Subject: Society for Mathematical Biology Digest
SMB Digest January 13, Volume 16 Issue 2
ISSN 1086-6566
Editor: Wandi Ding: ding.smb.digest(at)gmail(dot)com
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
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Issue's Topics:
AAi Short Course - R Programming, January 28
ICMNS 2016: Abstract Deadline Extended to Feb.7, 2016
Workshop: Multilayer and Interconnected Networks..., June 6-8
BIOMATH 2016: Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, June 19-25
Symmetry Festival 2016, Vienna, July 18-22
PhD opportunities at the University of Exeter
Postdoc Position in Epidemiology at Cornell University
Postdoct Position in Science Education Research.., NIMBioS
SMBnet Reminders
Date: Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 10:40 PM
Subject: AAi Short Course - R Programming, January 28
AAi Short Course - R Programming - Stage 1 (Introduction) - Thursday 28
January 2016
R Programming - Stage 1 (Introduction) is the basic R Programming one (1)
day short course for beginners and those seeking refreshment in R
Programming. R is a very popular open source programming language that
excels in statistics, visualisation and data analysis. Its most significant
advantage is that there are now several thousand add-on packages that are
available to perform specific analysis tasks, and the whole ecosystem is
free of charge. This course will teach the basics of using R, focusing on
data import and manipulation, visualisation, and simple statistical tests.
We will also explore how and where to get help if you run into
difficulties, and how to extend or customise the capabilities of R.
Familiarity with computers and basic programming experience of some type
is helpful, but no specific knowledge is assumed.
Registration for the R Programming - Stage 1 (Introduction) public short
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 12:10 PM
Subject: ICMNS 2016: Abstract Deadline Extended to Feb.7, 2016
*Abstract deadline extended to February 7, 2016*
There will also be a prize for best papers.
International Conference on Mathematical Neuroscience (ICMNS 2016)
at the Congress Center in Juan-les-Pins on the French Riviera
May 29 to June 1, 2016
Tutorials: May 29
Main Conference: May 30 - June 1
Date: Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 4:38 PM
Subject: Workshop: Multilayer and Interconnected Networks..., June 6-8
We would like to announce the workshop "Multilayer and Interconnected
Networks: Epidemic Processes and Robustness" (MIN 2016) at the
Universitat of Girona, Catalonia (Spain).
Date of celebration: 2016-06-08
Aim and scope:
Propagation of rumours, computer viruses, infectious diseases,
technological innovations, or awareness between individuals are examples
of contagious processes. Some of them can take place simultaneously over
the same set of nodes (individuals, computers...) but through different
types of interactions (different routes of transmission).
Such a situation is formally described in terms of multilayer networks
or, more generally, in terms of interconnected networks when the set of
nodes differs from one layer to another.
The goal of this one-day workshop is to bring together scientists working
on the topic of multilayer and interconnected networks. The speakers will
present their latest results and will carry out a discussion on the state
of the art and current open challenges for this topic. We hope the
meeting will provide an informal venue for encouraging interdisciplinary
Confirmed speakers (in alphabetical order):
- Marián Boguñá, Univ. de Barcelona
- Robert Kooij, TNO & Delft Univ. of Technology
- Yamir Moreno, Univ. de Zaragoza
- Romualdo Pastor-Satorras, Univ. Politècnica de Catalunya
- Faryad Sahneh, Kansas State University
- Caterina Scoglio, Kansas State University
Attendance is free of cost but registration for audience members is
required for organisational purposes (lecture room, coffees, lunch).
Registration deadline: May 31, 2016.
For further information and registration, please visit the website of
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 8:53 AM
Subject: BIOMATH 2016: Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, June 19-25
BIOMATH 2016: International Conference on Mathematical Methods and Models
in Biosciences
BIOMATH conferences are multidisciplinary meeting forums for researchers
who develop and apply mathematical and computational tools to the study
of phenomena in the broad fields of biology, ecology, medicine,
biotechnology, bioengineering, environmental science, etc. Contributed
talks in any of these fields are invited.
Deadline for abstract submission: 25 March 2016.
Selected papers will be published in special issues of the journals:
Biomath and Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences.
Manuscripts submission deadline: 30 September 2016.
Date: Fri, Jan 8, 2016 at 2:54 PM
Subject: Symmetry Festival 2016, Vienna, July 18-22
On behalf of the International Symmetry Association (ISA) and its partner
institutions, the Bertalanffy Center for the Study of Systems Science and
the TU Wien, I have the great pleasure to invite you to the ISA Symmetry
Festival 2016, to be held at the Technical University of Vienna, 18-22
corresponding brochure:
I am organizing a special session entitled "Symmetry and Information in
Biological Systems, including studies on the Genetic Code". Dear
researcher in Mathematical Biology, at large, I am sure that you will
find, in the keywords in the session's title, something related to your
own important work. I would be delighted if you could accept our
invitation and contribute to these quickly growing and fascinating
subjects. You are welcome! I look forward for your positive reply.
Date: Sun, Jan 10, 2016 at 3:11 AM
Subject: PhD opportunities at the University of Exeter
The following PhD positions available in Professor Tsaneva-Atanasova'
group at the University of Exeter:
1. EPSRC DTG funded: Modelling Gait in People with Parkinsons Disease
For further details and how to apply see:
2. Carlota Palmer Studentship: Spatio-temporal dynamics of insulitis in
human type 1 diabetes
For further details and how to apply see:
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 9:30 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position in Epidemiology at Cornell University
A postdoc position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Renata Ivanek in
the Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences at Cornell
University. The successful candidate will lead one of the ongoing or new
research directions in the lab that include intervention trials and
mathematical modeling in pre-harvest production of fresh produce and
finishing cattle, the evolutionary ecology of infectious agents,
epidemiology of antibiotic resistance and social epidemiology. The
successful candidate will be expected to contribute to proposal writing,
preparing manuscripts, and to participate in mentoring of junior members
of Dr. Ivanek's laboratory. Participation in formal classroom teaching
is not expected but possible for candidates with strong interest in
teaching. The successful candidate must be able to work independently
and as an effective member of Dr. Ivanek?s multidisciplinary collaborative
The preferred candidate will have (i) a PhD degree in a quantitatively
oriented field such as epidemiology, ecology or applied mathematics,
(ii) robust research experience in epidemiology and/or mathematical
modeling of infectious/foodborne pathogens, and (iii) good track record of
publications and strong organizational, written, and oral communication
skills. A Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree (DVM or equivalent) or
Doctor of Medicine degree (MD) is desired but not required.
Review of applications will begin immediately and the position is
available as soon as a qualified applicant is identified. Application
materials consist of a cover letter, CV, contact details of three
referees, and a brief statement of research interests in epidemiology
as a single PDF file and with "Ivanek: Open Epi Positions" written in
the Subject line. Additional information may be requested from shortlisted
Dr. Ivanek's research is in the epidemiology of infectious and foodborne
diseases with the purpose of identifying new and improved approaches to
protect 'One Health'. Currently, the particular interest is in pathogens
that transmit through contaminated environments, such as surfaces,
fomites, food or water (e.g., Avian Influenza viruses, Escherichia coli
O157:H7, Salmonella, Listeria monocytogenes, and Vibrio cholerae).
Dr. Ivanek's computer laboratory uses a variety of epidemiologic
approaches, including mathematical modeling of infectious diseases,
spatial analyses, statistical modeling, risk assessments, and design and
conduct of observational studies and controlled trials. Ongoing
multidisciplinary collaborations integrate these epidemiologic approaches
with other disciplines, including microbiology, molecular biology,
horticulture, statistics, economy, geography and social science.
Date: Wed, Jan 13, 2016 at 3:40 PM
Subject: Postdoct Position in Science Education Research.., NIMBioS
The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis (NIMBioS)
requests applications for a Postdoctoral Fellow in Science Evaluation,
available to start May 2016.
The Fellow will assist in development and evaluation of a Quantitative
Biology Concept Inventory (QBCI) to assess the impact of biological
constructs and examples on student quantitative comprehension. The Fellow
will have primary responsibility for all aspects of data collection,
coordinating focus groups and obtaining professional review of QBCI. A
successful applicant will have prior experience in evaluation of
educational efforts in science, with a Ph.D. in Evaluation, Science
Education, Mathematics Education, or a related field. Experience in
interdisciplinary research, statistical methodology, or undergraduate
teaching will also be considered as positive factors in evaluation of
The Fellowship is for two years at an annual stipend of approximately
$51,000. For a full description of the position, qualifications, and
For more information about the position and qualifications, please
contact NIMBioS Associate Director for STEM Evaluation Pam Bishop at
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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End of SMB Digest