SMB Digest     July 26, 2016   Volume 16 Issue 30
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Richard Schugart richard(dot)schugart(at)gmail(dot)com

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page, .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
         ToC: BMB, Volume 78, Issue 6
         Special Issue: Topological Modeling & Analysis of Big..., MBMB
         AIBS: Public Policy Report
         Research Assistant: Mapping cortex evolution..., U Oxford
         Research Fellow: Immunisation on Vaccine-Preventable..., London
         Post-docs: Math Biology, U Maryland, US
         Faculty Positions: Mathematics & Statistics, Texas Tech U, US
         NSF: Graduate Student Research Fellowship Proposals, due Oct 28
         SMBnet Reminders


From: Springer <>
Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 8:51 AM
Springer <>
Subject: ToC: BMB, Volume 78, Issue 6

We are pleased to deliver your requested table of contents alert for
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. Volume 78 Number 6 is now available at

In this issue
Convergence Properties of Posttranslationally Modified Protein-Protein
Switching Networks with Fast Decay Rates
Gaoyang Fan, Bree Cummins & Tomá? Gedeon

Asymptotic Analysis of a Target-Mediated Drug Disposition Model:
Algorithmic and Traditional Approaches
Dimitris G. Patsatzis, Dimitris T. Maris & Dimitris A. Goussis

Mathematical Modeling of the Role of Survivin on Dedifferentiation and
Radioresistance in Cancer
Adam Rhodes & Thomas Hillen

The Effects of Insulin Resistance on Individual Tissues: An Application
of a Mathematical Model of Metabolism in Humans
Taliesin Pearson, Jonathan A. D. Wattis, John R. King, Ian A. MacDonald
& Dawn J. Mazzatti

Transfer of Drug Resistance Characteristics Between Cancer Cell
Subpopulations: A Study Using Simple Mathematical Models
María Rosa Durán, Ana Podolski-Reni?, Arturo Álvarez-Arenas, Jelena
Dini?, Juan Belmonte-Beitia, Milica Pe?i? & Víctor M. Pérez-García

Quasispecies on Class-Dependent Fitness Landscapes
Raphaël Cerf & Joseba Dalmau

A Game-Theoretical Winner and Loser Model of Dominance Hierarchy
Klodeta Kura, Mark Broom & Anne Kandler

Cyclic Feedback Systems with Quorum Sensing Coupling
Tomas Gedeon, Mark Pernarowski & Adam Wilander

Modeling Glucose Metabolism in the Kidney
Ying Chen, Brendan C. Fry & Anita T. Layton


From: Xia Kelin (Asst Prof) <>
Date: Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Special Issue: Topological Modeling & Analysis of Big..., MBMB

 The journal Molecular Based Mathematical Biology (MBMB) will publish a
special issue entitled "Topological modeling and analysis of big data in
biomolecules". The purpose of this special issue is to create a medium
for researchers from mathematical and biological sciences and other
related disciplines to report novel mathematical models, computational
algorithms, and biological applications in the fields of molecular level
biosciences and biophysics.

MBMB is a recently established journal, whose aim is to promote the
mathematical study and findings of biological structure, functions and
dynamics at the molecular scale. Original papers and high-quality review
articles on the aforementioned topics are solicited for this special

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:
-Topological characterization of biomolecules
-DNA/RNA topology and self-assembly processes
-Viral capsids and their assembly
-Protein rigidity and flexibility analysis
-Topological data analysis (TDA) of biomolecules
-Cryo-EM data analysis
-Biomolecular simulations and data analysis
-Quantum chemical topology, atoms in molecules
-Protein folding

Before submission authors should carefully read over the author
guidelines. All manuscripts are subject to the standard peer review
process before publication. Please note the publisher has waived the
Article Processing Charges for this special issue, and articles will be
open-access in accordance with the overall goals of the journal.
Prospective authors should submit their manuscript online at

Important Dates: Manuscript Due: October 1, 2016; First Round of
Reviews: November 15, 2016; Anticipated Publication Date: January 15,

We are looking forward to your submission. If you have any questions,
please contact Dr. Kelin Xia at


From: AIBS Public Policy Office <>
Date: Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 11:07 AM
Subject: AIBS: Public Policy Report



From: Thomas E. Woolley <>
Date: Tue, Jul 26, 2016 at 8:50 AM
Subject: Research Assistant: Mapping cortex evolution..., U Oxford

Applications are invited for a 24-month fixed-term post of Research
Assistant in St John's College Research Centre at St John's College,
University of Oxford. The post involves working on a research project
entitled 'Mapping cortex evolution through mathematical modelling'
funded by the St John?s College Research Centre and led by Professor
Zoltán Molnár, Professor Philip Maini, and Dr Thomas Woolley. The
appointee will take up the post on November 1st or as soon as possible
thereafter. The post is full-time and is for 24 months. The appointment
will be on the University's Grade 7 for Academic and Academic-related
staff, currently starting at £30,738 per annum.

Our project proposes to develop and understand a mathematical model for
the differentiation of neurons from earlier pluripotent progenitor cell
populations. This framework will allow us to map all possible
evolutionary pathways of the cortex enabling us to quantitatively and
qualitatively highlight multiple possible divergent evolutionary
trajectories. Further, by comparing these theories with data we will
construct a novel categorisation of different species, and understand
the high diversity of cortex development, thus generating an impact in
the field of neurobiology. Finally, through applying our framework to
pathological cases, we will predict mechanistic links between neuron
production failure and resulting phenotypes such as microcephaly,
polymicrogyria syndromes and lissencephaly syndromes.

If there are any questions, please send them to


From: Katie Atkins <>
Date: Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 3:49 AM
Subject: Research Fellow: Immunisation on Vaccine-Preventable..., London

Research Fellow in Mathematical Modelling (London School of Hygiene and
Tropical Medicine)

We are seeking an enthusiastic Research Fellow to join the Health
Protection Research Unit (HPRU) in Immunisation. The successful
candidate will work with the mathematical modelling and economic
evaluation team to understand the impact of immunisation on
vaccine-preventable disease. He/she will design and apply mathematical
models to address policy decisions around vaccination in England.

The successful applicant will have a PhD in mathematical modelling or
equivalent research experience, a proven ability to use a coding
language to solve modelling problems (e.g. R, Matlab, C++, Python etc.),
the ability to publish in leading journals as evidenced by existing or
potential publications and evidence of ability to work independently and
meet tight deadline.

It is desirable that the post-holder has prior experience in Bayesian
model fitting techniques, experience in mathematical modelling of
infectious diseases, experience in modelling using ordinary differential
equations. Prior experience in health economic evaluation and knowledge
of vaccine-preventable diseases is also desirable.

The appointment is full time and is available immediately until 31 March
2017 initially, with the possibility of extension. The appointment will
be made on the Academic Pathway Grade 6 scale £37,477-£42,560 per annum

Applications should be made on-line via our website at (Ref: EPH-IDE-24)

Applications should also include a CV and the names and email contacts
of 2 referees who can be contacted immediately if shortlisted.
Interested applicants are invited to contact Dr Katherine Atkins
( for further information. Any queries
regarding the application process may be addressed to


From: Bill Fagan <>
Date: Fri, Jul 22, 2016 at 8:00 AM
Subject: Post-docs: Math Biology, U Maryland, US

Postdoctoral Opportunities

Statistical Ecology
We seek a quantitative researcher with fluency in statistics to work in
a team environment on projects related to animal movement. Example
topics include analyzing a dataset on the movements of monkeys in 3
dimensions and developing/refining methods for dealing with barriers in
the continuous- time movement modeling framework. The person must be
able to work productively in a team environment that includes physicists
and ecologists. Knowledge of R is necessary and experience with spatial
statistics and/or signal processing is desirable. Previous experience
with movement ecology is not required, but would be beneficial. We are
particularly interested in someone with these quantitative skills who
also has a documented history of writing papers in ecological journals.
This postdoc is funded through a combination of NSF and institutional
funds. Funding is available for one year, with the possibility of an
extension to two years. Project leaders are:
Justin Calabrese, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute
Bill Fagan, Univ. of Maryland

Epidemiological Modeling
We seek a postdoctoral researcher with a background in mathematics,
mathematical biology, or a related field to aid in developing,
analyzing, and simulating models of tick and mosquito-borne diseases.
Example topics include analytical / computational models of diseases
with multiple hosts, parameterizing detailed disease models and fitting
them to prevalence data, and studies of how seasonality and climate
change influence disease dynamics. Ability to work in a team environment
is essential. At a minimum, applicants should have experience with
analysis of ordinary and partial differential equations. Experience with
non-autonomous and/or delay differential equations would be beneficial.
Those with experience using control techniques are especially encouraged
to apply. Coursework or some other background in epidemiology is
preferable but not required. Funding, which is available for one year,
with the possibility of an extension to two years, is through a US Dept
of Defense project entitled "Biological Timing and the Transmission of
Arthropod-Borne Diseases," which includes collaboration with
mathematician Folashade Agusto (University of Kansas). Project leaders
Sharon Bewick & Bill Fagan, Univ. of Maryland
Justin Calabrese, Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute

Start dates for both positions are September to December 2016, but can
be adjusted for the right candidate. For both positions, please send CV,
short statement of interest, and contact info for 3 references to:


From: Rangel, Misty <>
Date: Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:58 AM
Subject: Faculty Positions: Mathematics & Statistics, Texas Tech U, US

Faculty Positions, Mathematics & Statistics, Texas Tech University,
Fall 2017

The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Texas Tech University
invites applications for six tenure-track positions beginning Fall 2017.
While preference will be given to junior faculty candidates for the rank
of assistant professor, candidates with very strong records of research
productivity who will bring externally sponsored research to Texas Tech
will be considered for associate or full professor ranks. The department
seeks candidates who will be engaged in nationally visible scholarship,
establish externally-funded research programs, interact with the
existing research groups, participate in interdisciplinary
collaborations and service, involve graduate students in their research,
and show excellence in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate
levels. A Ph.D. degree in mathematics, applied mathematics, statistics,
or a related area, at the time of appointment, is required. A
demonstrated record of peer reviewed publication is expected. Senior
applicants are expected to provide a strong record of scholarly
research, teaching effectiveness, and professional service.

Candidates should apply at using the
appropriate requisition number, as follows: 1). Mathematical sciences -
requisition #7946BR; 2). Computational mathematics - requisition
#7947BR; 3). Biomathematics - requisition #7948BR; 4). Statistics -
requisition #7949BR.

The research fields of traditional interest in the department
corresponding to these four areas include, respectively: i). algebraic
and differential geometry and topology, complex analysis, number theory;
ii). computational applications of partial differential equations,
optimization, numerical linear algebra, numerical analysis, and
scientific computing/software; iii). population dynamics, infectious
diseases, ecotoxicology, immunology, oncology, biomechanics,
neuroscience; iv). biostatistics, statistical genetics, stochastic
processes, functional data analysis, Bayesian statistics, nonparametric
statistics, and image analysis.

Applicants are expected to submit a letter of application along with a
completed AMS standard cover sheet, current CV, research and teaching
statements. In addition to the mandated online application, applicants
must have three reference letters e-mailed to
Review of applications will begin in Fall 2016. Applications will be
accepted until the position is filled, with those received prior to
January 15, 2017, assured full consideration.

As an Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer, Texas
Tech University is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally
diverse faculty committed to teaching and working in a multicultural
environment. We actively encourage applications from all those who can
contribute, through their research, teaching, and service, to the
diversity and excellence of the academic community at Texas Tech
University. The university welcomes applications from minorities, women,
veterans, persons with disabilities, and dual-career couples.


From: Henry Warchall <>
Date: Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 2:40 PM
Reply-to: dmsnews <>
Subject: NSF: Graduate Student Research Fellowship Proposals, due Oct 28

Please forward this message to senior undergraduate students, incoming
graduate students, and students in the first year of graduate study.

An updated program solicitation for the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Program is now available.  Details are available at the web site

Full Proposal Deadline Dates:
* October 28, 2016 for Mathematical Sciences; Physics and Astronomy;
* October 27, 2016 for Psychology; Social Sciences; STEM Education and
* October 25, 2016 for Computer and Information Science and Engineering;
Engineering; Materials Research
* October 24, 2015 for Geosciences; Life Sciences

Please also see the additional information at

All eligible students are sincerely encouraged to apply.

Program Synopsis:
The purpose of the NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP) is to
help ensure the vitality and diversity of the scientific and engineering
workforce of the United States. The program recognizes and supports
outstanding graduate students who are pursuing research-based master's
and doctoral degrees in science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM) and in STEM education.  The GRFP provides three years
of support for the graduate education of individuals who have
demonstrated their potential for significant research achievements in
STEM and STEM education.  NSF especially encourages women, members of
underrepresented minority groups, persons with disabilities, veterans,
and undergraduate seniors to apply.


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at .

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part
with attribution.

End of SMB Digest