Reply To: CNS*2020 Melbourne

About SMB Forums Conferences CNS*2020 Melbourne Reply To: CNS*2020 Melbourne

Martin Zapotocky

Meeting Update; Abstract deadline approaching
29th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS*2020)
July 18–22, 2020

Due to the continuing restrictions arising from the COVID-19 pandemic, the CNS*2020 Meeting in Melbourne will be replaced by an online meeting of the CNS community. For the format of the meeting and further updates, please follow

Registration for the meeting is open and free of charge.

The deadline for submission of abstracts remains as follows:
April 29 in case a plenary oral presentation is requested,
May 6 in case a poster-type presentation is requested.
Please see

The call for workshops currently remains open:

We are glad to announce that the online meeting will feature keynote presentations by the speakers originally scheduled to appear in Melbourne:
Matt Botvinick
Zhaoping Li
Geoff Goodhill
Daniel Polani

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