SMB Digest     September 20, 2016   Volume 16 Issue 38
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Richard Schugart richard(dot)schugart(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page, .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
         Workshop: Modern Math, Oct 12-13, Long Beach, CA, US
         Conference: Mitochondria Communication, Jan 14-18, NM, US
         Newsletter: AIBS, September 2016
         Research Positions: Modeling of Salmon Metabolism, NMBU, Norway
         Post-doc: Mathematical Sciences, Arizona St U, US
         Tenure-track: Bioinformatics & Microbiome..., Virginia Tech, US
         Tenure-track: Mathematical Biology, Queen's U, Canada
         Tenure-tracks: Biomath, Applied Stats, U Puerto Rico at Cayey
         NSF/NIH/BMBF/ANR/BSF: Comp. Neuroscience Program Announcement
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Catherine Crawley <>
Date: Fri, Sep 16, 2016 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Workshop: Modern Math, Oct 12-13, Long Beach, CA, US

The NSF Mathematical Sciences Institutes Diversity Committee is pleased
to offer its annual Modern Math Workshop, Oct. 12-13, 2016, preceding
the Society for Advancement of Chicanos and Native Americans in Science
(SACNAS) national conference in Long Beach, CA. Intended to invigorate
the research careers of minority mathematicians and mathematics faculty
at minority-serving institutions, the event features early career
researcher sessions and undergraduate sessions. Application deadline:
October 1, 2016. For more information and the online application, visit

The hosting NSF Mathematics Institutes Diversity Committee members are,
as follows: American Institute of Mathematics (AIM), Institute for
Advanced Study (IAS), Institute for Computational and Experimental
Research in Mathematics (ICERM), Institute for Mathematics and its
Applications (IMA), Institute for Pure and Applied Mathematics (IPAM),
Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI), Mathematical Sciences Research
Institute (MSRI), the National Institute for Mathematical & Biological
Synthesis (NIMBioS) and Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences
Institute (SAMSI).

In short, notice that we lose the hot links when we cut and paste. If
you want those links included in the advertisement, then we need the url
listed with it since we don't hotlink "NSF Mathematical Sciences
Institutes Diversity Committee" or "Modern Math Workshop". This is how
we have always done it, or a least as long as I've been an editor, which
I believe is parts of six years.


From: keystonesymposia <>
Date: Tue, Sep 20, 2016 at 5:32 PM
Subject: Conference: Mitochondria Communication, Jan 14-18, NM, US



From: American Institute of Biological Sciences <>
Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 12:59 PM
Subject: Newsletter: AIBS, September 2016



From: Jon Olav Vik <>
Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 12:25 AM
Subject: Research Positions: Modeling of Salmon Metabolism, NMBU, Norway

Two researcher positions - systems biology modelling of salmon
metabolism - ref. no. 16/04447

Two researcher positions (2-3 years with possibility of extension) in
systems biology of Atlantic salmon metabolism are available at the
Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, NMBU, Norway. The
successful candidate will work within the Centre for Integrative
Genetics (CIGENE), which includes comprehensive molecular lab facilities
and a strong environment dedicated to genomics, bioinformatics, and
mathematical modeling.

The researchers will work on two interlinked systems biology projects,
DigiSal and GenoSysFat, promoting sustainable growth of salmon farming
by building model-based knowledge about salmon metabolism. The projects
are highly interdisciplinary and combine expertise in physiology and
nutrition, cutting-edge high-throughput omics technologies and
model-based analysis of omics data. We will encourage visits to
international collaborators such as the Systems and Synthetic Biology
unit in Wageningen, the Netherlands.

Main tasks: Analyze how salmon metabolism depends on variation in diet
and genotype, based on omics and microscopy data and using a variety of
modelling frameworks, both top-down multivariate analysis and bottom-up
metabolic network modelling. There will also be opportunities to link
modelling work to ongoing evolutionary genomics projects to address
questions regarding consequences of genome duplication on the function
of metabolic systems.

-PhD in systems biology, computational biology, bioinformatics, physics
or mathematics

-Experience with analyzing and visualizing multivariate data
-Experience with constraint-based modelling
-Experience with integrating -omics data and biological knowledge
-Proficiency in R, Python or similar for simulations and data analysis

Full advertisement:

Application deadline: Wednesday, October 5, 2016


From: Melanie Smock <>
Date: Thu, Sep 15, 2016 at 4:58 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Mathematical Sciences, Arizona St U, US

Postdoctoral Research Associate (Job #11691)
Arizona State University
School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences

The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at Arizona
State University (ASU) invites applications for Postdoctoral Research
Associate positions with an anticipated start date of Fall 2017. These
full-time, benefits-eligible positions are renewable on an annual basis
through Spring 2020 contingent upon satisfactory performance,
availability of resources, and the needs of the university. Applicants
must be within five years of receipt of their Ph.D. to be considered for
initial appointment or for subsequent annual renewal. The duties involve
research in the mathematical sciences along with a teaching load which
is normally three courses per year. Applicants are required to have a
Ph.D. in the mathematical or statistical sciences, or in a related
field, by August 10, 2017 and the potential for excellent teaching and
research. The field of research is open, but the desired qualifications
include having a documented research record in an area that meshes with
the research interests of a current faculty member or group of faculty
members. SoMSS has strong research groups in analysis, combinatorics,
computational mathematics, differential equations, dynamical systems,
geometry, graph theory, mathematical biology, mathematics education,
number theory, probability and statistics.

For information on ASU and these initiatives, please see: For more about the faculty and research of SoMSS,
please see: For additional information about the
department, campus, and surrounding area, please see

To apply, please submit the following materials through
1) A cover letter that briefly explains the candidate's interest in, and
fit with, the position
2) A curriculum vitae
3) A personal statement addressing the candidate's research program
4) A statement of teaching experience and philosophy
5) At least four letters of recommendation that must be submitted at the
mathjobs site, including one that addresses teaching

A background check is required for employment.

The application deadline is 5:00 pm Arizona time on November 30, 2016;
only applications that are complete by the deadline will be considered.
If the positions are not filled, remaining applications will be reviewed
every two weeks thereafter until the search is closed.

Arizona State University is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor and an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will
be considered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national
origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other basis
protected by law.


From: John Tyson <>
Date: Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 8:11 AM
Subject: Tenure-track: Bioinformatics & Microbiome..., Virginia Tech, US

Virginia Tech
Microbiome Systems Biologist
Department of Biological Sciences

The Department of Biological Sciences ( and the Division
of Systems Biology of the Academy of Integrated Science
( are recruiting for a tenure-track assistant
professor faculty position in Bioinformatics and Microbiome Systems
Biology. The department is interested in hiring an individual who uses
bioinformatic and molecular methods to characterize the structures of
microbiomes, the response of microbial communities to perturbations,
and/or the roles of specific species in host-microbiome interactions.
Focus on human- or animal-associated microbiomes is of great interest,
as is the potential to collaborate with existing faculty to apply
quantitative analysis methods to large data sets for plant, soil,
aquatic, or industrial/agricultural microbial communities. The
successful candidate will be expected to teach courses in bioinformatics
and computational biology for the new Systems Biology major. Core
laboratory facilities are available for next-generation sequencing,
proteomics, metabolomics, microscopy, and high-performance computing.
Competitive salary and start-up packages will be provided. Applicants
should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a statement of
research and teaching interests emphasizing career goals, and arrange
for three letters of reference using our on-line system
(, search posting TR0160086).
Inquiries concerning the position or application process should be
directed to the chair of the search committee, Dr. Roderick V. Jensen
( Virginia Tech is an NSF Advance Institution and has a
strong commitment to the principle of diversity and, in that spirit,
seeks a broad spectrum of candidates, including women, minorities,
veterans, and people with disabilities. Review of applications will
begin November 1, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.


From: Troy Day <>
Date: Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 9:19 AM
Subject: Tenure-track: Mathematical Biology, Queen's U, Canada

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Arts and
Science at Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, invites applications
for a Tenure-track faculty position in Applied Mathematics and
Mathematics and Engineering at the rank of Assistant Professor with a
starting date of July 1, 2017. Mathematical Biology is one of the
targeted areas of the search.

Research in Mathematical Biology in our department is currently centred
around evolutionary biology, ecology, and infectious disease
epidemiology, with particular emphasis on the use of deterministic and
stochastic dynamical systems, game theory, and optimization. For more
information about the Mathematical Biology program, please see The successful candidate in
Mathematical Biology will be expected to work in any of these or
complementary areas of research, and to contribute to both the graduate
and undergraduate programs.

For the full position announcement and information on how to apply,
please, visit:


From: Isar P Godreau Santiago <>
Date: Sun, Sep 18, 2016 at 10:20 PM
Subject: Tenure-tracks: Biomath, Applied Stats, U Puerto Rico at Cayey

University of Puerto Rico at Cayey

The Department of Mathematics at The University of Puerto Rico at Cayey
(UPR- C) invites applications for two tenure-track positions at the
Assistant Professor level in the area of applied mathematics, beginning
on January 2017. UPR- C is an undergraduate institution that values
interdisciplinary education, research and community service as part of
the teaching and learning process (see

Ph.D in mathematics, with experience in applied mathematics, preferably
in biomathematics. Preference will be given to candidates who can
contribute to our research and curricular offerings in Biomathematics.
Candidates are expected to have experience with teaching university
level courses, seeking external funding for their research and mentoring
undergraduate students in research.

Applicants should send the following documents:
-Curriculum Vitae
-Official transcripts
-A cover letter that states research interests and experience as well as
teaching philosophy.
-Copy of one recent publication in author's specific research field.
-Three letters of recommendation.

Candidates selected for this tenure-track joint appointment position
between the Department of Mathematics/Physics and the Institute of
Interdisciplinary Research will devote 50% of time to each unit.
Candidates will have a maximum teaching load of 2 undergraduate courses
per semester.

-Ph.D. in applied mathematics with specialization in statistics,
bio-statistics or bio-informatics. Candidates with a Ph.D. related to
health, such as epidemiology, demography and health economics will also
be considered; however, they should have a solid background in
mathematics equivalent to the course content of a master degree in this
-Track record of collaboration with colleagues from diverse disciplines,
specifically on projects related to the areas of health and biomedicine.
-Experience with diverse research methods, instrument design, sampling
and applied statistics.
-Experience developing research proposals.
-Recent peer-reviewed publications.
-Proven leadership and communication skills and the ability to
effectively collaborate on multi and interdisciplinary projects.
-Experience teaching college-level courses.

Priority will be given to candidates will the following qualifications:
experience with teaching mathematics courses at the college level,
post-doctoral training, knowledge of Bayesian statistics, mentoring of
undergraduates in research, publishing in blogs or other social media,
and collaborations with other researchers in applied or community-based

Applicants should send the following documents:
-Curriculum Vitae
-Official transcripts
-Any applicable professional certifications
-A cover letter that states research interests and experience as well as
teaching philosophy.
-A 1000 (max) word essay that describes:
1. interdisciplinary collaborations
2. ability to develop programmatic research proposals
3. experience or ability to teach college-level mathematics courses
-Copy of one recent publication in author?s specific research field.
-Three letters of recommendation.

Starting salary for both positions is $62,256, plus benefits.

The application deadline for submitting all documents is November 10,

Send documents via regular mail or e-mail to: Dean of Academic Affairs
University of Puerto Rico at Cayey
PO Box 372230
Cayey, Puerto Rico 00737-2230

For additional information, call:
Department of Mathematics-Physics: 787-738-2161, exts. 2029, 2195
Institute of Interdisciplinary Research: 787-738-2161, exts. 2615, 2616

Notes: The University of Puerto Rico at Cayey is under no obligation to
fill advertised positions. The University of Puerto Rico at Cayey
provides equal employment opportunity. It does not discriminate on the
basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, religion, age, political
affiliation, ethnic or national origin, or disability in its admission
policy, programs, activities and employment practices.

As a general rule, the University will hire faculty who can communicate
correctly in Spanish. Under specific and justified circumstances, the
University will hire personnel who is not fluent in the vernacular, but
with the commitment that they will be able to communicate fluently in
Spanish after four years of working in the Institution and as a
prerequisite for tenure (Certification #64 2003-04 of the Academic
Senate of the University of Puerto Rico at Cayey)


From: Whang, Kenneth C. <>
Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2016 at 6:56 PM
CRCNS Public Announcements <>
Subject: NSF/NIH/BMBF/ANR/BSF: Comp. Neuroscience Program Announcement

The U.S. National Science Foundation and National Institutes of Health,
the German Ministry of Education and Research (Bundesministerium für
Bildung und Forschung, BMBF), the French National Research Agency
(Agence Nationale de la Recherche, ANR), and the United States-Israel
Binational Science Foundation (BSF) are pleased to announce the release
of the program solicitation for Collaborative Research in Computational
Neuroscience (CRCNS; NSF 16-607), now available at

The next deadline for proposals will be DECEMBER 19, 2016.

Two classes of proposals will be considered in response to this
-RESEARCH PROPOSALS describing collaborative research projects, and
-DATA SHARING PROPOSALS to enable sharing of data and other resources.

Please note the following administrative revisions and clarifications:
-Data Sharing Proposals will be considered by all participating funders.
-Results from prior NSF and/or CRCNS support must address sharing of
data, software, and/or other resources under prior support (see Section
V.A of the solicitation).
-NIH review criteria have been updated (Section VI.A), reflecting NIH
guidance on rigor and reproducibility
-Letters of collaboration should be limited to the one-sentence format
recommended in Section V.A.

Any proposal submitted in response to this solicitation should be
submitted in accordance with the revised NSF Proposal & Award Policies &
Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (NSF 16-1). If you have not applied recently to
NSF, please pay attention to recent changes to NSF guidelines
( and
compliance checking
(, including
required content on Broader Impacts in both the project summary and the
project description, and strict enforcement of the 5pm deadline (not
5:00:01 pm).

Domestic and international projects will be considered. As detailed in
the solicitation, international components of collaborative projects may
be funded in parallel by the participating agencies. Specific CRCNS
opportunities for parallel funding are available for bilateral US-German
Research Proposals, US-German Data Sharing Proposals, US-French Research
Proposals, US-French Data Sharing Proposals, US-Israeli Research
Proposals, US-Israeli Data Sharing Proposals, and multilateral proposals
involving the United States and 2 or more partnering countries (Germany,
France, and/or Israel).

Broad distribution of this announcement is encouraged.

For further information, please see and
parallel documents from NIH, BMBF, ANR, and BSF. Scientific or
administrative questions may be addressed to the appropriate person in
the list of agency contacts below:

General inquiries

Jasmine Owens, CRCNS Administrative Coordinator - NSF; Program Analyst,
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, National Science
Foundation, 1125S, telephone: (703) 292-8377, fax: (703) 292-9073,

Kenneth Whang, CRCNS Program Coordinator - NSF; Program Director,
Division of Information and Intelligent Systems, National Science
Foundation, 1125S, telephone: (703) 292-5149, fax: (703) 292-9073,


Mathieu Girerd, Scientific Officer, Information and Communication
Sciences and Technologies Department, telephone: +33 1 7354 8213,

Sheyla Mejia, Scientific Officer, Biology and Health Department,
telephone: +33 1 7809 8014, email:


Rainer Girgenrath, DLR Projektträger für das BMBF,
telephone: +49 228 3821 1200, email:,


Yael Dressler, telephone: +972-2-5828239, email:

Rachel Haring, telephone: +972-2-5828239, email:


Theresa H. Cruz, Program Officer, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National
Institute of Child Health and Human Development,
telephone: (301) 496-9233, email:

James Gnadt, Program Director, Systems & Cognitive Neuroscience,
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke,
telephone: (301) 496-9964, email:

John A. Matochik, Program Director, Division of Neuroscience and
Behavior, National Institute on Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse,
telephone: (301) 451-7319, email:

Grace C. Y. Peng, Program Director, Discovery Science and Technology,
National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering,
telephone: (301) 451-4778, email:

Christopher Platt, Program Director, Central Pathways for Hearing and
Balance, National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication
Disorders, telephone: (301) 496-1804, email:

Andrew Rossi, Chief, Executive Functions Program, National Institute of
Mental Health, telephone: (301) 443-1576, email:

David Shurtleff, Deputy Director, National Center for Complementary and
Integrative Health, telephone: (301) 435-6826,

Susan Volman, Program Director, Division of Neuroscience and Behavioral
Research, National Institute on Drug Abuse, telephone: (301) 435-1315,

Cheri Wiggs, Program Director, Division of Extramural Research, National
Eye Institute, telephone: (301) 451-2020, email:


Michele Grimm, Program Director, Division of Chemical, Bioengineering,
Environmental, and Transport Systems, 565S, telephone: (703) 292-4641,

Mary Ann Horn, Program Director, Division of Mathematical Sciences,
1025N, telephone: (703) 292-4879, email:

Alumit Ishai, Program Director, Division of Behavioral and Cognitive
Sciences, 995N, telephone: (703) 292-5145, email:

Maija Kukla, Program Director, Office of International Science and
Engineering, II-1155, telephone: (703) 292-4940, email:

Jonathan Leland, Program Director, Division of Social and Economic
Sciences, 995N, telephone: (703) 292-7285, email:

William L. Miller, Science Advisor, Division of Advanced
Cyberinfrastructure, 1145S, telephone: (703) 292-7886,

Rosemary Renaut, Program Director, Division of Mathematical Sciences,
1025N, telephone: (703) 292-2112, email:

Floh Thiels, Program Director, Division of Integrative and Organismal
Systems, 685S, telephone: (703) 292-8167, email:

Kenneth Whang, Program Director, Division of Information and Intelligent
Systems, 1125S, telephone: (703) 292-5149, fax: (703) 292-9073,


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at .

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part
with attribution.

End of SMB Digest