sat, Oct 8, 2016 at 2:09 AM
Subject: CfP: Conference: TPNC, Dec 12-13
The 5th International Conference on the Theory and Practice of Natural
Computing (TPNC 2016) invites researchers to submit poster presentations.
TPNC 2016 will be held in Sendai (Japan) on December 12-13, 2016. See
Poster presentations are intended to enhance informal interactions with
the conference participants, at the same time allowing for in-depth
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 11:24 AM
Subject: Multiscale Biology Study Group, U of Birmingham, Dec 12-15
A quick reminder that registration is currently open for the forthcoming
Multiscale Biology Study Group at the University of Birmingham 12th-15th
funded by the POEMS network and the UK Multi-Scale Biology Network, will
bring together biologists and clinicians with mathematicians to tackle
research questions posed by the experimentalists, following the successful
blueprint of the Mathematics in Medicine and Mathematics in the Plant
Registration is free for UK-based researchers, and covers accommodation
and subsistence for participants during the week. Limited travel funding
may be available on a case-by-case basis. Accommodation at the Ibis
Birmingham New Street can only be guaranteed for participants registering
before the 14th October. Any queries should be directed to
are encouraged to attend.
The call for problems is currently open, if you know of any experimental
researchers who may be interested, please direct them to
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 5:37 PM
Subject: Keystone Symposia: Biobetters & Biologics..., Jan 22-26, 2017
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 2:04 PM
Subject: MBI Workshop: Women Advancing Mathematical..., April 24-28, 2017
Applications are now being accepted for the workshop "Women Advancing
Mathematical Biology: Understanding Complex Systems with Mathematics"
which will be held at the Mathematical Biosciences Institute on April
24-28, 2017. Applications received by December 10, 2016 will receive
priority. This workshop will tackle a variety of biological and medical
questions using mathematical models to understand complex system dynamics.
Working in collaborative teams of 4-5, each with a senior research mentor,
participants will spend a week making significant progress with a research
project and foster innovation in the application of mathematical,
statistical, and computational methods in the resolution of significant
problems in the biosciences.
For more information on the workshop and application instructions go to:
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 2:14 PM
Subject: Conference: VipIMAGE, Porto, Portugal, Oct 18-20, 2017
We are pleased to announce the International Conference VipIMAGE 2017 -
2017, in Axis Vermar Conference & Beach Hotel, Porto, Portugal.
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 6:47 PM
Subject: NSF: Mathematical Sciences Innovation Incubator (MSII)
An NSF funding opportunity update is now available:
Mathematical Sciences Innovation Incubator (MSII)
Please see
for details.
Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 2:51 PM
Subject: NIMBioS Bi-Monthly News
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)
bi-monthly news:
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 3:23 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Computational HIV Immunology..., U of Zurich
PhD position: Computational HIV Immunology and Epidemiology at the
University of Zurich.
We are looking for a highly motivated PhD-Student with a strong
quantitative/computational background to work on a project at the interface
of bioinformatics, virology, evolutionary biology, and the immunology of
HIV. The project is based on unique genomic, immunological and clinical
The project will combine computational modeling with the analysis of
complex clinical and immunological data in order understand HIV
transmission and especially the role of the immune response in limiting
transmission. Overall, this interdisciplinary work will provide insights
into the clinical and epidemiological impact of immune diversity with
implications for vaccine design but also an ideal real-world, clinically
relevant example for evolution in action.
The candidate should have in addition to a strong computational background,
skills to deal with complex and diverse data, and a strong interest in
infectious-diseases and evolution. The PhD student will carry out his
project in the context of the University of Zurich?s Research Priority
Program "Evolution in Action: From Genomes Ecosystems"
this project since they provide the necessary clinical and evolutionary
background. The student will work on a range of specified research
projects, but will also be highly encouraged and expected to develop and
investigate his/her own research questions.
The applicant should hold a Masters degree in a discipline relevant to the
project (e.g. Evolutionary Biology, Epidemiology, Statistics, Mathematics,
Biomedical Sciences, Physics, Computer Science). The PhD will take place
within the the Life Science Zurich Graduate School (run jointly by the
University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich). Research will be conducted at
the Division of Infectious Diseases at the University Hospital of Zurich;
University of Zurich (supervision: Roger Kouyos). The Division of
Infectious Diseases provides a highly interdisciplinary and translational
research environment with links both to clinical practice and basic
science. Moreover, we are strongly interconnected with a variety of other
research institutes in Zurich and beyond. In particular, we maintain
strong collaborations with the Institute of Medical Virology at the
University of Zurich, and the Institutes of Theoretical Biology and
Computational Biology at the ETH Zurich.
Applicants should send a cover letter, a detailed CV, and contact
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 8:12 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Modelling of Biofilm, U of Dundee
Postdoctoral Research Assistant (Modelling of Biofilm)
An exciting opportunity for a mathematical modeller/computational physicist
to work in a multidisciplinary team on bacterial biofilms in one of
Europe's strongest life sciences research environments.
Bacterial biofilms have a profound significance in both in infections and
in biotechnological applications.
A major award has been made by the UK science agency BBSRC (the
Biotechnology and Biosciences Research Council) to a team led by Professor
Nicola Stanley-Wall that has been carefully assembled to combine skills in
molecular microbiology and biofilm formation rheology, optical imaging,
protein self-assembly, biopolymers, mathematical modelling, and
carbohydrate chemistry that will lead to a complete quantitative
description of a bacterial biofilm.
The successful applicant for this specific post will work with Prof
Stanley-Wall and Prof Fordyce Davidson to develop an enhanced understanding
of the physico-mechanical properties of the biofilm matrix through a
combination of mathematical modelling and laboratory experiments. The
applicant will work in collaboration with the other researchers in the
consortium to place this information into an overarching model of biofilm
structure, function and dynamics.
A background in mathematical modelling using a range of computational
techniques is essential and candidates with experience in modelling
mechanical properties of soft matter are particularly well-suited.
Experience in conducting laboratory experiments would be ideal but not
necessary. However, a willingness to learn and engage across disciplines
is essential and relevant training will be provided.
This position is available for 3 years in the first instance.
How to apply:
The University of Dundee is a diverse community and is committed to
equality of opportunity for all by providing a supportive, flexible and
inclusive working environment. We have family friendly policies (including
flexible working and childcare vouchers), staff groups for LGBT and BME;
and prayer room facilities.
The University of Dundee has received the Athena SWAN Bronze Award
promotion of gender equality and has made further commitment to advancing
inclusive culture which supports and encourages all under-represented
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 11:31 AM
Subject: 4 Postdoc Positions: Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM)
whose mission is to develop high quality interdisciplinary research in the
frontiers of Applied Mathematics, has opened the following positions:
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Harmonic Analysis and Differential Equations
Postdoctoral Fellowship in CFD Computational Technology: Cloud HPC
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Mathematical Modelling in Biosciences
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Fluid Mechanics
Deadline for submission: November 4th, 2016, 14:00 [UTC/GMT + 1 hour]. All
We kindly ask you to distribute this call among colleagues and potential
candidates. Please, do not hesitate to contact us if you need further
Aditionally, we would like to announce that the PhD International Call La
Caixa 2017 will be opened shortly, planned on November 7, 2016. The call
will offer up to 57 PhD grants at Severo Ochoa Excellence Research Centers.
The call will be open to students of any nationality. All the information
about this call will be published at the website
Finally, the M2SI group of the University of the Basque Country that
collaborates with BCAM in the "Simulation of Wave Propagation" research
line is searching for a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Computational and
Applied Mathematics: Efficient simulation of geophysical electromagnetic
measurements using a dimensionally adaptive high-order finite element
method. The postdoctoral fellow will work on the development of a parallel
implementation of a dimensionally adaptive high-order finite element
software that is capable of efficiently combining 1D, 2D, and 3D subdomains
within the same wave propagation problem. Deadline for applications:
Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2016 at 12:44 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Planetary Health, Harvard U
Hello, I wanted to send along a post-doctoral fellowship opportunity here
at Harvard University that I am helping to administer. The fellowship is
for residence at Harvard to work with faculty member(s) of their choice
and to do independent research in the field of planetary health, a topic
recently framed as a new discipline in global health
Those interested can visit the Planetary Health Alliance website
will accept two post-doctoral fellows each year for the next two years so
please keep this opportunity in mind.
The application can be found here:
Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 1:40 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Population Genetics..., Georgetown U
A postdoctoral fellowship is available in the mathematical modeling of
population genetics of invasive species. The successful candidate should
have a strong background in mathematical analysis as well as programming
experience and demonstrated interest in developing biological models.
The postdoctoral fellow should have a Ph.D in mathematics, applied
mathematics or mathematical biology and good writing skills. Interested
applicants should submit a CV, short statement of interest, and names and
contact information for three references to Prof. Judith Miller at
subject line.
Georgetown University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer
fully dedicated to achieving a diverse faculty and staff. All qualified
candidates are encouraged to apply and will receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, sex, sexual orientation, age, religion,
national origin, marital status, veteran status, disability or other
categories protected by law.
Date: Mon, Oct 10, 2016 at 10:25 AM
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions: Computational Biology, U of Colorado
Multiple Tenure-Track Professor Positions in Computational Biology at the
University of Colorado BioFrontiers Institute.
The BioFrontiers Institute at the University of Colorado Boulder is pleased
to announce a new faculty hiring initiative in Computational Biology. We
are building a community of scientists and engineers focused on
ground-breaking research at the intersection of the biological sciences and
computer science. Through a partnership of the BioFrontiers Institute
in the College of Engineering and Applied Science
we will recruit multiple faculty at the assistant, associate and full
professor ranks for tenure-track positions in computational biology,
broadly defined. We seek creative, highly motivated individuals who will
thrive in our interdisciplinary research environment and who will build new
research collaborations across disciplines. Each new faculty member will
develop an independent, internationally recognized research program that
is synergistic with other programs of the University of Colorado community.
We encourage applications from groups of scholars who are interested in
co-locating in Boulder.
Duties will include research, teaching and service. Candidates must have a
Ph.D. and a demonstrated commitment to teaching at undergraduate and
graduate levels. Faculty hired through this initiative could hold a Marvin
H. Caruthers Endowed Chair for Early Career Faculty for a period of three
Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2016. All applications
received by November 1 will receive full consideration. Review of
applications will continue until the positions are filled. The
University of Colorado Boulder conducts background checks for all final
applicants. As an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, the
University of Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in education
and employment and sensitive to the needs of dual-career couples.
Application materials are accepted electronically at
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 11:21 AM
Subject: Tenure-Track Position: Assistant Professor of Statistics, UMKC
Assistant Professor of Statistics
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Missouri
- Kansas City (UMKC) invites applications for a nine-month, tenure-track
assistant professor position in Statistics to begin on August 15, 2017.
Candidates must have a Ph.D. in Statistics, Biostatistics, or a related
field prior to August 31, 2017. While all research areas will be
considered, statisticians whose research is focused on biostatistics,
bioinformatics, biomedical big data analysis, or Bayesian statistical
methodology are especially encouraged to apply.
Candidates must have excellent written and verbal communication skills and
must demonstrate strong potential to succeed in both teaching and research.
The selected candidate for this position will contribute to the
Department's efforts of enhancing collaborative research in the spirit of
the University's interdisciplinary Ph.D. program. Responsibilities of this
position include advising students, conducting research in statistics
and/or biostatistics, teaching undergraduate and graduate statistics
courses, and providing service to the field, the Department, the College
of Arts and Sciences, and to the University.
UMKC is an equal access, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer
that is fully committed to maintaining a diverse faculty and staff.
UMKC recognizes that a diverse faculty, staff, and student body enriches
the educational experiences of the entire campus and the greater community.
In support of this objective, UMKC is committed to recruiting and retaining
faculty, staff, and students who will further enrich our campus diversity
and making every effort to support their academic, professional, and
personal success.
Application Instructions:
Applications are accepted only via online submission. To apply, please go
to the UMKC job postings website and search for position number ID # 21242.
Please upload a cover letter, a curriculum vitae (CV), a statement of
teaching philosophy, teaching evaluations (where applicable), a research
statement, and a list of three references and their full contact
information. In addition, please have your references send their
recommendation letters(one of which should address teaching effectiveness)
Review of applications will begin on December 1, 2016 and will continue
until the position is filled.
Date: Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 6:07 PM
Subject: Faculty Positions: College of Engineering, UIUC
Faculty Positions (All Ranks), Department of Mechanical Science and
Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (95601338)
The Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at the University of
Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invites applications for multiple faculty
positions in all ranks. Emphasis is on the areas of (i) manufacturing and
(ii) energy and sustainability; however, excellent candidates will be
considered in all areas related to mechanical science and engineering.
Successful candidates are expected to teach at the undergraduate and
graduate levels, establish and maintain active research programs, and
provide service to the department, the university, and the profession.
The department has top-ranked graduate and undergraduate programs in
mechanical engineering, engineering mechanics, and theoretical and applied
mechanics. Our faculty and students have access to world-class
interdisciplinary opportunities, including extensive state-of-the-art
facilities housed on campus. These facilities include the Frederick Seitz
Materials Research Laboratory, the Beckman Institute, the Coordinated
Science Laboratory, the Micro and Nanotechnology Laboratory, the National
Center for Supercomputing Applications, the Carver Biotechnology Laboratory
and the Institute for Genomic Biology. Information about the department
Senior qualified candidates will also be considered for tenured full
professor positions as part of the Grainger Engineering Breakthroughs
Initiative, which is backed by a $100-million gift from the Grainger
Foundation. More information regarding this unique opportunity can be found
A doctoral degree is required, and salary is commensurate with
qualifications and experience. Applications received by December 4, 2016,
will receive full consideration. Early applications are encouraged.
Interviews may take place before the given date; applications received
after that date may be considered until positions are filled. The expected
start date of a position offered/accepted through this search is August 16,
2017, but other start dates will be considered.
A complete application includes curriculum vitae, teaching and research
statements, cover letter, and the names and contact information of four
references. Applicants should submit this information in .pdf format. All
requested information must be submitted for an application to be considered.
For further information regarding application procedures, please address
The University of Illinois has an active and successful dual-career partner
placement program with strong commitment to work-life balance and family-
The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all job
candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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and complete the subscription information. Alternatively, if you prefer
to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to
in the body of the mail (omit the quotes and include your name).
After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional information.
Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest should be sent to
SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .
Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at
The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part with
End of SMB Digest