SMB Digest     August 30, 2016   Volume 16 Issue 35
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Richard Schugart richard(dot)schugart(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page, .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
         MBI: National Mathematical Biology Colloquium
         Workshop: Computational Modeling..., Sep 19-24, Newcastle U, UK
         Conference: Blackwell-Tapia, Oct 28-29, Deadline Extended
         Conference: Cellular Stress Responses..., Dec 4-8, Santa Fe, US
         Springer: J Engineering Mathematics, Free Articles Until Oct 3
         PhD Position: Through the Tumour Labyrinth..., U Edinburgh
         Post-doc: Computational Biologist, USDA-ARS, Hawaii, US
         Post-doc: Mathematical Neuroscience, U Utah, US
         Tenure-Track Positions: Cluster Hiring, U Utah, US
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Tony Nance <>
Date: Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 7:05 AM
Subject: MBI: National Mathematical Biology Colloquium

Thousands of scientists working at the interface of the mathematical and
biological sciences have participated in programs at MBI, where they
have found out about the latest advances in their fields. MBI is
expanding its program with the online MBI National Mathematical Biology

This live online series will give you the opportunity to be an active
part of colloquium discussions. You can connect from your classroom or
the comfort of your own office.

Details of how to participate live or watch talks later are available at

All talks will be Wednesdays at Noon Eastern Time (US)

Sept 21: Simon Levin
Mathematical Ecology: A Century of Progress, and Challenges for the Next

Oct 26: Charles Peskin
Fiber Architecture (Differential Geometry) of the Heart and its Valves

Nov 9: Elizabeth Thompson?Relationships, Relatedness, and the
Co-ancestry of Genome

Dec 7: Arthur Lander


From: Paolo Zuliani <>
Date: Fri, Aug 26, 2016 at 6:38 AM
Subject: Workshop: Computational Modeling..., Sep 19-24, Newcastle U, UK

COMBINE 2016: 7th Computational Modeling in Biology Network Workshop
19-24 September 2016, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK

Full programme:

The "Computational Modeling in Biology" Network (COMBINE) is an
initiative to coordinate the development of the various community
standards and formats in systems biology and related fields. COMBINE
2016 will be a workshop-style event with oral presentations, posters,
and breakout sessions. The five meeting days will include talks about
the COMBINE standards and associated or related standardization efforts,
as well as presentations of tools using these standards. Oral
presentations have been selected from the submitted abstracts. In
addition, poster sessions will allow people to inform each other about
their software and other projects in a setting that fosters interaction
and in-depth discussion.

COMBINE Workshop: 19-23 September 2016
SBGN Workshop@COMBINE: 24 September 2016

-Alfonso Bueno-Orovio (Oxford)
-Carole Goble (Manchester)
-Martin Golebiewski (HITS gGmbH)
-Sarah Keating (EMBL-EBI)
-Dagmar Iber (ETH Zurich)
-Andrew Millar (Edinburgh)
-Chris J. Myers (Utah)
-David Nickerson (Auckland)
-Daryl Shanley (Newcastle)
-Yujiang Wang (Newcastle)

Delegate registration fee: 195GBP (~ 230EUR, 260USD)
Discounted rate for students: 145GBP (~ 170EUR, 195USD)
Registration includes lunches, snacks, coffee and tea over the five days
and the conference dinner on the 19th.
Register here:

Topics include, but are not limited to:
-Data exchange and model standards for systems biology
-Graphical notation standards for systems biology
-Standards for sharing and analysing biological pathway data
-Standards for computational biological models
More on the COMBINE standards at

COMBINE 2016 is generously supported by:
-Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (UK) [AUDACIOUS
project EP/J004111/2]
-Interdisciplinary Computing and Complex BioSystems Group (ICOS)
-School of Computing Science, Newcastle University
-National Science Foundation (USA)

Paolo Zuliani & Anil Wipat, ICOS Group, School of Computing Science,
Newcastle University.

Keith Flanagan & Claire Smith, ICOS Group, School of Computing Science,
Newcastle University.

Gary Bader (Toronto), Martin Golebiewski (Heidelberg),
Michael Hucka (Caltech), Nicolas Le Novère (Babraham),
Chris J. Myers (Utah), David Nickerson (Auckland),
Falk Schreiber (Monash), Dagmar Waltemath (Rostock)


From: Catherine Crawley <>
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 12:48 PM
Subject: Conference: Blackwell-Tapia, Oct 28-29, Deadline Extended

The application deadline has been extended to Sept. 9 to request support
to attend the 2016 Blackwell-Tapia Conference and Award Ceremony to be
held Oct. 28-29, at the University of Tennessee Conference Center,
Knoxville, TN.

For more information and the online application, visit


From: keystonesymposia <>
Date: Sun, Aug 28, 2016 at 5:37 PM
Subject: Conference: Cellular Stress Responses..., Dec 4-8, Santa Fe, US



From: Springer <>
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 3:26 AM
Reply-to: <>
Subject: Springer: J Engineering Mathematics, Free Articles Until Oct 3

Journal of Engineering Mathematics
The Journal of Engineering Mathematics promotes the application of
mathematics to problems from engineering and the applied sciences.
It emphasizes the intrinsic unity, through mathematics, of the
fundamental problems of applied and engineering science.

A selection of articles has been carefully curated for your reading
pleasure. *Enjoy free access to these articles until 3rd October,
2016. * Happy reading!

Freely access these highlighted articles:

Dispersion-enhanced solute transport in a cell-seeded hollow fibre
membrane bioreactor
Natalie C. Pearson, Rebecca J. Shipley, Sarah L. Waters,
James M. Oliver

Flows of granular material in two-dimensional channels
Oliver Bain, John Billingham, Paul Houston, Ian Lowndes

Modelling suspended sediment in environmental turbulent fluids
Meng Cao, A. J. Roberts

Falling film on a flexible wall in the presence of insoluble surfactant
J. Peng, L. Y. Jiang, W. L. Zhuge, Y. J. Zhang

Reciprocal identities and integral formulations for diffusive scalar
transport and Stokes flow with position-dependent diffusivity or
C. Pozrikidis

Cavity formation on the surface of a body entering water with
M. Reinhard, A. A. Korobkin, M. J. Cooker

Preface to the special issue on "Mechanics of Fibre-Reinforced
Materials: Theory and Applications, Part II"
K. P. Soldatos, R. W. Ogden, J. Merodio

Preface to the special issue on "Thin films and fluid interfaces"
Thomas P. Witelski

Preface to the special issue on "Practical methods and rigorous theories
in numerical algebra and scientific computing"
Zhong-Zhi Bai, Iain S. Duff

A study of the effects of electric field on two-dimensional inviscid
nonlinear free surface flows generated by moving disturbances
M. J. Hunt, J.-M. Vanden-Broeck

On numerical modelling and the blow-up behavior of contact lines with a
180 degree contact angle
Dmitry E. Pelinovsky, Chengzhu Xu

Fingering phenomena in immiscible displacement in porous media flow
Iain Moyles, Brian Wetton


Date: Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:38 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Through the Tumour Labyrinth..., U Edinburgh

Through the tumour labyrinth: developing a mechanistic understanding of
blood flow and oxygen delivery in tumour vasculature

For details about the project, see

Please provide a CV, a personal statement detailing your research
interests and reasons for applying, degree certificate(s), marks for
your degree(s) and 2 academic references in electronic format and email

The closing date for applications is: Friday 23 September 2016

Interviews will be held: October 2016 - date to be confirmed (interviews
may be conducted by videoconference or Skype)

The studentship will ideally begin in the last quarter of 2016 but there
is flexibility in the case of outstanding candidates.


From: Manoukis, Nicholas <>
Date: Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 8:14 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Computational Biologist, USDA-ARS, Hawaii, US

Postdoctoral Position: Research Biologist (Computational), USDA-ARS
(Hilo, Hawaii)

Seeking exceptional postdoctoral scientist to join the Manoukis lab at
the Daniel K. Inouye US Pacific Basin Agricultural Research Center in
Hilo, Hawaii (USDA-ARS). Develop and implement automated algorithmic
approaches to the design and deployment of landscape-level trap networks
for surveillance and detection of invasive insect pests. Primary duties
will involve computer programing, modeling and simulation of insect
populations, and integration of biologically- relevant parameters from
field or laboratory studies into mathematical models. Some light
fieldwork with tephritid fruit flies, pests of economic importance
around the world, is possible. The ideal candidate will have a degree in
Biology, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or related
discipline, strong mathematical background focused on modeling and
simulation, and computer programing experience. Background in machine
learning, remote sensing and GIS are highly desirable. So is previous
work with, or interest in, insect systems.

Position includes a competitive pay package, exciting research
opportunities within and beyond the project scope, and the unique
opportunity to experience living on Hawaii Island. Funding is initially
for 2 years, with extension possible depending on funding. Open to U.S.
citizens and certain permanent residents of the USA.

Please contact Nicholas Manoukis for more
information and/or visit the following URLs for more information on
current research: and USDA is an equal opportunity provider
and employer. To apply, see

Position will remain open until Saturday 4/15/2017 or until filled.


From: Paul Bressloff <>
Date: Thu, Aug 25, 2016 at 12:00 PM
Subject: Post-doc: Mathematical Neuroscience, U Utah, US

Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral fellowship in
mathematical neuroscience to work with Professor Paul C. Bressloff at
the University of Utah. This position is jointly funded by the NSF and
the Department of Mathematics.

Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in mathematics or theoretical physics,
and have some experience in numerical methods/scientific computing.

The initial focus of the research program will be neural field theory
and models of visual cortex. However, there is also scope to work on
stochastic models in molecular and cellular neurobiology.

Applications must be completed through the general website for
postdoctoral positions, A complete
application includes a cover letter, CV, publication list, research
statement, teaching statement, and at least three letters of
recommendation (at least one of which should address the applicant's
teaching). Completed applications received before January 1, 2017, will
receive full consideration by the Departmental Instructorship Committee.

Informal inquiries about this posting can be made by sending an email to


From: Angela Simmonds <>
Date: Mon, Aug 29, 2016 at 12:54 PM
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions: Cluster Hiring, U Utah, US

Biophysics/Neuroscience/Chemical Biology Cluster, University of Utah.
The proposed cluster comprises multiple tenure-track faculty positions
to establish excellence in emerging interdisciplinary fields;
departmental appointments may be in Physics, Biology, Chemistry,
Mathematics or Biochemistry. A major goal is to strengthen both Cellular
and Molecular Neuroscience and Biophysics, as well as to link
Neuroscience to the Chemical Biology of Natural Products. All candidates
are expected to demonstrate the ability to develop a vigorous,
competitive and well-funded research program and will be evaluated on
how their research potentially contributes to the long-term goal of
excellence in interdisciplinary bridge areas. Applications by
investigators, both experimental and theoretical, interested in
macromolecular complexes on membranes are particularly encouraged. An
undergraduate track in Neuroscience and Biophysics will be established
within the College of Science, and faculty hired through this cluster
are expected to participate in the development and teaching of
innovative courses related to this initiative. We expect to make two or
more faculty appointments in the 2016-2017 academic year, with
additional appointments in subsequent years. While the openings are at
the Assistant Professor level, exceptional senior candidates will be

Assistant Professor applicants should upload an application letter with
vita, a description of proposed research, and arrange for three letters
of recommendation to be sent on their behalf. Senior applicants should
upload an application letter and CV. Applications should be uploaded in
PDF format to Initial
interview selections will begin on October 15, 2016, but applications
submitted at a later date will be considered as needed.

The University of Utah values candidates who have experience working
with students from diverse backgrounds and possess a strong commitment
to improving access to higher education for historically
underrepresented groups. The University of Utah is an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer and educator. Minorities, women,
veterans and those with disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.
Veterans' Preference is extended to qualified veterans. Reasonable
disability accommodations will be provided with adequate notice. For
additional information about the University's commitment to equal
opportunity and access, see


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
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The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at .

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part
with attribution.

End of SMB Digest