Summer 2020 SMB Newsletter: Editorial

By Dr. Ruth Bowness Working from Home  There have been many articles and tweets in the past few months describing problems the academic community is currently facing.  Many of them have focused on how our new working conditions are disproportionately affecting specific subgroups, such as those with caring responsibilities. There…

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Summer 2020 SMB Newsletter: People

By Jacob G Scott COVID-19 has affected us all in myriad ways, from our work and travel patterns, down to our daily routines and interactions with friends and family. One small silver lining is that our field has come front and center to many who never knew of its existence.…

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Summer 2020 SMB Newsletter: News

By Dr. Navideh Noori In this issue of the News section, we highlight the updates on the 2020 Annual SMB Meeting, updates from SMB Subgroups, online seminar series/summer programs, call for papers, special issue, and honoring Robert McCredie May, The Lord May of Oxford. Read on below. Annual SMB meeting…

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