Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest
SMB Digest May 4, 2016 Volume 16 Issue 18
ISSN 1086-6566
Editor: Alex Fletcher digest.alex(at)gmail(dot)com
Send submissions to appear in this Digest to
SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
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Issue's Topics:
Call for Papers: IEEE T-MBMC Shannon Centennial Special Issue
12th Guelph Biomathematics & Biostatistics Symposium, June 9, Canada
Conf.: 2016 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 11-15, USA
Postdoc: Disturbance Ecology, Penn State, USA
Postdoc: Biological Modelling, Grenoble, France
PhD Positions: Mathematical Biology / Medicine, QUT, Australia
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Assoc. Prof. (3 positions), Melbourne, Australia
Associate Director.., Dana Farber Cancer Institute, USA
NIH Update
SMBnet Reminders
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 4:14 PM
Subject: Call for Papers: IEEE T-MBMC Shannon Centennial Special Issue
Happy Birthday, Claude Shannon!
April 30, 2016 is the 100th anniversary of the birth of Claude Shannon, the
originator of information theory. To honor this occasion the IEEE
Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multiscale Communications (T-MBMC)
is soliciting submissions for a special issue on Biological Applications of
Information Theory. We are happy to announce an extension of the submission
deadline to June 1, 2016.
*Submission Instructions*
Submissions will be collected via Manuscript Central,
In your cover letter, state: "This paper is a submission for the Shannon
Centennial special issue". For further information, please contact the
Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at 5:01 PM
Subject: 12th Guelph Biomathematics & Biostatistics Symposium, June 9, Canada
The 12th Guelph Biomathematics and Biostatistics Symposium will take place
on Thursday, June 9, 2016 at the University of Guelph. This year's theme is
Spatial Ecology: Applications of the Mathematical Sciences.
Spatial ecology deals with issues such as migration, environmental
differences, quality of habitat, location of prey and predators, and
breeding sites, and how all of these aspects affect the populations of
various species. In recent years species distribution modelling has been a
research area with intense international activity, with increasingly more
sophisticated methods in spatial statistics being incorporated into the
modelling approaches. These models have wide applicability in such areas as
designing and managing nature reserve networks, and predicting the potential
geographic spread and impact of invasive species. More recently climate
change has become an issue of interest in spatial ecology since it can
extend, reduce, or shift the suitable habitat.
*Invited Speakers:*
* Mike Hutchinson, Emeritus Professor, Fenner School of Environment &
Society, Australian National University
* Dan McKenney, Chief, Landscape Analysis and Applications, Great Lakes
Forestry Centre, Natural Resources Canada
* Rebecca Tyson, Associate Professor, Mathematical Biology, University of
British Columbia Okanagan
* Ben Bolker, Professor, Dept. Mathematics & Statistics, McMaster University
* John Fryxell, Professor and Chair, Dept. of Integrative Biology,
University of Guelph
* Madhur Anand, Professor, School of Environmental Sciences, University of
Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at 8:50 PM
Subject: Conf.: 2016 SIAM Annual Meeting, July 11-15, USA
Conference Name: 2016 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN16)
Location: The Westin Boston Waterfront, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Dates: July 11-15, 2016
Organizing Committee Co-chairs:
* David Gleich, Purdue University, USA
* Mary Silber, University of Chicago, USA
Organizing Committee:
* Kevin Carlberg, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
* Carlos Castillo-Chavez, Arizona State University, USA
* Jennifer Chayes, Microsoft Research, USA
* Henk A. Dijkstra, Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands
* P. Friedlander, University of California, Davis, USA
* Raegan Higgins, Texas Tech University, USA
* Jeremy Kepner, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
* C. David Levermore, University of Maryland, College Park, USA
* Rachel Levy, Harvey Mudd College, USA
* Ira B. Schwartz, United States Naval Research Laboratory, USA
* Michael Shearer, North Carolina State University, USA
* Françoise Tisseur, The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Invited Speakers:
* Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf, University of Illinois at Chicago, USA
* Freddy Bouchet, ENS de Lyon and CNRS, France
* Lia Bronsard, McMaster University, Canada
* Vittoria Colizza, Inserm, Paris, France
* Cynthia Dwork, Microsoft Research, USA
* Mark Embree, Virginia Tech, USA
* Gary Froyland, University of New South Wales, Australia
* Nigel Goldenfeld, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
* Bryan Grenfell, Princeton University, USA
(Joint speaker with the SIAM Conference on the Life Sciences)
* Yann LeCun, New York University, USA
* Pablo A. Parrilo, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA
* Matthew Salganik, Princeton University, USA
* Karen Saxe, Macalester College, USA
* Victoria Stodden, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
* Bernd Sturmfels, University of California Berkeley, USA
(American Mathematical Society (AMS) Invited Presentation)
* Marc Teboulle, Tel-Aviv University, Israel
* Stefan Wild, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Registration and Program:
Registration and the conference program are now posted at
PRE-REGISTRATION DEADLINE: June 13, 2016: Disconnect time is Midnight EDT!
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMAN16
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department at
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 4:47 PM
Subject: Postdoc: Disturbance Ecology, Penn State, USA
A UK-US NSF-NERC joint-funded postdoctoral position is available to study
the interplay between diversity, disturbance and invasion, using
experimental microcosms to illuminate ecological theory.
Invasion by alien species represents a major threat to the maintenance of
the world's biodiversity. Biological invasions also have significant
economic and environmental impacts on agriculture, epidemiology and
conservation. Unfortunately, our current understanding of the processes
involved, and hence our ability to manage disturbed systems, is hampered by
the large number of interacting factors that can affect invasion. This
project will examine how biological diversity and environmental
perturbations interact to affect invasion, using a mix of experiments and
theoretical research. The project will focus on experimental populations
of microbes, combined with a related modeling agenda, to study: 1) the
effect of independent, and combined, manipulation of disturbance and
diversity on invasion success; and 2) the role of pre-adaptation to
disturbance regimes in mediating invasion resistance. The postdoc will
additionally assess the hypothesized importance of pre-adaptation to
disturbance regimes by assessing invasion success following changes to
previously established regimes. The project will involve successive
iterations between these large bacterial community experiments and
system-specific and general theory.
Research will be based in the laboratory of Dr. Katriona Shea
Pennsylvania State University, USA, with experimental work conducted in
the laboratory of Dr. Angus Buckling
the University of Exeter Cornwall campus, UK. Please contact Katriona Shea
We seek a postdoctoral researcher who has expertise in ecological/
evolutionary modeling with a clear interest in applications to community
ecology and a strong desire to integrate theory with empirical research.
A Ph.D. in Quantitative Ecology, Population Biology, Applied Mathematics or
an equivalent area is required. Expertise in theory for microbial systems
dynamics, using stochastic analytical and/or simulation population models,
and empirical expertise in such systems, is highly desirable. Candidates
should demonstrate a track record of publication; have strong
organizational, written, and oral communication skills; and be able to work
both independently and as part of a collaborative team.
with an application, a CV, a 1-2 page statement of research interests that
explicitly describes professional qualifications for this position, and
contact information for three referees. This is a fixed term position
funded for one year from date of hire with possibility of refunding.
Review of applications will immediately and continue until a suitable
candidate is found.
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 10:30 AM
Subject: Postdoc: Biological Modelling, Grenoble, France
A post-doctoral position for one year is available and starts in October
2016 (deadline for applications is before the end of August 2016) in the
DyCTiM team of the TIMC-IMAG laboratory, UGA - CNRS (UMR5525) in Grenoble,
The postdoctoral fellow will be involved in an interdisciplinary research
that associates computer scientists and applied mathematicians of TIMC-IMAG,
and biologists of IAB and TIMC-IMAG.
*Project.* The project concerns the mechanisms of cytoskeleton
reorganizations and crosstalks that drive blood platelet activation. Its
precise regulation ensures hemostasis and prevents thrombosis. The flat
shaped disc formed by quiescent platelets is maintained by the marginal band
(MB), a peripheral ring of microtubules. We have shown recently that the
initial shape change during platelet activation is due to cytoskeleton
(microtubules and actin) and motor-driven MB extension inducing MB's coiling
and consequently its change from a disc to a spherical shape. The
postdoctoral fellow will develop a biomechanical multi-scale and individual-
based model of microtubules, actin filaments and motors to understand the
manner the MB forms and reorganizes as the levels of platelet activation
change (due to microtubule acetylation, molecular motor expression levels...).
*Qualification.* This is an interdisciplinary project in the field of
complex systems in biology. The fellow will work closely with biologists,
microscopists and computer scientists.
Only highly motivated candidates with strong skills in computer programming
(mainly in C++) and a good background in biological (or physical) modelling
techniques will be considered. The candidate should have proven creativity
and scientific activity by publications in peer-reviewed journals. Good
written and oral communication skills are required. A first experience as a
post-doctoral researcher is qualifying.
Applicants may send a detailed CV (including a publication list and oral
communications, detailed skills, contact information), a cover letter, and
Date: Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:50 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: Mathematical Biology / Medicine, QUT, Australia
Scholarships are available for several PhD students to join my research
group. Projects that cover mathematical biology and mathematical medicine
are available, and scholarships are suitable for both domestic and
international students.
A more complete description of the projects and application procedure can be
Date: Wed, May 4, 2016 at 7:19 AM
Subject: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Assoc. Prof. (3 positions), Melbourne,
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Associate Professor in Pure Mathematics;
Applied Mathematics; Statistics (3 positions)
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Faculty of Science, The University of
Melbourne, Australia
Salary: Level B AUD$92,654 - AUD$110,022 p.a.; Level C AUD$113,496 -
AUD$130,866 p.a.; Level D AUD$136,658 - AUD$150,555 p.a.; PLUS 17%
The University plan seeks to increase the diversity of the workforce and the
representation of women in areas they have been traditionally under-
represented. Consistent with this, the School of Mathematics and Statistics
is seeking to increase the representation of women in the academic workforce
across mathematical disciplines. Pursuant to a Special Measure under Section
12 (1) of the Equal Opportunity Act 2010 (Vic), the School is seeking to
lift the representation of women and therefore *will only consider
applications from suitably qualified female candidates for these three
The University of Melbourne's School of Mathematics and Statistics is one of
Australia's leading mathematics and statistics schools. It has achieved this
status through the high quality of its research and teaching programs. The
School offers a wide range of subjects to undergraduate and postgraduate
students and is involved in aspects of community life that impact on the
interests of the School and the discipline.
The School is seeking to further enhance its expertise in applied
mathematics, pure mathematics and statistics, and seeks to appoint suitably
qualified female candidates in three full-time continuing positions:
* 1 position in Applied Mathematics
* 1 position in Pure Mathematics
* 1 position in Statistics
The School maintains activity in all areas of the mathematical sciences.
It has research foci in many areas of algebra, analysis, geometry and
topology, number theory, continuum modelling, mathematical biology,
mathematical physics, discrete mathematics, operations research mathematical
and applied statistics including statistical genomics, stochastic modelling
and probability theory. Applications are invited across these and, moreover,
in any area of the mathematical sciences.
The successful applicants are expected to:
* lead a vigorous research program in their relevant discipline;
* demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching (teaching will occur within
the School of Mathematics and Statistics' undergraduate and MSc programs);
* demonstrate a strong commitment to the supervision of research students
(at undergraduate, MSc and PhD levels);
* undertake administrative tasks for the School.
The three successful candidates will be appointed at either Academic Level
B, C or D, dependent upon the Selection Panel's assessment of the
individual's application.
Applicants are asked to please nominate (in the cover letter) which
discipline they would prefer to be aligned with (Applied Mathematics, Pure
Mathematics or Statistics). Please note the Selection Panel may exercise its
discretion to recommend a different alignment.
Clink on this link to watch Professor Aleks Owczarek (Head of School) and
colleagues discuss these exciting opportunities for suitably qualified women:
The University of Melbourne provides a wide range of opportunities for
exciting research collaborations within the School, wider University, as
well as externally. Learn more about Research at The University of Melbourne:
The University of Melbourne has been accepted as a pilot institution in the
Science in Australia Gender Equality (SAGE) pilot of Athena Swan in Australia.
To learn more about this program, click on the links below:
Enquiries only to: Professor Aleks Owczarek, Tel +61 3 8344 7887,
Close date: 31 July 2016
Date: Tue, May 3, 2016 at 9:55 PM
Subject: Associate Director.., Dana Farber Cancer Institute, USA
Job Title: Associate Director for Scientific Operations, Center for Cancer
Evolution - Sr Scientist
Company Name: Dana Farber Cancer Institute
Location: Boston, Massachusetts, United States, 02101
*About Dana-Farber*
Located in Boston, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute brings together world
renowned clinicians, innovative researchers and dedicated professionals,
allies in the common mission of conquering cancer, HIV/AIDS and related
diseases. Combining extremely talented people with the best technologies in
a genuinely positive environment, we provide compassionate and comprehensive
care to patients of all ages; we conduct research that advances treatment;
we educate tomorrow's physician/researchers; we reach out to underserved
members of our community; and we work with amazing partners, including other
Harvard Medical School-affiliated hospitals.
The mission of Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is to provide expert,
compassionate care to children and adults with cancer while advancing the
understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of cancer and
related diseases.
Our Core Values are:
* Impact - Above all else, we make a difference by relieving the burden of
disease now and for the future through our research, clinical care,
education, outreach and advocacy.
* Excellence - We pursue excellence relentlessly and with integrity in all
that we do, adhering always to the highest standards of conduct.
* Compassion and respect - For those in our care and for one another.
* Discovery - We foster the spirit of inquiry, promoting collaboration and
innovation across traditional boundaries while celebrating individual
Reports to: Director of Scientific Operations
Role and Responsibilities: The Associate Director for Scientific Operations
will work closely with the Director to fulfill the scientific mission of the
CCE. The principal mission of the CCE is to develop and validate mathematical
modeling strategies of tumor evolution and treatment response, and eventually
utilize these strategies to identify best therapeutic intervention. We will
investigate the treatment response of cancer cells and their
microenvironment, develop novel mathematical frameworks describing the
evolutionary dynamics of tumor progression and treatment response that are
parameterized using the experimental systems, and predict and validate
optimum intervention strategies that will ultimately be implemented as
prospective clinical trials. The Associate Director for Scientific Operations
will have responsibility for furthering the daily research operations of the
Center. In addition, the Associate Director for Scientific Operations will
have oversight responsibilities for the CCE's scientific mission and will,
jointly with Center Leadership, supervise the Postdoctoral Fellows. More
specifically, he/she will have the following responsibilities:
* Support the Director in setting the scientific direction and the
operational priorities for the Center.
* Create mathematical models and statistical/bioinformatic analysis platforms
in a variety of contexts such as evolutionary dynamics of cancer and cancer
progression, treatment responses and treatment optimization and implement
them in the scope of the Center's research.
* Direct and facilitate collaborative projects
* Assist in grant and manuscript preparation and develop fundraising material
for the Center.
* Prepare reports and give presentations as needed.
* Attend at least one conference/meeting per year related to the activities
of the Center.
The Associate Director will be designated a Senior or Principal Research
Scientist and as such must fulfill the Dana-Farber requirements for this
title. In addition, the Associate Director must fulfill the following
* PhD level education with proven work experience in his/her respective
field of endeavor.
* Background in applied or pure mathematics, statistics, bioinformatics or
computational biology; an interest in cancer biology and a work experience
in probability theory and statistics are necessary.
* Ability to work with senior level academic track scientists both within
and outside his/her lab.
* Ability to manage research databases.
* Extensive knowledge of mathematical modeling and evolutionary theory as
related to cancer, biostatistics methods and bioinformatics software, and
the ability to create novel analysis platforms
* Strong management and supervisory skills.
* Excellent computer, analytical and writing skills.
*How to Apply*
Please apply directly online at
Click Search Job Openings and use the Job ID number to quickly locate the
appropriate job listing. Once you have located the desired job, click on the
checkbox in the 'Select' column, and then click the 'Apply Now' button,
located at the bottom of the screen.
DFCI Employees please apply directly through PeopleSoft Self Service. Sign
on to PeopleSoft and navigate to Main Menu > DFCI Careers.
*Equal Employment Opportunity*
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is an equal opportunity employer and affirms
the right of every qualified applicant to receive consideration for
employment without regard to race, color, religion, sex, gender identity or
expression, national origin, sexual orientation, genetic information,
disability, age, ancestry, military service, protected veteran status, or
other groups as protected by law.
Date: Mon, May 2, 2016 at 10:49 AM
Subject: NIH Update
Citations per dollar as a measure of productivity; assignment request form
in FORMS-D; updating school/department info in eRA Commons; new podcast on
writing your vertebrate animal section
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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End of SMB Digest