I have funding for a PhD student to join my research group in the Department of Mathematics at City, University of London.
The student will pursue projects aligned with my research themes as part of the international Arizona Cancer Evolution Center (ACE; https://cancer-insights.asu.edu), which unites cancer evolution experts in London, the US, Switzerland and elsewhere. These research themes include dynamics of somatic evolution, forecasting tumour evolution, evolutionarily-informed cancer therapy (including adaptive therapy), and the evolution of cancer risk, as described at https://robjohnnoble.github.io/research.
I’m looking for a student who has (or will soon have) a good honours degree in mathematics, physics, computational biology or another scientific discipline that has equipped them with strong analytical skills, and who is enthusiastic about applying those skills to answering important biological and clinical questions. Demonstrated mathematical modelling capability, relevant biological knowledge, and programming experience (e.g. in C, Python, R or Matlab) are highly desirable.
Funding includes a three-year stipend (to cover living expenses), a computer, and support for travelling to conferences. The full tuition fee will be funded for UK students and for EU students who either have or can attain settled status in the UK. International applicants are encouraged to apply and should mention whether they have means to cover the difference between the international and UK/EU tuition fees.
Interested candidates should email me a cover letter (one page), CV, transcripts, and the names of two references.
The position will remain available until filled, with an initial application deadline of 15th March 2021.
The latest preferred starting date is July 2021.
Prospective students should feel free to email me questions.
Dr. Robert Noble