POSTDOCTORAL position- University of Michigan w/KIRSCHNER & LINDERMAN

About SMB Forums Open Positions POSTDOCTORAL position- University of Michigan w/KIRSCHNER & LINDERMAN

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    Computational Modeling in Immunology of Tuberculosis

    University of Michigan



    An exciting opportunity is available for a strong mathematical/computational modeler to work in a multidisciplinary team on immune responses in the context of tuberculosis.  The position is available jointly in the laboratories of Jennifer Linderman in Chemical Engineering and Denise Kirschner in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, both at the University of Michigan. The project uses a systems biology approach to integrate our multi-scale and multi-organ in silico models with data from humans and non-human primates derived by our collaborators. An estimated one-third of the human population is infected with the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberculosis, mostly in rural areas within developing countries, making it a critical global health issue.


    Qualifications:  Ph.D. degree (or equivalent) in engineering or mathematics or a closely related field.  The postdoctoral fellow must have strong computational skills and experience in mathematical modeling in biology. The ideal applicant will have extensive experience in object-oriented programming and/or  use of MATLAB, R. Experience with python a plus. In addition, applicants will have a desire and ability to read scientific literature in immune response to tuberculosis.  Good communication skills and the ability to work in an interdisciplinary team are essential.


    How to apply:  Send a CV, names of 3 references, and a letter describing research

    interests and summarizing Ph.D. work to both Jennifer Linderman and Denise Kirschner Copies of papers authored by the applicant are welcome.  Those under-represented in STEM are especially encouraged to apply.

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