Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest

SMB Digest  June 22, Volume 16  Issue 25
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Ray Mejía ray(at)smb(dot)org

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
http://www.smb.org/ .

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at
http://www.springer.com/11538 .

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .

Issue's Topics:
   SMB Lifetime Membership
   Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 78, Issue 5 - New Issue Alert
   Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists
   June 2016 AIBS Newsletter
   Science Policy News from AIBS
   PhD & Postdoc Positions: mathematical and population genetics, McGill U
   Postdoc: Computational Cognitive Modelling, Vanderbilt University, USA
   NSF NeuroNex announcement and webinar
   New NSF funding opportunity: Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical ...
   SMBnet Reminders


From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 6:32 PM
Subject: SMB Lifetime Membership

The Society for Mathematical Biology now offers a Lifetime Membership.
You can lock your membership dues at today's rates by becoming a Lifetime
Member.  The Lifetime Membership will give you the benefits of a Regular
Member without paying dues again!

The cost of a Lifetime Membership is $50 for each year from current age of
applicant to age 65, with minimum payment of $250 (five times current cost
of full membership).  Please use the following formula to calculate your dues:

Lifetime Membership Dues ($250 minimum) = (65 minus your age) x $50 

The lifetime membership cannot be purchased retroactively.
To become a Lifetime Member, please contact the membership office at


From: Springer <springer@alerts.springer.com>
Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 10:49 AM
Subject: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 78, Issue 5 - New Issue Alert



From: Science Awards & Prizes <scienceprizes@aaas.sciencepubs.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 20, 2016 at 9:02 AM
Resent-from: Raymond Mejía <mejiar@helix.nih.gov>
Subject: Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists

We believe that excellent young researchers deserve a little extra attention and
endorsement. If you are a recent PhD graduate, you could be the next winner of
the Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists.

Submissions are now open for 2016 entries.

Doctoral graduates may submit an essay based on their thesis work. Four
winners, in different categories, will be selected for this international award.

Application deadline: August 1, 2016

Categories: Cell and Molecular Biology | Ecology and Environment |
Genomics and Proteomics | Translational Medicine

Apply now for your chance to win the 2016 Science & SciLifeLab Prize for
Young Scientists!
Apply today at
The winners will:
. Be published by Science
. Share 60,000 USD in prize money
. Be awarded in Stockholm, Sweden in December
AAAS / Science | 1200 New York Avenue NW | Washington, DC 20005 | U.S.A.
+1 202-326-6417


From: American Institute of Biological Sciences <membership@aibs.org>
Date: Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 2:31 PM
Subject: June 2016 AIBS Newsletter



From: AIBS Public Policy Office <polrept@aibs.org>
Date: Mon, Jun 13, 2016 at 12:31 PM
Subject: Science Policy News from AIBS



From: Simon gravel <gravellab@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2016 15:46:23 -0400
Subject: PhD & Postdoc Positions: mathematical and population genetics, McGill U

PhD and postdoc projects in mathematical and population genetics are
available at McGill University in Montreal, Canada. The projects aim
to develop mathematical, statistical, or computational models to better
understand human genetics, human history, and disease. Sample projects are
outlined below.

Candidates should have:

- a strong background in mathematics, statistics, programming, or related

- demonstrated interest in biology, evolution, or medical research;

- a curious and creative mind.

Experience in genetics, stochastic processes, or machine learning are assets.

The fully-funded positions offer an exceptional opportunity to develop
theoretical and computational ideas and apply them to cutting-edge data in
a supportive and thriving research environment.

Applications and queries should be sent to Simon Gravel gravellab@gmail.com.
Please include a statement of interest (1 page or less), a CV, contact
information for three references, and a low-resolution scan of transcripts.

*Project 1: Genetics and Human history*

The student will develop mathematical models of human genetic diversity to
refine our understanding of human history, demography, and disease risk,
especially in non-European populations.

*Project 2: Tumor heterogeneity*

The student will model heterogeneity in primary and metastatic tumors through
simulation and mathematical models. She will seek to answer fundamental
questions about cancer progression and resistance to treatment, and to help
interpret the latest generation of sequence data.

*Project 3: Genetics, Genealogies, and Evolution*

The student will develop statistical models that combine genetic and
genealogical data to learn about the transmission history of alleles over
generations and identify evidence for selection or disease-causing alleles. He
will work with some of the largest and most complete genealogical datasets
available, as well as with cutting-edge biological datasets.


From: William Holmes <william.holmes@vanderbilt.edu>
Date: Thu, Jun 16, 2016 at 2:56 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Computational Cognitive Modelling, Vanderbilt University, USA

This position is for a postdoctoral fellow as part of an NSF-funded
project entitled "The Impact of Dynamically Changing Information on
Decision Processes".  Applicants will join a collaboration at Vanderbilt
University between Dr. William Holmes (Physics) and Dr. Jennifer Trueblood
(Psychology) with the aim of using computational models to understand how
people make decisions in dynamic environments.

Candidates should hold a Ph.D. in a quantitative field such as physics,
mathematics, computer science, engineering, neuroscience, psychology,
or related disciplines. A background in psychology is not required. The
following skills are strongly desired:

1. Background in computational modelling in an interdisciplinary setting.

2. Solid programming skills, including in MATLAB.

3. Some experience with parallel computing either in the MATLAB environment
or in C, Fortran, CUDA, or OpenCL.

4. Experience with model fitting (particularly using Bayesian methods)
is a plus.

5. Demonstrated scientific expertise, with publications in refereed journals.

For further information, see
(https://my.vanderbilt.edu/holmesw/people/). Please submit a cover letter
including a brief statement of career goals, curriculum vitae, one example
publication / manuscript, and contact information of three references. To
apply or to request further information, contact Dr. William Holmes at
william.holmes@vanderbilt.edu. Review of applications will begin immediately
and will continue until the position is filled.


From: Whang, Kenneth C. <kwhang@nsf.gov>
Date: Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 12:38 PM
Subject: NSF NeuroNex announcement and webinar

NSF NeuroNex announcement and webinar: Developing a National Research
Infrastructure for Neuroscience

Dear Colleagues,

National Science Foundation (NSF) recently announced its intention
to foster the development of a national research infrastructure for
neuroscience (NSF 16-047) to support collaborative and team science
for achieving a comprehensive understanding of the brain.  As part
of this effort, NSF recently released a solicitation, NSF 16-569
https://www.nsf.gov/publications/pub_summ.jsp?ods_key=nsf16569, which calls
for two types of proposals.

(1) Neurotechnology Hubs: Projects that foster development and
dissemination/deployment of innovative research resources and instrumentation,
neurotechnologies and behavioral paradigms that can be applied across the
phylogenetic spectrum, while providing greater access to existing resources
where possible and serving broad communities within the brain sciences; and

(2) Theory Teams: Projects that foster theoretical approaches with the
potential to reveal the neural underpinnings of behavior and cognition
across organizational levels, scales of analysis, and/or a range of species.

For further details, please consult the solicitation, NSF 16-569, and attend
the NeuroNex Webinar, which is scheduled for Tuesday, July 19, 2016 at 1 PM
Eastern Standard Time (see details below).  The Webinar will discuss the scope
of the activity, pertinent review criteria, general guidelines for proposals
to this activity, and post-award conditions for the cooperative agreements. 

Floh Thiels and Sri Raghavachari
National Science Foundation

NeuroNex Webinar
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
1:00 pm | Eastern Daylight Time (New York, GMT-04:00) | 2 hrs
Meeting number: 746 147 790
Meeting password: JznuAn*7

When it's time, join the meeting,

Join by phone
Toll Free Number: 888-391-0588
Participant Passcode: 1234


From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 11:47 AM
Subject: New NSF funding opportunity: Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical ...

Dear Colleagues,

A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 16-573) is now available:

Joint NSF/NIH Initiative on Quantitative Approaches to Biomedical Big Data

Please see the program solicitation


for details.

Due Date for Full Proposals: September 28, 2016


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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and complete the subscription information.  Alternatively, if you prefer
to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to
    LISTSERV@listserv.biu.ac.il  with  "subscribe SMBnet Your Name"
in the body of the mail (omit the quotes and include your name).
After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional information.

Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest should be sent to
    SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive.  See instructions at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/pubs/fyi .

The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/digest/ .

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part with

End of SMB Digest
