Summer Opportunity for Undergraduates — SCMB Modeling Accelerator

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  • #6799

    The Southeast Center for Mathematics and Biology (SCMB) will run a unique Modeling Accelerator program for undergraduate students this summer. The Modeling Accelerator will be a virtual, team-based event for students from both math and bio backgrounds to gain experience developing mathematical models of complex bio-systems. The program is intended to be accessible to undergraduates with no math-bio experience and aims to engender some excitement about modeling in these students as they enter the later years of their degree. The teams of students are to be organized by a Faculty Sponsor at their home institution. SCMB will compensate student participants and their sponsor with an honorarium.

    If you or someone you know may be interested in facilitating this experience for their students, please find more information about the program at this informational webpage:

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