Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the University of Reading, UK

About SMB Forums Open Positions Postdoctoral Research Assistant at the University of Reading, UK

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    Postdoctoral Research Assistant
    University of Reading – School of Psychology & Clinical Language Sciences and School of Biological Sciences

    Job References: SRF37226
    Closing date: 7th November 2021
    Interview date: week commencing 15th November 2021

    We are seeking a Postdoctoral Research Assistant for an exciting multi-disciplinary project combining computational modelling and experimental research in platelet biology, a dynamic field within cardiovascular biology. This project is part of the John Templeton Foundation Cohort Program ‘Agency, Directionality, and Function: Foundations for a Science of Purpose’. The program brings together 24 international research teams, ours being one of four based in the UK. The project is particularly suited for creative minds combining strong, proven technical skills with a genuine interest in the philosophy of biology.

    We aim to establish a novel framework that operationalizes concepts of goal-directedness in terms of biological mistake-mistaking. While initially, and for the successful applicant primarily, this will be developed and validated within a well-established cell system concerned with blood clotting, we aim to translate philosophical classifications into practical methods, models, and prediction directly relevant to working scientists across all of the life sciences. The successful applicant will be expected to contribute to these innovative theoretical advances. The project offers the opportunity to work in a unique setting that brings together theoretical and experimental natural scientists as well as philosophers – locally, and under the umbrella of a massive international collaboration working towards a common goal.

    As this position has two core technical aspects, computational modelling and experimental haematology, we welcome applications from candidates who are strong in one aspect but are keen and capable of learning the other.

    The position is for a fixed period of up to 2 years and 8 months from 1st December 2021. A delay in start date may limit the duration of the position.

    The successful applicant will:

    • have a PhD in a subject area appropriate to this field of research
    • have research experience with the modelling of complex / biological systems
    • be able to program / script in a suitable language, e.g., Python, C(++), Matlab
    • know, or be willing to learn, techniques to contribute to experimental studies
    • be interested in (the development of) the analysis of large datasets
    • be able to work effectively as a team member within a large interdisciplinary group
    • enjoy discussing ideas with people from a wide variety of academic backgrounds
    • have an interest in philosophy, in particular the philosophy of biology
    • have a proven track record through the publication of research

    Informal contact details

    Prof Ingo Bojak,   &  Prof Jon Gibbins,

    Apply here:

    More detail can be found in the attached PDF: SRF37226- Job Description and Person Specification 

    Applications from job seekers who require sponsorship to work in the UK are welcome and will be considered alongside all other applications. By reference to the applicable SOC code for this role, sponsorship may be possible under the Skilled Worker Route. Applicants should ensure that they are able to meet the points requirement under the PBS.  There is further information about this on the UK Visas and Immigration Website.
    The University is committed to having a diverse and inclusive workforce, supports the gender equality Athena SWAN Charter and the Race Equality Charter, and is a Diversity Champion for Stonewall, the leading LGBT+ rights organisation. Applications for job-share, part-time and flexible working arrangements are welcomed and will be considered in line with business needs.

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