Virginia Commonwealth University is planning to hold the 2022 Biology and Medicine through Mathematics (BAMM!) meeting in person this year, and we hope that you will be able to join us!
This Mathematical Biology conference will be held at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA from Wednesday, May 18, to Friday, May 20, 2022. The conference will consist of plenary talks, break-out sessions, and a poster session. We welcome participation from researchers at all academic levels working in mathematical biology. Travel awards may be available–grant under review. Here are some details. We will email again soon with the travel award application info and more.
Abstract submissions are now open! Use this link! You will need to register in order to submit your abstract. Updates coming soon!
Confirmed plenary speakers:
Lisa Fauci – Tulane University
Mette Olufsen- North Carolina State University
De Witt Sumners- Florida State University
Important Dates:
Abstract Submissions Deadline 3/8/2022
Travel Award Deadline 3/8/2022
Registration Deadline 4/10/2022
Organizing Committee: David Chan, Laura Ellwein Fix, Cheng Ly, Reed Ogrosky, Angela Reynolds, Michael Robert, Suzanne Robertson, Jan Rychtar, Rebecca Segal, and Oyita Udiani