Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest

SMB Digest      April 6, 2016   Volume 16  Issue 14
ISSN 1086-6566

Editor: Alex Fletcher digest.alex(at)gmail(dot)com

Send submissions to appear in this Digest to
SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .

Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue's Topics:
    AIBS Launches 6th Annual Faces of Biology Photo Contest
    Workshop: BIOMAT-2016 on Cell Dynamics & Polymerization
    Short course: Model fitting and inference for infectious disease dynamics
    Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference 2016, May 20-21
    Call for Applications: Evol. Quant. Genetics,  NIMBioS
    Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematical Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center, 
    Tampa FL
    Postdoc in York: Developing novel numerical methods for fish population 
    Postdoc position in Computational Neuroscience, Lancaster, PA (USA)
    Selected NIH Intramural Research and other openings - April 2016
    NIH Update: training application reminders; 2015 funding data ...
    Funding Opportunities for the FY 2017 NIH Director's Pioneer Awards
    SMBnet Reminders


From: Santiago Schnell <schnells@umich.edu>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 7:38 PM
Subject: AIBS Launches 6th Annual Faces of Biology Photo Contest

The American Institute of Biological Sciences (AIBS) has launched the 6th 
Annual Faces of Biology Photo Contest. The competition recognizes scientists 
who use imagery to communicate aspects of biological research to the public 
and policymakers.

"Over the past five years, this contest has been effective at showing the 
public and decision-makers what the scientific process looks like," said Dr. 
Robert Gropp, Interim Co-Executive Director of AIBS. "Whether it is sharing 
photos of biological research or enabling visits by lawmakers to research 
facilities, AIBS is committed to disseminating information that will guide 
informed decisions about matters that require biological knowledge."

The theme of the contest is "Faces of Biology." Photographs entered into the 
competition must depict a person, such as a scientist, technician, or student,
engaging in biological research. The research may occur outside, in a lab, at 
a natural history collection, at a field station, on a computer, in a 
classroom, or anywhere else research is done.

The First Place Winner will have his/her winning photo featured on the cover 
of BioScience, and will receive $250 and a one year membership in AIBS, 
including a subscription to BioScience. The Second and Third Place Winners 
will have his/her winning photo printed inside the journal, and will receive a
one year membership in AIBS, including a subscription to BioScience.

The winning photo from the 2015 contest is featured on the cover of the March 
2016 issue of BioScience.

Submissions must be received by 11:59:59 p.m. Eastern Time on 30 September 

For more information or to enter the contest, visit 


From: PDEs Group <kinetic@ugr.es>
Date: Fri, Mar 11, 2016 at 6:33 AM
Subject: Workshop: BIOMAT-2016 on Cell Dynamics & Polymerization

honor - memoriam -  to Abdel Bellouquid) to be held in in Granada
(Spain), June 1-3, 2016:

There will be five main mini-courses. The courses will be conducted by:
- Jean Clairambault (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
- Marie Doumic (INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt)
- Alain Goriely (University of Oxford)
- Christina  Surulesku (TU Kaiserslautern)
- Michael Winkler (Universität Paderborn)

We will develop a special session dedicated to Abdel Bellouquid (in
memoriam), carried out by some of their collaborators:
- Nicola Bellomo (Politecnico di Torino and King Abdulaziz University)
- Elena De Angelis (Politecnico di Torino)
- Juanjo Nieto (Universidad de Granada)
- Michael Winkler (Universität Paderborn)

There will be some financial support (10-15 grants) available for
students (registration and/or accommodation up to 4 days).
Deadline to apply for financial support: April 24th, 2016

We would be very grateful if you may share the information among your
students and colleagues.

Best regards,
The organizers


From: Sebastian Funk <sebastian.funk@lshtm.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 3:01 AM
Subject: Short course: Model fitting and inference for infectious disease 

The Centre for the Mathematical Modelling of Infectious Diseases (CMMID) at 
the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine is pleased to invite
applications for a 4-day course on

*Model fitting and inference for infectious disease dynamics*

taught by Sebastian Funk, Anton Camacho and Helen Johnson

The course will be held from 14-17 June, 2016. Course material will range from
the basics of model fitting to methods such as Markov-Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)
and particle filtering, and will introduce methods used within CMMID to 
analyse and forecast the recent Ebola epidemic and Zika virus outbreaks.

The course fee varies from £410 (students) to £615 (academics) and £820 

For more information, contact details, and to apply, please visit


From: Peirce, James <jpeirce@uwlax.edu>
Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 4:50 PM
Subject: Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference - Early Registration

The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse is excited to host the 2nd Midwest 
Mathematical Biology Conference on May 21-22, 2016 in La Crosse, Wisconsin. 
The conference features three outstanding plenary speakers 
Dr. Carina Curto, Penn. State. Univ.
Dr. Mark Craven, Univ. of Wisconsin
Dr. Louis Gross, Univ. of Tenn.
The conference will also feature two afternoon workshops on May 22st. The 
first will revolve around Biomathematics Curriculum (lead by Dr. Tim Comar, 
Benedictine Univ.), and the second will be an R Programming Bootcamp (lead by 
Dr. Richard Erickson, USGS Upper Mississippi Environmental Science Center).
Further details about the conference, abstract submission, and registration 
information are available at
The cost of registration increases after April 22nd, 2016.  We hope to see you
in May!
Questions or inquires can be directed to James Peirce 


From: Catherine Crawley <ccrawley@nimbios.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 4:06 PM
Subject: Deadline Approaching: Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics, a NIMBioS 

The deadline is approaching for applications to the NIMBioS Tutorial: 
Evolutionary Quantitative Genetics 2016 to be held August 8-12, 2016, at the 
National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis.

*Objectives:* This tutorial will review the basics of theory in the field of 
evolutionary quantitative genetics and its connections to evolution observed 
at various time scales. Quantitative genetics deals with the inheritance of 
measurements of traits that are affected by many genes. Quantitative genetic 
theory for natural populations was developed considerably in the period from 
1970 to 1990 and up to the present, and it has been applied to a wide range of
phenomena including the evolution of differences between the sexes, sexual 
preferences, life history traits, plasticity of traits, as well as the 
evolution of body size and other morphological measurements. Textbooks have 
not kept pace with these developments, and currently few universities offer 
courses in this subject aimed at evolutionary biologists. There is a need for 
evolutionary biologists to understand this field because of the ability to 
collect large amounts of data by computer, the development of statistical 
methods for changes of traits on evolutionary trees and for changes in a 
single species through time, and the realization that quantitative characters 
will not soon be fully explained by genomics. This tutorial aims to fill this 
need by reviewing basic aspects of theory and illustrating how that theory can
be tested with data, both from single species and with multiple-species 
phylogenies. Participants will learn to use R, an open-source statistical 
programming language, to build and test evolutionary models. The intended 
participants for this tutorial are graduate students, postdocs, and junior 
faculty members in evolutionary biology.

The content of this tutorial will be similar to the tutorial held at NIMBioS 
in 2015. For more information about that tutorial, visit 

For more information about the 2016 tutorial and a link to the online 
application form, go to http://www.nimbios.org/tutorials/TT_eqg2016

*Location:* NIMBioS at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

*Co-Organizers:* Stevan J. Arnold, Integrative Biology, Oregon State Univ. and
Joe Felsenstein, Genome Sciences, Univ. of Washington, Seattle

*Instructors:* Stevan J. Arnold, Integrative Biology, Oregon State Univ.; 
Patrick Carter, Evolutionary Physiology, Washington State Univ., Pullman; Joe 
Felsenstein, Genome Sciences, Univ. of Washington, Seattle; Adam Jones, 
Biology, Texas A&M Univ.; Emilia Martins, Biology, Indiana Univ., Bloomington;
Brian O'Meara, Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, Univ. of Tennessee; and Josef 
Uyeda, Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Studies, Univ. of Idaho, Moscow. 
Others TBA.

*Co-Sponsor:* The American Society of Naturalists

There are no fees associated with this tutorial. Tutorial participation in the
tutorial is by application only. Individuals with a strong interest in the
topic, including post-docs and graduate students, are encouraged to apply, and
successful applicants will be notified within two weeks of the application

*Food and Lodging:* Breakfast and lunch will be provided at NIMBioS each day
of the tutorial, as well as coffee and mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks.
NIMBioS is not covering dinner, travel, or lodging expenses for participants.
A block of rooms at a group rate will be reserved at the Four Points by 
Sheraton Knoxville Cumberland House Hotel. More information will be available 
here soon about room rates and how participants can make reservations.

*Application deadline:* May 1, 2016

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS) 
(http://www.nimbios.org) brings together researchers from around the world to 
collaborate across disciplinary boundaries to investigate solutions to basic 
and applied problems in the life sciences. NIMBioS is sponsored by the 
National Science Foundation, with additional support from The University of 
Tennessee, Knoxville.


Postdoctoral Fellow in Mathematical Oncology, Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa FL

Applications are sought for the position of post-doctoral research fellow to 
work under the supervision of Dr. Heiko Enderling on inter-disciplinary 
research projects on quantitative personalized medicine, with focus on cancer 
radiotherapy and immunotherapy. We seek a talented individual with a PhD and 
background in applied mathematics, physics or a computational discipline to 
work in the unique research environment of the Integrated Mathematical 
Oncology (IMO) department at Moffitt Cancer Center on the University of South 
Florida campus. IMO integrates mathematicians, computer scientists, and 
physicists together with imaging specialists as well as clinical and 
experimental oncologists to develop novel approaches for the understanding, 
treatment and prevention of cancer.

The successful candidate will have a desire to work closely with 
experimentalists and clinicians and experience in modeling biological systems,
with a preference for those with knowledge of immunology, radiation, and/or 
cancer. Desired are demonstrated creativity, high motivation, good 
communication skills and experience in developing/ writing publications in 
quality peer reviewed scientific journals. Preference will be given to 
candidates with the ability to program (C/C++/Java/Matlab), visualize and 
analyze numerical/experimental data.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter and C.V. directly to 
Heiko.Enderling@moffitt.org, and formally apply through the Moffitt online 
recruitment system at www.moffitt.org/careers-education requisition #19288.


From: Gustav Delius <gustav.delius@york.ac.uk>
Date: Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 8:28 AM
Subject: Postdoc in York: Developing novel numerical methods for fish 
population dynamics

You are invited to apply for an EU-funded two-year postdoctoral research 
position at the University of York to develop and implement novel numerical 
modelling techniques, and to apply them in the field of fish population 
dynamics as part of the MINOUW project (http://minouw.icm.csic.es).

This research position is suitable for you if you have a strong background in 
continuous dynamical systems (PDEs), numerical analysis and scientific 
computing, and are ready to bring your expertise to a new field of application
where your work can have the greatest impact. Fisheries policy is strongly 
driven by predictions from mathematical models, more so than most areas of 
public policy, but as yet only very basic numerical analysis techniques are 
applied to the scientific models. Improvements are urgently needed. Your 
mathematical work will help science to make better recommendations for actions
to maintain the health of marine ecosystems while at the same time exploiting 
them sustainably to provide high-quality food, employment for fishers and a 
prosperous fishing industry. In addition to benefiting nature and society, 
this post will open a potential career path for you, because fisheries science
needs researchers with a strong mathematical background.

At the University of York we have developed partial integro-differential 
equations to model marine ecosystems. Your first task will be to develop and 
implement efficient numerical schemes for these equations. Beyond that, the 
position offers you much scope to influence the further direction of the 
research. Because you will be working as part of the MINOUW project, you have 
immediate contact to 14 partner institutions across Europe, which will help 
you to bring your work to have real-world impact. If you have prior experience
in large-scale modelling of continuous systems (weather, climate, currents, 
fluids, fields, etc.) this will be useful, as it will be transferable.

Ideally you will begin the post before August 2016.  However the precise start
date is subject to negotiation.

For further information consult the candidate brief and for enquiries please 

Gustav Delius (gustav.delius@york.ac.uk) or Richard Law 

The closing date for receipt of applications is 12:00 midnight on Monday 2 May 

Interviews are likely to be held the week commencing 23 May 2016.


From: Christina M. Weaver <christina.weaver@fandm.edu>
Date: Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 7:19 PM
Subject: Postdoc position in Computational Neuroscience, Lancaster, PA (USA)

POSTDOCTORAL FELLOW in Computational Neuroscience
Job Description
The interdisciplinary research team of Drs Christina Weaver (Mathematics, 
Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster PA) and Jennifer Luebke (Anatomy & 
Neurobiology, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston MA) is launching a 
project to explore structural and functional abnormalities of neurons in two 
different mouse models of Huntington's Disease, and how these abnormalities 
might contribute to system-level dysfunction.  Computational modeling of 
cortical and striatal neurons (both spatially extended compartmental models 
and point neuron models) will be conducted in tandem with empirical studies of
these same neurons using in vitro slice electrophysiology and confocal laser 
scanning microscopy.  The neuron models developed in this project will be 
incorporated into models of local microcircuits and larger cortico-striatal 
networks, likely in collaboration with other research teams, and will be used 
to inform future experiments.  As part of this project, one postdoctoral 
position in computational neuroscience is available. Computational modeling of
the empirically characterized neurons will use parameter optimization 
algorithms developed in the Weaver lab.  For an overview of our 
interdisciplinary approach, see our joint publications including Luebke et 
al., Cerebral Cortex (2015), PMID 24323499 and Coskren et al., J. Comput. 
Neuro. (2015), PMID 25527184.  The Weaver lab will have close, ongoing 
collaborations with the Luebke lab, including several visits to Boston where
the empirical studies will take place.  Initial appointment is for one year, 
and may be extended to a total of three years.  The candidate will be hired by
Franklin & Marshall College, though a remote employment arrangement may be 
Applicants should have a strong background or interest in computational 
neuroscience, and have a keen interest in interdisciplinary approaches to 
neuroscience that integrate modeling, imaging, and physiological experiments. 
Review of applications will begin immediately, and will continue until the 
position is filled.  Interested applicants should send their CV, a brief 
statement of current and future research interests, and the contact 
information of three references to christina.weaver@fandm.edu.

Required Skills
Ph.D. or equivalent in computational neuroscience, computational mathematics, 
or a related field from an accredited institution

Excellent written and verbal communication skills
Experience with automated parameter optimization, conductance-based modeling 
of single neurons, and/or NEURON compartmental modeling software is preferred. 
The fellow will have funds to support conference travel and professional 
development, and full access to campus services including F&M's Faculty 
Center.  Lancaster, PA is a thriving small city, about an hour's train ride 
from Philadelphia, PA and 1.5 hour drive to Baltimore, MD.  Applicants can 
learn more about working at F&M and living in the Lancaster community at 
Franklin & Marshall College is committed to having an inclusive campus 
community where all members are treated with dignity and respect. As an Equal 
Opportunity Employer, the College does not discriminate in its hiring or 
employment practices on the basis of gender, sex, race, ethnicity, color, 
national origin, religion, age, disability, family or marital status, sexual 
orientation, or any protected characteristic.


From: Owens, Roland (NIH/OD) <owensrol@mail.nih.gov>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2016 19:49:00 +0000
Resent-from: Raymond Mejía <mejiar@helix.nih.gov>
Subject: Selected NIH Intramural Research and other openings - April 2016

Staff Scientist
(deadline: April 29)

The National Cancer Institute (NCI), Intramural Research Program (IRP),
a major research component of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in
the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), is recruiting a Staff
Scientist within the Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics (DCEG). This
Staff Scientist will support a research program in molecular epidemiology
of cancer and work under the direction of the DCEG Deputy Director. The
overall aim of the research program is to identify biomarkers of cancer risk
and progression in combination with other sources of exposure information
collected from large epidemiological studies. Specific areas of research
include: 1) molecular characterization of tumors to identify exposure
signatures and subtype-specific causes of cancer, 2) identification of
biomarkers of risk, including genetic and epigenetic changes, 3) integration
of biomarkers and other risk factors into cancer risk prediction models,
and 4) evaluation of their utility in risk stratification to inform personal
and public health decisions. 

The successful candidate will be responsible for the coordination of research
activities and the management of large epidemiological studies including
acquiring, manipulating and integrating data from a variety of sources,
quality control, statistical data analyses and manuscript preparation. He/she
will be involved in collaborative research with intramural and extramural
researchers and several international consortia, with opportunities for a
lead role in publications. Qualifications include a Ph.D. or equivalent
doctoral degree in epidemiology, biostatistics or related field. Prior
postdoctoral training experience in epidemiological research with a history
of publications that reflect experience in the methodological and analytical
requirements of this position is highly desirable. Excellent written and
oral (English) communication, interpersonal and teamwork skills are also
required. US citizenship is not a requirement.

Salary is commensurate with research experience and accomplishments. Full
Federal benefits including salary, leave, health and life insurance, long-term
care insurance, retirement, and savings plan (401k equivalent) will be
provided. All employees of the Federal Government are subject to the conflict
of interest statutes and regulations, including the Standards of Ethical
Conduct. Additional information regarding the NCI/DCEG IRP is available at
the following website: www.dceg.cancer.gov. To apply: Please send a cover
letter, curriculum vitae, bibliography, statement of research interests,
and supply the names of three references to: Catherine McClave, Special
Advisor for Division Operations; National Institute of Cancer, Division
of Cancer Epidemiology & Genetics, 9609 Medical Center Drive, Rm. 7E-440,
Bethesda, MD 20892-9774. Or email: mcclavec@mail.nih.gov. Applications
must be received on or before April 29, 2016 for consideration.

The NIH Intramural Research Program

Link to Fellowships and Positions of Interest to fellows


From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <ExtramuralNexus@mail.nih.gov>
Date: Mon, Apr 4, 2016 at 12:17 PM
Subject: NIH Update: training application reminders; 2015 funding data ...

NIH Update: training application reminders; 2015 funding data; how to tell if 
you're using the right application forms; clarification on reporting 
publications in progress reports



From: Murcia, Ellie (NIH/OD) <murciae@OD.NIH.GOV>
Date: Mon, 4 Apr 2016 20:40:39 +0000
Resent-from: Raymond Mejía <mejiar@helix.nih.gov>
Subject: Funding Opportunities for the FY 2017 NIH Director's Pioneer Awards

The NIH Common Fund announces funding opportunities for the FY 2017
NIH Director's Pioneer Awards, NIH Director's New Innovators Awards,
and NIH Director's Transformative Research Awards. These award
initiatives are part of the NIH Common Fund High-Risk High-Reward
Research Program <https://commonfund.nih.gov/highrisk/>, which provides
unique opportunities for exceptionally creative scientists to pursue
highly innovative approaches to address major challenges in biomedical or
behavioral research.  Any research topic relevant to the broad mission of
NIH is welcome. NIH especially encourages women and members of groups that
are underrepresented in NIH-funded research to apply.

2017 NIH Director's Pioneer Awards: RFA RM-16-005

* Open to scientists at any career stage; single PI applications only

* Up to $3.5 million in direct costs over a period of 5 years

* Application instructions and additional details are provided in the RFA

* For Pioneer Award program information, see Pioneer website
<https://commonfund.nih.gov/pioneer/index> and Pioneer
FAQs <https://commonfund.nih.gov/pioneer/faq>

* For other questions, email to pioneerawards@mail.nih.gov

* Application deadline: September 2, 2016

2017 NIH Director's New Innovator Awards: RFA RM-16-004

* Open to Early Career Stage scientists (defined as those who have not
received an NIH R01 or similar grant and are within 10 years of completing
their terminal research degree or medical residency); single PI applications

* Up to $1.5 million in direct costs over a period of 5 years (multi-year
funded, funds for entire project period disbursed from FY 2017 appropriation)

* Application instructions and additional details provided in the RFA

* For New Innovator Award program information, see New Innovator website
<https://commonfund.nih.gov/newinnovator/index> and New Innovator FAQs

* For other questions, email to newinnovatorawards@mail.nih.gov

* Application deadline: September 9, 2016

2017 NIH Director's Transformative Awards Research: RFA
RM-16-007 <https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-RM-16-007.html>

* Open to scientists at any career stage; single-PI applications and multi-PI
applications welcome

* Flexible budgets, commensurate with scope of proposed research

* Application instructions and additional details provided in the RFA

* For Transformative Research Award program information,
see TRA website <https://commonfund.nih.gov/TRA> and
TRA FAQs <https://commonfund.nih.gov/TRA/faq>

* For other questions, email to transformative_awards@mail.nih.gov

* Application deadline: October 7, 2016

The High-Risk High-Reward Program and other Common Fund programs are managed
by the Office of Strategic Coordination, Division of Program Coordination,
Planning, and Strategic Initiatives in the NIH Office of the Director,
in partnership with the component NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices. The
NIH Common Fund <https://commonfund.nih.gov/> encourages collaboration and
supports a series of exceptionally high impact, trans-NIH programs.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) - "The Nation's Medical Research
Agency" - includes 27 Institutes and Centers and is a component of the
U. S. Department of Health and Human Services. It is the primary federal
agency for conducting and supporting basic, clinical and translational
medical research, and it investigates the causes, treatments and cures
for both common and rare diseases. For more information about NIH and its
programs, visit the NIH website <https://www.nih.gov/>.


Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest should be sent to
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Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
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The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
    http://smb.org/publications/SMBnet/digest/ .

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End of SMB Digest