By Dr. Jennifer Flegg

2019 Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Biology

The 2019 SMB Annual Meeting was held in Montreal, Canada from July 22–26 and by all reports was a huge success. The conference theme was “From genome to biome” and included plenary speakers such as Helen Byrne (University of Oxford), Morgan Craig (Université de Montréal) and Naoki Masuda (University of Bristol).

A conference report by Dr Matt Betti, Assistant Professor at Mount Allison University, can be read here. A summary from the SMB Education Subgroup can also be found here.

Conference reports

BIOMATH2019 was held in Poland, in the Conference Center of the Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Będlewo from 16-22 June 2019. This is a conference series that brings together scientists and researchers from different countries and continents; those who develop and apply mathematical and computational tools to study phenomena in the broad fields of life sciences. Read more about the conference here.

If you attend a conference and would like to report back to SMB members about it, why not submit a report for the Newsletter? Contact Robin for more details.

The Maths of Life and Death

Dr Kit Yates is the author of The Maths of Life and Death, released on the 5 September in the UK (release date in Spring 2020 in US). The book highlights how mathematics plays a crucial role in helping us navigate the real world.  As Marcus du Sautoy says  “Kit Yates is a natural storyteller. Through fascinating stories and examples, he shows how maths is the beating heart of so much of modern life. An exciting new voice in the world of science communication.” Read an interview with Kit here.

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