SMB Digest     September 27, 2016   Volume 16 Issue 39
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Richard Schugart richard(dot)schugart(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page, .

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Issue's Topics:
         Conference: Systems Theory, Feb 16-22, Canary Islands
         Conference: Math Models in Ecology & Evol., Jul 10-12, London
         ToC: Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering, Volume 13 Issue 6
         Springer: Submit to Communications in Mathematics & Statistics
         Post-doc: Centre de Recerca Matemātica, Barcelona
         Post-docs: Infectious Disease Dynamics, U Notre Dame, US
         Positions: Applied Mathematics, U Bath, UK
         Tenure-track Positions: Applied Mathematics, Northwestern U, US
         NSF: Graduate Research Fellowship Opportunities
         SMBnet Reminders


From: <>
Date: Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 1:03 PM
Subject: Conference: Systems Theory, Feb 16-22, Canary Islands

Eurocast-2017 will be held in Las Palmas (Gran Canaria)
Feb 16-22, 2017.

The general topic of the conference is Systems Theory, and I am helping
to organize the sessions on biological applications of systems theory.

A talk on your work would be appreciated.

The conference web site is:


From: Broom, Mark <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 3:44 AM
Subject: Conference: Math Models in Ecology & Evol., Jul 10-12, London

Mathematical Models in Ecology and Evolution
10th - 12th July 2017

City, University of London is proud to announce that it will be hosting
the 6th conference in the bi-annual series on Mathematical Models in
Ecology and Evolution

Mathematical Modelling plays a central and increasingly important role
in ecology and evolution. The object of this conference is to showcase
the latest developments of mathematical models in ecology and evolution
and to demonstrate its important role to a new generation of

Following the same programme structure as the last conference in Paris
(, this conference will feature a
range of sessions with submitted talks and minisymposia.

The Organising Committee are now welcoming submissions for minisymposia.
Submissions should be no more than 250 words and should include a topic
title, along with a description and a list of up to 5 speakers who will
be giving presentations.

Submissions should be made using the online submission form
( by
1st December 2016.

The conference will take place from the 10th to 12th July 2017

Abstract submission
1st December 2016 - Submission deadline for minisymposia including a
title, description and suggested list of speakers and should be no more
than 250 words in total.

15th March 2017 - Submission deadline for talk or poster abstracts of no
more than 150 words. Online submissions for abstracts will open on 15th
January 2017.

1st June 2017 - Early bird registration closes.


From: Liwei Ning <>
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 12:13 PM
Subject: ToC: Mathematical Biosciences & Engineering, Volume 13 Issue 6

Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE)
Volume: 13, Number: 6 December 2016

Mathematical methods in systems biology
Eugene Kashdan, Dominique Duncan, Andrew Parnell and Heinz Schattler

Classification of Alzheimer's disease using unsupervised diffusion
component analysis
Dominique Duncan and Thomas Strohmer

Adjoint sensitivity analysis of a tumor growth model and its application
to spatiotemporal radiotherapy optimization
Krzysztof Fujarewicz and Krzysztof Lakomiec

Mathematical model of the atrioventricular nodal double response
tachycardia and double-fire pathology
Beata Jackowska-Zduniak and Urszula Forys

Modelling random antibody adsorption and immunoassay activity
D. Mackey, E. Kelly and R. Nooney

A model of thermotherapy treatment for bladder cancer
Christoph Sadee and Eugene Kashdan

Limiting the development of anti-cancer drug resistance in a spatial
model of micrometastases
Ami B. Shah, Katarzyna A. Rejniak and Jana L. Gevertz

Sensitivity of signaling pathway dynamics to plasmid transfection and
its consequences
Jaroslaw Smieja and Marzena Dolbniak

Optimal control of a mathematical model for cancer chemotherapy under
tumor heterogeneity
Shuo Wang and Heinz Schattler

A posterior probability approach for gene regulatory network inference
in genetic perturbation data
William Chad Young, Adrian E. Raftery and Ka Yee Yeung


From: Springer Mathematics <>
Date: Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 9:57 AM
Subject: Springer: Submit to Communications in Mathematics & Statistics

Invitation to submit to Communications in Mathematics and Statistics

We invite you to take a closer look at the Communications in Mathematics
and Statistics

This is a peer reviewed international journal published in collaboration
with the School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Science and
Technology of China.

The journal is committed to publish high level original peer reviewed
research papers in various areas of mathematical sciences, including
pure mathematics, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, and
probability and statistics.


From: Andrei Korobeinikov <>
Date: Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 3:18 AM
Subject: Post-doc: Centre de Recerca Matemātica, Barcelona

A 2-year post-doc position at CRM, Barcelona

The Centre de Recerca Matemātica (CRM), Barcelona, is happy to announce
a 2-year postdoctoral position in the Collaborative Mathematical
Research programme. The programme is funded by La Caixa Foundation and
the position involves participation in a collaborative project with
scientists from other disciplines.

The appointment will be made in one of the following Groups:
Complex Systems (Alvaro Corral,
Computational and Mathematical Biology (Tomas Alarcon,
Computational Neuroscience (Alex Roxin,
Industrial Mathematics (Timothy Myers,
Mathematical Epidemiology (Andrei Korobeinikov,

(Applicants are encouraged to indicate one several groups of their
choice in application.)

The Centre website:
Position description and general guidelines:
How to apply:

Application deadline is the 24th of October, 2016. Applicants should be
available for interviews (possibly via Skype) from November 2 onwards.


From: Alex Perkins <>
Date: Wed, Sep 21, 2016 at 12:32 AM
Subject: Post-docs: Infectious Disease Dynamics, U Notre Dame, US

Candidates for two postdoctoral research positions are sought for the
Perkins Lab at the University of Notre Dame. These positions are
supported by two new, federally funded projects on the spatial dynamics
of chikungunya and Zika virus transmission and control.

Project 1 has a focus on spatial dynamics of chikungunya virus
transmission and control at geographic scales and will be conducted in
close collaboration with the Institute for Disease Modeling
( Project 2 has a focus on spatial dynamics of the
invasion of Zika virus into the city of Iquitos, Peru, as well as the
deployment of control measures in response to its invasion. This project
will be conducted in close collaboration with colleagues at UC Davis,
NAMRU-6, Emory, IHME, and other institutions, many of whom are actively
engaged in field work that will complement modeling activities.

Both projects will involve extensive simulation of stochastic
transmission models specified at different spatial scales and will make
use of considerable computational resources through the Microsoft Azure
cloud computing platform and the University of Notre Dame's Center for
Research Computing ( Simulation will be used in
combination with techniques for fitting high-dimensional models to data
to address key scientific questions of relevance to the public health
impacts of chikungunya and Zika. To complement these computationally
intensive approaches, a number of other approaches are routinely used in
the Perkins Lab, including probability theory, stochastic processes,
dynamical systems, scripting, and social coding. Essential qualities of
competitive candidates for both positions include (1) a Ph.D. in
Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Physics, Mathematics, or
Statistics; (2) strong programming and software development skills; and
(3) experience conducting research on disease dynamics or other topics
in biology using mathematical models.

Both positions are available for a minimum of two years, with a more
extended appointment possible contingent on satisfactory progress in the
first two years and the continued availability of funding. Minimum
annual salary is $52,000 and may be augmented depending on each
candidate's experience and qualifications. Benefits will be provided,
and support is available for travel to conferences and to visit field
sites and collaborators as appropriate. Start date is flexible.

For further information, please email Alex Perkins (
with a statement of interest, a CV, and contact information for three


From: Jane White <>
Date: Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 7:49 AM
Subject: Positions: Applied Mathematics, U Bath, UK

The Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Bath is currently
advertising two positions in Applied Mathematics.

Details can be found at

Please note deadline: October 10 2016.


From: William L. Kath <>
Date: Mon, Sep 26, 2016 at 10:38 AM
Subject: Tenure-track Positions: Applied Mathematics, Northwestern U, US

The Department of Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics at
Northwestern University
( invites
applications for two full-time, tenure-track faculty positions. Hiring
will be focused on the assistant professor level, although exceptional
applicants at a more senior level will be considered.

Requirements include a Ph.D. and demonstrated ability to conduct
high-impact interdisciplinary research in applied mathematics.
Candidates in all areas are encouraged to apply. We are seeking
candidates with strong connections to applications who can enhance the
breadth of research activities of the department. Duties involve
teaching and research.

The application package should include a curriculum vita, a statement of
research accomplishments and interests, and a statement of teaching
experience and philosophy. Send applications to

In addition, the applicant should arrange for at least three, but no
more than four letters of recommendation. Recommendation letters will be
automatically solicited from the letter writers by email after the names
are entered in the online application system.

Questions may be sent to (Subject
line: 2017 Faculty Search).

Review of applications will begin November 15, 2016, and will continue
until the positions are filled.

For further information, see:

Northwestern University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action
Employer of all protected classes including veterans and individuals
with disabilities. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Hiring
is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 5:11 PM
Subject: NSF: Graduate Research Fellowship Opportunities

The National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program
(GRFP) recognizes and supports outstanding graduate students in
NSF-supported science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
disciplines who are pursuing research-based Master's and doctoral
degrees at accredited United States institutions. The program provides
up to three years of support, including an annual $34,000 stipend, for
the graduate education of individuals who have demonstrated their
potential for significant achievements in science and engineering

The GRFP awards more than 2,000 new fellowships each year. Even though
the fraction of these fellowships that go to students doing research in
areas supported by the NSF Division of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) in
2016 has increased to just over 3.8% from only 2.9% the year before,
participation by the mathematical sciences community still leaves room
for improvement.

In the years 2013 through 2016, GRFP awards in the mathematical sciences
were given to students who earned baccalaureate degrees from the 132
institutions listed below. The number of baccalaureate institutions in
this list has been growing through the years.

I encourage the DMS community to inform eligible students about this
program and to urge them to apply. This is a great opportunity for the
mathematical sciences community. US citizens and permanent residents who
are planning to enter graduate school in an NSF-supported discipline
next fall, or in the first two years of such a graduate program, or who
are returning to graduate school after being out for two or more years,
are eligible. The applicant information page
( and the program solicitation
( contain the
necessary details.

Applications for Mathematical Sciences topics are due October 28.

The GRFP also needs qualified faculty reviewers. Review panels are
conducted by videoconference. Please see the panelist information page
( and consider volunteering by
sending an e-mail message to <>.


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part
with attribution.

End of SMB Digest