Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest

SMB Digest      April 27, 2016   Volume 16  Issue 17
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Alex Fletcher digest.alex(at)gmail(dot)com

Send submissions to appear in this Digest to
SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue's Topics:
    Conf: Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, June 3-4, USA
    Conf: Neuroinformatics 2016, Sept. 3-4, UK
    Summer School: Quantitative biology, July 18-29, Italy
    Postdoc: Computational Biology, Ryerson University, Canada
    Postdoc: Mathematical Immunology, Imperial College London, UK
    Postdocs: Epigenomics & Multi-scale Modelling, U. North Dakota, USA
    NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Innovative Computational Infrastructure...
    NSF Supplemental Funding Opportunity
    News from NIGMS
    International Society of Pharmacometrics QSP SIG Student Award
    SMBnet Reminders


From: Casey Diekman <casey.o.diekman@njit.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 3:14 AM
Subject: Conf: Frontiers in Applied and Computational Math, June 3-4, USA

The 13th Annual Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational 
Mathematics (FACM '16) will be held at the New Jersey Institute of 
Technology (NJIT) in Newark, New Jersey on June 3-4, 2016.

The conference focuses on mathematical and computational aspects of 
materials science, mathematical neuroscience, computational wave 
propagation, biological and microscale fluid dynamics, statistics, and 
biostatistics. Researchers in these areas are invited to address the 
development of mathematical techniques for application to challenging 

Plenary speakers: Robert Kass (Carnegie Mellon University), Mitchell Luskin 
(University of Minnesota), Laura Miller (UNC Chapel Hill), André Nachbin 
(IMPA, Brazil)

Travel funding for contributed poster presentations is available. Abstract 
submission and registration deadline is April 29, 2016.

Further details can be found at: http://m.njit.edu/Events/FACM16/


From: Ingo Bojak <i.bojak@reading.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 12:51 PM
Subject: Conf: Neuroinformatics 2016, Sept. 3-4, UK

Welcome to Neuroinformatics 2016 in Reading, UK, September 3-4!

Join us for keynotes from top neuroscientists and community and poster/demo 
sessions. We welcome researchers in all fields related to neuroinformatics, 
including data- and knowledge-bases of the nervous system from molecular to 
behavioral levels; tools for the acquisition, analysis, and visualization of 
nervous system data; and theoretical, computational, and simulation 
environments for modeling the brain.

This meeting is especially useful for anyone who is developing neuroscience 
tools and methods, working on better ways to handle neuroscience data, or 
looking for cross-disciplinary collaborations.

This year you can apply for a 20-minute investigator presentation in one of 
our 8 meeting tracks:

A - Informatics I: Data systems
B - Informatics II: Computing systems
C - Neuroimaging
D - Computation and cognition
E - Informatics III: Visualization
F - Informatics IV: From single neurons to large-scale networks: Connecting 
micro macro scales
G - Brain disorders
H - Normal development / cognition

Abstract submission closes on April 30: 

Early bird registration ends on June 30th (midnight, CET), register at 

We're looking forward to seeing you in September!

INCF and the UK Node


From: Andrea Ciliberto <andrea.ciliberto@ifom.eu>
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 1:46 PM
subject: Summer School: Quantitative biology, July 18-29, Italy

We organize a Summer School primarily intended for students in the last year 
of their undergraduate studies to familiarize with some of the concepts of 
quantitative sciences widely used in biological research. We especially 
encourage students from a quantitative, non-biological background to attend. 
The school follows an hands-on approach, with an initial, short theoretical 
description followed by extensive experiments. It will take place in IFOM, 
a renowned center for cancer research located in Milan, Italy, between July 
18 and 29. 

We will have 4 different modules, and will last 2 weeks. Twenty students 
will be selected, and their attendance, lodging, and travel will be fully 
covered. Each module will comprise one full week, so that every student will 
be able to choose 2 of the 4 modules.

- Andrea Ciliberto (organizer), Diego di Bernardo and Kristof Ivan will 
prepare a module on single cell dynamics.

- Paolo Maiuri (organizer) and Timo Betz will propose a course on cell 
architecture and the power to control cell shape.

- Francesco Ferrari (organizer) and Angelo Rosa will guide students through 
a project on functional genomics.

- Giorgio Scita (organizer), Roberto Cerbino and Fabio Giavazzi will 
organize a module on multicellular dynamics.

The deadline for the application is the 31st of May. You can find additional 
details on the web page of the School:


From: Silvana Ilie <silvana@ryerson.ca>
Date: Fri, Apr 22, 2016 at 5:58 PM
subject: Postdoc: Computational Biology, Ryerson University, Canada

A postdoctoral position is available in Computational Biology in the 
Department of Mathematics, Ryerson University (http://www.math.ryerson.ca). 
The research will be led jointly by Dr. Silvana Ilie and Dr. Katrin Rohlf. 
This position provides an opportunity to engage in research in Applied 
Mathematics, with a limited amount of teaching. The salary is competitive, 
with funding provided for one year.  

We are seeking  qualified and motivated applicants in Applied Mathematics, 
to work on interdisciplinary projects aimed at  developing stochastic 
modelling and simulation tools  for studying biological systems. The ideal 
candidate would have a strong background in Applied Mathematics (Numerical 
Analysis and Probability) and/or Computer Science. Strong programming skills 
in Matlab are mandatory. In addition, experience with dynamical systems 
(ODEs and PDEs) is expected. Knowledge of biological/chemical reaction 
modeling and stochastic simulation (temporal and spatio-temporal) is 
considered an asset.

The fellowship is open to candidates of any nationality and selection will 
be based upon the candidate's research potential and teaching ability. 
Ideally the job will begin on September 1, 2016, however there is some 
flexibility in the starting date. 

The screening process will start on May 19, 2016, and continue until the 
position is filled. Please note the position is advertised pending budgetary 
approval. Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and three letters of 
recommendation. At least one of these letters should report on the 
candidate's teaching abilities. Application material and reference letters 
should be sent directly by e-mail to compbio@ryerson.ca  

We appreciate all replies to this advertisement, but only applicants under 
consideration will be contacted. Ryerson University has an Employment Equity 
Program and encourages applications from all qualified candidates, including 
aboriginal peoples, persons with disabilities, members of visible 
minorities, and women.


From: Becca Asquith <b.asquith@imperial.ac.uk>
Date: Wed, Apr 27, 2016 at 10:19 AM
Subject: Postdoc: Mathematical Immunology, Imperial College London, UK

I am looking for a postdoc with an interest in Mathematical Immunology to 
join my team. The attached job ad, job description and application form can 
be found at http://www.imperial.ac.uk/job-applicants/ with the following 
reference: HM2016080. The closing date for applications is 8th May, the 
start date for the post is flexible.


From: Turk Rhen <turk.rhen@email.und.edu>
Date: Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 8:45 PM
Subject: Postdocs: Epigenomics & Multi-scale Modelling, U. North Dakota, USA

The Rhen Lab seeks two highly motivated postdocs. Our overarching goal is to 
understand mechanisms underlying organism-environment interactions and 
genotype-environment interactions, which are ubiquitous in nature. Such 
interactions have implications for problems as diverse as predicting the 
impact of climate change on individual species and understanding individual 
differences in susceptibility to environmental causes of disease.

Postdoctoral Fellow in Epigenomics ? This position focuses on epigenetic 
regulation of genes required for testis and ovary development in a species 
with temperature-dependent sex determination. The successful candidate will 
conduct and analyze ChIP-qPCR and ChIP-Seq studies. Proficiency with 
standard bioinformatics methods is required. Prior experience with genome 
assembly, annotation, or genome-wide ChIP analysis is preferred. Excellent 
opportunity for individuals with bioinformatics training to expand their 
understanding of biology and develop practical expertise with wet lab 

Postdoctoral Fellow in Multi-scale Modeling ? This position focuses on 
development of multi-scale models to link "inside-the-skin" biological 
systems with "outside-the-skin" environmental factors. The successful 
candidate will develop multi-scale models that integrate genetic, 
epigenetic, and gene expression data for temperature-dependent sex 
determination with data on the spatial and temporal pattern of variation in 
temperature across North America. Expertise in computational and/or 
mathematical modeling is required. Familiarity with multi-scale modeling is 
preferred. Excellent chance for individuals with quantitative background to 
enter the life sciences.

Interested candidates should send their CV, a letter that describes their 
scientific interests and research experience, and the names of three 
references to Dr. Turk Rhen at turk.rhen@und.edu.


From: Aude Oliva <AUOLIVA@nsf.gov>
Date: Tue, Apr 26, 2016 at 3:15 PM
Subject: NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Innovative Computational Infrastructure...


Please see below a new opportunity for EAGERs and Conferences related to 
Computational Infrastructure for Understanding the Brain


Interested Principal Investigators (PIs) must email a 2-page (maximum) 
summary of their research ideas and planned activities to 
nsf-brain-ci@nsf.gov by 5:00 pm submitter's local time, Friday, May 20, 

Any questions should be directed to the email address: nsf-brain-ci@nsf.gov

Best regards
Aude Oliva, PhD
Expert Computational Neuroscience
National Science Foundation
Computer & Information Science & Engineering/IIS


From: Henry Warchall <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 12:22 AM
Subject: NSF Supplemental Funding Opportunity

Dear Colleague:

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has identified improvement in graduate 
student preparedness for entering the workforce as one of its Agency 
Priority Goals. As part of this goal, supplemental funding is available in 
FY 2016 and FY 2017 to support science and engineering doctoral students so 
that they can acquire the knowledge, experience, and skills needed for 
highly productive careers, inside and outside of academe. NSF currently 
invests in a number of graduate student preparedness activities, and has 
historically encouraged investigators to include such activities in 
proposals. This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) describes a variety of 
opportunities across the Foundation designed to explore approaches that will 
position NSF-funded graduate students for success in the 21st century 
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics workforce.

NSF will consider support for supplements to existing research awards to 
enhance professional development opportunities for students in PhD programs 
as described by each Directorate/Office. These descriptions can be found 
below. Interested investigators should contact the cognizant program 

* Enhanced Experience supplements will enable single/collaborative awardees 
to request appropriate levels of additional support for existing graduate 
students to acquire professional development experience that will broaden 
avenues for entering the workforce. These supplements would provide graduate 
students with the opportunity to augment their research assistantships, and 
in some cases fellowships and traineeships, with additional "mentoring" 
activities and short-term training opportunities.

* Enhanced Activities supplements will be available to existing, larger 
institution-level, "center-like" activities to support cohorts of graduate 
students with the goal of developing new "best practice activities" for 
enhancing graduate student preparedness for entering the workforce.

The Division of Mathematical Sciences invites its grantees to apply for 
Enhanced Experience supplemental requests to support student activities that 
broaden awareness of potential non-academic career options. Funds may be 
requested to support a student for an internship period in a business, 
industry, or government organization.

Further details, including eligibility, preparation instructions and 
allowable costs, can be found at: 


From: Ann Dieffenbach <DIEFFENA@nigms.nih.gov>
Date: Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 2:00 PM
Subject: News from NIGMS

--Give Input on Research Resources for the Biomedical Community
--Give Input on Approaches for Supporting Team Science
--NIGMS Feedback Loop Blog News
--Funding Opportunities


From: Michael Zager <mzager1@its.jnj.com>
Date: Wed, Apr 20, 2016 at 10:13 PM
Subject: International Society of Pharmacometrics QSP SIG Student Award


The Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Special Interest Group (QSP SIG) of 
the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP) is pleased to announce 
the first annual QSP SIG Student Award. All current students (must be 
currently enrolled in an undergraduate program or a graduate program by the 
time of abstract submission as verified by student's advisor) who submit an 
abstract to ACoP7 qualify for the award. Applicants are required to submit 
an extended, 1-2 page abstract in addition to their standard abstract for 
the ACoP7 meeting. 

The link for regular abstract submissions will be available on April 4th 
along with details on application for QSP SIG award. Applications must be 
submitted by June 15, 2016. 

The winner will present a short podium presentation of their work during the 
official QSP SIG gathering at the ACoP meeting. The award includes a plaque 
and a cash prize of 1000 USD, provided through the generosity of Genentech, 
Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and Rosa & Co. The student will also be provided a 
means of distinguishing their normal conference presentation as the QSP SIG 
student award winner. 

More details can be found on the official ACoP7 website after April 4th at:
 http://www.acop7.org/ (click "submit an abstract" and then click the 
student award tab that appears just below).
For further information, feel free to contact the QSP SIG at 

Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional information.

Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest should be sent to
    SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive.  See instructions at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/pubs/fyi .

The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/digest/ .

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End of SMB Digest