SMB Digest Volume 17 Issue 48


SMB DIGEST ISSN 1086-6566 
November 21, 2017
This issue’s editor:


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Issue’s Topics:
SMB Minisymposium Proposal and Abstract Submission Dates
Vacancies for the Society for Mathematical Biology Elections
Nominations for Society for Mathematical Biology Prizes
Represent Math Biology: USA Science & Engineering Festival
2018 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN18) – Call for Presentations
UK Conference on Multiscale Biology, U of Nottingham, 2018
CfA: The Search for Selection, A NIMBioS Tutorial
IQBiology Graduate Program at the U of Colorado Boulder
NSF 18-510 RCN-Undergraduate Biology Education, New Solicitation
Cancer Modelling, Chalmers U of Technology
Chair Position: Mathematical Sciences, Middle TN State U
SMBnet Reminders


From: Mary Myerscough <>
Date: Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 2:26 PM
Subject: SMB Minisymposium Proposal and Abstract Submission Dates

Further news on SMB2018, the joint annual meeting of the Society for
Mathematical Biology and the Japanese Society for Mathematical Biology,

Minisymposium proposals are due on 12 February 2018.
Almost all minisymposia will have four half-hour talks. At this stage,
there is room for a few minisymposia of six half-hour talks, but
proposers will need to make a strong case for the longer format.
Minisymposium speakers should be chosen, as far as possible, to give a
good geographic spread and gender balance. Proposals where a substantial
number of speakers are drawn from the same institution or the same
research group will not be considered.

Abstracts for posters and all talks are due on 26 March 2018.

Proposal and abstract submissions (as well as registrations) will open
in December. Please watch the website!



From: Ye, Ping <>
Date: Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 9:55 AM
Subject: Vacancies for the Society for Mathematical Biology Elections

Vacancies for the Society for Mathematical Biology Elections 2018

The Elected Board of Directors, and Officers of the Society for
Mathematical Biology are essential to the implementation of the Society’s
stated purpose to promote the development and dissemination of research
at the interface between the mathematical and biological sciences.

The Society for Mathematical Biology is seeking nominations for:

– The President-Elect Office. The President-Elect will serve for a one
year at the closing of the Annual Business Meeting, held at the 2018
Annual Meeting in Sydney, Australia. Then, The President Elect
automatically becomes President for two years.

– The Elected Board of Directors. Three elected board members will be
appointed at the closing of the Annual Business Meeting, held at the
2018 Annual Meeting in Sydney, Australia. Each Elected Member of the
Board serves a term of four years.

Society members interested in serving Society for Mathematical Biology
in a leadership role of President-Elect or member of the Elected Board
of Directors must submit a CV and a nomination statement (300 words or
less). The statement should describe why you would be a valuable
addition to the SMB Officers or Board of Directors, include specific
strengths and areas of expertise, and how they fit the role. The
statement should also include your vision on what you would seek to
achieve for the Society for Mathematical Biology during the period of
office. The Officers (President-elect or Past-President, President),
and Elected Board of Directors must be current members of the society.
Please submit your material electronically to the Society Secretary,
Ping Ye (E-mail: by April 15th, 2018.



From: Ye, Ping <>
Date: Sat, Nov 18, 2017 at 1:24 PM
Subject: Nominations for Society for Mathematical Biology Prizes

The Society of Mathematical Biology is now accepting nominations for the
2018 awards through December 18th, 2017, except for the Okubo Prize
(due on January 31st, 2018). The details of the prizes are located at
the website:

Society members are encouraged to nominate candidates by submitting a
nomination package with required materials in PDF format to the Society
Secretary Dr. Ping Ye (E-mail: The nominator
should submit:

– A letter (no more than 4 pages) describing the nominee’s qualifications
and commenting on the nominee’s scientific contributions for the society
– Two supporting letters (optional) from other Society members, and
– The nominee’s curriculum vitae, including all publications.



From: Fred Adler <>
Date: Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 9:28 AM
Subject: Represent Math Biology: USA Science & Engineering Festival

Represent Mathematical Biology at the USA Science & Engineering
Festival: Deadline extended!

Apply now to represent the Society for Mathematical Biology at the 2018
USA Science and Engineering Festival! The successful applicant will
design and host an outreach activity in the SMB table at the USA Science
& Engineering Festival, April 7-8, 2018 in Washington DC. It’s fun, a
great way to meet kids and SMB members, and looks great on a CV.

The ideal outreach project explores underlying concepts and issues in
mathematical biology, rather than just providing information, and
includes effective ways to engage with students and teachers. The
audience is students of all ages, including some pretty young kids, so
the perfect activity is hands-on, not too technical, has a high
“coolness factor”, and shows how math connects to real-world problems.

The designer of the selected project will receive funding for materials
and travel expenses to Washington DC for this event. SMB will help line
up local SMB members to help at the event.

Applications should be no more than two pages, and include
a) a description of outreach project and the core ideas it will include,
b) a bit about interests in math biology and education,
c) a simple assessment plan to evaluate what participants learned,
d) A brief budget for project design and materials.

Please ensure that you have read our eligibility and criteria at
before completing your application form. The application deadline to
submit your project for the 2018 USA Science & Engineering Festival has
been extended to December 15, 2017. Applications should be submitted
via email to Fred Adler at



From: Frank W. Kunkle <>
Date: Fri, Nov 17, 2017 at 10:51 AM
Subject: 2018 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN18) – Call for Presentations

Conference Name:
2018 SIAM Annual Meeting (AN18):

This meeting is being held jointly with The SIAM Conference on
Mathematical Aspects of Materials Science (MS18):
The SIAM Conference on Applied Mathematics Education (ED18):
and the SIAM Workshop on Network Science (NS18):

Location: Oregon Convention Center (OCC), Portland, Oregon, USA

Dates: July 9-13, 2018

The Call for Presentations for this conference is available at:

January 10, 2018: Minisymposium Proposal Submissions
January 31, 2018: Contributed Lecture, Poster and Minisymposium
Presentation Abstracts

January 19, 2018: SIAM Student Travel Award

Please visit for
detailed submission information.

For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department



From: Reuben O’Dea <reuben.o’>
Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 5:59 AM
Subject: UK Conference on Multiscale Biology, U of Nottingham, 2018

Registration and abstract submission (for contributed talks or posters)
for the UK Conference on Multiscale Biology (16-18 April 2018) is now

This international meeting is part of, and supported by, the BBSRC-funded
UK Multi-Scale Biology Network (
and aims to bring together scientists addressing multiscale phenomena
across a range of biological systems, and crossing spatial scales from
molecules to populations of organisms. Confirmed plenary speakers

Trevor Graham (Barts Cancer Institute, UK)
Oliver Jensen (University of Manchester, UK)
Kasia Rejniak (Moffitt Cancer Center, US)
Shayn Peirce-Cottler (University of Virginia, US)

Interested researchers at all levels are encouraged to attend.
Registration for PhD students is free, and there is substantial funding
available to support attendance (via the generous support of the UK
Multiscale Biology Network, and the London Mathematical Society). Any
questions should be directed to

Full details at:



From: Catherine Crawley <>
Date: Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 2:19 PM
Subject: CfA: The Search for Selection, A NIMBioS Tutorial

The National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis
(NIMBioS) is now accepting applications for its Tutorial, “The Search
for Selection,” to be held June 18-22, 2018, at NIMBioS.

For more information about the tutorial and a link to the online
application form, go to

Participation in NIMBioS tutorials is by application only. Individuals
with a strong interest in the topic are encouraged to apply, and
successful applicants will be notified within several weeks after the
application deadline. NIMBioS will cover lodging (5 nights) and provide
breakfast and lunch each day at NIMBioS. If needed, limited financial
support for travel expenses is available.

Application deadline: February 1, 2018



From: David Matthew Bortz <>
Date: Thu, Nov 16, 2017 at 11:00 AM
Subject: IQBiology Graduate Program at the U of Colorado Boulder

The Interdisciplinary Quantitative Biology (IQ Biology) program at the
University of Colorado Boulder invites applications from exceptional
students who have strong interdisciplinary interests and the ability to
develop novel quantitative approaches to solve biological problems. As a
graduate student in the IQ Biology program, you will gain access to
world-class educators and colleagues across many different disciplines
and departments. The main interdisciplinary areas of focus are:
Mathematical Biology, Computational Biology, Bioengineering, Biophysics,
and Image Analysis. Faculty from eight departments across the sciences
and engineering are participating in the IQ-Biology graduate PhD
certificate program. It offers students an opportunity to enter into an
academically diverse cohort from the very beginning and encourage them
to take on innovative research projects that integrate multiple
disciplines while still obtaining a PhD in a participating department.

Please see and here for more information
and how to apply. Applications are due December 3rd, 2017.



From: Hoese, William J. <>
Resent: Richard Schugart <>
Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 6:04 PM
Subject: NSF 18-510 RCN-Undergraduate Biology Education, New Solicitation

The Research Coordination Networks in Undergraduate Biology Education
(RCN-UBE 18-510) program at NSF is designed to enhance undergraduate
biology education using networks of faculty and professionals to
communicate and coordinate their research, training, and educational
activities. The theme of RCN-UBE proposals can be on any topic likely to
enhance undergraduate biology education. RCN-UBE provides opportunities
to foster new collaborations, to address interdisciplinary topics, to
explore innovative ideas for implementing novel networking strategies,
to explore collaborative technologies, and to develop community standards.
RCN-UBE awards do not support existing networks or the activities of
established collaborations. RCN awards do not support primary research.
Please see the attached flyer or the program solicitation
( for additional
information. An informational webinar will be held 30 November 2017,
Noon (EST), email to sign up or for additional

The RCN-UBE proposal deadline is 30 January 2018.



From: Philip Gerlee <>
Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 6:12 AM
Subject: Postdoc Position: Cancer Modelling, Chalmers U of Technology

Postdoc Position: Cancer modelling, Chalmers University of Technology

The Division of Analysis and Probability theory at the Department of
Mathematical Sciences at Chalmers and the University of Gothenburg
invites applications for 18 months postdoctoral position.

The primary duty of the successful candidate is to perform research
together with the members of the project team. The candidate will be
responsible for analysing and modelling experimental data from live-
imaging experiments of cancer cells.

You should have a Ph.D. in Mathematics / Applied Mathematics /
Mathematical statistics, or equivalent, completed before the application
deadline but not earlier than three years before the deadline. Fluency
in English is expected.

For this position, the following merits apply:

* A doctoral degree in mathematical biology or a related field
* Knowledge of reaction-diffusion equations, kinetic theory or related
* Documented experience with interdisciplinary research with cancer
* Experience with planning and designing biological experiments
* Experience with image analysis and cell tracking
* Experience with large scale data analysis

More information about the position can be found at:

Inquiries can be directed to Philip Gerlee (



From: Wandi Ding <>
Date: Mon, Nov 20, 2017 at 2:18 PM
Subject: Chair Position: Mathematical Sciences, Middle TN State U

Middle Tennessee State University invites applications for an innovative
leader to chair the Department of Mathematical Sciences (#107005).

The department offers baccalaureate and master’s programs in actuarial
science, industrial and professional mathematics, statistics and
mathematics education. The department also actively supports the
interdisciplinary Ph.D. programs in computational science and mathematics
education by teaching graduate courses and supervising Ph.D. students.

For information about applying, please see

Applications will be accepted until January 15, 2018.



Subject: SMBnet Reminders

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Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at:

Recent editions of SMB Digest are available on the SMB Home Page at, while older editions are available at

Comments are closed.