ISoP Virtual Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Week 2021, August 16-20

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  • #7011
    Ruth Baker

    The ISoP QSP Special Interest Group is pleased to announce the second annual Virtual Quantitative Systems Pharmacology Week (vQSP week 2021) from August 16th to 20th, 12:00 noon – 1 PM US ET each day.

    Monday, Wednesday, Friday: Invited speakers (to be announced shortly)
    Tuesday, Thursday: Poster sessions selected from abstract submissions

    Poster sessions:
    Parallel track virtual poster sessions will be moderated by active QSP SIG Working Groups:
    Uncertainty, Error, and Variability in QSP Models
    Integrating QSP and Machine Learning
    Abstracts on other QSP-related topics are also welcome!

    Abstract Guidelines
    Submission deadline: August 2nd, Notification of acceptance: August 6th
    Abstracts will be accepted for the parallel track poster sessions on a competitive basis given the limited time slots.  Each abstract is limited to 350 words of main text (not including references, title, authors, affiliations), and one figure.  Abstract submitters will prioritize their preference for review by the working groups. If accepted, virtual poster presenters will give an 8 minute powerpoint presentation with about 5 minutes for extended discussion. Scientific presentations already given in other forums may be re-purposed for this event. Submitted abstracts will not be separately published, and are intended to help the committee decide which virtual poster talks to invite. Presentation titles with authors and affiliations will be announced to help attendees decide which of the parallel-track poster sessions to attend.
    If you are interested in presenting your work, please prepare an abstract!

    Registration and Abstract Submission
    Registration is free for this virtual event. To register and submit an abstract, please click here. If you have any questions about the event, please contact for assistance.

    The Quantitative Systems Pharmacology (QSP) Special Interest Group (SIG) provides a rigorous scientific forum on QSP modeling under the International Society of Pharmacometrics (ISoP). Our goal is to advance the development and utilization of safe and efficacious medicines through the application of QSP.


    Update on Speakers:

    Jeff Saucerman, Professor of Biomedical Engineering and Cardiovascular Medicine at University of Virginia

    Topic/Title: Systems Pharmacology Model of Cardiac Fibrosis

    Limei Cheng, QSP Cardiovascular Lead at Bristol Myers Squibb

    Topic/Title: Beyond Dose Selection – Quantitative Systems Pharmacology for Heart Failure

    Gunnar Cedersund, Associate Professor in Systems Biology at Linköping University

    Topic/Title: Prediction Uncertainty Estimation Despite Unidentifiability

    Carolyn Cho, Quantitative Pharmacology Immunology Lead at Merck & Tongli Zhang, Assistant Professor in Systems Pharmacology at University of Cincinnati

    Topic/Title: Integrating Quantitative Systems Pharmacology and Machine Learning

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