MS program in Biological and Computational Mathematics at Augusta University

About SMB Forums Open Positions MS program in Biological and Computational Mathematics at Augusta University

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    Augusta University’s Master of Science program in Biological and Computational Mathematics welcomes applications for Fall 2023. Priority in consideration for assistantship support will be given to applications received by May 15, 2023.

    The program is a great fit for students interested in applied mathematics, in particular the areas of mathematical modeling and applications of mathematics in the biosciences.  Faculty teaching in the program have diverse research interests in applied mathematics, including mathematical biology, epidemiology, stochastics, medical imaging, machine learning, and porous media flow.

    Additionally, this program is an excellent one for students who are interested in graduate study but who are unsure about going directly to a Ph.D. program.  The curriculum will help students build a strong knowledge base in applied mathematics, and students in the program complete a research project during their final semester of study.  This research experience together with the required coursework in the program will provide a solid foundation for students who want to apply to Ph.D. programs after completing their master’s degree at Augusta University.

    Highly qualified students in the second year of the program may have the opportunity to teach introductory courses as part of their assistantship duties.  Students who teach in their second year receive an increased assistantship stipend.

    More information about the program is available on our website: and in the attached flyer and brochure. Interested students can also correspond with the program director Neal Smith at

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