Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest
SMB Digest February 17, Volume 16 Issue 7
ISSN 1086-6566
Editor: Ray Mejía ray(at)smb(dot)org
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
http://www.smb.org/ .
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at
http://www.springer.com/11538 .
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .
Issue's Topics:
Summer School: 'The Physics of Biological Systems', July 10th-15th
EMS-ESMTB Summer School: Mathematical Biology of Tissue Mechanics
REU: Mathematical Ecology, June 6-August 12, U Wisconsin-La Crosse
Workshop: Mathematical & Theoretical Ecology, March 7, U Leicester
CIMPA Res School: Mathematical Modeling in Bio & Medicine, 8-17 July
European Study Group with Industry, 4-8 July, University College Dublin
PhD Studentship: Quantum Biology, University of Surrey, UK
Postdoc and Research Scientist Positions: Mayo Clinic's TIMMS Lab
Postdoc Position: Phylodynamics & Infection Dynamics, Stockholm U
Postdoc Position: Biomathematics/Biostatistics, University of Oslo
Postdoc Positions: Theoretical Ecology, University of Amsterdam
SMBnet Reminders
From: Raúl Guantes <
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2016 at 10:12 AM
Subject: Summer School: 'The Physics of Biological Systems', July 10th-15th
Dear Colleagues,
this is the first announcement of the XXIII International Summer School
'Nicolas Cabrera': "The Physics of Biological Systems: from Biomolecular
Nanomachines to Tissues and Organisms" to be held on July 10th - July 15th,
2016, at Miraflores de la Sierra, Madrid, Spain.
The goal of this Summer School is to explore how physical concepts and
tools expand our understanding of the complex functions and organization
of living systems. By bringing together leading scientists who work at the
interface of both disciplines, the School will offer a comprehensive view
of some of the more interesting open problems in Biology and how they can
be approached (and experimentally tested) from a physics perspective.
The School is aimed at an interdisciplinary audience (biologists, physicists,
mathematicians and engineers) interested in the quantitative description
of biological phenomena.
For registration details, deadlines and other information, see the conference
website at
Please help us bringing this announcement to the attention of any colleagues
you know might be interested, and specially of students and post-docs
(apologies if you receive multiple posting).
Confirmed speakers:
Jordi García-Ojalvo (U Pompeu-Fabra, Barcelona, Spain)
James Briscoe (The Francis Crick Institute, London, UK)
Thomas Gregor (Princeton University, USA)
Alfonso Martínez-Arias (U of Cambridge, UK)
Pieter Rein ten Wolde (AMOLF, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Jané Kondev (Brandeis University, USA)
Kirill Korolev (Boston University, USA)
Edo Kussell (New York University, USA)
Lingchong You (Duke University, USA)
José Onuchic (Rice University, USA)
William A Eaton (National Institutes of Health, USA)
Devarajan Thirumalai (University of Texas Austin, USA)
George Lorimer (University of Maryland, USA)
Yann Chemla (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA)
Best Regards,
The organising committee:
Raúl Guantes(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
David G. Míguez(Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
Victor Muñoz (National Biotechnology Center, Spain).
From: Roeland Merks <
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 3:40 AM
Subject: EMS-ESMTB Summer School: Mathematical Biology of Tissue Mechanics
EMS-ESMTB Summer School "Mathematical Biology of Tissue Mechanics"
Monday 25 through Friday 29 July 2016
Lorentz Center@Oort - Leiden
Andreas Deutsch, Roeland Merks and Vitaly Volpert
Scientific Topic:
This summer school will bring together 40 young researchers in the
quantitative life sciences and teach them a range of mathematical
approaches to analyse and model the biomechanics of tissues and the
collective behaviour of cells. The workshop has been organized jointly
with the European Mathematical Society (EMS) and the European Society
for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB), and fits into a
series of annual workshops on mathematical biology organized with the EMS
http://www.esmtb.org/schools). The workshop is co-funded by the EMS, ESMTB,
the Lorentz Center, and NDNS+
Workshop Format:
The school will focus on hands-on group work, with participants focusing
on one out of five biological problems. The mornings will start with
plenary lectures that will showcase exemplary stories that have combined
mathematical modeling and experimental biology, as well as discuss a
number of mathematical methods in-depth. The lectures will cover a range
of topics, including, but not limited to: vertex-based models, cellular
automata models, cellular Potts modeling, partial-differential equations,
and hybrid individual-based and continuum approaches.
TEAM A: Spatial effects in the pathogenesis of blood cancers, including
- Mentors: Vitaly Volpert and Anass Bouchnita, CNRS Lyon, France
- Mathematical methods: Hybrid, cell-based models based on Lagrangian dynamics
TEAM B: Modelling pigment cell interactions in zebrafish skin patterns
- Mentors: Roeland Merks, CWI and U Leiden, The Netherlands
- Mathematical Methods: modelling of tissues using the cellular Potts model,
vertex-based models and using cellular automata.
TEAM C: Modeling of cell-cell signaling in discrete cell lattices with
reaction-diffusion systems
- Mentors: Andreas Deutsch and Walter de Back, TU Dresden, Germany
- Mathematical Methods: Cell-cell signaling in discrete cell lattices,
reaction-diffusion systems
Team D. Zebrafish epiboly and formation of compartments in 3D tissues:
coupling mechanical behavior and gene regulation
- Mentors: Dr. Nadine Peyriéras and Dr. René Doursat, BioEmergences, CNRS
USR3695, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
- Mathematical Methods: Modeling cross-talk between biomechanics and gene
Lorentz Center Facilities:
The venue Lorentz Center@Oort, located at the Faculty of Science campus
of Leiden University, the Netherlands. The Lorentz Center provides each
participant with office space and wireless internet access. Lorentz Center
also provides various practical services for the participants, such as
arranging accommodations at the nearby hotel Van der Valk Hotel Leiden
at a special rate (EUR 84 including breakfast and taxes), visa assistance
and bike rental. For further information, please refer to our website:
Costs and Refunds:
Lorentz Center does not charge registration fees. In addition, Lorentz Center
hosts a welcome reception and a workshop dinner, both free of charge. Some
budget is available for travel refunds and hotel accommodation. Please
apply for this upon registration.
Motivated applications, including a poster abstract, can be submitted until
the deadline of April 30th, 2016, via the workshop webpage at:
Decisions will be announced by May 17th, 2016.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact the coordinator
of all practical matters of this Lorentz Center workshop, Ms. Tara Seeger,
From: Eager, Eric <
Date: Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 3:24 PM
Subject: REU: Mathematical Ecology, June 6-August 12, U Wisconsin-La Crosse
The University of Wisconsin - La Crosse is excited to announce our Research
Experience for Undergraduates (REU) site in Mathematical Ecology this
summer (June 6 - August 12). A team of mathematical, biological, and
federal scientists will be mentoring two groups of four students each,
with the following projects:
Modeling and Analysis of the Indiana Bat Subject to Multiple Extinction
Leaders: Eric Eager(Math) and Richard Erickson (U.S. Geological Survey)
Combining Empirical and Theoretical Approaches to Better Understand the
Persistence of Waterfowl Disease in the Upper Mississippi River.
Leaders: James Peirce (Math) and Gregory Sandland (Biology)
If you are aware of any students that would be interested in this REU,
please have them check out the following webpage for instructions on how to
apply. Room, board, a $5000 stipend, travel to and from the site, as well
as travel to a conference to present the results of this work are included
as a part of the program. The priority deadline for applicants is March 1,
with the firm deadline being March 15.
From: Petrovskiy, Sergei (Prof.) <
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 3:15 PM
Subject: Workshop: Mathematical & Theoretical Ecology, March 7, U Leicester
One-day workshop:
"Analytical and computational methods for multiscale ecology"
(University of Leicester, March 7, 2016)
Organizer: Sergei Petrovskii
Keynote speakers:
James Bullock (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology): "Linking data and models to
address real-world problems"
Vincent Jansen (Royal Holloway University of London): "Characterising animal
movement: a matter of scale"
Contributed speakers:
Michael Bonsall (University of Oxford): "Approximating spatial domains"
Sergei Petrovskii (University of Leicester): "Statistical mechanics of
individual animal movement"
Colin Torney (University of Exeter): "Connecting social information use
and individual decision-making with collective animal movement"
Natalia Petrovskaya (University of Birmingham): "Interpretation of trap
counts resulting from various insect immigration scenarios"
Weam Alharbi (University of Leicester): "Effect of size and shape on
population persistence in fragmented habitats"
Edmund Barter (University of Bristol): "Meta-Food-Chains as a many-layer
epidemic process"
Aled Morris (University of Swansea): "Individual variability in dispersal
and invasion speed"
This is the second of the META series of workshops (Mathematical Ecology:
Theory and Applications) co-organised by Natalia Petrovskaya, Edward Codling
and Sergei Petrovskii and supported by the London Mathematical Society.
For more details about the workshop, please visit
For more details about the whole META series, please visit
From: Carrillo de la Plata, Jose Antonio <
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 4:37 PM
Subject: CIMPA Res School: Mathematical Modeling in Bio & Medicine, 8-17 July
CIMPA Research School 2016: Mathematical modeling in biology and medicine
Santiago de Cuba
8-17 July 2016
Mathematical modeling and computer simulation tools have been growing
enormously in the fields of mathematics and physics applied to biophysics,
biology, biochemistry and bioengineering. The reasons for this large
attention of the mathematical community are multi-faceted. Among them,
the mathematical modeling in biology and medicine is one of the most
important challenges of mathematics applied to scientific problems. It
has been shown to be a substantial tool for the investigation of complex
biophysical phenomena, such as cancer. Tumor growth continues and will
continue to challenge oncologists. The pace of progress has often been
slow, in part because of the time required to evaluate new therapies.
To reduce the time to approval, new paradigms for assessing therapeutic
efficacy are needed. This requires the intellectual energy of scientists
working in the field of mathematics and physics, collaborating closely
with biologists and clinicians. This essentially means that the heuristic
experimental approach, which is the traditional investigative method in
the biological sciences, should be complemented by a mathematical modeling
approach. This school is addressed for researchers, doctoral students,
students of Master's degree level and talented undergraduate students
to acquire a basic training in that field. This school will cover a wide
class of mathematical models and applications in issues related to tumor
growth, population dynamics, pattern formation and their implications in
developmental cancer biology. The school will constitute a very interesting
thematic opening for the young researchers. It will also be a tremendous tool
of exchange between world-wide researchers and Cuban/Caribbean researchers
in applied mathematics, theoretical biology and medicine.
Deadline for students to apply is February 28, 2016.
More information:
From: Eugene Kashdan <
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 10:07 AM
Subject: European Study Group with Industry, 4-8 July, University College Dublin
The 118th European Study Group with Industry (ESGI-118) will be hosted by
University College Dublin, Ireland, 4-8 July 2016. The registration is open
on the workshop website
ESGI are week-long problem-solving workshops which provide a unique
opportunity for interaction between mathematicians, statisticians and
industry. They bring together leading scientists from a wide range of
backgrounds to work intensively on real-world problems. We expect to be
able to accommodate 4-8 industry problems, which will be tackled by 60-80
academics ranging from PhD students to professors. Originating in Oxford
in 1968, ESGI have since been held several times a year across Europe.
The format of the workshop is as follows:
Day 1: Industry representatives present their problems to the academics
and students.
Days 1 - 4: Academics and students work with industry representatives to
solve the problems.
Day 5: Academics present their final results.
Company representatives, academics and students interested in participating
or receiving further information are invited to visit our ESGI-118 web page:
http://mathsci.ucd.ie/esgi118/ Email address for inquires:
From: Rocco A Dr (Sch of Biosci & Med) <
Sent: 25 January 2016 11:28
Subject: PhD Studentship: Quantum Biology, University of Surrey, UK
Memory effects in quantum biology: A mechanism for delaying quantum
decoherence in cells?
A 3-year PhD studentship is available at the University of Surrey in the
emerging field of Quantum Biology. The studentship is part of an exciting
interdisciplinary collaboration between the Department of Microbial Sciences
and the Department of Physics of the University of Surrey.
Quantum effects and biological systems seem to be at odds with each other.
Quantum effects are typically confined to very specific experimental
conditions characterized by low temperatures and little interaction with the
environment. In contrast biological systems are naturally warm, and strongly
coupled with their own environment. However, it has recently emerged that
quantum phenomena may be at the bases of a number of biological processes,
such as photosynthesis, avian magnetoreception, and tunnelling processes in
enzyme catalysis (see [1] for a review). In these systems, quantum coherence
and entanglement are expected to be sustained for long times. Evidence has
been collected that this is indeed the case for instance in photosynthesis
The aim of the project is to identify theoretically mechanisms that contribute
to sustain long-lived quantum coherence in biological systems. In particular
the student will test the hypothesis that the specific cellular environment
might produce fluctuations (noise) with memory effects capable of increasing
decoherence times [3]. Different types of noise will be analysed both
analytically and numerically by using the theory of open quantum systems
[4]. Decoherence times will be estimated in different scenarios, and the
relevance of memory in sustaining coherence in the cell assessed.
The project is supervised by Dr Andrea Rocco (University of Surrey,
Microbial Sciences Department) and co-supervised by Prof Johnjoe McFadden
(University of Surrey, Microbial Sciences Department) and Prof Jim Al-Khalili
(University of Surrey, Department of Physics).
Informal enquiries about the project can be addressed by email to Dr Andrea
Rocco (
This is a three-year full-time studentship, co-funded by the Faculty of
Health and Medical Sciences (FHMS) and the Faculty of Engineering and
Physical and Sciences (FEPS) of the University of Surrey. The studentship
is available to Home/EU students, and covers a stipend of £14,057 per annum
and Tuition Fees of £4,050 per annum.
Interested candidates should apply through the university website
Applicants should have (or expected to obtain) a MSc degree or a first class
undergraduate degree in Physics or Mathematics, with solid knowledge of
quantum mechanics and statistical mechanics. Even though previous knowledge
in Biology is not required, a keen interest in the biological aspects of
the project is desirable.
[1] J. Al-Khalili and J. McFadden, Life on the edge: The coming of age of
quantum biology, Bantam Press (2014).
[2] G. Panitchayangkoon et al., Long-lived quantum coherence in photosynthetic
complexes at physiological temperature, PNAS 107, 12766-12770 (2010).
[3] A.W.Chin, S.F. Huelga and M.B. Plenio, Coherence and decoherence in
biological systems: principles of noise-assisted transport and the origin
of long-lived coherences, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 370, 3638-3657 (2012).
[4] W.T. Strunz, Decoherence in Quantum Physics, in "Coherent Evolution in
Noisy Environments", Eds. A. Buchleitner and K. Hornberger, Lecture Notes
in Physics 611 (2002), chapter 5.
From: Swanson, Kristin R., Ph.D. <
Date: Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 10:31 PM
Subject: Postdoc and Research Scientist Positions: Mayo Clinic's TIMMS Lab
Postdoc and Research Scientist Positions with Mayo Clinic's Translational
Innovations in Mathematical Medicine and Surgery (TIMMS) Lab
The Translational Innovations in Mathematical Medicine and Surgery (TIMMS)
Lab at the Mayo Clinic in Phoenix, Arizona, has openings for postdoctoral
fellows and research scientists who are interested in advancing the
state-of-the-art in mathematical modeling of brain tumors and other
neurological conditions as well as the state-of-the-practice in the
clinic. Tin addition to the excellent clinical-translational environment
of the Mayo Clinic, the TIMMS lab benefits from affiliations with Arizona
State University and The Translational Genomics Institute.
Successful candidates will work with Director Dr. Kristin Swanson and senior
research staff on projects in one or more of the following areas to answer a
variety of questions focused on direct clinical applications of mathematical
modeling, such as:
. Model development, implementation, and comparison with experimental and/or
clinical data
. Modeling the response of tumors to various courses of treatment based on
. Quantitative mapping of tumor phenotypes to underlying genotypes, and
back again
. Quantifying extent of tumor cell invasion and proliferation in individual
. Optimizing radiation therapy dosing
The ideal candidate should have a strong background in applied mathematics,
computational sciences, physics or data science, with biology and medicine
a strong plus. Experience with computational methods required to solve
partial differential equations and experience in computer programming and
visualization of results are highly desired. Excellent communication skills
and enthusiasm for communicating modeling results to a clinical audience as
well as working in an interdisciplinary team are essential. The candidate will
be expected to contribute to achieving research grant goals and objectives
as well as securing new sources of funding. Depending on experience, the
candidate may supervise junior scientists, engineers, or technicians on
assigned work as well as provide input into staffing of overall project
teams. Research scientists also identify and evaluate candidates for open
positions and mentor/train staff in development of technical and project
development skills.
Postdoctoral fellow candidates shall have a Ph.D., M.D., or equivalent
doctoral degree in applied mathematics, biology, computer science, or
related field. Research scientist candidates shall have a BS or MS or
equivalent doctoral degree in applied mathematics, biology, computer science,
or related field. Start dates are flexible.
Please send inquiries including a cover letter, CV and contact for 3
references to:
Kristin R. Swanson, PhD
Director, TIMMS Lab
Professor and Vice Chair of Research, Neurosurgery, Mayo Clinic, Phoenix, AZ
Professor, Mathematics, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
Professor, Cancer and Cell Biology, Translational Genomics Institute, Phoenix,
From: <
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2016 02:58:48 +1300
Subject: Postdoc Position: Phylodynamics & Infection Dynamics, Stockholm U
Postdoctoral Fellow in Phylodynamics and Infectious Disease Dynamics
Ref. No. SU FV-0257-16
Department of Mathematics. Closing date: 29 February 2016.
The Department of Mathematics at Stockholm University has around 40 faculty
permanent academic staff members and about 35 PhD students and post docs,
divided into two divisions: Mathematics and Mathematical statistics. The
postdoctoral position belongs to the latter. This division consists of 10-12
senior staff members and equally many PhD students and post docs. Research
areas in the division of mathematical statistics contain biostatistics and
biostochastics, discrete probability, actuarial mathematics and more.
The research project aims at combining phylogenetic data and epidemiological
data from the ongoing Swedish HIV epidemic. The growing number of pathogen
sequences result in more information about the transmission routes in
human populations, which together with other, more traditional, data
sources can improve conclusions about spreading patterns and benefits of
various interventions. The post-holder will develop models and statistical
inference methods in this area, and analyse the ongoing HIV epidemic using
the developed methods. The post-holder is expected to publish the methods
and results in high impact peer-reviewed scientific journals as well as
present the results at scientific conferences.
The applicant will work in a collaborative project with three senior
scientists: Tom Britton, Stockholm University (SU), Jan Albert, Karolinska
Institutet (KI) and Thomas Leitner, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). It
is expected that the post doc will regularly spend time both at SU and KI,
and to make research visits also to LANL. The research project is supported
by the Swedish Research Council.
Main responsibilities: Research. The position also includes 20% combination
of teaching and/or supervision of master students.
Further information about the position and research project can be
obtained at
or from the Head of the Department Tom Britton,
+46 8 16 45 34, Jan Albert,
jan.albert@ki.se, telephone:
+46 8 517 794 71, or Thomas Leitner,
tkl@lanl.gov, telephone:
+1 505 667 3898.
Closing date: 29/02/2016
From: Alvaro Köhn Luque <
Date: Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 6:29 PM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Biomathematics/Biostatistics, University of Oslo
The University of Oslo offers a two years postdoc position in
Biomathematics or Biostatistics.
The aim of this project is the utilization of advanced mathematical,
statistical and computational methodologies to improve current ways
of predicting treatment response in breast cancer. Using clinical data
obtained in recent randomized phase 2 trials for breast cancer patients, we
will formulate theoretical models that represent key molecular and cellular
mechanisms in breast cancer and the effect of specific combination treatments
used in the trials. The models will be personalized for specific patients or
patient subgroups observed in the trial and computer simulations of the models
will be extensively compared to data. Multi-scale mathematical models will
be designed and parameters will be estimated, coupling biological processes
operating at different spatial and temporal scales, bridging subcellular,
cellular and tissue processes. Genomic modulation of the model parameters
will be another key aspect of the project.
Applicants must have a PhD in mathematics, physics, statistics or
related disciplines. Proven experience in programming is necessary and
some knowledge of statistical genomics or mathematical biology are an
advantage. Bioinformatics experience is not sufficient alone. We seek a
highly motivated and skilled person, able to work effectively as part of
a team, who is eager to both gain and share insight while being focused
on publishing papers in leading, international journals. A Scientia
Fellow postdoc in Norway is equivalent to the USA position of assistant
professor and is primarily intended to qualify candidates for a career in
academia. Knowledge of the Norwegian language is not required.
Applicants are invited to take contact with Arnoldo Frigessi prior to
applying and as soon as possible.
The postdoc position is under the EU scheme Scientia Fellows and have
Marie Curie status. See here for full information:
The postdocs will be employed with a fixed term employment contract at
the University of Oslo. Gross salary, with living and mobility allowances
included, amounts to approximately 58 000 EUR/year.
Deadline: 29. April 2016
From: Roos, André de <
Date: Tue, Feb 16, 2016 at 2:26 AM
Subject: Postdoc Positions: Theoretical Ecology, University of Amsterdam
Two Postdoctoral Researchers in Theoretical Ecology
Two postdoctoral positions are available in the research group of Prof. André
de Roos, the Theoretical Ecology group within the Institute for Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) at the University of Amsterdam. The Theoretical
Ecology group currently comprises two professors, three assistant professors,
four postdoctoral researchers and seven PhD candidates, and currently hosts
two ERC Advanced Grants. It has active research programs in structured
population modelling, resource-consumer interactions, epidemiology,
demography, and evolutionary and eco-evolutionary theory.
Project description
As part of the research program "Eco-evolutionary dynamics of community
self-organization through ontogenetic asymmetry", which is funded by an
ERC Advanced Grant to Prof. dr. André de Roos, IBED has vacancies for two
postdoctoral researchers. This research program focuses on the ecology
and evolution of the complex life cycles that characterize the majority of
animal species. In species with such life cycles juveniles and adults (or
smaller and larger individuals) often differ in their energetic efficiency,
as they feed on different resources. Recent research has shown that this
so-called 'ontogenetic asymmetry in energetics' has counterintuitive
consequences for population dynamics and may lead to self-organization in
species interactions, but it is not yet known to what extent it also shapes
the interaction networks in ecological communities in general. The two main
questions addressed in the ERC research project therefore are:
1. Under what conditions does ontogenetic asymmetry in energetics evolve
as a driver of self-organization in ecological communities?
2. To what extent has ontogenetic asymmetry in energetics contributed to
the diversity of life and the evolution of complex life cycles?
Both postdoctoral projects will be embedded in the larger context of the
research program sketched above. The precise topic of each of the two projects
is yet to be determined and may also depend on the experience and interests of
the postdoctoral researchers themselves, as long as the topic fits within the
larger research theme of the program. The research involves the formulation
of population dynamic models that account for population size distributions
and complex life cycles. Models will be analysed using both analytical
as well as numerical approaches, such as numerical bifurcation programs
and simulations, to develop theory about the ecological and evolutionary
dynamics of population with complex life cycles. Model predictions will
be confronted with experimental and empirical data from the literature or
available through collaborations with other research groups.
* PhD in mathematical/theoretical ecology or mathematical biology, or
similar background;
* Documented experience with development and analysis of physiologically
or size-structured population models is an absolute requirement;
* Good publication record in theoretical ecology and/or evolutionary ecology;
* Programming skills: the project will use C, Matlab and possibly other
* Fluent in English;
* Good scientific writing skills;
* Ability to work in a multidisciplinary research team.
For additional information, please contact: Prof. André M. de Roos
These postdoc positions will start in spring 2016. The full-time appointments
will be on a temporary basis for initially one year with extensions of one
year after a positive assessment of the employees. The full-time gross
monthly salary will range from EUR 2,532 to EUR 3,996. The Collective
Labour Agreement Dutch Universities is applicable. The annual salary will
be increased by 8% holiday allowance and 8.3% end-of-year bonus.
Job application
Applications should include a detailed CV with a list of publications,
a description of research experience and interests, and the names and
contact addresses of two academic references from whom information about
the candidate can be obtained. Combine all these items into a single PDF file.
Applications should be sent by email only before 21 February 2016 to
application-science@uva.nl. Please quote vacancy number 16-012 in the
subject field. Interviews, possibly via Skype, will be held soon after 21
February 2016.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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End of SMB Digest