We are pleased to announce a virtual minisymposium in honour of Prof. Fred Brauer, who recently passed away after a long and distinguished career in mathematics and mathematical biology.
The event has been timed to celebrate what would have been Fred’s 90th birthday. A series of talks by three of Fred’s longstanding colleagues will followed by short contributions from others. You are invited to visit the site (below), register, and, if you like, submit a request to present a short (5 min) contribution – either on the theme of Fred Brauer’s research, or on a personal story or memory of Fred.
Contributions will be accepted until Jan 10, 2022. We will then inform participants whose contributions are accepted, and finalize the schedule.
We are grateful to PIMS for sponsoring this event.
Details and registration:
Leah Edelstein-Keshet
Daniel Coombs