Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest
SMB Digest January 27, Volume 16 Issue 4
ISSN 1086-6566
Editor: Wandi Ding: ding.smb.digest(at)gmail(dot)com
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of SMB, at
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
membership(at)smb(dot)org .
Issue's Topics:
President's Message: SMB YouTube Channel
ECMTB/SMB 2016, Call for Contributed talks and posters
Conference in Systems Biology, IST Austria, May 18-20
Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference 2016, May 20-21
Workshop: Neutron Scattering Applications..., Oak Ridge, May 16-20
High school Internship..., Moffitt Cancer Center, June-Aug
The L'Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program
CMMSE'16 call for papers and sessions, July 4-8, Spain
Conference MPDE16, France, September 5-9
BooK: Rodrick Wallace, An Information Approach to Mitochondrial...
PhD Scholarship: Developing stochastic math..., Univ of Bath
PhD Positions: biomedical/healthcare, Univ of Exeter
Postdoc Position: Univ of Louisiana at Lafayette
Postdoc Position: Mathematical..., Univ of Notre Dame
Postdoc and Staff Scientist Positions: City of Hope, CA
SMBnet Reminders
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 1:08 PM
Subject: President's Message: SMB YouTube Channel
Scientific discoveries and education are at the heart of modern life. The
internet and social media are offering new venues of communication. The
Society for Mathematical Biology has created a YouTube Channel
seminars, courses, and educational resources for our community. At the same
time, our YouTube channel is an excellent opportunity to communicate with
the general public. Often, the general public does not understand the
connection between our members' current research and the resulting products
or findings many years down the road.
The Society has inaugurated its channel by uploading video seminars of the
talks presented at the 2015 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical
Biology, which was held at the Georgia State University campus in Atlanta,
Georgia, USA from June 30 to July 3rd, 2015. We are very grateful to the
annual meeting organizers for providing us with the video recordings of the
Now, we are asking you to help us grow the Society for Mathematical Biology
video collection. We welcome submissions of seminars, workshops, and
courses from members of the mathematical biology community. If you have
created a video about your research findings that could help the general
public to better understand what you do and why it is critically important
to society, we will also consider it for the Society for Mathematical
Biology YouTube Channel.
Let's work together in disseminating research and knowledge at the interface
between the mathematical and biological sciences.
Santiago Schnell
President, Society for Mathematical Biology
Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 7:45 AM
Subject: ECMTB/SMB 2016, Call for Contributed talks and posters
There are just THREE WEEKS LEFT to the deadline for contributed talks and
posters! (14 Feb 2016)
Prizes will be awarded for the best posters!
10th European Conference on Mathematical and Theoretical Biology / SMB
Annual Meeting
The joint meeting of the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical
Biology (ESMTB) and the annual meeting of the Society for Mathematical
Biology (SMB) will be held in Nottingham, 11-15 July 2016.
We continue to invite abstracts for contributed talks and posters at the
interface of mathematics and biology, including all areas of the life and
medical sciences. Contributed talks will be for 20 minutes each
(including time for questions and changing speakers). Posters will be
displayed for a minimum of two days each, so your work will get plenty
of exposure.
submit your abstract. The deadline is 14 Feb 2016.
Please note: The first submission associated with your email address will
create a user account, and a password will be emailed to that email
address. Each registered user may make a maximum of two submissions to
ECMTB 2016 (one as a minisymposium organiser; one for a minisymposium talk,
contributed talk or poster).
Date: Thu, Jan 21, 2016 at 7:59 AM
Subject: Conference in Systems Biology, IST Austria, May 18-20
Applications are now open for the Information, Probability and Inference
in Systems Biology Conference (IPISB2016), which will be held from May
18-20, 2016, at the IST Austria, near Vienna:
The meeting will address: new information-theoretic approaches to cellular
sensing and signal transduction, the study of stochastic biochemical
networks, inferential methods for statistical modelling of time series
data, cellular decision-making, and the links between control theory,
decision-making, and information theory as applied to systems,
evolutionary, and synthetic biology.
Date: Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 12:57 PM
Subject: Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference 2016, May 20-21
2016 Midwest Mathematical Biology Conference - Call for Presenters
The University of Wisconsin-La Crosse is excited to host the 2nd Midwest
Mathematical Biology Conference on May 20-21, 2016 in La Crosse, Wisconsin.
The conference features three outstanding plenary speakers
Dr. Carina Curto, Penn. State. Univ.
Dr. Mark Craven, Univ. of Wisconsin
Dr. Louis Gross, Univ. of Tenn.
The conference will also feature two afternoon workshops on May 21st. The
first will revolve around Biomathematics Curriculum (lead by Dr. Tim Comar,
Benedictine Univ.), and the second will be an R Programming Bootcamp (lead
by Dr. Richard Erickson, USGS Upper Mississippi Environmental Science
Further details about the conference, abstract submission, and registration
If you are interested in presenting an oral or poster presentation on any
aspect of mathematical biology, please submit your abstract by February
29th, 2016. The cost of registration increases after April 22nd, 2016.
We hope to see you in May!
Questions or inquires can be directed to James Peirce
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 7:33 AM
Subject: Workshop: Neutron Scattering Applications..., Oak Ridge, May 16-20
7th Workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology
Oak Ridge, TN. May 16 ? May 20, 2016
Detailed information can be found on the workshop web page:
The workshop on Neutron Scattering Applications in Structural Biology aims
at enabling structural biologists to fully exploit the latest
instrumentation and software development at the SNS and HFIR facilities at
Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Attendees will participate in lectures and
tutorials focusing exclusively on neutron techniques applied in structural
biology. The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral
fellows and faculty new to or with limited experience of neutron scattering.
Travel and accommodation expenses are supported for selected participants
from the United States. International applications are welcome. However
the course organization is not able to support travel or accommodation.
The number of participants will be limited to 15. There is no registration
fee for all selected participants.
The application package consisting of 1) Information form, 2) CV, 3)
Applicant motivation letter (1/2 to 1 page), 4) Principal Investigator
letter of support (for graduate students only; 1/2 to 1 page), should be
Date: Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 1:51 PM
Subject: High school Internship..., Moffitt Cancer Center, June-Aug
Moffitt's High School Internship Program in Integrated Mathematical
Oncology (HIP IMO) is currently accepting applications for summer 2016.
HIP IMO is an integrated mathematical oncology-centric internship program
that delivers interdisciplinary team science research experiences for high
school students aged 16 years or older. This unpaid, mentored training
program is designed for motivated aspiring scientists to help prepare them
for interdisciplinary cancer research careers. Working under the direction
and guidance of IMO faculty/scientist mentors, interns are involved in
activities designed to foster the development of life-long research skills.
HIP IMO provides 8 weeks of intensive research study with some of the
nation's leading scientists at the interface between mathematics, cancer
biology and clinical research. Students will be involved in ongoing
research projects in Integrated Mathematical Oncology, at the Moffitt
Cancer Center in Tampa, FL, in a designated theoretical research group.
Application and program information are available on the HIP IMO website
Completed applications and letters of support must be received no later
than March 1, 2016.
Date: Fri, Jan 22, 2016 at 10:19 AM
Subject: The L'Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program
The L'Oréal USA For Women in Science fellowship program awards five women
postdoctoral scientists annually with grants of $60,000 each for their
contributions in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) fields
and commitment to serving as role models for younger generations. The
program is the U.S. component of the L'Oreal-UNESCO For Women in Science
International Fellowships. Celebrating its twelfth year in the U.S., the
For Women in Science program has awarded 60 postdoctoral women scientists
nearly $3 million in grants.
L'Oréal USA partners with the American Association for the Advancement of
Science (AAAS) to manage the program's application and peer-review process.
Each year, the program attracts talented applicants from diverse STEM
fields, representing some of the nation's leading academic institutions and
As the deadline is fast approaching (February 5th, 2016), the Society for
Mathematical Biology is reaching out to see if you would be willing to
refer any of your fellows to this program. The details can be perused on:
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 5:04 AM
Subject: CMMSE'16 call for papers and sessions, July 4-8, Spain
CMMSE 2016, 16th Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in
Science and Engineering, Barceloì Costa Ballena Golf & SPA, July 4-8, Cadiz,
Standard presentation: 20+5 minutes in length.
Special Sessions: Minimum of 8 presentations.
Symposiums more than 10 presentations.
Symposiums chairs can act as plenary speakers.
May 17-Deadline for submission of Abstracts (3-4 pages) or full papers
(12 pages).
May 26-Notification of Acceptance
June 12-Registration (with podium)
June 20-Registration (without podium)
August 10-Deadline for submission (SPECIAL ISSUES).
Sept. 10-Special issue final selection.
Computational Chemistry & Mathematical Chemistry
- Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, (Springer)
- Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon Nanostructures (Taylor & Francis).
Computational Mathematics
- Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, (Elsevier)
- Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, (John Wiley & Sons).
- International Journal of Computer Mathematics, (Taylor & Francis).
Computer Science
- Journal of Supercomputing, (Springer).
- International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based
Systems (solicited, Word Scientific)
Date: Wed, Jan 27, 2016 at 8:23 AM
Subject: Conference MPDE16, France, September 5-9
Here is the second announcement for the Conference MPDE16, which will be
held in September (5-9) in Marseille (France).
Registration is now available. The deadline for reduced early registration
fees is May, the 31st.
The deadline for abstract submissions is April, the 1st. Please, use
the *.tex file for your submission.
Date: Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 7:02 PM
Subject: BooK: Rodrick Wallace, An Information Approach to Mitochondrial...
An Information Approach to Mitochondrial Dysfunction: Extending Swerdlow's
Hypothesis, by Rodrick Wallace (Columbia University, USA)
The monograph applies sophisticated topological symmetry tools to
biological applications of information theory, along with a Black?Scholes
model invocation of the Data Rate Theorem which links information and
control theories. It significantly extends current thinking on Alzheimer's
and related chronic disease.
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 5:31 AM
Subject: PhD Scholarship: Developing stochastic math..., Univ of Bath
Fully funded 3.5 year PhD Scholarship: Developing stochastic
mathematical frameworks for modelling cell migration. With Christian
Yates - University of Bath (UK)
Randomness at the cellular level can lead to interesting and
counter-intuitive phenomena. However, it is only recently that the
simulation of reaction-diffusion models incorporating randomness has
become a popular way to investigate biological processes at the cell
scale. Such models provide realism at the cost of significant
computational resources. Modelling at the cell scale requires modelling
frameworks to run as efficiently as possible which necessitates the
development of new mathematical techniques. For example, hybrid (mixed)
representations which combine the best features of existing schemes or
efficient simulation algorithms which ensure feasible simulation times
for complex biological models.
Throughout the project the candidate will attempt to answer questions in
Developmental Biology by creating novel mathematical modelling
methodologies which allow for both detailed realistic representation and
efficient simulation. In each case my experimental collaborators will
provide the data required to parameterise and validate the models or
perform experiments to investigate model-generated predictions. The
methodologies will be developed in sufficient generality that they can
be applied to a wide range of reaction-diffusion systems across the
This project will focus on the development of efficient spatially
extended modelling frameworks for the representation of cell migration
and more general reaction-diffusion processes. The models themselves
will incorporate some or all of the flowing experimentally-motivated
facets: domain growth, volume exclusion, diffusion, proliferation,
chemotaxis, cell-cell signalling. These sophisticated models will be
efficient enough to incorporate detailed biological information,
provided through a long-standing experimental collaboration, on a range
of biological mechanisms which contribute to the overall migration. This
will allow investigate a wider range of complex biological of scenarios.
The mathematical tools that will be used will be diverse and range from
on/off lattice individual-based models to partial differential equations
and probability theory. An idea candidate will have a strong background
in applied mathematics with some experience of probability and an
interest in biological problems.
This research will provide significant insight into the behaviour of
neural crest cells and the diseases associated with migration failure. A
better understanding of the developmental origins of neural crest cell
disorders will benefit both our clinical understanding of the diseases
and the advancement of diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.
For more information and how to apply see:
For enquiries please email post graduate admissions:
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 5:36 AM
Subject: PhD Positions: biomedical/healthcare, Univ of Exeter
I have two open PhD Positions in my group at the University of Exeter. I am
looking for PhD students with quantitative background (mathematics, physics,
computer science or engineering) who are interested in applying their
skills in solving biomedical and/or healthcare problems.
Carlota Palmer Studentships:
1. Spatio-temporal dynamics of insulitis in human type 1 diabetes
For further details and how to apply see:
2. Modelling visuomotor coordination in People with Parkinson's Disease
For further details and how to apply see:
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding these
Krasimira Tsaneva-Atanasova
Professor of Mathematics for Healthcare
College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences
University of Exeter
Exeter, Devon, EX4 4QF, UK
tel: +44 (0) 1392 723615
Date: Mon, Jan 25, 2016 at 11:14 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Univ of Louisiana at Lafayette
Position: Post-Doctoral Research Associate
Affiliated Dept: Ray P. Authement College of Sciences
Effective Date: As soon as selected candidate is available.
Duration: The position is for 18 months with a possibility of 6 months
Qualifications: Ph.D. degree required. Applicants must possess a Ph.D.
degree in Mathematics or Applied Mathematics with substantial knowledge of
statistics and experience in developing and analyzing discrete and
continuous structured population models and in developing and implementing
numerical methods for solving such models. Also, experience in writing and
publishing papers is required and a history of presentations at
professional meetings is desired.
Duties: The selected candidate will be a member of the consortium "Littoral
Acoustic Demonstration Center - Gulf Ecological Monitoring and Modeling
(LADC-GEMM)" working closely with Dr. Ackleh and his graduate students and
the rest of the UL Lafayette LADC-GEMM Team. Current research projects
focus on modeling and monitoring marine mammals in the Gulf of Mexico.
click on "Research".
Applications: We will review applications as they are received and continue
until the position is filled. Send letters of application with vitae and a
Date: Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 9:30 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Mathematical..., Univ of Notre Dame
POST-DOCTORAL FELLOW POSITION in Mathematical and Computational Modelling
of Neglected Tropical Diseases
A Post-doctoral Research Fellow position is available immediately in the
interdisciplinary Global Epidemiology and Biostatistics Group led by Prof.
Edwin Michael at the University of Notre Dame in the Department of
Biological Sciences and the Eck Institute for Global Health, to develop new
mathematical and computational frameworks for modeling neglected vector-
borne macroparasitic infections, in partnership with IBM Healthcare
Informatics, IBM Haifa Research Labs, Israel.
Responsibilities: The successful candidate for the position must be
proficient in mathematical model construction and analysis using both
analytical and numerical methods, as well as have strong programming and
computer science skills. Our current work includes vector-borne
microparasitic and neglected macroparasitic models, and the successful
candidate will be expected to work with group members and faculty within
the Department of Biology, and at Applied Computational Mathematics and
Statistics, the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, and the
Center for Research Computing, in analyzing the dynamical properties and
simulation of these models. Knowledge and application of data discovery,
mining, and data-model assimilation methods will be important, as among key
objectives of our work is to apply models to diverse data across the world
to improve learning and understanding of disease dynamics, inform effective
control and eradication strategies, and guide development of new computing
approaches to efficient discovery of models, data and interventions. The
candidate will have an opportunity to work with our computation partner,
IBM Healthcare Informatics, in developing a cognitive computational
application based on machine learning algorithms to implement these methods
and tools. We are looking for creative, self-motivated individuals with
intellectual ability and aptitude to pursue challenging, computationally
and mathematically complex problems in a fast paced research environment.
Qualifications: Suitable candidates should have completed a PhD or
equivalent degree in biomathematics, infectious disease population biology,
theoretical physics, or in computer science, with a research experience in
mathematical modelling of infectious disease transmission.
Qualified individuals should send in PDF format a cover letter, curriculum
vitae, statement of research interest, and three letters of reference to
the search committee chair, Dr. Edwin Michael at
eigh@nd.edu. Review of
applications will begin immediately upon receipt of applications and
continue until suitable candidates are identified. For additional
information about working at the University of Notre Dame and various
benefits available to employees, please visit
Date: Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 5:02 PM
Subject: Postdoc and Staff Scientist Positions: City of Hope, CA
The division of Mathematical Oncology at City of Hope in Los Angeles
California is hiring postdoc and staff scientist positions. See links below
for more information. Stat date and duration of appointment is flexible
depending on candidate availability. Positions are open and available
Staff Scientist
Division of Mathematical Oncology
Twitter @COHMathOnc
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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to simply receive notice when the next issue is available, send mail to
in the body of the mail (omit the quotes and include your name).
After you subscribe, you will receive a greeting with additional information.
Submissions to appear in the SMB Digest should be sent to
SMBnet(at)smb(dot)org .
Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at
The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at
The contents of this publication may be reproduced in whole or in part with
End of SMB Digest