Two funded PhD positions are available to join the research group led by Rob Noble in the Department of Mathematics at City, University of London.
The group uses mathematical and computational models to investigate the evolution and ecology of cancer, in collaboration with experimental biologists and clinicians. Students will be funded by, and will become members of, the international Arizona Cancer Evolution Center (, which unites cancer evolution experts in London, the US, Switzerland and elsewhere. More details can be found at
Candidates should have (or will soon have) a good honours degree in mathematics, physics, computational biology or another scientific discipline that has equipped them with strong analytical skills, and who are enthusiastic about applying those skills to answering important biological and clinical questions. Demonstrated mathematical modelling capability, relevant biological knowledge, and programming experience (e.g. in C, Python or Matlab) are highly desirable.
Interested candidates should email a cover letter (one page), CV, transcripts, and the names of two references to
The positions will remain available until filled, with an initial application deadline of 5th June 2020.
The preferred starting date is October 2020.