The International Max Planck Research School for Evolutionary Biology (IMPRS-EB) is offering up to 10 PhD positions and fellowships in the field of Evolutionary Biology.
The graduate school is dedicated to highest level of research and training in all areas of contemporary Evolutionary Biology. It is a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, the University of Kiel and the Helmholtz Center for Ocean Research Kiel (GEOMAR). The school offers an internationally competitive research environment with state of the art facilities. The participating groups are working on a broad variety of scientific topics including molecular, behavioral, theoretical and organismal approaches.
The graduate program starts with a rotation period of three months followed by a PhD project of three years including seminars, courses and workshops. The language of the graduate school is English. Financial support is provided throughout the program.
To obtain further information about our PhD program and application details, please visit our website at
Note that only online applications via the link on our homepage are being processed. Please do not send any other type of application by regular mail or email as they will be rejected.
Well-motivated and highly-qualified students from all countries are welcome to apply. A Master of Science degree or a Diploma as well as a strong interest in Evolutionary Biology and flexibility in the research project are prerequisites for entering the program.
We are looking forward to your online application for a PhD project in the beautiful landscape of Northern Germany.
The deadline for applications is March 15, 2020.
The personal interviews will be held from June 22– 25 and the program itself starts on September 21, 2020.
Contact: Dr. Kerstin Mehnert, email: