SMB Digest Volume 19 Issue 33

NOVEMBER 22, 2019
This issue’s editor:


Information about the Society for Mathematical Biology may be found in
the SMB Home Page,

Access the Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (BMB), the official journal
of SMB, at

Inquiries about membership or BMB fulfillment should be sent to

Follow SMB Digest on Twitter @SMBDigest

Issue’s Topics:
         SMB: SMB Digest Community Forum
         Conference: Dynamical Systems Applied to…, Feb 4-7, U Trento
         Conference: Bioinformatics & Comp. Biol., Mar 23-25, California
         Conference: Algorithms for Comp. Biol., Apr 13-15, Montana, US
         Conference: Models in Pop. Dynamics…, Apr 20-24, U Leicester
         Workshop: Data Engineering meets…., DECOR, Apr 20, UT Dallas
         Conference: Dynamic Games & Applications, Jun 16-19, Portugal
         Conference: Neural Ensembles, 16-20, Santorini, Greece
         Undergraduate Summer Program: Quant. Biol., Jun 22-Aug 14, cQuB
         Conferences: 2020 Cancer Research, Keystone
         Conferences: 2020 Immunology, Keystone
         Conferences: 2020 Neurobiology, Keystone
         Conferences: 2020 Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Keystone
         Keystone: Early Career Investigator Travel Awards
         NIH: Updates for CRCNS Deadline
         NIH Update: Funding Gap, Letters of Intent, Conflict of…
         AIBS: Enabling Interdisciplinary & Team Science
         AIBS: Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award
         Master’s Internship: Biovision Lab, Inria, France
         PhD Position: Constrained Evolution… Pigment Patterning, Bath
         PhD Positions: Systems & Synthetic Biology, U Edinburgh
         PhD Positions: Evolutionary Biology, U Edinburgh
         PhD Positions: Bioinformatics, Cardiff U
         Post-docs: Modeling Stochastic Gene Expression, U Edinburgh
         Tenure-Track: Biomathematics, Florida State U
         Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader: Applied Mathematics, U Glasgow
         Associate/Full Professor: Digital & Com. Studies, Bates College, US
         Faculty Positions: Applied Mathematics, Radboud U, Netherlands
         Visiting Scholars Program: NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative…
         NSF: Funding Opportunity, …Rules of Life, Epigenetics
         NSF: Funding Opportunity, Next Gen. Software for Data-Driven…
         NSF Letter: Research Opportunities for Direct. for MPS in AI…
         SMBnet Reminders


from: Richard Schugart <>
date: Nov 12, 2019, 2:33 PM
subject: SMB: SMB Digest Community Forum

We will no longer be accepting advertisements through
At this point, all advertisements should be posted on the SMB Digest
Community Forum, where they will be automatically assembled for

To post within the SMB Digest Community Forum, you will need to create a
registered username and e-mail address. For help with the account set
up, you can either go to for a
YouTube video for set-up help or to for
written step-by-step instructions. Once your account is established,
make sure to enable automated SMB Digests through the Community Forum
(for example, choose “Digest Frequency” of “Weekly”).

From the start of 2020, the distribution of SMB Digest through listservs
will be discontinued and all SMB Digest communication will be conducted
through the SMB Digest Community Forum. Please do not hesitate to
e-mail questions, comments, or concerns to us through
Additionally, feel free to contact us if you are having difficulties
with setting up an account or with the Community Forum settings.


from: Maira Aguiar Freire Dos Santos <>
date: Nov 4, 2019, 3:34 AM
subject: Conference: Dynamical Systems Applied to…, Feb 4-7, U Trento

Deadline for abstract submission is on December 2nd, 2019

The purpose of this email is to invite you, on behalf of the conference
organizers, to participate at the upcoming DSABNS 2020. The 11th
Conference Dynamical Systems Applied to Biology and Natural Sciences
will be held at the Dipartimento di Economia e Management of University
of Trento, in Italy, from February 4-7, 2020 (For more information,
please visit .

The conference has both theoretical methods and practical applications
and the abstracts included in the program will cover research topics in
population dynamics, eco-epidemiology, epidemiology of infectious
diseases, molecular and antigenic evolution and methodological topics in
the natural sciences and mathematics.

Registration is now open! Participants are kindly requested to

THERE IS NO REGISTRATION FEE. However registration is required. Deadline
for abstract submission is on December 2nd, 2019.

In case of any need, please contact by sending an email to


from: Al-Mubaid, Hisham <>
date: Nov 7, 2019, 2:13 PM
subject: Conference: Bioinformatics & Comp. Biol., Mar 23-25, California

12th Int’l Conf. on Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
March 23-25, 2020 – San Francisco, California, USA
Important Dates
Paper Submission Deadline: Nov. 30, 2019 {extended}
Notification of Acceptance: December 30, 2019

Paper submission:
Conference website:

BICOB-2020 is the 12th year of the conference and will be held between
23-25 March 2020 in San Francisco, CA, USA.  It is one of the front
platforms for disseminating latest research results and techniques in
bioinformatics, computational biology, genomics, and medical
informatics. BICOB-2020 seeks original and high-quality contributions in
the fields of bioinformatics, computational biology, systems biology,
medical informatics and the related areas. The conference includes a
Best Paper Award to be presented during the conference banquet. We also
encourage work in progress and research results in the emerging and
evolutionary computational areas. The topics of interest include (and
are not limited to):

Submission Procedures:
Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission in PDF format. A
full paper, including title, author’s name(s) and affiliation, mailing
address, and email of the principal author, should be submitted online
at the submission website: on or before Nov. 30,
2019. The submitted manuscript should closely reflect the final paper as
it will appear in the proceedings published in the EasyChair EPiC
Series, which will be a maximum of 10 pages (+4 pages with additional
page fees) in EasyChair EPiC Series format (Templates available at, on the bottom of the page).
Accepted papers will be published fully online by EasyChair EPiC Series
(full text pdf will be available online) and will be indexed in Scopus,
EI, and INSPEC. Moreover, all BICOB-2020 papers will also be searchable
and available online at and will appear in
Google Scholar full text.

Journal Publication:
Authors of selected high-quality papers in BICOB-2020 will be invited to
submit an extended version of their papers for possible publication in
the Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (JBCB ).

For more information, please contact:
Program Chairs:
Qin Ding – Email: Tel: +1-252-328-9686
Oliver Eulenstein – Email: Tel: +1-515-294-2407

Conference Chair:
Hisham Al-Mubaid – Email: Tel: +1-281-283-3802

Publicity Chair:
Nurit Haspel – Email: Tel: +1-617-287-6414


from: IRDTA <>
date: Nov 11, 2019, 6:18 AM
subject: Conference: Algorithms for Comp. Biol., Apr 13-15, Montana, US

AlCoB 2020
Missoula, Montana, USA
April 13-15, 2020

Co-organized by:
Department of Computer Science
University of Montana
Institute for Research Development, Training and Advice, Brussels/London

AlCoB aims at promoting and displaying excellent research using string
and graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization to deal with
problems in biological sequence analysis, genome rearrangement,
phylogeny reconstruction, and structure prediction.

The conference will address several of the current challenges in
computational biology, with topics including:
1) assembling sequence reads into a complete genome,
2) identifying gene structures in the genome,
3) recognizing regulatory motifs,
4) aligning nucleotides and comparing genomes,
5) reconstructing regulatory networks of genes, and
6) inferring the evolutionary phylogeny of species.

Special focus will be put on methodology and significant room will be
reserved for scholars at the beginning of their career.

AlCoB 2020 will take place in Missoula, Montana, a college town located
in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, near Glacier National Park and
Yellowstone National Park. The meeting will be hosted in the University
Center, a few hundred feet from the base of Mount Sentinel.

Authors are invited to submit non-anonymized papers in English
presenting original and unpublished research. Papers should not exceed
12 single-spaced pages (all included) and should be prepared according
to the standard format for Springer Verlag’s LNCS series (see

Upload submissions to:

A volume of proceedings published by Springer in the LNCS/LNBI series
will be available by the time of the conference.

A special issue of a major journal will be later published containing
peer-reviewed substantially extended versions of some of the papers
contributed to the conference. Submissions to it will be by invitation.

The registration form can be found at:

DEADLINES (all at 23:59 CET):
Paper submission: December 2, 2019
Notification of paper acceptance or rejection: January 6, 2020
Final version of the paper for the LNCS/LNBI proceedings:
January 13, 2020
Early registration: January 13, 2020
Late registration: March 30, 2020
Submission to the journal special issue: July 15, 2020



from: Petrovskiy, Sergei (Prof.) <>
date: Nov 13, 2019, 12:47 PM
subject: Conference: Models in Pop. Dynamics…, Apr 20-24, U Leicester

Models in Population Dynamics, Ecology, and Evolution – MPDEE’20
(Leicester, UK, April 20-24, 2020).

Organizers: Andrew Morozov, Sergei Petrovskii


The meeting will consider applications of mathematical modelling to
explore processes and mechanisms in various biological systems ranging
from a cell to the human society. A special focus will be on the
interplay between ecology and evolution across time and space. MPDEE’20
is also expected to explore similarities between modelling techniques
traditionally applied in ecology and evolution and those used in other
life sciences with the purpose to enhance interdisciplinary approaches
and to stimulate further advances in population dynamics, ecology and
evolution. The meeting will be an open forum for interaction between
theoreticians and empirical biologists with the main goal of enhancing
communication between the two communities to better link theories with
empirical realities.

More information can be found at the conference website at

For any queries, please contact the conference organizers at (Andrew Morozov) and (Sergei Petrovskii)


from: Maria Leite <>
date: Nov 15, 2019, 11:01 AM
subject: Workshop: Data Engineering meets…., DECOR, Apr 20, UT Dallas


THIRD INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP on Data Engineering meets Intelligent Food
& COoking Recipes 2020 – DECOR2020, Co-Located with the 36th IEEE
International Conference on Data Engineering (ICDE’20)

April 20, 2020, Erik Jonsson School of Engineering and Computer
Sciences, UT Dallas, USA

Authors are invited to submit long papers (6 pages), or short papers
(4 pages) or demonstration (4 pages). Students are also invited to
submit long papers and short papers in the special enlightening student
session. The deadline for submissions is January 7, 2020.

Find the detailed DECOR2020@ICDE Call for Paper here.

The 3rd International Workshop on Data Engineering meets Intelligent
Food & COoking Recipes (DECOR2020) is the premier International Workshop
for researchers in the intersection of Data Engineering, Intelligent
Food and Cooking Recipes. As a multidisciplinary conference, it aims at
providing an exchange platform for students, faculty, and researchers
from all over the world that are interested in the exciting field.


from: Broom, Mark <>
date: Nov 21, 2019, 9:17 AM
subject: Conference: Dynamic Games & Applications, Jun 16-19, Portugal

The 19th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications

The 19th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications, a
four-day conference, will be held in Porto, Portugal, June 16-19, 2020.
The four day technical program will consist of plenary sessions, invited
sessions, and presentations of contributed papers in several topics on
Game Theory and its Applications. The International Symposium on
Dynamic Games and Applications is a biennial event, running since 1984,
which showcases the latest research in dynamic games, broadly defined.

More details can be found at the symposium website


from: John Pezaris <>
date: Nov 21, 2019, 9:12 AM
subject: Conference: Neural Ensembles, 16-20, Santorini, Greece

Research in Encoding and Decoding of Neural Ensembles
Nomikos Conference Centre, Santorini, Greece
16-20 June 2020

The AREADNE conferences bring scientific leaders from around the world
to present their recent findings on the functioning of neuronal
ensembles in an informal yet spectacular setting on Santorini.  The
conference series emphasizes interaction with a size and pace that
encourages in-depth discussion. Interested researchers are strongly
encouraged to submit an abstract for poster presentation as attendance
is strictly limited, and the conference typically sells out. Abstract
submission deadline is 24 Jan 2020. Send us your best work!


from: Alexandria Volkening <>
date: Nov 20, 2019, 3:57 AM
subject: Undergraduate Summer Program: Quant. Biol., Jun 22-Aug 14, cQuB

The NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative Biology (CQuB, at Northwestern
University is hosting an undergraduate research program this summer
(program dates: June 22 – August 14, 2020).

This program gives undergraduate students the opportunity to participate
in hands-on laboratory or computational research at the interface of
math and biology. Activities include professional development workshops
(on topics such as communication and applying to graduate school),
cohort outings, and a day trip to a local museum or national lab.
Students will be matched with a faculty mentor. Participants in the
program receive a taxable stipend of about $4000 (housing and travel is
not covered).

Applicants must be current freshman, sophomores, or juniors, and the
deadline to apply is January 24, 2020. More information about the
program, as well as links to the application form and flyer, are
available online:

For any questions, please contact


from: keystonesymposia <>
date: Nov 6, 2019, 10:42 AM
subject: Conferences: 2020 Cancer Research, Keystone



from: keystonesymposia <>
date: Nov 12, 2019, 11:13 PM
subject: Conferences: 2020 Immunology, Keystone



from: keystonesymposia <>
date: Nov 17, 2019, 11:10 PM
subject: Conferences: 2020 Neurobiology, Keystone



from: keystonesymposia <>
date: Nov 21, 2019, 11:05 PM
subject: Conferences: 2020 Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Keystone



from: keystonesymposia <>
date: Nov 15, 2019, 11:10 PM
subject: Keystone: Early Career Investigator Travel Awards



from: Whang, Kenneth C. <>
date: Nov 4, 2019, 10:03 AM
subject: NIH: Updates for CRCNS Deadline

If you are submitting a proposal to CRCNS for the upcoming November 25,
2019 deadline, please note the following: Due to technical limitations, proposals for CRCNS are not
being accepted on For the November 25, 2019 deadline,
proposals must be submitted via FastLane or

NIH clinical trials definition: For research projects that 1) involve
human subjects and 2) have public health relevance, applicants should
refer to the agency-specific information for NIH and contact the NIH
Chair as needed.


from: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <>
date: Nov 5, 2019, 8:14 PM
subject: NIH Update: Funding Gap, Letters of Intent, Conflict of…

NIH Update: Funding Gap, Letters of Intent, Conflict of Interest in Peer
Review, and more
Please see


from: American Institute of Biological Sciences <>
date: Nov 4, 2019, 10:03 AM
subject: AIBS: Enabling Interdisciplinary & Team Science



from: American Institute of Biological Sciences <>
date: Nov 13, 2019, 10:03 AM
subject: AIBS: Emerging Public Policy Leadership Award



from: Aurelie Calabrese <>
date: Nov 20, 2019, 10:07 AM
subject: Master’s Internship: Biovision Lab, Inria, France

The Biovision Lab is seeking to recruit highly-qualified Master
candidates to join our dynamic, multi-disciplinary research team, which
primary goal is to study vision impairment from theoretical and applied

You will be based in Sophia-Antipolis on the French Riviera, in the
Inria Research center. Each Master internship could be followed by a
Ph.D. (3-year duration in France). Please visit this address for the full list of
available openings.

The goal of the Biovision Lab is to investigate new solutions to help
visually-impaired people, through fundamental research as well as
innovative technological developments. Our research relies on the
integration of multiple techniques for studying human vision with a
focus on vision impairment. Approaches include biophysical modeling,
dynamical systems analysis, statistical physics, numerical simulation,
visual psychophysics, image processing, ergonomics, virtual, and
augmented reality. We have two main axes of research. The first focuses
on the development of high-tech vision aids and rehabilitation methods
for low-vision patients. The second focuses on the precise modeling of
the early visual system (retina, thalamus, cortex V1) for normal and
dystrophic conditions, targeting applications for blind individuals.
These axes are developed in strong synergy, involving a vast network of
national and international collaborators with neuroscientists,
physicians, and modellers.

Biovision Lab is part of Inria, the French Research Institute for
Digital Sciences. Inria employs 2,500 people. Its 200 agile
project-teams, generally with academic partners, involve more than 3,000
scientists in meeting the challenges of computer science and
mathematics, often at the interface of other disciplines. Internships at
Inria are an opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of research,
in direct contact with researchers. Over and above the Institute’s
scientific work, interns discover the inner workings of a research
institute, learn how it fits into the international research community
and how its research has an impact on significant developments in

To learn more about our positions and how to apply, please visit:


from: Kit Yates <>
date: Nov 4, 2019, 11:22 AM
subject: PhD Position: Constrained Evolution… Pigment Patterning, Bath

The groups of Dr Kit Yates and Professor Robert Kelsh at the University
of Bath, UK, are advertising a PhD studentship in mathematical biology:
Constrained evolution – possibilities and impediments in pigment

The four year fully-funded project, at one of the UK’s leading Centre’s
for Mathematical Biology, will investigate the evolution of zebrafish
pigmentation patterning.

For more details see:

or email KIt: or Robert:

Application deadline is the 2nd of December 2019.


from: OYARZUN Diego <>
date: Nov 11, 2019, 7:34 AM
subject: PhD Positions: Systems & Synthetic Biology, U Edinburgh

We are advertising several PhD positions at the Biomolecular Control
Group in Edinburgh. Topics include control theory for biological
systems, optimization, machine learning and metabolomics. This is a
wide-ranging call with at least 3 separate routes for funding.

More information and deadlines in the group website:

Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Diego Oyarzún attaching
a CV and explaining their interest in our group.

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.


from: ALEXANDER Helen <>
date: Nov 12, 2019, 8:25 AM
subject: PhD Positions: Evolutionary Biology, U Edinburgh

I am currently recruiting up to two PhD students to join my new group at
the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh, starting
October 2020. Our interdisciplinary research involves mathematical
(especially stochastic) modelling and experimental tests using bacteria
to address fundamental and applied questions in evolutionary biology,
particularly with applications to infectious diseases. Students from
diverse backgrounds (e.g. mathematics, physics, biology) are welcome to
apply. Application deadlines start from 5 January 2020 and interested
candidates (particularly those from outside the UK) are encouraged to
contact me as soon as possible.

Project 1: Evolutionary rescue or the emergence of antibiotic resistance
in time-varying environments.
* As part of the NERC E4 DTP (for students eligible for UKRI funding,
i.e. UK or UK-resident EU students):
* For UoE and external scholarships (for international students):

Project 2: Evolutionary consequences of mutation rate variation in
* As part of the EASTBIO DTP (for students eligible for UKRI funding):
* For UoE and external scholarships (for international students):

Motivated students who are interested in working on other topics in
microbial/pathogen evolution, infectious disease dynamics, adaptation to
environmental change, stochastic population dynamics or mutagenesis are
also welcome to contact me to discuss possibilities.

For further details on eligibility and funding at the University of
Edinburgh, please follow the links from the project advertisements.

For more information about the department, please see

For more information about my research, please see and

To express interest in applying or for further information, candidates
are encouraged to contact me at
The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in
Scotland, with registration number SC005336.


from: You Zhou <>
date: Nov 13, 2019, 11:51 AM
subject: PhD Positions: Bioinformatics, Cardiff U

Fully funded PhD Position Available

A fully-funded PhD position (commencing in October 2020) is available in
my lab at the School of Medicine, Cardiff University, UK. The student
will leverage our recent insights from machine learning to develop a
automated computational pipeline for drug screening. S/he will develop
SKILLS in metabolic inflammation across Cardiff University and
University of Bristol.

Entry requirements:
A UK 2.1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in computer
science, mathematics, physics, engineering or a related discipline.
Applicants from a biomedical or social sciences background with relevant
technical experience are also welcome.

The studentship consists of full UK/EU tuition fees, as well as a Doctoral
Stipend matching UK Research Council National Minimum. The entire course
will be 3.5 years full time and can be longer where additional training
is undertaken. Additional research and training funding is available
over the course of the PhD training programme. This will covers costs
such as courses, conferences and travel, and research consumables. For
more details or to apply, please visit: . And the
deadline is 5pm, 25 November 2019 (UK time). Informal enquiries can be
directed to Dr YoYo Zhou:


from: GRIMA Ramon <>
date: Nov 6, 2019, 8:21 AM
subject: Post-docs: Modeling Stochastic Gene Expression, U Edinburgh

2 postdoctoral positions in modeling of stochastic gene expression at
the University of Edinburgh

An exciting interdisciplinary research opportunity has arisen as a
collaboration between the groups of Prof. Ramon Grima (University of
Edinburgh, UK and
Prof. Zhixing Cao (East China University of Science and Technology,
Shanghai, China  Applications are
invited for two postdoctoral research associate positions, each
available for 24 months and starting not later than May 2020. The
successful applicants will develop realistic models of stochastic gene
expression in mammalian cells that incorporate a multitude of complex
phenomena such as gene replication, binomial partitioning due to cell
division, dosage compensation, growth-dependent dynamics, maturation of
nascent mRNA to mature mRNA, complex mRNA degradation pathways,
macromolecular crowding and transcriptional feedback loops. The aim is
to use a variety of coarse-graining techniques to derive reduced spatial
and non-spatial stochastic models which be solved analytically and which
hence yield quantitative insight into how complex biochemical processes
affect the fluctuations of protein and mRNA numbers inside a cell. These
models will also be used to develop machine learning algorithms to
interpret single cell data. These positions are ideal for those with a
PhD in mathematics/physics/computer sciences, particularly those who
have previous experience solving approximately the chemical master
equation and stochastic simulations. A keen interest in understanding
the underlying biology is essential, though detailed knowledge of cell
biology is not necessary. The positions are flexible with respect to
location: the successful applicants can choose to be based completely at
the University of Edinburgh or at East China University of Science and
Technology or else to spend a part of their time in each university.
Review of applications will begin in December 2019 and continue until
the position is filled. Enquiries should be directed to Prof. Ramon
Grima ( or Prof. Zhixing Cao (


from: Richard Bertram <>
date: Nov 4, 2019, 8:18 AM
subject: Tenure-Track: Biomathematics, Florida State U

Applications are invited for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position
in biomathematics at Florida State University, beginning August, 2020.
Candidates should have a Ph.D. in mathematics or a related discipline
and postdoctoral experience in some area of biomathematics. The ideal
candidate will have experience working with experimental data, and will
pursue collaborations with experimental scientists. The position is
joint with the Institute of Molecular Biophysics (IMB), whose core
mission is to facilitate interdisciplinary research related to the
biological sciences on campus. The IMB hosts an interdisciplinary
graduate program in Molecular Biophysics, and there is a separate
interdisciplinary graduate program in Neuroscience on campus. The new
hire could participate in either or both programs, in addition to the
graduate program in biomathematics. The Mathematics Department is also
an active participant in a new initiative on Data Science at the
university, and with this hire seeks to strengthen the ties between
mathematical data science and biomathematics.

Florida State University is one of two flagship research universities in
the State University System of Florida, and is ranked number 18 among
all public universities in the country by U.S. News and World Report.
The university enrolls over 40,000 students in the main campus of
Tallahassee. Tallahassee is located in north Florida and has a
population of roughly 190,000. It is adjacent to the Apalachicola
National Forest and about twenty-five miles from the Gulf of Mexico,
with easy access to pristine beaches and other natural habitats.
Tallahassee has a warm climate, with an annual average high temperature
of 80 degrees Fahrenheit and an annual average low temperature of 56
degrees Fahrenheit.

The Mathematics Department offers BS, MS, and PhD degrees in
biomathematics, as well as degrees in several other areas of
mathematics. The biomathematics curriculum includes courses within
mathematics as well as courses offered in other departments. There are
currently 19 undergraduate majors and 19 MS or PhD students enrolled in
the biomathematics program. See and for more information.

Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, research
and teaching statements, and four letters of recommendation (at least
one of the letters should address the candidate’s teaching capability).
They should be submitted electronically through and, in
addition, through the FSU Employment and Recruiting Services website (Job opening ID 46351).


from: Christina Cobbold <>
date: Nov 5, 2019, 11:40 AM
subject: Lecturer/Senior Lecturer/Reader: Applied Mathematics, U Glasgow

TWO POSITIONS:  Lecturer / Senior Lecturer / Reader in Applied
(Equivalent to Assistant/Associate Prof)
School of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Glasgow, UK
Ref: 030680

Salary: £35,845 – £40,322 / £40,045 – £51,034 / £52,560 – £59,135 per

Applications for the post are welcome in any research areas in Applied
Mathematics that complement the existing strengths within the School. In
particular, the School has a world-class Mathematical Biology Research
Group covering Ecology, Epidemiology and physiology. It has strong
research links with leading Life Sciences Institutes within the College
of Medicine, Veterinary and Life Sciences at the University of Glasgow,
including the Boyd Orr Centre for Population and Ecosystem Health (boyd
orr centre for population and ecosystem health) and the new British
Heart Foundation Centre of Excellence in Vascular Science and Medicine.
Members of the Mathematical Biology Research Group also lead a
consortium an EPSRC-funded Mathematics in Healthcare Centre (SofTMech)
for Multiscale Soft Tissue Mechanics (

Informal enquiries regarding the position can be made to Professor Ian
Strachan (, Head of School) or Professor Tara
Brendle (, Head of Mathematics).

Information about the School and all its research groups is available
from the School website at

Apply online at

Closing date: 2nd December 2019


from: Meredith Greer <>
date: Nov 8, 2019, 3:49 PM
subject: Associate/Full Professor: Digital & Com. Studies, Bates College, US

Full job ad:

Bates College (Lewiston, Maine, USA) invites applications for an
emerging or established leader in computing for its newly established
Digital and Computational Studies [DCS] Program. Candidates with
demonstrated success in teaching marginalized and underrepresented
students are especially encouraged to apply. DCS seeks to build bridges
between computation and digital studies, and the arts, humanities,
social sciences, natural sciences, and other existing interdisciplinary
programs on campus. The DCS curriculum asks students to interrogate the
practices, values, cultures and assumptions of the digital world, while
engaging with computing for social good.

The successful candidate will join an interdisciplinary program
committee representing the breadth of liberal arts education and
dedicated to advancing racial and gender equity. They will also join,
complement, and add breadth to two DCS-appointed faculty, a digital
humanist and a computational biologist/STEM education researcher.

Candidates hired at the Associate or Full Professor level will be
eligible to hold an endowed chair for a minimum 5 year-term, which would
begin August 1, 2020. A Ph.D in computer science is expected, but
exceptional candidates from affiliated fields (e.g., information
science, computational statistics) may be considered. A track record of
interdisciplinary work and experience teaching programming to students
with a range of expertise are required. We also seek evidence of work to
diversify students of computer science as it relates to digital
humanities, STEM, or other areas. The successful candidate will have a
strong record of collaboration and will be an effective leader and
communicator as well as an accomplished teacher-scholar.

For more information about Digital and Computational Studies at Bates,
see our webpage (


from: Lord, G.J. (Gabriel) <>
date: Nov 18, 2019, 7:41 AM
subject: Faculty Positions: Applied Mathematics, Radboud U, Netherlands

Radboud University

We seek to make two appointments to broaden and strengthen our expertise
in the broad area of Applied Mathematics (including modelling, data
analysis, applied analysis and computation).

We welcome applications at all levels and expect to make one
tenure-track appointment and one appointment at any level. We
particularly encourage female applicants and applicants from diverse
backgrounds to apply.

For more details and to apply please see:

The deadline for applications is 12 January 2020.


from: Alexandria Volkening <>
date: Nov 20, 2019, 4:25 AM
subject: Visiting Scholars Program: NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative..

The NSF-Simons Center for Quantitative Biology (CQuB, at Northwestern
University invites PhD students, postdocs, and faculty to participate in
its Visiting Scholars Program.

Visiting scholars spend an extended period of time (from 2 weeks to 6
months) at Northwestern University. The goal of this program is to
enhance interaction and collaboration among participants and stimulate
interdisciplinary science. Participants can use their time for a variety
of purposes – e.g., to initiate or grow collaborations, problem solve
research issues, or immerse themselves in areas that are unfamiliar to
them to develop or learn new methods. CQuB has the capacity for up to
six visitors at a time, and visiting scholars occupy a shared office
embedded near CQuB labs or groups. Visiting scholars are encouraged to
participate in CQuB activities, including seminars, journal clubs, and
research meetings.

Financial support for housing is provided on an as-need basis, and
applications are invited at any time (rolling submission). Academic
researchers in developmental biology or applied math/physics are
eligible to participate. Applicants from all educational institutions
are eligible, but priority is given to applicants from teaching
intensive colleges, minority serving institutions, and non-PhD granting

More information about the program and a link to the application are
available online:

For any questions, please contact


from: Henry Warchall <>
date: Nov 5, 2019, 12:44 PM
reply-to: dmsnews <>
subject: NSF: Funding Opportunity, …Rules of Life, Epigenetics

An updated NSF program solicitation (NSF 20-512) is now available:
Understanding the Rules of Life: Epigenetics

Please see
for details.

Letter of Intent (required) Deadline Date: December 20, 2019
Full Proposal Deadline Date:  February 6, 2020

From the Program Synopsis:
The recognition that heritable phenotypic properties can occur without
modification of an organism’s genome sequence is changing the
understanding of the way heritable traits come about and manifest
themselves as observable phenotypes within a particular static or
changing environmental context. The impact of epigenetic inheritance
occurs at the molecular, cellular, and organismal scales, and may have
profound consequences for the higher-order organization of living
systems, including populations, communities, and ecosystems.

Successful projects of the URoL:Epigenetics Program are expected to use
complementary, interdisciplinary approaches to investigate how
epigenetic phenomena lead to emergent properties that explain the
fundamental behavior of living systems. Ultimately, successful projects
should identify general principles (“rules”) that underlie biological
phenomena within or across scales of size, complexity (e.g., molecular,
cellular, organismal, population) and time (from sub-second to geologic)
in taxa from anywhere within the tree of life, including humans.

URoL:Epigenetics projects must integrate perspectives and research
approaches from more than one research discipline (e.g., biology,
chemistry, computer science, engineering, geology, mathematics, physics,
social and behavioral sciences). The interdisciplinary scope of
URoL:Epigenetics projects also provides unique training and outreach
possibilities to train the next generation of scientists in a diversity of
approaches and to engage society more generally.

The URoL:Epigenetics Program offers two submission tracks:
Track 1 – for projects with a total budget of up to $500,000 and an
award duration of up to 3 years, and
Track 2 – for projects with a total budget of up to $3,000,000 and an
award duration of up to 5 years.


from: Henry Warchall <>
date: Nov 21, 2019, 6:28 PM
reply-to: dmsnews <>
subject: NSF: Funding Opportunity, Next Gen. Software for Data-Driven…

A new NSF program solicitation (NSF 20-519) is now available: Next
Generation Software for Data-driven Models of Space Weather with
Quantified Uncertainties (SWQU)

Please see
for details.

Full Proposal Deadline Date: March 20, 2020

From the Program Solicitation:
The goal of this pilot program is to transform development of predictive
modeling of the coupled evolution of the magnetized solar atmosphere and
the solar wind, and their interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere and
upper atmosphere. The pilot program is also expected to directly
contribute to the long-term goal of creating space weather models with
quantifiable predictive capability.

It is expected that the proposing teams will seek to develop
methodology, computationally scalable algorithms, and open-source
software elements for one or more of the following:

1. On-the-fly reduction and assimilation of observational data from
diverse and distributed sources — including sparse in situ and remote
sensing ground and space-based data — into physics-based numerical
models (e.g., numerical solutions of highly non-linear systems of
spatially and temporally discretized partial differential equations

2. Evaluation and propagation of uncertainties associated with the data
assimilation and numerical solutions of the PDEs in the presence of
large numbers of model parameters, as well as the model uncertainty of a
reduced physical description.

3. Integrated modeling of the multi-physics and spatially and temporally
multi-scale space plasma phenomena with uncertainty quantification and
efficient implementation on heterogeneous computer architectures.

The pilot program is intended to motivate early-career scientists to
integrate knowledge, techniques, and expertise from multiple fields
towards the goal of a predictive space weather model via support for
training, workshops, and collaboration meetings to be included in the
proposed research effort. It is therefore strongly encouraged that the
proposed research effort include early-career scientists and software
engineers in substantive roles central to the completion of the proposed
project. For this solicitation, early career scientists and engineers
are defined as graduate students, post-doctoral scientists, and those
otherwise within 5 years of receiving their terminal-level degree.


from: Henry Warchall <>
date: Nov 13, 2019, 1:58 PM
reply-to: dmsnews <>
subject: NSF Letter: Research Opportunities for Direct. for MPS in AI…

NSF 20-017
Dear Colleague Letter: Research Opportunities for the Directorate for
Mathematical and Physical Sciences (MPS) in Artificial Intelligence
Research Institutes

Dear Colleagues:
Recent ground-breaking advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have
been enabled by increased computing power, algorithmic improvements in
machine-learning, and the availability of large data sets. Synergies
between research frontiers in AI and Mathematical and Physical Sciences
(MPS) have the potential to stimulate further transformative progress in
both fields. The National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes
program (described in NSF 20-503) supports teams of scientists,
engineers, and educators in multidisciplinary efforts that advance AI
and contribute to research challenges in other domains of science and
engineering. National AI Research Institutes are characterized by their
commitment to pursuing foundational AI research, advancing domain
science by leveraging use-inspired AI research, actively building the
next generation of talent, and creating a nexus for collaborative

This Dear Colleague Letter (DCL) describes opportunities for MPS
researchers to participate in the National AI Research Institutes
program. There are two tracks described in the Program Solicitation: a
Planning Grant track and an Institute Track that has six specific
thematic areas. Two of the Institutes Tracks may be of particular
interest to researchers working in the fields of Chemistry (CHE)/
Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental and Transport Systems (CBET) and
AI for Accelerating Molecular Synthesis and Manufacturing and
AI for Discovery in Physics

Planning Grant Track: January 30, 2020
Institute Track: January 28, 2020


Constant demands for new molecule discovery, alternative, and adaptable
chemical synthesis routes, and the development of energy-efficient
chemical manufacturing processes are often hampered by labor-intensive
and intuition-driven synthetic optimization. The innovative development
of AI tools to learn, analyze, and predict multi-dimensional reactivity
trends and alternative synthetic pathways has the potential to instigate
revolutionary advances in synthetic chemistry addressing these
historical roadblocks. The AI for Accelerating Molecular Synthesis and
Manufacturing Research Institute Track seeks to support teams who plan
to combine pioneering AI designs for multi-source data collection,
machine-readable data representation, and learning algorithms that
incorporate reaction rules and molecular properties with creative
approaches for predictive synthesis and characterization to achieve
ground-breaking advances that address the need for enhanced discovery
and improved manufacturing in chemistry.

It is anticipated that moderate automated synthetic instrumentation
purchases may be requested to facilitate high throughput synthesis as
well as in situ and ex situ characterization in the development of safer,
more reproducible, and more sustainable molecular synthesis and chemical
engineering processes.

This track is currently restricted to molecular chemistry targets
(including macromolecular, supramolecular and nanochemistry). Proposers
are also reminded that NSF does not support disease-related research;
proposals focused on drug discovery and testing toward specific disease
targets will be returned without review. Investigators are strongly
urged to contact the cognizant Program Officers (see below) if they have
questions on target scope.

Investigators are strongly encouraged to contact the cognizant Program
Officers (see below) if they have questions on the AI for Discovery in
Physics track described in the solicitation.

This program provides a funding opportunity for two-year planning grants
for groups of researchers to develop communities, capacity, and critical
preliminary data for institute operations. Submissions to the Planning
track are encouraged in any areas of foundational and use-inspired
research appropriate to the program solicitation, NSF, and partner
organizations; this includes all areas of MPS. The following describes
some of the opportunities for MPS researchers to partner with
researchers in AI and related disciplines to jointly advance both the
MPS domain and AI foundations. Teams interested in submitting an AI
Research Institute Planning Grant are encouraged to consult the
solicitation and discuss their concept with a cognizant Program Director
listed below.

MPS encourages planning track proposals that demonstrate how a future AI
Research Institute will advance both AI and research domains supported
by MPS divisions, including multi-disciplinary proposals with a strong
focus on MPS-supported research. Teams are encouraged to consider how
their efforts can be amplified through connections to existing
cyberinfrastructure, centers, facilities, and institutes.

The exponentially increasing amount of astronomical data requires new
approaches that are automated and much more efficient. AI covers a wide
range of algorithms, and it is important to navigate this landscape and
consider which techniques are most appropriate for which problems. The
next generation of astronomers needs to be prepared and ready to embark
on research with new AI methods.

New AI tools that can learn from multi-dimensional data and extrapolate
with non-linear predictions have the potential to broadly impact
classical chemistry disciplines as well as within interdisciplinary and
convergent communities that require a high degree of predictive chemical
complexity (e.g. synthetic biology, clean energy, quantum sciences,
environmental science, etc.). Beyond accelerating laborious and
time-consuming analysis, innovative foundational advances in AI that are
inspired by chemical challenges have the potential to provide new
perspectives to assist in the discovery of novel trends in structure/
property relationships, unprecedented reactivities, and transformative
applications. The Division of Chemistry encourages planning proposals to
support teams of researchers who will lay the foundation for future
institute-level programs aimed towards combining pioneering AI designs
for data representation, processing, and prediction with creative
approaches for database collection and method testing to achieve
ground-breaking advances that overcome chemical and
chemistry-related challenges.

Rapid development of machine learning technologies and algorithms
requires matching advances in building their theoretical underpinnings.
Critical questions, such as the interpretability, reliability, and
validation of algorithms, need to be addressed before these technologies
could have broader and deeper impact on the economy and quality-of-life improvements worldwide.

New mathematical and statistical theories are essential in efficiently
dealing with problems of approximation, convergence, optimization in
high dimensions that are ubiquitous in machine learning. In light of
this, DMS is interested in planning activities that bring together the
electrical engineering, mathematics, statistics, and theoretical
computer science communities to develop the theoretical foundations of
machine learning through integrated research and training activities.

AI offers opportunities to accelerate the discovery of new materials and
advance challenging scientific problems across the frontiers of
materials research. The Division of Materials Research (DMR) welcomes
planning activity proposals for an institute that will translate AI
research into advances in challenging problems in the domains of DMR’s
Topical Materials Research Program and Design Materials to Revolutionize
and Engineer our Future program, centers, and facilities. In so doing, new
directions in AI research will be stimulated. It is important to
consider how to meaningfully apply the techniques of machine learning
and artificial intelligence in human-interpretable form to materials
research and discovery.

The design and discovery of new materials in concert with the goals of
the Materials Genome Initiative may be accelerated through the
application of artificial intelligence approaches at all stages of the
integration of computation, experiment, and theory. Examples might
include, but are not limited to, intelligent automation and control of
experiments, and the precision synthesis of materials across the scales.
AI research may also enhance critical infrastructure for data-intensive
materials research, for example, developing intelligent automation to
collect, curate, and provenance track materials data and materials

Bold and innovative ideas to advance the frontiers of materials
discovery and research through the incorporation of AI approaches are
particularly welcome in planning for an AI Research Institute focused on
advancing the domain-sciences of materials research.

Successful Planning Grant proposals for a future AI Research Institute
in Physics will provide a roadmap for incorporating novel techniques to
accelerate discovery and extend the frontier in AI by addressing
research challenges in the domains supported by the Division of Physics.
Realizing the full potential of AI for Discovery in Physics will improve
the operations and exploitation of Division of Physics facilities,
promote the integration and interpretation of heterogenous datasets,
accelerate model-building and quantification of uncertainties, and
enable novel ways to interrogate high-dimensional features of complex
data sets. Planning activities might include workshops, development of
partnerships, exploratory collaborative research, and/or engagement of
stakeholders that would enhance the integration of AI and Physics
communities towards the Institute vision.

Nigel A. Sharp, Program Director, MPS/AST, (703) 292-4905,
Laura L. Anderson, Program Director, MPS/CHE, (703) 292-8156,
Jin K. Cha, Program Director, MPS/“HE, (703) 292-2461,
Katharine Covert, Program Director, MPS/CHE, (703) 292-4950,
Daryl W. Hess, Program Director, MPS/DMR, (703) 292-4942,
John A. Schlueter, Program Director, MPS/DMR, (703) 292-7766,
Tomek Bartoszynski, Program Director, MPS/DMS, (703) 292-4885,
Saul Gonzalez, Program Director, MPS/PHY, (703) 292-2093,
Vyacheslav (Slava) Lukin, Program Director, MPS/PHY, (703 202-7382,
Bogdan Mihaila, Program Director, MPS/PHY, (703) 292-8235,

National Artificial Intelligence Research Institutes
Program Solicitation:

Anne L. Kinney
Assistant Director, Directorate of Mathematical and Physical Sciences


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