SMB Digest     October 5, 2016   Volume 16 Issue 40
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Richard Schugart richard(dot)schugart(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page, .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
         SMB: 2016 Election Results
         SMB: Call for Sub-Groups
         Conference: SMB Annual Meeting, Jul 17-20, Salt Lake City, US
         Webcast: Noncoding RNAs: Current & Future Trends, ePanel w/ Q&A
         Southern-Summer School: Math Bio., Jan 16-27, São Paulo, Brazil
         Conference: Health Disparities, March 16-18, Xavier U of LA, US
         ToC: Systems Biology and Medicine, Early View
         Springer: Submit to São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences
         Springer: New Book Alert
         StochSS: Stochastic Simulation Service Version 1.8
         Post-docs: Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State U, US
         Post-docs: Stanford Cancer Systems Biology Scholars Program, US
         PhD Positions: Collective Escape in Birds, U Groningen, NL
         Tenure-Track Position: Biomath, Florida State U, US
         Tenure-Track Position: Statistics, Illinois State U, US
         Tenure-Track/Tenured Positions: Bioengineering, U Illinois, US
         Faculty Positions: Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology U
         Positions: Cancer Diagnostics Company, Iowa, US
         MBI: Early Career Award, Mathematical Biology
         NSF: Seeking 2017 Graduate Research Program Panelists
         NSF: Designing Materials to Revolutionize & Engineer our Future
         NSF: Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science
         NIH: Better Clinical Trials; Relative Citation Ratio; SBIR/STTR
         NIH: Requests for Applications for the BRAIN Initiative
         CfP: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Proposals
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:23 PM
Subject: SMB: 2016 Election Results

The Society for Mathematical Biology members elected Denise Kirschner
from the University of Michigan to the office of President-Elect in this
year's elections. She assumed that office at the 2016 Annual Meeting at
Nottingham, UK. Her term as President will begin at the end of the 2017
Annual Meeting of the Society at the University of Utah in Salt Lake
City, Utah.

Elected to the Board of Directors were Ruth Baker (University of
Oxford), Janet Best (The Ohio State University), and Amber Smith (St.
Jude Children's Research Hospital). Each will serve a four-year term,
which began at the 2016 Annual Meeting at Nottingham, UK.

We are very grateful to Fred Adler (University of Utah) for his service
as President and Past-President of the Society, and Alexander R. A.
Anderson (Moffitt Cancer Center), Meghan Burke (Kennesaw State
University), and Eric N. Cytrynbaum (University of British Columbia)
for their service on the Board of Directors.

The Society is fortunate to have had such a strong slate of candidates
for all of the positions and is indebted to the Society members who
agreed to run in this election. Thank you to all of the members who
participated in this election by casting their votes.


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:25 PM
Subject: SMB: Call for Sub-Groups

Call for SMB Sub-Groups

The Society for Mathematical Biology Annual Meetings can be organized
around thematic subjects, which often discourages the participation of
many society members. This summer, the Elected Board of Directors
decided to establish SMB subgroups. The Society's subgroups will allow
members to meet and interact in smaller, focused groups at the annual
meeting. Subgroups will hold scientific symposia and business meetings
each year during the first day of the Annual Meeting. The Society's
subgroups will receive support to partially sponsor the participation of
speakers in the subgroup symposia at the Annual Meeting.

The Elected Board of Directors is now making an open call to establish
SMB subgroups. The subgroup will be charged with the advancement and
dissemination of knowledge of a specific area of mathematical biology
within the Society. The Board of Directors will consider establishing a
SMB subgroup upon receiving an official online petition made by at least
30 regular members. The petition requires:
1. Subgroup Name
2. Subgroup Objective
3. Name of first tentative chair and alternate chair of subgroup
4. Preliminary Membership signed by at least 30 regular members

The petition can be made through Google Docs or an online petition
website. The deadline to submit the completed online petition is
November 15th, 2016. Please submit your petition to the SMB Secretary
Dr. Amina Eladdadi (E-mail: If you have any
questions about this initiative, please feel free to contact me.

Santiago Schnell
President, Society for Mathematical Biology


From: Fred Adler <>
Date: Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 2:20 PM
Subject: Conference: SMB Annual Meeting, Jul 17-20, Salt Lake City, US

Mark your calendars for the 2017 Society for Mathematical Biology Annual
meeting, to be held on the University of Utah campus in Salt Lake City
from July 17-20. In addition to our typical outstanding lineup of
minisymposia and contributed talks, the meeting features five plenary

 - Marissa Baskett
 - Mark Chaplain
 - Jonathan Dushoff
 - Mimi Koehl
 - Atsushi Mochizuki

and three prize talks

 - Arthur T. Winfree Prize
 - Akira Okubo Prize
 - Leah Edelstein-Keshet

Other events include a reception and poster session at the beautiful
Natural History Museum of Utah on Monday July 17, the banquet in the
stunning upstairs of Rice-Eccles Stadium on Wednesday July 19,
and a free afternoon on Tuesday July 18 for field trips in the area.

The preliminary web site is up at

and keep watching as the links for housing, abstract submission, field
trips, and answers to FAQs are activated.


From: keystonesymposia <>
Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 5:42 PM
Subject: Webcast: Noncoding RNAs: Current & Future Trends, ePanel w/ Q&A



From: Jandira Ferreira de Oliveira <>
Date: Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 4:01 PM
Subject: Southern-Summer School: Math Bio., Jan 16-27, São Paulo, Brazil

We are glad to announce that online application is open until
November 11, 2016 for the VI ICTP-SAIFR Southern-Summer School on
Mathematical Biology, which will take place at ICTP-SAIFR at the UNESP
campus in São Paulo, Brazil, in January 16-27, 2017.

This school is aimed at graduate students in Physics, Mathematics,
Ecology and Epidemiology, having at least a basic knowledge of calculus
and differential equations. The first week will be a basic course on
population biology, which also includes modelling exercises. The second
week will be an advanced school on up-to-date topics in ecology and
evolution. Candidates may apply either for one or two weeks.
Undergraduate students with exceptional records are also encouraged to
apply. Limited funds are available for travel and local expenses. There
is no registration fee.

More information at:


From: XULA-COP Conference Organizer <>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 5:35 PM
Subject: Conference: Health Disparities, March 16-18, Xavier U of LA, US



From: Systems Biology and Medicine <>
Date: Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 1:26 PM
Subject: ToC: Systems Biology and Medicine, Early View



From: Springer Mathematics <>
Date: Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 2:45 AM
Springer <>
Subject: Springer: Submit to São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences

Invitation to submit to the São Paulo Journal of Mathematical Sciences

We invite you to take a closer look at the São Paulo Journal of
Mathematical Sciences

This is an international peer-reviewed journal that publishes
high-quality original articles and selected survey papers in all areas
of pure and applied mathematics, statistics and computer science.


From: Springer <>
Date: Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 9:24 PM
Springer <>
Subject: Springer: New Book Alert

Mathematical and Computational Biology

A First Course in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy Dynamical Systems, and
Book Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, Vol. 347
de Barros, Laécio Carvalho; Bassanezi, Rodney Carlos; Lodwick,
Weldon Alexander


From: Linda Petzold <>
Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 3:40 PM
Subject: StochSS: Stochastic Simulation Service Version 1.8

We are pleased to announce the release of StochSS Version 1.8!

StochSS: Stochastic Simulation Service, is an integrated development
environment for modeling and simulation of discrete stochastic
biochemical systems. An easy to use GUI enables researchers to quickly
develop and simulate biological models on a desktop or laptop, which can
then be expanded or combined to incorporate increasing levels of
complexity. As the demand for computational power increases, StochSS is
able to seamlessly scale up by deploying cloud computing resources. The
software currently supports simulation of ODE and well-mixed discrete
stochastic models, parameter estimation of discrete stochastic models,
and simulation of spatial stochastic models.

New capabilities of Version 1.8 include:
-Parameter Sweep tool facilitates 1D/2D parameter sweeps for all models
-Integration of Jupyter Notebooks on job result pages for
post-processing analysis
-Status page updates for filtering and automatic forwarding of
running->finished jobs

For more details and instructions on how to obtain the code, visit us at


From: Tony Nance <>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 7:58 AM
Subject: Post-docs: Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State U, US

MBI Postdoctoral Fellows

Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) is accepting applications for
Postdoctoral Fellows to start September 2017.

MBI postdoctoral fellows engage in a two-year integrated program of
tutorials, working seminars, workshops, and interactions with their
mathematical and bioscience mentors. These activities are geared toward
providing the tools to pursue an independent research program with an
emphasis on collaborative research in the mathematical biosciences. MBI
facilitated activities are tailored to the needs of each postdoctoral

Applying for an MBI Postdoctoral Fellowship:
Applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship completed before
December 5, 2016 will receive full consideration.

Applications for an MBI Postdoctoral Fellowship should be submitted .

For additional information please contact Rebecca Martin
or 614-688-3519 ) or visit .

MBI receives major funding from the National Sciences Foundation
Division of Mathematical Sciences and is supported by The Ohio State
University. Mathematical Biosciences Institute adheres to AA/EOE


From: Theresa McCann-Packer <>
Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 12:37 PM
Subject: Post-docs: Stanford Cancer Systems Biology Scholars Program, US

Stanford Cancer Systems Biology Scholars (CSBS) Program
Postdoctoral Training in Systems Biology of Cancer
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA

Program Director: Sylvia Plevritis, PhD
Co-Program Director: Garry Nolan, PhD

The Stanford Cancer Systems Biology Scholars (CSBS) Program is a
multidisciplinary training program for cancer and biocomputational
researchers who want to embark on a systems biology approach to discover
clinically-relevant cellular and molecular networks underlying cancer
risk, initiation, progression and treatment response. With funding from
the National Cancer Institute (NCI), we are able to offer the CSBS
Program to well-qualified applicants from various backgrounds:
(1) cancer biologists who want to be cross-trained in computational
sciences and (2) computational scientists who want to be cross-trained
in cancer biology. CSBS is a two-year postdoctoral training program
focused on innovative, multidisciplinary cancer research education that
seamlessly integrates experimental and computational biology in order to
systematically unravel the complexity of cancer. We bring together 30
faculty mentors from 19 departments. Funding is available for salary,
supplies, and travel. Applicants must have an MD or PhD.

Application deadline: October 31st, 2016 for a start date in September

(Priority will be given to applications received by October 31.
Applications received after October 31 will be considered until
positions are filled.)

For application information and form:

Inquiries to Theresa McCann:


From: Hemelrijk, C.K. <>
Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 9:12 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: Collective Escape in Birds, U Groningen, NL

How to apply
Applications, including a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a
list of publications (if any), a list of examination marks, and the
contact information of three academic referees, must be submitted online
until 31 October / before 1 November 2016 Dutch local time by means of
the application form (click on "Apply" below on the advertisement on the
university website, or ).

The position will remain open until filled. All applications received by
1 November 2016 will be given full consideration.

For additional details, see


From: Richard Bertram <>
Date: Sun, Oct 2, 2016 at 7:45 AM
Subject: Tenure-Track Position: Biomath, Florida State U, US

Applications are invited for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position
in Biomathematics at Florida State University, beginning August, 2017.
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in mathematics and postdoctoral
experience in some area of biomathematics. Florida State University is
one of two flagship research universities in the State University System
of Florida, with over 40,000 students in the main campus of Tallahassee.
Tallahassee is located in north Florida and has a population of roughly
190,000. It is adjacent to the Apalachicola National Forest and about
twenty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico, with easy access to pristine
beaches and other natural habitats. Tallahassee has a warm climate, with
an annual average high temperature of 80 degrees Fahrenheit and an
annual average low temperature of 56 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Mathematics Department offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees in
biomathematics, as well as degrees in several other areas of
mathematics. The biomathematics curriculum includes courses within
mathematics as well as courses offered in other departments. There are
currently 30 undergraduate majors and 28 MS or PhD students enrolled in
the biomathematics program. With 6 faculty, the biomathematics program
is one of the largest in the country. See for more information.

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research
and teaching statements, and four letters of recommendation (at least
one of the letters should address the candidate's teaching capability).
They should be submitted electronically through
Reference letter writers should also be asked to submit their letters
online through Screening of applications will begin on
November 1, 2016, so applications and reference letters should be
uploaded by this date to ensure full consideration.

Florida State University is an Equal Opportunity/Access/Affirmative
Action/Pro Disabled & Veteran Employer. Candidates from underrepresented
groups are encouraged to apply. FSU's Equal Opportunity Statement can be
viewed at:


From: Xu, Maochao <>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 9:41 AM
Subject: Tenure-Track Position: Statistics, Illinois State U, US

Assistant Professor of Statistics Announcement

The Mathematics Department at Illinois State University is seeking
applications for a tenure-track faculty position in Statistics beginning
August 16, 2017.

Qualifications: A Ph.D. in Mathematics, Actuarial Science, Statistics,
or an Actuarial-Science-related area is required. ABDs will also be
considered as long as a PhD. is conferred in Mathematics, Actuarial
Science, Statistics, or in an Actuarial-Science-related area prior to
the start date of employment. State law mandates demonstrable oral
proficiency in the English language as a requirement for this position.

Responsibilities: The person selected will be expected to teach a
variety of statistics courses, maintain an active research program, and
support the Statistics Program and Actuarial Program in the Department.
Refereed research publications, quality teaching and professional
service are required for tenure.

Rank and Salary: Rank is at Assistant Professor. Salary will be
commensurate with qualification and experience.

Department and Programs: The Mathematics Department offers Bachelor's
and Master's degrees in mathematics, and a Ph.D. degree in mathematics
education. Within the Bachelor's program there are sequences in
mathematics, mathematics education, statistics, and actuarial science.
The Master's program offers specializations in statistics, actuarial
science, biomathematics, mathematics, and mathematics education. Consult
the department web site at for more information.
Illinois State University is a Center of Actuarial Excellence.

The University and Community: Illinois State University, with more than
20,000 students, is a state-supported, multi-purpose institution located
in Bloomington-Normal, a fast-growing community located midway between
Chicago and St. Louis.

To Apply: Applicants should complete the online application at the
Illinois State University website: via posting number
0708628 and include a letter of interest, graduate transcripts,
curriculum vitae, teaching statement, and research statement.

Additionally, please arrange three letters of recommendation by December
15, 2016, to: Illinois State University: Statistics Position, Ms. Julie
Lappin, Department of Mathematics, Campus Box 4520, Normal, IL
61790-4520. E-mail: FAX: (309) 438-5866.

Review of applications will start on December 15, 2016, and continue
until the position is filled. To assure full consideration, application
materials should be received by December 15, 2016. However, later
submissions may be considered if the position remains unfilled.

For Additional Information on the position contact: Ms. Julie Lappin Phone: (309) 438-8781.

Illinois State University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
Minority/Female/Disability/ Veteran.

If you are an individual with a disability and need a reasonable
accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) or other
state or federal law you may request an accommodation by contacting
Shelly Costa, Assistant Director in the Office of Equal Opportunity and
Access at 309-438-3383 or visit

If you are having difficulty accessing the system, please call Human
Resources at (309) 438-8311.


From: Mel Mark Jaime <>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 1:38 PM
Subject: Tenure-Track/Tenured Positions: Bioengineering, U Illinois, US

Job Title: Professor (Open Rank) - Department of Bioengineering
Company Name: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Location: Urbana, Illinois, United States, 61801

Professor (Open Rank)
Department of Bioengineering
College of Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

The Department of Bioengineering at the University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) seeks full-time senior and junior faculty for
tenured or tenure-track positions, in the following areas:

Translational Bioengineering (in collaboration with new
Engineering-Based Carle Illinois College of Medicine, and the Healthcare
Engineering Systems Center)
-Wearable and implantable devices that track physiological information
for personalized medicine.
-Big data/machine learning methods applied to task-based feature
selection and medical decision making that informs prevention,
diagnosis, and treatment planning and assessments.
-Human-system modelers that describe patient health trajectories and
treatment options.
-Advanced robotic techniques for diagnostic sensing, medical imaging and
surgical interventions.

Neuro-engineering (in collaboration with Carle Foundation Hospital,
Beckman Institute, and Institute for Genomic Biology)
-Highly collaborative engineer developing technologies for real-time,
non-invasive measurements of brain processes and cognition. Strong
technical skills are required but with knowledge and interest in
application areas that are local strengths: plasticity, interventions,
or modeling across all spatial scales.
-Bio-inspired and brain machine interface devices, from molecular to
macro scale.
-Next-gen electrophysiological measurement: wireless, energy-efficient
monitoring of electrical activity in the brain of humans from traumatic
brain injury, epilepsy, or other pathology. Novel devices, materials,
and signal processing for understanding the brain and its dysfunctions.
-Faculty with highly innovative approaches to modeling brain function.

Computational Systems Biology and Genomics (in collaboration with
Institute for Genomic Biology and the National Center for Supercomputing
-Microbiome: Computational biologist developing dynamical models of
microbial communities. Connections with new IGB theme at
-Big Data in genomics: computational biologist working on cutting-edge
algorithms to analyze next generation sequencing data, including data
from cancer and phylogenomics projects to construct predictive
statistical models; e.g., see Mayo-UIUC/NCSA project:
-Systems biology: computational biologist working on the analysis of
functional genomics data or whole cell modeling. Possible cluster hire
within the neuroscience area and connection to IGB themes.

Please visit the website to view the complete
position announcement and application instructions. Applications
received prior to January 15, 2017 will receive full consideration.

The University of Illinois conducts criminal background checks on all
job candidates upon acceptance of a contingent offer.

Illinois is an EEO Employer/Vet/Disabled - and committed to a family-friendly
environment (


From: faculty-recruiting <>
Date: Wed, Sep 28, 2016 at 12:33 AM
Subject: Faculty Positions: Okinawa Institute of Science & Technology U

The Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
( invites applications for at least 5 new faculty positions
as part of its planned expansion. Targeted areas for the current search

Chemistry - Chemical Biology; Materials Chemistry (including Polymer
Chemistry, Metal-Organic Frameworks)
Life Sciences - Cell Biology; Theoretical Biology; Behavioral Learning
Mathematics - Discrete Mathematics; Computational Sciences; Big Data
Physics - Quantum Information; Ultracold Physics; Condensed Matter;
Cosmology/Gravitational Waves

We are seeking applicants with excellent scholarship and creativity.
Successful candidates are expected to establish an active program of
research, supervise student research and teach in the graduate program.
Generous research resources are provided which may be supplemented with
external grants. Appointments will be Tenure-Track or Tenured. Starting
date is flexible.

Applications should include: a letter of intent, CV, summary of previous
research, research proposal, and a teaching statement. Information and
instructions for submitting applications can be accessed at

*Applications from strong candidates in other fields may be considered.

Application Deadline: Noon on Monday, October 24, 2016 (any time zone)

The OIST Graduate University offers a world-class research environment
with an international research community and opportunities for
interdisciplinary research. Research and teaching is conducted in
English. The campus is located in a beautiful subtropical setting in
Okinawa, Japan.

The OIST Graduate University is an equal opportunity educator and
employer committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, students
and staff through proactive policies. We provide a family-friendly
working environment, including a bilingual child development center on
campus. Applications from women and other underrepresented groups are
strongly encouraged. See

Inquiries should be directed to Professor Gordon Arbuthnott, Dean of
Faculty Affairs,


From: Dai, Donghai <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 8:52 PM
Subject: Positions: Cancer Diagnostics Company, Iowa, US

Immortagen, Inc. ( is a cancer diagnostics company
and University of Iowa spin-off venture developing cutting-edge clinical
decision support technologies. A major ongoing R&D project is to develop
algorithms to guide selection of the most effective targeted anti-cancer
treatments based on next generation sequencing data.

We are seeking a motivated bioinformatician to join our research team.
Candidates should have a Master's degree or higher in computer science,
informatics or bioinformatics with at least one year of experience in
computational genomics. Prior experience in the analysis of tumor next
generation sequencing data is highly desirable. Immortagen will offer a
competitive salary, potential stock options, healthcare stipend, and
other benefits. Please contact for more details.


From: Tony Nance <>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 7:58 AM
Subject: MBI: Early Career Award, Mathematical Biology

MBI Early Career Awards for 2017-2018

Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) is accepting applications for
Early Career Awards for the 2017-2018 emphasis programs:
Fall 2017 - Control in Biology and Medicine
Spring 2018 - Infectious Disease Dynamics

Early Career Awards enable recipients to be in residence at the
Mathematical Biosciences Institute for stays of three to four months
during an emphasis program. Details of the 2017-18 programs can be
found at .

Early Career Awards are aimed at non-tenured scientists who have
continuing employment and who hold a doctorate in any of the
mathematical, statistical, and computational sciences, or join any of
the biological, medical, and related sciences.

An Early Career Award will be for a maximum of $7,000 per month of
residency. The award may be used for salary and benefits, teaching
buyouts, and/or local expenses (restrictions apply).

Applying for an Early Career Award:
Applications for an Early Career Award completed before November 30,
2016 will receive full consideration. The applicant should state the
period that he or she would like to be in residence.

Applications for an Early Career Award should be submitted online at

For additional information please contact Rebecca Martin
( or 614-688-3519 ) or visit

MBI receives major funding from the National Sciences Foundation
Division of Mathematical Sciences and is supported by The Ohio State
University. Mathematical Biosciences Institute adheres to AA/EOE


From: Erin Steigerwalt <>
Date: Fri, Sep 30, 2016 at 10:54 AM
Re-sent From:
Santiago Schnell <>
Subject: NSF: Seeking 2017 Graduate Research Program Panelists

On behalf of the National Science Foundation (NSF), we invite you to
register as a potential 2017 Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP)
panelist. NSF seeks GRFP panels composed of researchers and educators
from a wide range of institutions, geographic locations, and
disciplinary and interdisciplinary backgrounds.

Serving as a GRFP panelist is an excellent opportunity to apply your
research and career expertise to help identify future science and
engineering leaders, and to gain valuable perspective to share with
faculty and students at your institution.

Below are details of the 2017 panels:
-All reviews and panels will be conducted online and do not require any
-In November, panelists must attend an orientation session webinar,
selecting one from several available sessions.
-Panelists review graduate school-like applications consisting of one
3-page statement, one 2-page statement, transcripts, and three reference
-Each panelist will review approximately 30 assigned applications in
early December, over the course of about 4 weeks.
-Panelists will enter their reviews and scores online.
-In January 2017, panels will convene online using WebEx for two virtual
panel sessions scheduled on two different days (either Monday and
Thursday or Tuesday and Friday) to discuss the applicant pool and make
selection recommendations to NSF.

If you would like to be considered as a 2017 GRFP panelist, please visit to register in the panelist system.

GRFP recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students pursuing
research-based masters and doctoral degrees in science or engineering at
accredited US institutions (for GRFP details see the new solicitation,
NSF 16-588). For more information, see our webpage at

We thank you in advance for your interest. If you have any questions,
please contact us at or the GRFP Operations Center
at (866) 673-4737.


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Tue, Sep 27, 2016 at 3:38 PM
Subject: NSF: Designing Materials to Revolutionize & Engineer our Future

An updated NSF program solicitation (NSF 16-613) is now available:
Designing Materials to Revolutionize and Engineer our Future (DMREF)

Please see
for details.

Full Proposal Window: January 3, 2017 - January 17, 2017

From the program synopsis:
DMREF will support activities that accelerate materials discovery and/or
development by building the fundamental knowledge base needed to design
and make materials with specific and desired functional properties from
first principles. This will be accomplished through forming
interdisciplinary teams of researchers working synergistically in a
"closed loop" fashion, building a vibrant research community, leveraging
Big Data science, providing ready access to materials data, and
educating the future workforce. Specifically, achieving this goal will
involve modeling, analysis, and computational simulations, validated and
verified through sample preparation, characterization, and/or device
demonstration. DMREF will enable development of new data analytic tools
and statistical algorithms; advanced simulations of material properties
in conjunction with new device functionality; advances in predictive
modeling that leverage machine learning, data mining, and sparse
approximation; data infrastructure that is accessible, extensible,
scalable, and sustainable; the development, maintenance, and deployment
of reliable, interoperable, and reusable software for the
next-generation design of materials; and new collaborative capabilities
for managing large, complex, heterogeneous, distributed data supporting
materials design, synthesis, and longitudinal study.


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Thu, Sep 29, 2016 at 9:36 PM
Subject: NSF: Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science

A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 16-615) is now available:
Transdisciplinary Research in Principles of Data Science (TRIPODS)

Please see
for details.

Letter of Intent (required) Window: January 4, 2017 - January 19, 2017

Full Proposal Window: March 1, 2017 - March 15, 2017

Program synopsis:
Transdisciplinary Research In Principles Of Data Science (TRIPODS) aims
to bring together the statistics, mathematics, and theoretical computer
science communities to develop the theoretical foundations of data
science through integrated research and training activities. Phase I,
described in this solicitation, will support the development of small
collaborative Institutes. Phase II (to be described in an anticipated
future solicitation, subject to availability of funds) will support a
smaller number of larger Institutes, selected from the Phase I
Institutes via a second competitive proposal process. All TRIPODS
Institutes must involve significant and integral participation by all
three communities.

Potential proposers may not submit a full proposal without first
submitting a corresponding Letter of Intent (LOI), compliant with the
instructions in the program solicitation, during the LOI submission
window. Submitting a Letter of Intent does not oblige potential
proposers to submit a full proposal.


From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2016 at 8:22 AM
Subject: NIH: Better Clinical Trials; Relative Citation Ratio; SBIR/STTR

For an NIH update on building better clinical trials; measuring impact
with the Relative Citation Ratio; learning about peer review,


From: Whang, Kenneth C. <>
Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 1:45 PM
CRCNS Community <>
Subject: NIH: Requests for Applications for the BRAIN Initiative

NIH has issued new Requests for Applications (RFAs) for the NIH BRAIN
Initiative. Three new, related FOAs share a common goal of advancing
research by creating a community resource data archive with appropriate
standards that is broadly available and accessible to the research

Please see
for further information, including agency contacts at NIH.

Three announcements, RFA-MH-17-255, RFA-MH-17-256, and RFA-MH-17-257,
are inter-related and are aimed at building an informatics
infrastructure for the BRAIN Initiative.

solicits applications to develop web-accessible data archives to
capture, store, and curate data related to BRAIN Initiative activities.
The receipt dates for RFA-MH-17-255 are January 17, 2017 and
October 19, 2017.

solicits applications to develop standards that describe experimental
protocols that are being conducted as part of the BRAIN Initiative,
which will be made widely available. The receipt dates for this RFA are
January 10, 2017 and October 11, 2017.

solicits applications to develop informatics tools for analyzing,
visualizing, and integrating data related to the BRAIN Initiative or to
enhance our understanding of the brain. The receipt dates for this RFA
are January 19, 2017 and October 26, 2017.

Please see the links for NIH program details and NIH contact


From: GoMRI Research Board <>
Date: Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 12:01 PM
Subject: CfP: Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Proposals

Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative Calls for Research Proposals

$65 million in grant funding to support research by individuals and

The Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) released a new call for
research proposals, which will be the last round of funding by the
organization to support research directed at improving our understanding
of the effects of oil on the environment and people of the Gulf of
Mexico region. The GoMRI program is scheduled to complete its work in

GoMRI is a ten-year program established by a $500 million commitment
from BP following the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon drilling rig.
An independent, 20-member Research Board provides direction and
oversight for GoMRI. A competitive, merit review process modeled after
that of the U.S. National Science Foundation identifies research
programs and projects to be funded by GoMRI. Data from all GoMRI-funded
research are made available to the public via a data management system,

This request for proposals (RFP-VI) will provide funding for up to two
years (2018-2019). RFP-VI will receive submissions from Individual
Investigator/Collaborations and Research Consortia.

"We have been very pleased by the quality of research produced by
GoMRI-supported researchers. This science and engineering research has
yielded findings that will improve our understanding of the Gulf of
Mexico ecosystem. New species have been discovered, and improved
understanding of ocean currents and microbial degradation of oil have
been gained. These and many other findings are helping us understand the
environmental impacts of the release of oil into the environment," said
Dr. Rita Colwell, Chair of the GoMRI Research Board. "This understanding
is critical and brings us to a place where we have a more comprehensive
understanding of how an oil spill moves through the Gulf of Mexico, and
its influence on the environment and the citizens of the region."

GoMRI RFP-VI awards will total about $32.5 million per year for the next
two years. It is anticipated that approximately 20 Individual
Investigator/Collaborations and 10 Research Consortium awards will be

RFP-VI areas of focus are:
1. Physical distribution, dispersion, and dilution of petroleum (oil and
gas), its constituents, and associated contaminants (for example,
dispersants) under the action of physical oceanographic processes,
air-sea interactions, and tropical storms.
2. Chemical evolution and biological degradation of the
petroleum/dispersant system and subsequent interaction with coastal,
open-ocean, and deep-water ecosystems.
3. Environmental effects of the petroleum/dispersant system on the sea
floor, water column, coastal waters, beach sediments, wetlands, marshes,
and organisms; and the science of ecosystem recovery.
4. Technology developments for improved response, mitigation, detection,
characterization, and remediation associated with oil spills and gas
5. Impact of oil spills on public health including behavioral,
socioeconomic, environmental risk assessment, community capacity, and
other population health considerations and issues.

RFP-VI will consider applications focused on the designated research
themes and topics, data integration, synthesis across themes and
consortia, and overarching science and technology.

Those interested in submitting proposals for RFP-VI must submit a letter
of intent by November 14, 2016. Full proposals must be received by
March 3, 2017. It is anticipated that awards will be announced in
September 2017, with start dates in January 2018.

Applicants are instructed to consult official RFP-VI guidance at
Additional information about GoMRI and prior research funded by GoMRI is
available at


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