Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Training Program in Basic Diabetes Research

About SMB Forums Open Positions Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Training Program in Basic Diabetes Research

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  • #6818
    Santiago Schnell

    The University of Michigan Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Training Program in Basic Diabetes Research provides an opportunity for postdoctoral fellows with a PhD to pursue training in diverse aspects of diabetes research. The training program five postdoctoral positions available for the calendar year 2021-2022.

    Training grant preceptors fall into major interest groups across a spectrum of type 1 and 2 diabetes research – mathematical modeling in diabetes, islet biology, autoimmune diabetes, adipocryte biology, neuronal regulation of metabolism, mechanisms of insulin resistance, metabolic control in liver and muscle, and diabetes complications – each area containing investigators pursuing basic research with potential translational applicability.

    Postdoctoral research training is supplemented by a core curriculum in molecular pathogenesis of diabetes, a series of educational seminars/classes and workshops on grant writing, career skills, and research methodologies.

    Trainees must have a PhD or equivalent degrees and a desire for a career in diabetes research, no more than three years of postdoctoral training, and be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Applicants will provide a research proposal, biosketch, and letter from mentor.

    Since the program’s inception at the University of Michigan in 2014, 12 trainees have completed the program. Of those 12:

    • 100% have stayed in research intensive fields
    • 10 have stayed in academic institutions

    We are committed to developing and maintaining diversity in the ethnic, cultural, and gender backgrounds of our trainees.

    Application Deadline: June 1, 2021

    State Date: September1, 2021

    For more information, please visit the training program website.

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