Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest

SMB Digest      April 20, 2016   Volume 16  Issue 16
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Alex Fletcher digest.alex(at)gmail(dot)com

Send submissions to appear in this Digest to
SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue's Topics:
    ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 78, Issue 3
    Workshop: 6th Morphogenetic Engineering Workshop, July 4-8, Mexico    
    Workshop: NIMBioS Algebraic Mathematical Biology , July 25-27, USA
    Workshop: Multiscale methods and inverse problems..., Aug 2031, UK
    Postdoc: 2016 Complex Systems Postdoctoral Fellowship
    Postdoc/PhD: Modeling Infectious Diseases, Zurich, Switzerland
    PhD: Modelling visuomotor coordination..., Exeter, UK
    PhD: T cell-mediated immune regulation, Imperial, UK
    Senior Lecturer: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Umeå, Sweden
    NIMBioS News: Vazquez to Receive 2016 Blackwell-Tapia Prize
    April 2016 AIBS Newsletter
    SMBnet Reminders


From: Springer<springer@alerts.springer.com>
Date: Sun, Apr 17, 2016 at 5:59 AM
Subject: ToC: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 78, Issue 3

Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 78, Issue 2

In this issue (9 articles):

Temperature- and Turbidity-Dependent Competitive Interactions Between 
Invasive Freshwater Mussels
Qihua Huang, Hao Wang, Anthony Ricciardi & Mark A. Lewis

Minimal Model of Plankton Systems Revisited with Spatial Diffusion and 
Maturation Delay
Jiantao Zhao, Jianjun Paul Tian & Junjie Wei

Alternative Stable States, Coral Reefs, and Smooth Dynamics with a Kick
Stephen Ippolito, Vincent Naudot & Erik G. Noonburg

Multicellular Mathematical Modelling of Mesendoderm Formation in Amphibians
L. E. Brown, A. M. Middleton, J. R. King & M. Loose

A Fractional Order Recovery SIR Model from a Stochastic Process
C. N. Angstmann, B. I. Henry & A. V. McGann

A Mathematical Model of T1D Acceleration and Delay by Viral Infection
James R. Moore & Fred Adler

Simulation of Yeast Cooperation in 2D
M. Wang, Y. Huang & Z. Wu

A Diffusion Approximation Based on Renewal Processes with Applications to 
Strongly Biased Run?Tumble Motion
Uffe Høgsbro Thygesen

Effective Rheological Properties in Semi-dilute Bacterial Suspensions
Mykhailo Potomkin, Shawn D. Ryan & Leonid Berlyand

Do you want to publish your article in this journal?
Please visit the homepage of Bulletin of Mathematical Biology for full 
details on:
 *  aims and scope
 *  editorial policy
 *  article submission

Impact Factor: 1.389 (2014)
Journal Citation Reports®, Thomson Reuters


From: Hiroki Sayama<sayama@binghamton.edu>
Date: Sat, Apr 16, 2016 at 12:12 AM
Subject: Workshop: 6th Morphogenetic Engineering Workshop, July 4-8, Mexico

At ALIFE XV, July 4-8, 2016, Cancun, Mexico
** http://doursat.free.fr/mew2016.html **

This workshop aims to promote and expand Morphogenetic Engineering, a new 
field of research exploring the artificial design and implementation of 
autonomous systems capable of developing complex, heterogeneous morphologies. 
Particular emphasis is set on the programmability and controllability of 
self-organization, properties that are often underappreciated in complex 
systems science--while, conversely, the benefits of self-organization are 
often underappreciated in engineering methodologies.

Authors are invited to submit an abstract (up to 2 pages) prepared following 
the ALIFE XV paper format (http://xva.life/?page_id=349). Accepted abstracts 
will be compiled into the Workshop Proceedings and will be published online 
on the Workshop website for free downloads.

Please submit your abstract in PDF by email to:
Rene Doursat <R.Doursat@mmu.ac.uk>
Hiroki Sayama <sayama@binghamton.edu>

* Abstract submission deadline : April 30, 2016
* Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2016
* Camera-ready abstract due: May 31, 2016
* Workshop date: TBA (one day during the week of July 4-8, 2016) 
** http://doursat.free.fr/mew2016.html **


From: Raina Robeva <RainaRobeva@rmc.edu>
Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 4:03 PM
Subject: Workshop: NIMBioS Algebraic Mathematical Biology , July 25-27, USA

NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Algebraic Mathematical Biology, 
July 25-27, 2016


Raina Robeva, Mathematics, Randolph-Macon College, VA 
Matthew Macauley, Mathematical Sciences, Clemson Univ., SC 
John Jungck, Biological Sciences, Center for Bioinformatics and 
Computational Biology, Univ. of Delaware 

Invited speakers:
Katherine Morrison (Univ. of Northern Colorado)
Chad Giusti (Univ. of Pennsylvania)
Debra Knisley (East Tennessee State Univ.)
Jeff Knisley (East Tennessee State Univ.)
Natasha Jonoska (Univ. of South Florida)

NIMBioS provides support (travel, meals, lodging) for Workshop attendees, 
whether from a non-profit or for-profit organization.

Objectives: Over the past fifteen years, modern biology has been transformed 
by new mathematical methods that have complemented and driven biological 
discoveries. Problems from signaling, gene regulation, genomics, RNA folding, 
infectious disease dynamics, drug resistance modeling, phylogenetics, 
neuroscience, and ecological networks such as food webs, have increasingly 
benefited from the application of discrete mathematics and computational 
algebra. While the use of modern algebraic methods is now in mainstream 
mathematical biology research, this trend has been slow to influence the 
undergraduate math and biology curricula, where classical difference and 
differential equation models still dominate. Students interested in 
mathematical biology have relatively easy access to courses that utilize 
these classical analytic methods, and they generally have adequate exposure 
to such methods before deciding upon a graduate program. However, students 
interested in algebraic and discrete mathematical approaches have fewer doors 
visibly open to them, and indeed may not even know that they exist. There is 
a general lack of awareness in the academic community for the critical impact 
of such approaches on contemporary biology and there is an urgent need to 
develop educational resources highlighting this growing trend. 

Our 2.5-day workshop will bring together a diverse group of faculty from the 
field of algebraic and discrete mathematical biology to address this need by: 
1) surveying existing educational resources in discrete and algebraic 
mathematical biology; 2) identifying topics appropriate for undergraduates 
not yet featured in the existing literature; 3) identifying target courses 
in the mathematics and biology curricula that would benefit most from 
featuring those topics; 4) initiating the development of new curricular 
materials and ultimately publishing the materials for those topics; 5) 
facilitating the growth of a community of faculty actively involved in 
creating and using curricular resources for algebraic mathematical biology.


From: Simon Cotter <simon.cotter@manchester.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 8:44 AM
Subject: Workshop: Multiscale methods and inverse problems..., Aug 2031, UK

Dear colleagues,

I am writing to announce the opening of registration for a workshop entitled 
"Computational Challenges in Biochemical Networks: Multiscale Methods and 
Inverse Problems", which will take place in the Alan Turing building, 
Manchester, UK, on 30-31 August 2016. Registration can be completed via the 
workshop webpage:


Please feel free to spread the word about this event amongst anybody that you 
think may be interested. Places are limited and as such people interested in 
coming should register as soon as they can. Young researchers are encouraged 
to apply to present a poster during the workshop.

I look forward very much to seeing as many of you as possible in Manchester 
in August.

Yours sincerely,

Dr Simon Cotter
University of Manchester


From: James S. McDonnell Foundation <info@jsmf.org>
Date: Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 10:47 AM
Subject: Postdoc: 2016 Complex Systems Postdoctoral Fellowship

The James S. McDonnell Foundation (JSMF) has posted updated guidelines for 
the 2016 Postdoctoral Fellowship Award program in Studying Complex Systems.  

*The Fellowship*
-The JSMF Fellowship is designed to provide students with an opportunity to 
seek potential postdoctoral research opportunities on the basis of the 
student's interest and desire to obtain additional skills and experience 
that will further their pursuit of careers in complex systems science. 
Award details
-200,000 USD to be expended in 2-3 years
-JSMF could support up to 10 Fellowships each year

-This fellowship is intended for Ph.D. students with theoretical and/or 
experimental training in Complex Systems Science that anticipate completing 
their graduate training in late 2016 or in 2017.
-Applicants should not have already identified a postdoctoral position and a 
postdoctoral research mentor.
-Candidates from any country are eligible to apply. 
-JSMF Fellowships can only be used to support postdoctoral training at a 
qualified institution.

-Applications and letters of support will be accepted online beginning 
May 1, 2016.
-The deadline to submit all application materials is June 30, 2016, 15:59 
CDT (20:59 UTC).

For complete program details and application guidelines visit: 
https://goo.gl/Qokvf7 or www.jsmf.org/apply/fellowship


From: Roger Kouyos <roger.kouyos@uzh.ch>
Date: Tue, Apr 19, 2016 at 9:10 AM
Subject: Postdoc/PhD: Modeling Infectious Diseases, Zurich, Switzerland

We are looking for a highly motivated Postdoc or PhD-Student interested in 
the Mathematical Modeling of Infectious Disease transmission.  The project 
combines mathematical modeling with molecular epidemiology approaches and 
clinical data in order to investigate epidemiological trends and prevention 
strategies in HIV/HCV. Accordingly, the candidate should have in addition to 
a strong mathematical background, skills to deal with complex and diverse 
data, and a strong interest in infectious-disease epidemiology. 

The Project will be carried out in the context of the Swiss HIV Cohort Study 
(SHCS) and the Zurich Primary HIV Infection Study (ZPHI). Those studies are 
the ideal setting for these projects as they are highly representative for 
the HIV population in Switzerland and combine sequence and clinical data of 
extraordinary quality. The student/postdoc will work on a range of specified 
research projects, but will be also highly encouraged and expected to develop 
and investigate his own research questions. In case of a PhD-student, the PhD 
will take place within the PhD-Program Epidemiology and Biostatistics of the 
Life Science Zurich Graduate School (run jointly by the University of Zurich 
and the ETH Zurich). 

Research will be conducted at the Division of Infectious Diseases at the 
University Hospital of Zurich; University of Zurich (supervision: Roger Kouyos, 
The Division of Infectious Diseases provides a highly interdisciplinary and 
translational research environment with links both to clinical practice and 
basic science. Moreover, we are strongly interconnected with a variety of 
other research institutes in Zurich and beyond. In particular, we maintain 
strong collaborations with the Institute of Medical Virology at the 
University of Zurich, and the Institutes of Theoretical Biology and 
Computational Biology at the ETH Zurich.

Applicants should send a cover letter, a detailed CV, and contact information 
for two or three academic references to: roger.kouyos@uzh.ch.


From: Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova <K.Tsaneva-Atanasova@exeter.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 9:48 AM
Subject: PhD: Modelling visuomotor coordination..., Exeter, UK

I have an open PhD Positions in my group at the University of Exeter. 
I am looking for PhD students with quantitative background (mathematics, 
physics, computer science or engineering) who are interested in applying 
their skills in solving biomedical and/or healthcare problems.

Carlota Palmer Studentships:

2. Modelling visuomotor coordination in People with Parkinson's Disease

For further details and how to apply see:

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding these 

Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova

ALTEREGO - Enhancing Social Interaction with an AlterEgo artificial agent

From: Reiko Tanaka<r.tanaka@imperial.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 9:39 AM
Subject: PhD: T cell-mediated immune regulation, Imperial, UK

We have an opening for 4-year PhD studentship for a UK/EU student 
(3-year residency rule applies).

To reveal the mechanism of T cell-mediated immune regulation using molecular 
and systems approaches
Supervisors: Masahiro Ono (Life Sciences) and Reiko Tanaka (Bioengineering), 
Imperial College London

This project will investigate dynamic mechanisms of T cell-mediated immune 
regulation using molecular and systems approaches. We are especially 
interested in how the T cell regulation mechanism develops or evolves during 
development and ageing. T cells are conventionally classified into regulatory 
(suppressive) T cells and memory T cells. It is, however, obscure how these 
cells develop and exhibit their functions in vivo, and such dynamic 
activities can be measured only by appropriately combining new molecular 
tools and mathematical modelling.

During this 4-year BBSRC funded project, we aim to reveal positive and 
negative feedback mechanisms of the T cell system, using a combination of 
our newly developed transgenic technology that measures the time-dependent 
dynamics of T cells in vivo and computational/mathematical modelling and 

Reference: http://www.nature.com/icb/journal/v94/n1/full/icb201565a.html

Closing date: 29 April 2016
Initial applications should include a full CV, names and addresses and 
contact details of two academic referees, a personal statement (500 words 
max) and a covering letter.
Contact: Masahiro Ono (m.ono@imperial.ac.uk); Reiko Tanaka 


From: Åke Brännström <ake.brannstrom@math.umu.se>
Date: Mon, Apr 18, 2016 at 3:26 PM
Subject: Senior Lecturer: Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, Umeå, Sweden

The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at Umeå University, 
Sweden, invites applicants for a research-oriented permanent position as 
senior lecturer in mathematical modelling and analysis (e.g., mathematical 

The successful applicant is expected to sustain active research within 
mathematical modelling and analysis with connections to the department's 
current activities in this area and to neighboring departments and units. 
Examples of relevant research areas are population dynamics, 
frequency-dependent evolution, structured population models, and optimal 
switching. The holder of the position will primarily be based at Umeå 
University's creative research environment IceLab 
(www.org.umu.se/icelab/english), which currently houses about 20 young 
scientists conducting interdisciplinary research, training, and education at 
the intersection of physics, mathematics, social sciences, and the life 

For full application details, please see 


Applications must be submitted through Umeå University's web-based 
recruitment system linked above. Last application date is 2016-05-30.


From: Catherine Crawley<ccrawley@nimbios.org>
Date: Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 9:12 PM
Subject: NIMBioS News: Vazquez to Receive 2016 Blackwell-Tapia Prize

KNOXVILLE ? The National Blackwell-Tapia Committee is pleased to announce 
that the 2016 Blackwell-Tapia Prize will be awarded to Mariel Vazquez, a 
professor in the departments of mathematics and of microbiology and molecular 
genetics at the University of California, Davis. The prize is awarded every 
other year in honor of the legacy of David H. Blackwell and Richard A. Tapia, 
two distinguished mathematical scientists who have been inspirations to more 
than a generation of African American, Latino/Latina, and Native American 
students and professionals in the mathematical sciences. Vazquez has made 
important contributions at the interface of mathematics, polymer physics, 
and molecular biology. She specializes in the application of topological
methods and computational tools to study DNA. She has also worked 
passionately to recruit, train and mentor individuals from underrepresented 
groups working in the mathematical and statistical sciences. 

The prize will be presented at the Ninth Blackwell-Tapia Conference on Oct. 
28-29, 2016, at the University of Knoxville, Tennessee. The conference is 
co-hosted by the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis 
and the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute and supported 
by the National Science Foundation Math Institutes and the Alfred P. Sloan 
Foundation. For full details, visit 


From: AIBS <membership@aibs.org>
Date: Fri, Apr 15, 2016 at 5:53 PM
Subject: April 2016 AIBS Newsletter

The monthly AIBS Newsletter provides you with timely information about the 
many ways AIBS is Bringing Biology to Life. We hope you find it informative 
and will consider sharing it with colleagues who would be interested in our 

To sign up for the newsletter, visit: 


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/digest/ .

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End of SMB Digest