SMB Digest     August 2, 2016   Volume 16 Issue 31
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Richard Schugart richard(dot)schugart(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page, .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
         NIMBioS: Support for Activities, Deadline Sep 1, U Tennessee
         Workshop: Math. of Ecological Systems, Sep 1, U Birmingham, UK
         Meeting: Systems Immunology, Sep 27-28, Santa Fe, US
         Conference: Deadline, Undergraduate..., Oct 8-9, NIMBioS, US
         Conference: Deadline, Blackwell-Tapia, Oct 28-29, U Tennessee
         Conference: Deadline Extended, SIAM CSE, Feb 27-Mar 3, Atlanta
         MSC2020: Plan to Revise Mathematics Subject Classification
         Spora: Assigned ISSN by Library of Congress
         Springer: New Books Alert
         Springer: New Book, E-Learning Systems, Intelligent Tech....
         PhD Position: Model. in Infection & Immunity, UNSW, Australia
         PhD Position: Water Filtration & Purifi...., Loughborough U, UK
         Post-docs: Drug Toxicity & Epidemic/AMR Model., U Liverpool, UK
         Tenure-Tracks: Italian Institute of Technology
         Tenure-Tracks: Oregon State University, US
         NIH: Selected Intramural Research and Other Job Openings
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Catherine Crawley <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 8:45 AM
Subject: NIMBioS: Support for Activities, Deadline Sep 1, U Tennessee

Deadline Approaching! Support Available for Activities at the National
Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis

September 1, 2016 is the deadline for requests for support for Working
Groups and Investigative Workshops beginning six months later at the
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS).
All areas of research at the interface of biology and mathematics will
be considered, but we are especially interested in activities expanding
beyond the areas of research supported to date. Potential organizers of
activities in areas of molecular biology, cell biology, network biology,
immunology and systems biology are particularly encouraged to submit
requests for support of Working Groups or Investigative Workshops.
NIMBioS, located at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, is an
NSF-sponsored initiative to foster interdisciplinary research at the
interface between mathematical and biological sciences. The institute's
mission is to cultivate cross-disciplinary approaches in mathematical
biology and to develop a cadre of researchers who address fundamental
and applied biological problems in creative ways. Additional support for
NIMBioS comes from the University of Tennessee-Knoxville. More details
are posted at

Related Links:
NIMBioS Working Groups
NIMBioS Investigative Workshops


From: Petrovskiy, Sergei (Prof.) <>
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 8:46 AM
Subject: Workshop: Math. of Ecological Systems, Sep 1, U Birmingham, UK

One-day workshop:
"Mathematics of Ecological Complexity"
(University of Birmingham, September 1, 2016)

Organizer: Natalia Petrovskaya
Models of spatiotemporal complexity in population, communities and
ecosystems will be discussed. Topics include (but not limited to)
challenges in modelling animal movement (both individual and
collective), biological invasions, and relevant scenarios of ecological
pattern formation.

Invited Speakers:
Daniel Bearup (U Sheffield)
Edward Codling (U Essex)
Stephen Cornell (U Liverpool)
Valerie Livina (National Physical Laboratory)
Andrew Morozov (U Leicester)

This is the fourth of the META series of workshops (Mathematical
Ecology: Theory and Applications) co-organised by Natalia Petrovskaya,
Edward Codling and Sergei Petrovskii and supported by the London
Mathematical Society.

Attendance is free and everybody is welcome.

For more details about this and upcoming META workshops please visit
or contact Natalia Petrovskaya at


From: Vitaly V. Ganusov <>
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 10:05 PM
Subject: Meeting: Systems Immunology, Sep 27-28, Santa Fe, US

This is a reminder for upcoming meeting on "Systems Approaches in
Immunology and Infectious Diseases". The 4th meeting will take place in
Santa Fe, on September 27-28, 2016.

Our website is now open for registration and abstract submission (see and places are filling in quickly. We
have also reserved rooms at the beautiful Inn and Spa at Loretto hotel.

Please spread the word about this meeting; it is always a pleasure to
meet new people working in multi-disciplinary and systems approaches to
problems at the boundary of experimental and computational immunology
and infectious diseases.

Please visit the website at for further
details, submission of abstracts, and registration.


From: Catherine Crawley <>
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 2:23 PM
Subject: Conference: Deadline, Undergraduate..., Oct 8-9, NIMBioS, US

Deadline Approaching!

Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Mathematics and
Biology, Oct. 8-9, 2016

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
(NIMBioS) will host the eighth annual Undergraduate Research Conference
at the Interface of Mathematics and Biology to be held Oct. 8-9, 2016,
at the Univ. of Tennessee Conference Center in Knoxville, TN. The
conference provides opportunities for undergraduates to present their
research at the interface of biology and mathematics. Student talks and
posters will be featured as well as a plenary speaker, a panel on career
opportunities, a graduate school showcase, and other networking
opportunities. Faculty and students are invited to attend, as well as
middle and high school teachers. A limited amount of support is
available to cover the cost of registration and lodging - deadline is
August 20 to request funding. Conference registration deadline is
September 28.

If you have or plan to request funding, do not register for the
conference until you have been contacted by NIMBioS about the status of
your funding request. For more information, go to


From: Catherine Crawley <>
Date: Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 9:19 AM
Subject: Conference: Deadline, Blackwell-Tapia, Oct 28-29, U Tennessee

Richard Tapia to Attend 2016 Blackwell-Tapia Conference and Award
Ceremony, Oct. 28-29, at the University of Tennessee Conference Center,
Knoxville, TN

**If needed, a limited amount of financial support for travel, lodging
and registration will be available.
Priority deadline to apply: Aug. 29, 2016**
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis is
honored to host the 2016 Blackwell-Tapia Conference and Awards Ceremony
with co-organizer the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences
Institute. This will be the ninth bi-annual conference since 2000.

The 2016 recipient of the Blackwell-Tapia Prize is Dr. Mariel Vazquez,
Professor of Mathematics and Microbiology and Molecular Genetics at the
University of California, Davis. The conference and prize honors David
Blackwell, the first African-American member of the National Academy of
Science, and Richard Tapia, winner of the National Medal of Science in
2010, two seminal figures who inspired a generation of African-American,
Native American and Latino/Latina students to pursue careers in
mathematics. The Blackwell-Tapia Prize recognizes a mathematician who
has contributed significantly to research in his or her area of
expertise, and who has served as a role model for mathematical
scientists and students from underrepresented minority groups, or has
contributed in other significant ways to addressing the program of
under-representation of minorities in math. Read more.

Honored guest Richard Tapia will give remarks. Additional speakers
include Vazquez, Federico Ardila, San Francisco State Univ.; Edray
Goins, Purdue Univ.; Johnny Guzman, Brown Univ.; Overtoun Jenda, Auburn
Univ.; Carolyn Morgan, Hampton Univ.; Jose Perea, Michigan State Univ.;
De Witt Sumners, Florida State Univ.; Cristina Villalobos, The Univ. of
Texas-Rio Grande Valley; and Abdul-Aziz Yakubu, Howard Univ.

The conference also includes poster presentations, panel discussions,
ample opportunities for discussion and interaction, and the awarding of
the Blackwell-Tapia Prize. Participants will come from all career stages
and will represent institutions of all sizes across the country,
including Puerto Rico.

Conference goals are to:
-Recognize and showcase mathematical excellence by minority researchers
-Recognize and disseminate successful efforts to address
-Inform students and mathematicians about career opportunities in
mathematics, especially outside academia
-Provide networking opportunities for mathematical researchers at all
points in the higher education/career trajectory

For more information and the online application, visit


From: Xiaoye S. Li <>
Date: Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 5:12 PM
Subject: Conference: Deadline Extended, SIAM CSE, Feb 27-Mar 3, Atlanta

We are extending the submission deadlines as follows:
August 15, 2016: Minisymposium proposals
September 12, 2016: Abstracts for contributed and mini symposium
September 12, 2016: Abstracts for contributed posters and
minisymposterium posters (thematic groups)

Conference web site:


From: Santiago Schnell <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 8:57 AM
Subject: MSC2020: Plan to Revise Mathematics Subject Classification

Mathematical Reviews (MR) and zbMATH cooperate in maintaining the
Mathematics Subject Classification (MSC), which is used by these
reviewing services, publishers, and others to categorize items in the
mathematical sciences literature. The current version, MSC2010, consists
of 63 areas classified with two digits refined into over 5000 three- and
five-digit classifications. Details of MSC2010 can be found at or and

MSC2010 was a revision of the 2000 subject classification scheme
developed through the collaborative efforts of the editors of zbMATH and
MR with considerable input from the community. zbMATH and MR have
initiated the process of revising MSC2010 with an expectation that the
revision will be used beginning in 2020. From the perspective of MR and
zbMATH, the five-digit classification scheme MSC is an extremely
important device that allows editors and reviewers to process the
literature. Users of the publications of zbMATH and MR employ the MSC to
search the literature by subject area. In the decade since the last
revision, keyword searching has become increasingly prevalent, with
remarkable improvements in searchable databases. Yet, the classification
scheme remains important. Many publishers use the subject classes at
either the time of submission of an article, as an aid to the editors,
or at the time of publication, as an aid to readers. The arXiv uses
author-supplied MSC codes to classify submissions, and as an option in
creating alerts for the daily listings. Browsing the MR or zbMATH
database using a two- or three-digit classification search is an
effective method of keeping up with research in specific areas.

Based in part on some thoughtful suggestions from members of the
community, the editors of MR and zbMATH have given preliminary
consideration to the scope of the revision of the MSC. We do not foresee
any changes at the two-digit level; however, it is anticipated that
there will be refinement of the three- and five-digit levels.

At this point, zbMATH and MR welcome additional community input into the
process. Comments should be submitted through the Web at
You may also send email to All information about
the MSC revision is jointly shared by MR and zbMATH. This input will be
of great value as the process moves forward.

Edward Dunne, Executive Editor, Mathematical Reviews
Klaus Hulek, Editor-in-Chief, zbMATH


From: Callender, Hannah <>
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 4:55 PM
Subject: Spora: Assigned ISSN by Library of Congress

We are excited to announce that Spora, a refereed journal dedicated to
undergraduate research in biomathematics, has been assigned an ISSN by
the Library of Congress:

Spora (Print)
ISSN 2473-3067

Spora (Online)
ISSN 2473-5493

Spora, which is sponsored by the Intercollegiate Biomathematics Alliance
(IBA), is the only open-access refereed undergraduate journal with an
exclusive focus on research in biomathematics and related fields. It is
published online and in-print.

To access the current issue of Spora and to obtain further details
including its Aims & Scope, please visit

For more information on the IBA, its mission, activities, or to join,
please visit


From: Springer <>
Date: Tue, Aug 2, 2016 at 8:50 AM
Reply-to: <>
Subject: Springer: New Books Alert

Mathematical and Computational Biology

Nonlinear Dynamics in Biological Systems
Book Series: SEMA SIMAI Springer Series, Vol. 7
Editor/s: Carballido-Landeira, Jorge; Escribano, Bruno

Scientific Models
Gerlee, Philip; Lundh, Torbjörn

The Statistical Physics of Fixation and Equilibration in
Individual-Based Models
Book Series: Springer Theses
Ashcroft, Peter


From: Djurica Salamon <>
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 3:41 AM
Subject: Springer: New Book, E-Learning Systems, Intelligent Tech....

New book on E-Learning Systems,Intelligent Techniques for
Personalization (Authors: Aleksandra Klasnja-Milicevic, Boban Vesin,
Mirjana Ivanovic, Zoran Budimac, Lakhmi C. Jain) appeared at:


From: Miles Davenport <>
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 6:45 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Model. in Infection & Immunity, UNSW, Australia

 PhD scholarship: Mathematical modeling in infection and immunity,
Infection Analytics Program, Kirby Institute, UNSW.

The Infection Analytics Program at the Kirby Institute is looking for
talented students to join their team in Sydney, Australia, investigating
immunity and vaccination for chronic infectious disease. Major current
projects involve understanding the dynamics of 'latent' infection in
HIV, and how the immune system controls malaria infection. The group is
an interdisciplinary team including applied mathematicians, physicists,
and computer scientists, who collaborate widely with experimental groups
around the world. The team uses mathematical modeling, statistical
analysis, and computer simulation to understand immunity to infection.
The scope of studies ranges from modeling immune kinetics in vivo,
analysis of genetic evolution in HIV, to analysis of cohort data on
malaria infection in the field. The group has a high publication output
and a strong history in successful interdisciplinary training. It is an
ideal venue for students with a quantitative background (mathematics /
physics / statistics) aiming to either establish themselves or diversify
their experiences in mathematical biology.

Applicants are sought for both local and International student
scholarships for PhD studies. These scholarships cover tuition and
living expenses (with stipends ranging from approx. $36,000 - $40,000
p.a., depending on scholarship). PhD studies generally last 3.5 years.

The scholarships are highly competitive. For local students, first class
honours is usually required. For international students, a high GPA
(first class honours or equivalent. High ranking in class) +/-
publications are required.

More information on the group's research is available at the Infection
Analytics website:


From: Marco Discacciati <>
Date: Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 5:08 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Water Filtration & Purifi...., Loughborough U, UK

?PhD Studentship - Mathematical modelling of water filtration and
purification devices

A PhD studentship funded by Loughborough University is available to
start in October 2016.

The project, based in the Department of Mathematical Sciences at
Loughborough University, will focus on the mathematical and
computational modelling of point-of-care water purification devices. The
aim is to set up a robust and reliable modelling tool that would enable
simulation of different working configurations for the device with a
view to optimise its performance and design.

The successful candidate will be expected to develop a mathematical
model of the process of filtration of water through a porous medium and
computational finite element software to simulate filtration. The model
will be validated using experimental data obtained in the Chemical
Engineering Department.

The studentship is for 3 years and it provides a stipend of £14,296 per
annum plus tuition fees at the UK/EU rate for up to three years.
International (non EU) students may apply but will need to find the
difference in fees between those for a 'UK/EU' and 'international'
student themselves.

Students will normally need to hold, or expect to gain, at least a 2:1
degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics, Physics or Engineering. A
relevant Master's degree and/or experience in one or mode or the
following will be an advantage: Applied Computational Mathematics,
Computational Mechanics.

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Dr Marco Discacciati at

Applications are accepted until the position is filled.


From: Sharkey, Kieran <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 4:06 AM
Subject: Post-docs: Drug Toxicity & Epidemic/AMR Model., U Liverpool, UK

We are looking to appoint two post-doctoral researchers to our
EPSRC-funded Liverpool Centre for Mathematics in Healthcare
The positions match two of the three main themes of the centre.

Position 1: A 2-year position to start in autumn 2016. The research will
investigate drug toxicology using multi-scale modelling approaches. The
aim of this project is to develop a framework for generating 3D
spatial-temporal models to predict liver toxicity. There is flexibility
in the research depending on the background and interests of the
appointed candidate. For example, the focus could be on developing
constitutive equations for drug transport using homogenisation
techniques, or on how population heterogeneity affects the dynamical
system representing the drug metabolic pathway. More details on the
position and how to apply can be found here

Position 2: A 3-year position to start in autumn 2016. The research will
investigate the evolution of antimicrobial resistance in a heterogeneous
healthcare environment. This will be used to inform healthcare policy on
the prescription of antibiotics. There is flexibility in the research
depending on the background and interests of the appointed candidate.
The research is likely to be a blend of application with theoretical
developments in the dynamics of co-existence and evolution. More details
on the position and how to apply can be found here

The deadline for applications for both positions is Monday 29th August.


From: Paolo Zuliani <>
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 7:37 AM
Subject: Tenure-Tracks: Italian Institute of Technology

The Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) is pleased to announce openings
for FOUR tenure-track positions in:

Synthetic & Systems Biology
Tissue Engineering
Multidisciplinary Biosystems
Robot Locomotion

These open calls are part of an ambitious plan to recruit more than 100
new tenure-track scientists over the next decade. The new tenure-track
scientists will be intellectually and financially independent (i.e.,
true principal investigators) and will enjoy world-class facilities and
start-up and operational funding, as well as internationally competitive
salaries and benefits.

For details of the job searches, please visit

Deadline for applications in 15 October 2016.


From: Cropley, Jeannine <>
Date: Wed, Jul 27, 2016 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Tenure-Tracks: Oregon State University, US


Mathematics. Systems Biology. Physiological modeling. Drug discovery.

Oregon State University is searching for two faculty with enthusiasm for
collaborative research and teaching at the interface between the life
sciences - biological, biomedical, pharmaceutical, or environmental -
and the quantitative or physical sciences. Appointees will be expected
to develop independent and collaborative grant-funded research programs,
at any level of scale from the molecular to the ecological. The
research, teaching, and extension programs of the appointees are
expected to integrate student success, diversity, and inclusion as core
values. This search is part of a large cohort of new faculty hires at
OSU focused on interdisciplinary computational research, and on
advancement of diversity, inclusion and student success.


An assistant professor (9 month, tenure track) position is available in
any domain where the life or environmental sciences intersect with the
quantitative or physical sciences. Complex systems in the life and
environmental sciences span numerous levels of scale from metabolites,
macromolecules, cells, tissues, and organisms, to populations,
communities and ecosystems. Increasingly, understanding these systems
requires interdisciplinary collaborative research at the intersection
with quantitative or physical sciences. The appointment will reside
jointly in two units, one a life or environmental sciences unit, and the
other ideally in a physical or quantitative sciences unit, depending on
the appointee's expertise and interest. To review the full position
announcement, qualifications and detailed application go to and select posting number P00447UF.
Contact: Brett Tyler (

For full consideration, please apply by September 9, 2016.


The College of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is
seeking applications for an assistant professor position (12 month,
tenure track) with expertise in using computational or bioinformatics
tools to discover new drug targets or mechanisms of action, or uncover
disease or physiological mechanisms. A Ph.D. or terminal degree in a
biomedical or pharmaceutical science, computer science or statistics,
biochemistry or a related discipline with relevant postdoctoral
experience is required. Responsibilities include establishing and
maintaining an extramurally funded research program; collaborating on
initiatives and needs for expertise in computational and systems level
approaches; and teaching and mentoring graduate, professional and
undergraduate students. To review the full position announcement,
qualifications and detailed application go to
and select posting # P00444UF. Contact: Chrissa Kioussi
( ). For full consideration, please apply
by September 23, 2016.

OSU is an AA/EOE and has a policy of being responsive to dual-career


From: Owens, Roland (NIH/OD) [E] <>
Date: Mon, Aug 1, 2016 at 3:18 PM
Raymond Mejía <>
Subject: NIH: Selected Intramural Research and Other Job Openings

Tenure-Track/Tenure-Eligible Investigator
Laboratory of Malaria Immunology and Vaccinology, NIAID
(Review of Applications Begins: August 8)

The Laboratory of Malaria Immunology and Vaccinology (LMIV), Division of
Intramural Research (DIR), National Institute of Allergy and Infectious
Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH), invites
applications for a tenure-track (preferred) or tenure-eligible
investigator in malaria immunology or vaccinology.

We seek a highly creative individual who will establish an independent,
world-class malaria research program that takes full advantage of the
special opportunities afforded by the stable, long-term funding offered
to the intramural NIH community. Applicants should have a Ph.D., M.D.,
or equivalent degree and an outstanding record of postdoctoral or junior
faculty accomplishment. Applicants should be interested in developing
and applying novel approaches to the study of malaria immunology or
malaria vaccines, which could include a significant clinical or
translational effort in addition to bench research. As examples, the
candidate might pursue structure-function-immunogenicity of malaria
proteins and immunogens, innate immunity and adjuvants, humoral
immunity, or immunobiology of durable vaccine-induced protective immune

The successful candidate will have access to the NIH Clinical Center, a
premier research hospital on the main NIH campus where LMIV conducts
vaccine trials and experimental malaria infections in human volunteers.
She or he will have ample opportunity to participate in the activities
of the International Centers of Excellence in Research at
malaria-endemic sites in Africa. Other trans-NIH initiatives involving
technology development, translational investigation, access to nonhuman
primate facilities, and multidisciplinary science offer additional
research infrastructure for intramural scientists.

The incumbent will be assigned independent resources to include
laboratory support personnel, equipment, space, and an allocated annual
budget for services, supplies, and salaries sufficient to foster
success. In addition to an outstanding international postdoctoral
community, a superior pool of graduate and undergraduate students is
available to the successful applicant. Additional information is
available on the LMIV website,
Salary is commensurate with experience and accomplishments. A full civil
service package of benefits (including retirement; health, life, and
long-term care insurance; Thrift Savings Plan) is available. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply. U.S. citizenship is not required.

To apply, email your curriculum vitae, bibliography, a list of at least
five references, and a detailed statement of how your expertise can
contribute to the success of the malaria research program (no more than
two pages) in PDF format to Ms. Laurie Lewallen at Initial review of applications will be on
August 8, 2016, but applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. For further information about this position, contact Dr. Patrick
Duffy, Chief, LMIV, at 301-761-5089 or Visit
Careers at NIAID,,
for more information about NIAID and additional career opportunities.
HHS, NIH, and NIAID are equal opportunity employers. NIH is dedicated to
building a diverse community in its training and employment programs.

Stadtman Tenure-Track Investigators
(deadline: September 30)

The National Institutes of Health, the U.S. government's premier
biomedical and behavioral research enterprise and a component of the
Department of Health and Human Services, is pleased to announce its
eighth annual call for "NIH Earl Stadtman Investigators," a broad
recruitment of tenure-track investigators (assistant professor
equivalent) for the NIH intramural research program.

Come join the team whose hallmarks are stable funding, intellectual
freedom, shared resources, and access to a wide range of scientific
expertise. A fantastic array of scientists already has been hired
through the "Stadtman" recruitment in the last seven years.

A variety of basic and translational/clinical positions are available,
with areas of active recruitment including (but not limited to):
Behavioral Sciences, Biochemistry, Biomedical Engineering, Biophysics,
Biostatistics, Cancer Biology, Cell Biology, Cell Metabolism, Chemical
Biology, Chromosome Biology, Computational Biology/Bioinformatics
(including natural language processing and text mining), Developmental
Biology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Genomics, Health Disparities, Hearing &
Balance, Immunology, Infectious Diseases, Microbiology, Molecular
Pharmacology, Neurodevelopment, Neurosciences, Physiology, Sensory
Biology, Social Sciences, Structural Biology, Systems Biology,
Toxicology, Translational and Clinical Research, and Virology.

Who we are: Among our approximately 1,100 principal investigators and
4,000 trainees in the NIH intramural research program are world-renowned
experts in basic, translational, population-based, and clinical
research. Similar to academia, we offer our scientists the opportunity
to mentor outstanding trainees at all levels (e.g., graduate students
and postdoctoral fellows) in a research setting.

Whom we seek: We seek a diverse cadre of creative thinkers eager to take
on innovative, high-impact research.

Qualifications/eligibility: Applicants must have an M.D., Ph.D.,
D.D.S./D.M.D., D.V.M., D.O., R.N./Ph.D., or equivalent doctoral degree
and have an outstanding record of research accomplishments as evidenced
by high quality publications in peer-reviewed journals. Applicants
should be non-tenured scientists. Appointees may be U.S. citizens,
resident aliens, or non-resident aliens with, or eligible to obtain, a
valid employment-authorization visa.

How to apply: Applicants must submit four items (the first three items
must be in a PDF format): (1) a CV, which should include a list of
publications, and mentoring and leadership activities; (2) a three-page
proposal titled Research Goals, i.e., the research you hope to perform
at the NIH; (3) a one-page statement titled Long-term Research Vision
and Impact, i.e., what you hope to achieve for yourself, your field, and
society; and (4) contact information for three professional references.
Submit these through our online application system at between August 1 and September 30, 2016
(11:59 p.m. EDT). You will be asked to designate up to two scientific
areas of expertise to aid in assigning your application to the
appropriate review committee. Requests for letters of recommendation
will be sent to your references when you submit your application.
Reference letters will be accepted via upload to the website until
October 7, 2016 (11:59 p.m. EDT). Reference letters must also be
submitted in a PDF format. We cannot accept paper applications.

What to expect: Search committees, composed of experts in various
fields, will review and evaluate applicants based on criteria which
include publication record, mentoring experience, scientific vision,
potential scientific impact of current and proposed research, awards,
and references. Select applicants will be invited to the NIH for
interviews and will be considered candidates. These candidates will also
present seminars open to the public. Some applicants not selected as
Earl Stadtman Investigator candidates may be considered for other open
NIH research positions. Please find answers to frequently asked
questions at

More information about our program is at The
inspiring story of Earl and Thressa Stadtman's research at the NIH is at Specific questions regarding
this recruitment effort may be directed to Dr. Roland Owens, Assistant
Director, NIH Office of Intramural Research,
DHHS and NIH are equal opportunity employers.

The NIH is dedicated to building an inclusive and diverse community in
its training and employment programs.

Staff Scientist, Biostatistician
Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch, NIEHS
(Review of Applications Begins: September 30)

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of
the National Institutes of Health (NIH), is seeking an experienced
biostatistician at the rank of Staff Scientist in the Biostatistics and
Computational Biology Branch (BCBB, of the
Division of Intramural Research (DIR, The incumbent
will collaborate extensively with researchers in the DIR and the
Division of the National Toxicology Program (DNTP As the
principal statistician for the National Toxicology Program (NTP, he/she will provide statistical leadership
and ensure the statistical integrity of its research program. In
addition, the position involves management and oversight of statistical
support service contracts. Development of new statistical methods is
encouraged, but will not be a major component of the job.

The scientific environment at NIEHS provides exciting opportunities for
a collaborating statistician. The DIR conducts a broad range of basic,
clinical and population-based biomedical research to advance the science
on environment and human health. The NTP serves a vital national
interest by improving our knowledge about potential hazardous chemicals
in our environment. It uses a broad range of toxicological approaches
including large-scale rodent studies and cell-based assays to evaluate a
variety of adverse outcomes. Increasingly, research in both the DIR and
the NTP incorporates high-dimensional data such as high-throughput
screening, gene-expression, microbiome, DNA methylation, and genome

The Research Triangle Park (RTP, is a lively and
world-renowned research center. Major nearby universities and institutes
include the University of North Carolina, North Carolina State
University, Duke University, the Research Triangle Institute, and the
Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute. The RTP region,
known for its diversity and cultural amenities, is widely regarded as an
outstanding place to live and work.

The successful candidate will have both strong communication skills
(written and oral) and proven experience working productively with
multidisciplinary teams of biologists, toxicologists, epidemiologists,
and/or clinical scientists. Applicants should have a Ph.D. in
statistics, biostatistics or a closely related field. Applications from
women and underrepresented minorities are strongly encouraged.
Appointees may be U.S. citizens, resident aliens, or non-resident aliens
with, or eligible to obtain, a valid employment-authorization visa. For
additional information, contact Dr. Shyamal Peddada, Acting Chief,
Biostatistics and Computational Biology Branch, at 919-541-1122

Interested persons should email a combined single PDF of their
curriculum vitae and a two-page statement of research and collaboration
experience. Applicants must also arrange to have three letters of
reference in PDF format sent directly to As
there are other recruitments currently running, please instruct your
referees to include your name and BCBB-SS in the subject line of their
email. Paper applications will not be accepted. Review of applications
will begin on September 30, 2016, but applications will be accepted
until the vacancy is filled. DHHS and NIH are equal opportunity

Tenure-Track/Tenure Eligible Position
Occupational and Environmental Epidemiology Branch, NCI-DCEG
(deadline: September 30)

A tenure-track/tenure eligible position is available in the Occupational
and Environmental Epidemiology Branch (OEEB - Chief, Dr. Debra
Silverman), Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG),
National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Institutes of Health (NIH),
Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) for a scientific
investigator with expertise and experience in exposure assessment of
environmental contaminants for cancer epidemiology studies. Candidates
should have a strong background and at least 5 years of experience in
exposure assessment, including using Geographic Information System
(GIS)-based models and environmental monitoring data to estimate
historical exposures to air and water pollutants. Candidates should have
knowledge of and demonstrated capacity to develop and apply
state-of-the-art exposure assessment and statistical methods in
case-control and cohort studies.

The candidate should have a doctorate in environmental health,
epidemiology, or a comparable doctoral degree, experience in carrying
out environmental exposure assessments and environmental epidemiology
studies, and a fundamental commitment to the study of environmental
exposures. A demonstrated ability to carry out effective collaborations
with investigators from different disciplines is critical. Also
essential is the ability to communicate effectively in speech and in
writing, as demonstrated in presentations and publications. Salary is
commensurate with experience. The successful candidate will be expected
to develop an independent research program focused on the assessment of
environmental exposures, and identifying and clarifying how these
exposures may cause cancer. Interested individuals should send a cover
letter, curriculum vitae, brief summary of research interests and
experience, up to five publications, and three letters of reference to:
Ms. Linda Littlejohn. Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics;
National Cancer Institute; 9609 Medical Center Drive, Suite 7E328, MSC
9775; Bethesda, MD 20892-9775; or e-mail The
closing date for applications is September 30, 2016. DHHS, NIH, and NCI
are equal opportunity employers.


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