ToC: Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Systems Biology and...
Simon Cotter <>Date:
Tue, Jul 5, 2016 at 3:33 AMSubject: Workshop: Computational Challenges..., Aug 30-31, U Manchester
I am writing to remind you all that registration will close on 27th July
for a workshop entitled "Computational Challenges in Biochemical
Networks: Multiscale Methods and Inverse Problems", which will take
place in the Alan Turing building, Manchester, UK, on 30-31 August 2016.
Registration can be completed via the workshop webpage: feel free to spread the word about this event amongst anybody
that you think may be interested. Places are limited and as such people
interested in coming should register as soon as they can. Young
researchers are encouraged to apply to present a poster during the
Armindo Salvador <>Date:
Mon, Jul 4, 2016 at 12:15 PMSubject: Summer School: Computational Biology, Sep 5-15, U Coimbra
The Computational Biology network at the University of Coimbra
( is pleased to announce the
2016 Summer School in Computational Biology - from molecules to tissues,
to be held in Coimbra on 5th to 15th September 2016. This will be an
introductory course targeted to students from the M. Sc. to
post-doctoral levels with either biological or exact sciences
backgrounds who wish to acquire skills in Computational Biology. It will
include introductory lectures, courses on specialized Computational
Biology topics, seminars on recent developments, and mini-research
projects. There will be two parallel tracks of introductory lectures:
A. Mathematics and physics for students with a life sciences background;
B. Biology for students with an exact sciences background.
In order to apply, please send a CV to
computational.biology@uc.ptno later than July 22, indicating also which introductory track you
intend to follow.
Registration and accommodation fees of the selected candidates will be
modest. For further information please see
keystonesymposia <>Date:
Sun, Jul 3, 2016 at 5:35 PMSubject: Symposia: Keystone, 2016-2017 Global Health Series Conferences