OCTOBER 26, 2017
- Wandi Ding (ding.smb.digest@gmail.com)
Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology, including an
application for membership, may be found in the SMB Home Page,
Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, the official journal of
SMB, at www.springer.com/11538.
Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to
Issue’s Topics:
SMB: Vacancy for SMB Elections 2018
Workshop: Mathematical Biology, Jan 7-10, Philippines
Conference: Biology & Medicine…, May 30-Jun 1, VCU, US
CfP: BICOB 2018, Int’l Conf Bioinformatics & Comp Biology
CfP: 4th IEEE Middle East Conference on Biomedical…
ToC: J Mathematical Bioscience
New Springer Books
Early Career Awards: Math Biosciences Institute, Ohio State U
Post-docs: Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State U
Post-doc: Math Bio/Applied Math/Stats, North Carolina State U
Post-doc: Modeling in Infectious Disease, Seattle, US
Post-docs: Synthetic Circuits, Northeastern U, Rutgers U, US
Tenure-Track Position: Applied Ecosystem Modelling, UC Davis
Tenure-Track/Tenured Position: Statistics, Arizona State U
Faculty Positions: Computational Neuroscience, UC Davis
SMBnet Reminders
From: Ye, Ping <Ping.Ye@sdstate.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 9:55 AM
Subject: SMB: Vacancy for SMB Elections 2018
Vacancies for the Society for Mathematical Biology Elections 2018
The Elected Board of Directors, and Officers of the Society for
Mathematical Biology are essential to the implementation of the
Society’s stated purpose to promote the development and dissemination of
research at the interface between the mathematical and biological
The Society for Mathematical Biology is seeking nominations for:
-The President-Elect Office. The President-Elect will serve for a one
year at the closing of the Annual Business Meeting, held at the 2018
Annual Meeting in Sydney, Australia. Then, The President Elect
automatically becomes President for two years.
-The Elected Board of Directors. Three elected board members will be
appointed at the closing of the Annual Business Meeting, held at the
2018 Annual Meeting in Sydney, Australia. Each Elected Member of the
Board serves a term of four years.
Society members interested in serving Society for Mathematical Biology
in a leadership role of President-Elect or member of the Elected Board
of Directors must submit a CV and a nomination statement (300 words or
less). The statement should describe why you would be a valuable
addition to the SMB Officers or Board of Directors, include specific
strengths and areas of expertise, and how they fit the role. The
statement should also include your vision on what you would seek to
achieve for the Society for Mathematical Biology during the period of
office. The Officers (President-elect or Past-President, President), and
Elected Board of Directors must be current members of the society.
Please submit your material electronically to the Society Secretary,
Ping Ye (E-mail: ping.ye@sdstate.edu) by April 15th, 2018.
From: mathbio 2018 <mathbio2018@math.upd.edu.ph>
Date: Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 10:59 AM
Subject: Workshop: Mathematical Biology, Jan 7-10, Philippines
The 2018 International Workshop on Mathematical Biology (IWOMB) will be
held in Costabella Tropical Beach Hotel, Cebu, Philippines on January
7-10, 2018. This is a major event in the Philippines in celebration of
the Year of Mathematical Biology.
The workshop aims to promote state-of-the-art mathematical biology
researches in the Philippines. It is expected to stimulate young
mathematicians of possible inter-disciplinary research directions in
mathematics and biology. This activity is also envisioned to provide an
opportunity to establish research collaborations between the Philippines
and developed countries. It brings together local enthusiasts in the
field serving as a focal group to build a mathematical biology community
that will eventually lead to the establishment of a professional
Participation in IWOMB 2018 is limited to 60 participants. The
registration deadline is on October 30, 2017. A number of grants is
available to support the travel and accommodation expenses of local and
foreign (from developing countries) graduate student participants.
For further information, check the web page
mathbio2018.weebly.com or send an email to
From: Rebecca A Segal <rasegal@vcu.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 2:51 PM
Subject: Conference: Biology & Medicine…, May 30-Jun 1, VCU, US
Conference Announcement: BAMM! Biology and Medicine through Mathematics!
May 30 – June 1, 2018
This Mathematical Biology conference will be held at Virginia
Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA from Wednesday, May 30 to
Friday, June 1, 2018. The conference will consist of plenary talks,
break-out sessions, and a poster session. We welcome participation from
researchers at all academic levels working in mathematical biology.
Travel award funding from SIAM has been secured. Additional funding is
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Gerda de Vries, University of Alberta
Trachette Jackson, University of Michigan
John Tyson, Virginia Tech
Sebastian Schreiber, University of California, Davis
Abstract Submissions Deadline 3/7/2018
Registration Deadline 4/10/2018
Questions: BAMM@vcu.edu
From: Ding, Qin <DINGQ@ecu.edu>
Date: Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 11:59 AM
Subject: CfP: BICOB 2018, Int’l Conf Bioinformatics & Comp Biology
BICOB-2018 – Call for Papers
10th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Computational
Biology (BICOB)
March 19 – 21, 2018 – Las Vegas, NV, USA
Important Dates
– Paper Submission Deadline: October 31, 2017
– Notification of Acceptance: December 30, 2017
– Pre-registration and Camera-ready Manuscripts: January 20, 2018
– Paper submission site: easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bicob2018
– Conference website: sce.uhcl.edu/bicob18/
From: IEEE <announcements@ieee.tn>
Date: Sun, Oct 22, 2017 at 4:46 AM
Subject: CfP: 4th IEEE Middle East Conference on Biomedical…
4th IEEE Middle East Conference on Biomedical Engineering (MECBME)
Venue: Ramada Plaza Hotel, Gammarth – Tunis, Tunisia
Dates: 28-30 March 2018
Website: mecbme.ieee.tn/
E-mail: info@mecbme.ieee.tn
Abstract Paper submission: October 31, 2017
Full paper submission: November 15, 2017
Acceptance notified: January 15, 2018
Camera Ready Submission: January 31, 2018
Author Registration deadline: February 10, 2018
Travel grant Programs:
IEEE Region 8 VCF: www.ieeer8.org/category/voluntary-contribution-fund/
IEEE Women In Engineering: wie.ieee.org/travel-grant/
From: Stephen Coombes <Stephen.Coombes@nottingham.ac.uk>
Date: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 4:32 AM
Subject: ToC: J Mathematical Bioscience
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience publishes research articles on
the mathematical modeling and analysis of all areas of neuroscience.
The current list of journal articles is available at
All articles are Open Access.
From: SpringerAlerts@springeronline.com
Date: Tue, Oct 24, 2017 at 4:32 PM
Subject: New Springer Books
Patient-specific Hemodynamic Computations: Application to Personalized
Diagnosis of Cardiovascular Pathologies
The Mathematics and Mechanics of Biological Growth
Mathematics of Epidemics on Networks
Bioinformatics Research and Applications
Mathematical Methods for Cancer Evolution
Bioinformatics Research and Applications
From: Tony Nance <tony@mbi.osu.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 1:29 PM
Subject: Early Career Awards: Math Biosciences Institute, Ohio State U
The Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) is accepting applications
for Early Career Awards for 2018-2019 emphasis programs focused on
The Mathematics of Genomics and Proteomics.
Early Career Awards enable recipients to be in residence at the
Mathematical Biosciences Institute for stays of three to four months
during an emphasis program. Details of the 2018-19 programs will be
found at mbi.osu.edu/programs/emphasis-programs/.
Early Career Awards are aimed at non-tenured scientists who have
continuing employment and who hold a doctorate in any of the
mathematical, statistical, and computational sciences, or join any
of the biological, medical, and related sciences.
An Early Career Award will be for a maximum of $3,500 per month
of residency. The award may be used for salary and benefits, teaching
buyouts, and/or local expenses (restrictions apply).
Applying for an Early Career Award:
Applications for an Early Career Award completed before November 29,
2017 will receive full consideration. The applicant should state the
period that he or she would like to be in residence.
Applications for an Early Career Award should be submitted online at
For additional information please visit
or contact Tony Nance (tony@mbi.osu.edu).
MBI receives major funding from the National Sciences Foundation
Division of Mathematical Sciences and is supported by The Ohio State
University. Mathematical Biosciences Institute adheres to AA/EOE
From: Tony Nance <tony@mbi.osu.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 1:29 PM
Subject: Post-docs: Mathematical Biosciences Institute, Ohio State U
The Mathematical Biosciences Institute (MBI) is accepting applications
for Postdoctoral Fellows to start September 2018.
MBI postdoctoral fellowships are one-year appointments renewable for
up to two additional years, contingent upon satisfactory performance
and the availability of funds.
MBI postdoctoral fellows engage in an integrated program of tutorials,
working seminars, workshops, and interactions with their mathematical
and bioscience mentors. These activities are geared toward providing
the tools to pursue an independent research program with an emphasis
on collaborative research in the mathematical biosciences.
MBI-facilitated activities are tailored to the needs of each
postdoctoral fellow.
MBI also expects to hire for co-sponsored postdoctoral positions with
academic and private sector partners, including researchers at Ohio
State University and Battelle Memorial Institute.
For additional information please visit
or contact Tony Nance (tony@mbi.osu.edu).
Applying for an MBI Postdoctoral Fellowship:
Applications for a Postdoctoral Fellowship completed before
December 4, 2017 will receive full consideration.
Applications for an MBI Postdoctoral Fellowship should be submitted
online at www.mathjobs.org/jobs/fellowship/11050
MBI receives major funding from the National Sciences Foundation
Division of Mathematical Sciences and is supported by The Ohio State
University. Mathematical Biosciences Institute adheres to AA/EOE
From: Alun Lloyd <alun_lloyd@ncsu.edu>
Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 9:02 AM
Subject: Post-doc: Math Bio/Applied Math/Stats, North Carolina State U
We are looking to hire two postdocs as part of an NSF-funded Research
Training Group (RTG) in the mathematical sciences at North Carolina
State University. Our program, titled “Parameter Estimation for
Mechanistic Biological Models”, focuses on mathematical modeling of
biological systems and challenges that arise in confronting these models
with real-world data. Mathematical and statistical questions of
particular interest include parameter estimation, uncertainty
quantification and experimental design. Biological emphases are broad
and are not limited to any particular system or scale of organization,
although current group members focus mostly on physiology
(e.g. cardiovascular dynamics and tissue dynamics) and population
biology (e.g. ecology, epidemiology, evolution and within-host
See rtg.math.ncsu.edu for more details about our RTG and for
further details of these positions. Inquiries may also be directed to
Alun Lloyd (RTG Director): alun_lloyd@ncsu.edu. The direct link to the
positions on mathjobs.org is www.mathjobs.org/jobs/jobs/10697.
Please note that NSF regulations restrict funding to citizens,
nationals, or permanent residents (“green card” holders) of the United
States or its territories and possessions.
From: Gaurys, Ieva <igaurys@fredhutch.org>
Date: Thu, Oct 19, 2017 at 11:00 AM
Subject: Post-doc: Modeling in Infectious Disease, Seattle, US
We have an opening for a Post-Doc Research Fellow in Mathematical
Modeling in Infectious Disease.
From: Eduardo.Sontag <eduardo.sontag@gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Oct 23, 2017 at 10:54 AM
Subject: Post-docs: Synthetic Circuits, Northeastern U, Rutgers U, US
Two postdoctoral positions are available for an exciting
interdisciplinary and inter-institutional collaboration between
Dr. Eduardo Sontag (starting January 2018, Bioengineering and Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Northeastern University, Boston;
sontaglab.org) and Dr. Sagar Khare (Chemistry and Chemical
Biology, Rutgers University, Piscataway; sagardkharelab.org) to
work on a project combining protein design, directed evolution, and
control theory for designing and characterizing a novel class of
synthetic biological circuits in vitro and in living cells. The
molecular design and experimental characterization aspects will be
carried out at Rutgers University’s Khare Lab and the mathematical
developments will be carried out at NEU’s Sontag Lab. The two groups
will work closely and have regular meetings/interactions (virtual and in
person). We are seeking creative, highly motivated and self-starter
postdocs who enjoy working in a collaborative research environment and
are interested in a truly interdisciplinary training experience. Initial
appointment will be for one year, with a second year appointment subject
to satisfactory progress and budget constraints. Depending on funding,
additional years might be possible.
Position at NEU:
We are seeking a recent PhD graduate in Applied Mathematics, Control
Theory, Bioengineering, or other quantitative fields who is interested
in working on problems at the interface of dynamical systems / control
theory and biological systems. The candidate should be interested and
capable of researching appropriate biochemistry and biological
literature, building deterministic and stochastic mathematical models,
and applying theoretical tools to their analysis. Interested candidates
should send a cover letter describing research experience, and
interests, CV, sample publications, and the names of three references
(with email addresses and other contact information) to Eduardo Sontag
(eduardo.sontag@gmail.com). Supporting files should be shared via cloud
(gdrive, dropbox), not attached to email.
Position at Rutgers:
We are seeking a recent PhD graduate in biological chemistry,
biomolecular engineering, molecular biophysics or related fields.
Experience and expertise in molecular cloning techniques and protein
expression/purification from bacteria/yeast, measuring enzyme kinetics,
and other biophysical techniques is required. Familiarity with directed
evolution and/or molecular modeling and protein design will be
beneficial. Interested candidates should send a cover letter describing
research experience and interests, CV, the names of three references to
Sagar Khare (sagar.khare@rutgers.edu).
From: Hastings, Alan <amhastings@ucdavis.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 18, 2017 at 5:27 PM
Subject: Tenure-Track Position: Applied Ecosystem Modelling, UC Davis
The University of California at Davis is pleased to announce the
recruitment for a tenure-track faculty position in applied ecosystem
modeling. The successful candidate will join the Department of
Environmental Science and Policy in the College of Agricultural and
Environmental Sciences at the rank of Assistant Professor. Criteria for
appointment include: a Ph.D. or equivalent in ecology, environmental
science, biology, applied mathematics, applied statistics, or a closely
related discipline, a record of excellence in scholarly research, and
demonstrable potential to establish a competitively-funded research
program. The appointee will be responsible for teaching undergraduate
courses in ecosystem modeling and environmental science, be actively
involved in undergraduate advising, curricular development and
department and university service. The appointee is also expected to
guide and mentor graduate students and participate in research and
outreach/engagement programs consistent with the mission of the
CA Agricultural Experiment Station.
Applicants should submit materials via the following website:
recruit.ucdavis.edu. Additional inquiries can be directed to
Professor Alan Hastings, Recruitment Advisory Committee Chair
(amhastings@ucdavis.edu). The position will remain open until filled
but to ensure consideration, applications should be received by
December 8, 2017.
From: Erika Camacho <Erika.Camacho@asu.edu>
Date: Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 3:25 PM
Subject: Tenure-Track/Tenured Position: Statistics, Arizona State U
Arizona State University seeks an Assistant or Associate Professor of
Statistics (tenured or tenure-track) in the School of Mathematical and
Natural Sciences. Successful candidates must establish an
externally-funded program of research that involves undergraduates,
mentor and teach our diverse students, and serve the university and the
profession. Application deadline: November 20, 2017; if not filled,
every Friday thereafter until search is closed. Visit
Arizona State University is a VEVRAA Federal Contractor and an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. All qualified applicants will
be considered without regard to race, color, sex, religion, national
origin, disability, protected veteran status, or any other basis
protected by law. See www.asu.edu/aad/manuals/acd/acd401.html
and the complete non-discrimination statement at:
From: Mark Steven Goldman <msgoldman@ucdavis.edu>
Date: Wed, Oct 25, 2017 at 2:31 AM
Subject: Faculty Positions: Computational Neuroscience, UC Davis
The University of California at Davis is making a major expansion in
Computational Neuroscience and related fields, with 10+ tenure-track
faculty position openings in the next 3 years through clusters of
hires in Computational Neuroscience (3 positions), Motor Control &
Neural Engineering (2 positions), Network Science (2 positions), and
Data Science (4 positions). UC Davis is a top-10 Public Research
University (US News & World Report) located in the college-town of
Davis, CA, 1 hour from the San Francisco Bay Area and 20 minutes
from the state capital of Sacramento.
All cluster and position descriptions can be found at the following
website comphip2017.ucdavis.edu/.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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Items of interest to the mathematical biology community may be submitted
for inclusion in the SMBnet archive. See instructions at:
The SMB Digest is also available on the SMB Home Page at