Call for Applications: Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences

About SMB Forums Conferences Call for Applications: Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences

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    Call for Applications for the 6th European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences “Dealing with Complexity in the Life Sciences” (Sept 7-11, 2020)

    The 6th European Advanced School in the Philosophy of the Life Sciences “Dealing with Complexity in the Life Sciences” (Sept 7-11, 2020) will be hosted by the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research (KLI), an independent center of advanced studies in the life and sustainability sciences (


    Deadline for application: Feb. 28, 2020

    Young scholars (PhD students and early post-doctoral researchers) in the history, philosophy and social studies of the biological, biomedical, and environmental sciences are invited to apply. Topics include epistemological, methodological, ontological, and metaphysical issues in relation to complexity as well as the institutional, societal, and political dimensions of scientific work dealing with complexity. We welcome applicants interested in dealing from a philosophical perspective with complexity in disciplines and fields such as: Conservation sciences, Climate change research, Sustainability science, Evolutionary biology and systematics, Developmental biology, Genetics and genomics, Clinical research, Cancer research, Public Health, Personalized medicine, Molecular and systems biology, Synthetic biology and genome editing, etc.

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