Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest

SMB Digest      May 18, 2016   Volume 16  Issue 20
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Alex Fletcher digest.alex(at)gmail(dot)com

Send submissions to appear in this Digest to
SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue's Topics:
    Announcement of 2016 Lee A. Segel Prize
    Five good reasons to choose the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology
    Letters in Biomathematics - reduced APC offer
    Undergraduate Research Conference, Oct. 8-9, Knoxville, USA
    Call for Papers: CIBB Special Session, Sept. 1-3, Stirling, UK
    Postdoc: HIV Modeling, University of British Columbia, Canada
    PhDs & Postdocs: Hepatic Cell Differentiation..., UCLouvain, Belgium
    PhD Position: Modeling Global Change & Animal Movements, SLU, Sweden
    PhD Position: Modelling of infectious diseases, UNSW, Australia
    M2 Systems & Synthetic Biology, U Paris-Saclay & U. Evry, France
    Quantitative Systems Pharmacologist / Modeler, Pfizer, USA
    Science Policy News from AIBS
    NSF funding opportunity: PREEVENTS
    News from NIGMS: Council Meeting, Recent Blog Posts, Funding...
    NIH News: Announcing New BD2K FOA for Predoctoral Training Programs
    SMBnet Reminders


From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2016 at 9:53 PM
Subject: Announcement of 2016 Lee A. Segel Prize

The Segel prize recognizes outstanding research in the field of mathematical 
biology that has been published in the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology. The 
prize was established in memory of Lee A. Segel, who made great contributions 
to the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology and the field of mathematical biology 
as a whole. It is awarded every two years under two categories: Best Paper 
and Best Student Paper.

The Society for Mathematical Biology is pleased to announce the 2016 Segel 
Prize Winners:

*Best Paper*

Alan J. McKane, Tommaso Biancalani and Tim Rogers. Stochastic pattern 
formation and spontaneous polarisation: The linear noise approximation and 
beyond. Bull Math Biol (2014) 76:895-921, DOI 10.1007/s11538-013-9827-4.

*Best Student Paper (shared prize)*

Jake P. Taylor-King, E. Emiel van Loon, Gabriel Rosser and S. Jon Chapman. 
From birds to bacteria: Generalised velocity jump processes with resting 
states, Bull Math Biol (2015) 77:1213-1236, DOI 10.1007/s11538-015-0083-7.

Hayley C. Warsinske, Shanna L. Ashley, Jennifer J. Linderman, Bethany B. 
Moore and Denise E. Kirschner. Identifying mechanisms of homeostatic 
signaling in fibroblast differentiation, Bull Math Biol (2015) 77:1556-1582, 
DOI 10.1007/s11538-015-0096-2.

The winners will present their work on July 11th at the 2016 joint meeting 
of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology and the 
Society for Mathematical Biology.


From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2016 at 9:47 PM
Subject: Five good reasons to choose the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology

The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (http://www.springer.com/11538) is the 
natural home for your next great mathematical biology paper. Here are some 
of the reasons why you should publish with us:
#1: The Bulletin is the first journal in mathematical and theoretical biology
Since its inception in 1939, the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology has been 
regarded as the premier journal in mathematical and theoretical biology. It 
brings together the most talented minds in the field of the mathematical 
biology, and fosters a strong and passionate community in the Society for 
Mathematical Biology. The Bulletin continues evolving with the field and 
with our community, responding to new innovations and changing needs. We'll 
continue to do so with your support!
#2: The Bulletin is led by your peers, colleagues and mentors
The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology was created by scientists for 
scientists. Our editors and editorial board members are all active 
researchers in the field: they are your peers, colleagues and mentors. They
care about the science and the people who have worked so hard on it.
#3: The Bulletin earns respect
The Bulletin of Mathematical Biology publishes influential papers in the 
field.  It is the mathematical and theoretical biology journal with the 
largest number of Highly Cited Papers indexed at the Essential Science 
Indicators of Institute for Scientific Information (Thomson Reuters). The 
Institute for Scientific Information defines highly cited papers as those 
which received enough citations to place them in the top 1% of its academic 
field based on a highly cited threshold for the field and publication year.
#4: The Bulletin cares about your paper
The Bulletin editors know how much work has gone into every paper and we 
treat each papers and its authors with respect. In the moment your paper is 
submitted, we make a strong commitment to your research. We accept over 95% 
of papers where a revision is invited. Our editors know it's a competitive 
#5: The Bulletin brings together the mathematical biology community
Both the Bulletin and the Society for Mathematical Biology believe in 
creating new connections to help inspire and promote research in mathematical 
and theoretical biology. By publishing in the Bulletin of Mathematical 
Biology, you are supporting the Society for Mathematical Biology. We bring 
together leading scientists and young researchers at our meetings focused on 
important and emerging fields. The Society also has a strong international 
presence through its support of meetings across the world in mathematical 
and theoretical biology. We're proud to support mathematical biologists, and 
inspire new research at the intersection of biology and mathematics!


From: Hannah Callender <callende@up.edu>
Date: Mon, May 16, 2016 at 10:49 PM
Subject: Letters in Biomathematics - reduced APC offer

Taylor and Francis is offering all papers submitted to Letters in 
Biomathematics before 31 July 50% off the APC - this is to coincide with the 
Annual SMB meeting in Nottingham.
Taylor and Francis will print these off and disseminate then, as well as at 
other conferences. They will also communicate this electronically as widely 
as possible.
Last but not least, every accepted paper enters a competition to win a free 
Cartoon Abstract (subject to appropriate terms of course).

See flyer: http://explore.tandfonline.com/page/est/illustrating-open-access


From: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2016 at 9:15 PM
Subject: Undergraduate Research Conference, Oct. 8-9, Knoxville, USA

Undergraduate Research Conference at the Interface of Mathematics and 
Biology, Oct. 8-9, 2016

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) 
will host the eighth annual Undergraduate Research Conference at the 
Interface of Mathematics and Biology to be held Oct. 8-9, 2016, at the Univ. 
of Tennessee Conference Center in Knoxville, TN. The conference provides 
opportunities for undergraduates to present their research at the interface 
of biology and mathematics. Student talks and posters will be featured as 
well as a plenary speaker, a panel on career opportunities, a graduate school 
showcase, and other networking opportunities. Faculty and students are 
invited to attend, as well as middle and high school teachers. A limited 
amount of support is available to cover the cost of registration and lodging 
- deadline is August 20 to request funding. Conference registration deadline 
is September 28.

If you have or plan to request funding, do not register for the conference 
until you have been contacted by NIMBioS about the status of your funding 
request. For more information, go to 


From: Chiara Damiani <chiara.damiani@unimib.it>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2016 at 3:16 PM
Subject: Call for Papers: CIBB Special Session, Sept. 1-3, Stirling, UK

Special Session on Modeling and Simulation Methods for Systems Biology and 
Systems Medicine, hosted by CIBB 2016
1-3 September 2016, Stirling, UK

Systems Biology deals with the analysis of natural systems at different 
scales of complexity, requiring completely different modeling frameworks 
and computational methods. Given that Systems Biology approaches are becoming 
well established, the challenge is now to apply the developed techniques 
towards the definition of personalized models in order to identify 
individually tailored drugs and treatments; i.e. to realize the Personalized 
Medicine paradigm. The scope of this special session is to bring together 
researchers involved in the development of methods applied to the fields of 
Systems Biology and Systems Medicine. 

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
 * analysis of robustness of cellular networks
 * biomedical model parameterization
 * cancer progression models
 * clinical image analysis
 * emergent properties in complex biological systems
 * flux balance analysis
 * metabolic engineering
 * metabolic pathway analysis
 * model verification and refinement methods
 * models of neural activity
 * multi­scale modelling and simulation of biological systems
 * parameter estimation methods
 * personalized models
 * reverse engineering of reaction networks
 * software tools for systems biology
 * spatio­temporal modelling and simulation of biological systems

Important dates:

Paper submission deadline: 29th May 2016 
Acceptance notification: 22nd June 2016 
Camera ready due: 8th July 2016 
Authors registration due: 8th July 2016 
Conference: 1st - 3rd September 2016


Paolo Cazzaniga, University of Bergamo, Italy 
Marco S. Nobile, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Chiara Damiani, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Riccardo Colombo, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy
Giancarlo Mauri, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Submission guidelines:

Prospective authors should submit papers prepared according to the following 
Papers should be submitted in PDF format (this is the only accepted format)
Papers length should be at least 4 pages and should not exceed 6 pages 
We warmly recommend the use of the provided latex template and instructions. 
Should this not be possible, authors should reproduce the format and style 
of the sample paper available with the latex style. Papers should adhere, as 
much as appropriate, to the following structure and sections:
1. Scientific background
2. Materials and methods
3. Results
4. Conclusions
5. References 


From: Kimberly Thomson <Kimberly.Thomson@bccdc.ca>
Date: Wed, May 11, 2016 at 6:04 PM
Subject: Postdoc: HIV Modeling, University of British Columbia, Canada

We are seeking a postdoctoral fellow to work on detailed modelling of HIV 
spread among gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in 
Canada. The primary objective for our modelling research is to examine the 
real and potential impact of an innovative internet-based testing program 
for MSM, establishing a foundation which can then be extended by the postdoc 
in this position to a range of other testing and prevention interventions 
for this population. This postdoc position offers an excellent opportunity 
to gain experience in the translation of model results into real world 
public health policies and practice.

The successful candidate will join a public health modelling team headed by 
Dr. Mark Gilbert (BC Centre for Disease Control, University of British 
Columbia (UBC), Ontario HIV Treatment Network) and Dr. Daniel Coombs 
(Department of Mathematics, UBC), working with provincial, national and 
international collaborators. The position will be based in Vancouver, 
working alongside the research team as well as public health staff, 
community agencies, and policy-makers involved with the implementation of 
these interventions.

The ideal candidate will have the following skills:
(A) excellent interpersonal skills, being able to communicate effectively 
with a wide range of stakeholders, including public health professionals, 
health care economists, and staff working in community-based organizations 
in the area of HIV prevention for MSM;
(B) be a creative modeller, and able to compute from very simple ODEs to 
fairly complex simulation/network models;
(C) be able to work independently to assimilate data from epidemiologic and 
sociological studies into the model framework (as well as primary analysis 
of data from cohorts of HIV negative and positive men in Vancouver and a 
large online survey of MSM across Canada);
(D) be familiar with epidemic (or similar) modelling, analysis and 
computation, including stochastic models.

Prior experience working on public health modelling projects is an asset. 
This is primarily a research position but there may be opportunities to 
gain teaching experience, depending on the candidate. Competitive salary and 
benefits. This is a two-year position.

For additional information or enquiries please contact Mark Gilbert 
(mgilbert@ohtn.on.ca) or Daniel Coombs (coombs@math.ubc.ca). Applications 
(with CV, research statement and names of two references) should be sent to 
Kim Thomson by June 1, 2016. Email: Kimberly.Thomson@bccdc.ca


From: Emmanuel Hanert <emmanuel.hanert@uclouvain.be>
Date: Thu, May 12, 2016 at 8:39 AM
Subject: PhDs & Postdocs: Hepatic Cell Differentiation..., UCLouvain, Belgium

Experts in development and cancer biology are teaming up with modellers to 
build a network of experimentalists and theoretically-oriented scientists at 
UCLouvain and de Duve Institute (Louvain-la-Neuve and Brussels, Belgium). The 
goal of the network is to unravel fundamental mechanisms of organ development 
and growth by combining mathematical modelling with experimental approaches 
in cell, molecular and mouse transgenic technology.

Our specific goals are to identify and predict the dynamics of signalling 
pathways and transcriptional networks which drive thyroid and pancreas 
morphogenesis, and which regulate hepatic cell differentiation and liver 
cancer development. We are seeking PhD students and post-doctoral fellows 
who will develop mathematical models, in collaboration with experimentalists. 
We offer the opportunity to interact with experts in experimental biology 
and applied mathematics, and to acquire transversal skills via participation 
to national and international workshops.

The research will be performed in the laboratories of Emmanuel Hanert 
(http://perso.uclouvain.be/emmanuel.hanert), Frederic Lemaigre 
(http://www.deduveinstitute.be/lpad) and Christophe Pierreux 

PhD candidates must hold a Master degree in mathematics, (bio-)engineering, 
physics or in an equivalent quantitative discipline. Post-doctoral candidates 
must have a strong track record of conducting interdisciplinary research in 
computational biology. They must have published the results of his/her PhD in 
international peer-reviewed journals. Candidates are expected to be fluent in 
English, written and spoken. They should not have resided or have carried out 
their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Belgium for more than 12 months 
in the 3 years immediately prior to the start of the fellowship.

Interested candidates should send their CV, a motivation letter and the names 
of three references to biomodelling@uclouvain.be.


From: Navinder Singh <Navinder.Singh@slu.se>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2016 at 8:03 AM
Subject: PhD Position: Modeling Global Change & Animal Movements, SLU, Sweden

Global change and animal movements - Towards a socio-ecological predictive 

*Project Background*
Global change encompasses environmental, social, economic and demographic 
changes on planet earth. Animals are an important component of the natural 
world due to their crucial ecological, social, and economic role in 
ecosystems. Global changes driven by resource extraction, energy and 
infrastructure development, climate change and urbanization are dramatically 
affecting animal populations and their movements resulting in challenges for 
management, driving human wildlife conflicts as well as hindering the 
sustainable development and use of natural resources. In such transformed 
landscapes, the vital questions are, 'how', 'where', 'when' and 'why' do 
animals move and how do these altered movements transform the landscapes as 
well as human societies (ecologically, socially and economically) that depend 
upon these animals? Moreover, how can we better predict animal movements 
under 'multiuse-landscape' and 'climate change' scenarios? Using case studies 
of two large mammal species (reindeer and moose) that are ecologically, 
socially and economically important in the northern/arctic ecosystem, the 
project aims to answer these questions. The goal is to develop a 
socio-ecological movement modelling approach that goes beyond correlative or 
species distribution models and provides a predictive tool that can be used 
in developing diverse future land use scenarios, developed with and for 
community users and geared toward adaptation strategies in a changing world.

This NORDFORSK funded project seeks a candidate with a strong quantitative 
and modelling background in ecology, advanced skills in statistics and data 
analyses are almost essential as vast amount of data is already collected. A 
master degree in quantitative ecology or biology is desirable, or otherwise, 
those with a master in general ecology or biology may also apply and 
demonstrate their quantitative abilities. The candidate should be able to 
work in a multicultural and multidisciplinary environment, and have a good 
level of autonomy and creativity. A good knowledge of spoken English and 
writing skills are essential. Knowledge of Swedish and/or Sami is a plus. The 
expected start of the position is 1st October 2016. The place of work will 
be the Department of Wildlife, Fish and Environmental Studies at the Swedish 
University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeå, with occasional trips to the field 
site in northern Sweden.


Further information:
Navinder Singh, navinder.singh@slu.se, +46(0)706760103
Göran Ericsson goran.ericsson@slu.se, +46(0)706765012

Applications, marked with ref no SLU ua 1265/2016, must have arrived at the 
Registrar of SLU, P.O. Box 7070, S- 750 07 Uppsala or registrator@slu.se no 
later than 2016-08-31.


From: Anthony Newall <a.newall@unsw.edu.au>
Date: Wed, May 18, 2016 at 12:18 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Modelling of infectious diseases, UNSW, Australia

Applying mathematical models to estimate the impact and cost-effectiveness 
of vaccination programs 

We have a potential PhD research project in the area of infectious disease 
modelling, which will allow a candidate to develop and apply statistical, 
economic and mathematical modelling approaches. These skills are becoming 
increasing sought after in healthcare, both within academia and industry, 
and should help to build a strong foundation for a future career. The PhD 
candidate will have opportunities to work with leading experts at UNSW and 
with collaborators internationally. It will also present an excellent 
opportunity for an independent and self-motivated person to submit a number 
of peer-reviewed publications. 

Mathematical modelling is an important tool to estimate the impact of 
vaccination programs before they are implemented. These models can be used 
to predict future changes in disease both in those vaccinated and in the 
wider population via herd protection. The projections of program impact can 
then be used in cost-effectiveness models to assess the value for money that 
vaccination strategies offer in comparison to other potential health spending 
options. Estimates of cost-effectiveness are becoming a vital part of 
decision making process for many governments when considering the funding of 
new pharmaceutical interventions. 

UNSW Australia (The University of New South Wales) is one of Australia's 
leading research universities and is ranked in the top 50 universities 
internationally by the QS World University Rankings (2015). Based in Sydney, 
the infectious disease group at The School of Public Health and Community 
Medicine are a multidisciplinary research team that includes mathematicians, 
health economists, epidemiologists, clinicians and policy experts. We have 
extensive expertise in the evaluation of vaccine preventable diseases and 
have research collaborations with key international institutions such as the 
World Health Organization (WHO) and the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

Websites: https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/associate-professor-anthony-newall 

We seek an outstanding prospective PhD candidate with strong applied 
mathematics skills and a keen interest in applying these to important 
scientific and policy questions. Potential candidates should have a first 
class Honours degree or Masters degree with a high distinction average. 
Prior study can be from a variety disciplines, including mathematics, 
statistics, economics, computer science, engineering, physics, medical 
science, etc. It is not essential that the applicant have experience in the 
specific research area as our team has specialists who can offer training to 
candidates with applied mathematics skills as part of the PhD research.  
The supervisors will support the selected prospective candidate to apply for 
competitive PhD scholarship via UNSW, with options for domestic or 
international students. Those meeting the initial criteria who wish to 
discuss further should email A/Prof Anthony Newall (a.newall@unsw.edu.au
with a CV and copies of academic transcripts for all degrees.


From: Dominique Zeliszewski <dominique.zeliszewski@issb.genopole.fr>
Date: Thu, May 12, 2016 at 4:19 PM
Subject: M2 Systems & Synthetic Biology, U Paris-Saclay & U. Evry, France

Dear colleagues,

Applications for the Master 2 in Systems & Synthetic Biology (mSSB) - 
proposed by the University of Evry-Val-d'Essonne and the University 
Paris-Saclay - are open until 15 July, 2016 on the website of U. Paris 

This Master 2 is highly trans-disciplinary; Applicants may come from 
Universities or from Engineering schools after a first year of master (M1), 
or an equivalent qualification, in Life Sciences, Computer Sciences, 
Mathematics, Engineering, Chemistry and Physical Sciences. So we would 
appreciate your help in transmitting these informations to potentially 
interested students.

Following this Master, several PhD programs are possible on site. Research 
trainings are also proposed in Europe (England, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, 
...) and in the US.


From: Danielle Maciag <Danielle.Maciag@pfizer.com>
Date: Wed, May 11, 2016 at 8:57 PM
Subject: Quantitative Systems Pharmacologist / Modeler, Pfizer, USA

Job Title:
Quantitative Systems Pharmacologist / Modeler Job ID 1031636

About Pfizer:
A career at Pfizer offers opportunity, ownership and impact. All over the 
world, Pfizer colleagues work together to positively impact health for 
everyone, everywhere. Our colleagues have the opportunity to grow and develop 
a career that offers both individual and company success; be part of an 
ownership culture that values diversity and where all colleagues are 
energized and engaged; and the ability to impact the health and lives of 
millions of people. Pfizer, a global leader in the biopharmaceutical 
industry, is continuously seeking top talent who are inspired by our purpose 
to innovate to bring therapies to patients that significantly improve their 

Role Description:
The Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Lab in Pfizer?s Cardiovascular 
and Metabolic Diseases (CVMet) Research Unit is responsible for identifying 
and evaluating promising therapeutic targets and drug candidates through the 
application of systems modeling and simulation approaches. We seek a highly 
motivated candidate with experience in cardiomyocyte/cardiac function to lead 
the development of mechanistic, mathematical models to enable the in silico 
testing of novel targets and compounds for the treatment of heart failure 
(HF). The successful applicant will be responsible for providing QSP support 
to CVMet programs from target ideation through Phase 2 clinical development.

 * Develop and execute strategy for the application of QSP approaches to 
   identify and evaluate novel pathways, targets and drug candidates for the 
   treatment of HF
 * Work in close collaboration with CVMet biologists and clinicians to 
   advance our HF programs and improve our understanding of disease mechanisms
 * Serve as QSP modeling & simulation expert in multidisciplinary project 
   teams to solve challenging problems in drug discovery and development; 
   contribute to preclinical and clinical study design
 * Develop and/or utilize state-of-the-art mathematical and statistical tools 
   to gain insight into causal relationships between individual components 
   within metabolic pathways and systems
 * Analyze and interpret complex data sets in the context of disease 
   mechanisms and pathways; develop a deep disease knowledgebase

 * Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics, Engineering, Physics or a related discipline 
   with strong numerical components focusing on modeling and simulation in 
   the area of cardiomyocyte/cardiac function and 5+ years of experience in 
   applying quantitative systems pharmacology approaches in drug discovery 
   and development.
 * Deep understanding of theory, principles, and statistical aspects of 
   mathematical modeling and simulation, including numerical methods, 
   parameter estimation/optimization, ordinary differential equations (ODEs), 
   and how these can be applied in the development of complex models of 
   biological pathways and systems
 * Extensive, hands-on experience with modeling and simulation software 
   (e.g., MATLAB, SimBiology, C/C++)
 * Self-directed, independent researcher who excels in a collaborative, 
   multi-disciplinary environment
 * Excellent communication and writing skills
 * Primary authorship on relevant publications in peer-reviewed scientific 


From: AIBS Public Policy Office <polrept@aibs.org>
Date: Mon, 16 May 2016 18:00:03 +0000
Subject: Science Policy News from AIBS

AIBS Public Policy Report, Volume 17, Issue 10, May 16, 2016

 *  Senate Committee Takes Up COMPETES
 *  Vote Expected on Zika Funding
 *  New Initiative Launched to Better Understand Microbiomes
 *  NSF Unveils Big Plans For Future Research
 *  Nominations Sought for Collections Research Uses Working Group
 *  National Science Board Reports Public Benefits of Higher Education
 *  Applications Sought to Host Regional Climate Science Centers
 *  America?s New National Mammal
 *  From the Federal Register
 *  Become an Advocate for Science: Join the AIBS Legislative Action Center



From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Tue, May 17, 2016 at 12:31 AM
Subject: NSF funding opportunity: PREEVENTS

Dear Colleagues,

A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 16-562) is now available: 
Prediction of and Resilience against Extreme Events (PREEVENTS)

Please see the program solicitation 
for details.

Due Date for Letters of Intent (required): July 29, 2016
Due Date for Full Proposals: September 19, 2016
Submission Window for Conference Proposals: On or after August 1, 2016

From the program synopsis:

NSF and the Directorate for Geosciences (GEO) have long supported basic 
research in scientific and engineering disciplines necessary to understand 
natural hazards and extreme events, including through the Interdisciplinary 
Research in Hazards and Disasters (Hazards SEES) program and multiple core 
programs in the GEO Directorate. PREEVENTS is designed as a logical successor 
to Hazards SEES and is one element of the NSF-wide Risk and Resilience 
activity, which has the overarching goal of improving predictability and 
risk assessment, and increasing resilience, in order to reduce the impact of 
extreme events on our life, society, and economy. PREEVENTS will provide an 
additional mechanism to support research and related activities that will 
improve our understanding of the fundamental processes underlying natural 
hazards and extreme events in the geosciences.

PREEVENTS is focused on natural hazards and extreme events, and not on 
technological or deliberately human-caused hazards. The PREEVENTS portfolio 
will include the potential for disciplinary and multidisciplinary research 
at all scales, particularly aimed at areas ripe for significant near- or 
medium-term advances.

PREEVENTS seeks projects that will:
(1) enhance understanding of the fundamental processes underlying natural 
hazards and extreme events on various spatial and temporal scales, as well 
as the variability inherent in such hazards and events, and;
(2) improve our capability to model and forecast such hazards and events.


From: Ann Dieffenbach <DIEFFENA@nigms.nih.gov>
Date: Fri, May 13, 2016 at 10:56 AM
Subject: News from NIGMS: Council Meeting, Recent Blog Posts, Funding...

--Advisory Council Meeting
--Recent NIGMS Feedback Loop Blog Posts
--Funding Opportunities



From: Lisa Dunnebacke <Lisa.Dunnebacke@NIH.GOV>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 17:56:45 -0400
Resent-from: Raymond Mejía <mejiar@helix.nih.gov>
Subject: NIH News: Announcing New BD2K FOA for Predoctoral Training Programs


The NIH Big Data to Knowledge initiative (BD2K,
https://datascience.nih.gov/bd2k) announces the release of three new RFAs
for training in biomedical big data science:

1) RFA-LM-16-002: BD2K Predoctoral Training in Biomedical Big Data Science
2) RFA-ES-16-002: BD2K Mentored Career Development Award in Biomedical Big
Data Science (K01)
3) RFA-ES-16-003: BD2K Mentored Career Development Award in Biomedical Big
Data Science for Intramural Investigators (K22)

All of these opportunities aim to train more researchers who will use
Big Data technologies, methods, and tools.  Training is expected across
three major scientific areas: (1) computer science or informatics, (2)
statistics and mathematics, and (3) biomedical science.  In addition,
the awardee/trainee will acquire depth in areas of specialty necessary for
developing new methods, technologies, or tools.

The receipt deadline for applications is August 1, 2016 for K awards or
July 25, 2016 for T awards.

BD2K is a trans-NIH initiative that aims to support advances in data science,
other quantitative sciences, policy, and training that are needed for the
effective use of big data in biomedical research. Interested applicants are
encouraged to join the BD2K listserv
(https://list.nih.gov/cgi-bin/wa.exe?SUBED1=bd2kupdates&A=1) to receive
the most up-to- date information about BD2K events and funding opportunities.

Please share this opportunity with your interested scientific communities.
If you have questions, please contact the BD2K Training Team at


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to
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After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional information.

Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest should be sent to
    SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive.  See instructions at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/pubs/fyi .

The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/digest/ .

The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part with

End of SMB Digest