August 13, 2019
- Karina Vilches (kvilchesponce@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
NIH Update
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 81, Issue 8
PhD studentship at the University of Edinburgh
Postdoc Position at UC Santa Barbara
Postdoc position at University of Utah
Postdoc position at Indiana University
Postdoc position at UNSW Medicine
Postdoc at the University of Birmingham
Postdoc positions at The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Director Position, SNMS, ASU
CRCNS multilateral projects
SMBnet Reminders
From: NIH Extramural Nexus (NIH/OD) <ExtramuralNexus@mail.nih.gov>
Date: Thu, Aug 8, 2019 at 8:13 PM
Subject: NIH Update
See list.nih.gov/cgi-bin/wa.exe?A2=ind1908&L=EXTRAMURALNEXUS&P=66.
From: Springer <springer@alerts.springer.com>
Date: Wed, Aug 7 2019 at 2:18
Subject: Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, Vol. 81, Issue 8
From: SCHUMACHER Linus <Linus.Schumacher@ed.ac.uk>
Date: Mon., Aug. 12 2019 at 9:29
Subject: PhD studentship at the University of Edinburgh
Fully funded PhD studentship, open now
Mathematical modelling of multicellular interactions in
stem cell regulation and tissue regeneration
The successful applicant will be based in the group of
Dr Linus Schumacher
at the MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine and will also
be working closely with Dr Ramon Grima
For further details, see www.findaphd.com/phds/project/mathematical-modelling-of-multicellular-interactions-in-stem-cell-regulation-and-tissue-regeneration/?p101556
From: Roger Nisbet <rogernisbet@ucsb.edu>
Date: Mar., Jul 30 2019 at 12:55
Subject: Postdoc Position at UC Santa Barbara
JPF01548 Post-Doctoral Position in Ecological
Modeling – Marine Science Institute
Applications are invited for a postdoctoral scholar
to engage in research using Dynamic Energy
Budget (DEB) models as part of a large collaborative
project on predicting ecological and evolutionary c
onsequences of environmental-energetic-epigenetic
linkages (www.nsf.gov/awardsearch/showAward?AWD_ID=1921356&HistoricalAwards=false).
Additional Qualifications: PhD by time of appointment.
Preferred Qualifications: -Research experience in
one or more of the following areas: theoretical ecology
and/or evolution, mathematical biology, environmental
modeling, systems biology, or closely related disciplines.
-Prior experience with bioenergetic models (including
DEB models).
The duration of the initial appointment is 12 months;
reappointment for an additional year(s) is possible.
Start date is negotiable but ideally be before
January 2, 2020. Salary is competitive, commensurate
with the applicant’s qualifications. Postdoctoral
benefits are included
Applicants should submit a CV, a short (1-2 page)
statement of research experience and interests, and
the names, affiliations and e-mail addresses of three
references to:
For primary consideration apply by
August 23, 2019
Position will remain open until filled.
From: Fred Adler <adler@math.utah.edu>
Date: Mar., Jul 30 2019 at 14:57
Subject: Postdoc position at University of Utah
The University of Utah is part of an multidisciplinary
team led by Andrea Bild’s lab at the City of Hope
that unites mathematical, computational and lab
biologists with data scientists and physicians to
address the joint genetic and phenotypic evolution
of cancers. This project is part of the Cancer
Systems Biology Consortium
We are seeking a postdoctoral researcher
to join our highly collaborative team to develop
mathematical and statistical approaches to
model and analyze sequential clinical, single
cell genetic sequence and transcriptome data
from patients with late stage breast and ovarian
Candidate qualifications include:
PhD in a quantitative science (mathematics,
computational biology, or statistics) or life science
with strong focus on mathematical modeling,
computation or data analysis.
Application Process:
Please send the following to
1. Cover letter, highlighting experience with
quantitative methods for understanding
biological data
2. CV
3. Names and contact information for three
From: Macklin, Paul <macklinp@iu.edu>
Date: Wed, Jul 31 2019 at 10:38
Subject: Postdoc position at Indiana University
Dr. Paul Macklin, the leader of a dynamic
laboratory for open source computational
biology and oncology, seeks an interdisciplinary
postdoctoral fellow for a project in
computational data-driven modeling of breast
cancer metastasis, jointly with experimental
collaborators at Johns Hopkins University. Work
in the MathCancer lab includes agent-based
modeling of multicellular systems, multi-substrate
diffusion solutions, cancer modeling, high-throughput
computing, machine learning, and digital pathology,
with a heavy emphasis in building open source
technologies that benefit the entire scientific
community. Learn more at MathCancer.org
Apply Online: indiana.peopleadmin.com/postings/8144
Special Instructions: Please upload a letter of
interest, CV, representative publications, and contact
information for three references at the application link
above. Questions may be sent to Paul Macklin
(macklinp@iu.edu). For Fullest Consideration Apply By:
August 31, 2019 Ideal Start Date: October 1, 2019 or
sooner (negotiable)
From: Fabio Luciani <luciani@unsw.edu.au>
Date: Thu, Aug 1 2019 at 21:42
Subject: Postdoc position at UNSW Medicine
Post-doc position on immunogenomics
and single cell analyses
UNSW Medicine is a national leader in learning,
teaching and research, with close affiliations to a
number of Australia’s finest hospitals, research
institutes and health care organisations. The UNSW
Future Institute on Cellular Genomics has been
established to represent a leading institute in single
cell genomics in Australia and internationally. The institute
is seeking a Postdoctoral Fellow who will be responsible
for Analysis and modelling of single cell multi-omics in
immunology related to the research in autoimmune disease
and CAR T cells. The successful candidate will operate
within the UNSW Future Cellular Genomics, and specifically
at the Kirby Institute and the School of Medical Science,
with active collaborations with close collaborators at the
Garvan Institute.
The role involves both experimental and computational
research activities, identifying opportunities for collaboration
and funding and assisting the broader team with other
research related duties. This position will focus on the
development and application of single cell technologies
including machine learning approaches) for analysing and
interpreting multi-omics data of immune cells.
From: J.R.Terry@bham.ac.uk <J.R.Terry@bham.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, Aug 2 2019 at 17:09
Subject: Postdoc at the University of Birmingham
We are looking for outstanding postdoctoral researchers
with backgrounds in mathematics, physics or data science
to join the newly established Centre for Systems Modelling and
Quantitative Biomedicine as Centre Fellows.
These unique roles offer the opportunity to develop
your own research interests, as well as to co-develop exciting
new projects at the interface with biomedical and clinical
research. Successful applicants will receive strong support
for developing their own independent programme of research,
ultimately leading to personal fellowship funding and so an
established career at the University of Birmingham.
At present we are seeking candidates with a background
in one of more of dynamical systems, complex networks,
continuum mechanics, machine learning and artificial intelligence,
data analytics and visualisation, advanced imaging, diagnostics
and decision support.
Full details of the role and how to apply can be found here:
From: BCAM recruitment <recruitment@bcamath.org>
Date: Mar., 13 years ago. 2019 at 6:19
Subject: Postdoc positions at The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
Please be kindly informed that The Basque Center for Applied
Mathematics – BCAM has recently launched several job offers for
graduates and postdoctoral fellows in Mathematics (information attached).
We would very much appreciate it if you could share this information
with the members of the Society for Mathematical Biology, in case any
of them is interested in applying. The following two positions might be
particularly interesting for you:
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Metabolic Modelling: Predictive metabolic
modelling of microbiomes and human metabolism through Monte Carlo
sampling www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/postdoctoral-fellowship-in-metabolic-modelling
Postdoctoral Fellowship in Machine Learning Driven Atomistic Simulations for
Energy & Health www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/postdoctoral-fellowship-in-machine-learning-driven-atomistic-simulations-for-energy
From: Juan C. Meza <hwarchal@nsf.gov>
Date: Mar., Jul 30 2019 at 14:57
Subject: NSF Graduate Research Fellowship
Dear Colleagues,
We hope you will take the opportunity to
announce the NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship Program (GRFP). Interested students
should begin at the applicant information page
www.nsfgrfp.org . The GRFP supports
outstanding graduate students in NSF-supported
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics
disciplines who are pursuing research-based
master’s and doctoral degrees at accredited
United States institutions. The program provides
up to three years of graduate education support,
including an annual $34,000 stipend. Applications
for Mathematical Sciences topics are due
October 25, 2019.
US citizens and permanent residents who
are planning to enter graduate school in fall
2020 are eligible (as are those in the first two
years of such a graduate program, or who are
returning to graduate school after being out for
two or more years). The program solicitation
(www.nsf.gov/funding/pgm_summ.jsp?pims_id=6201 )
contains full details.
From: Joel Nishimura <joel.nishimura@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Aug 2, 2019 at 4:37 PM
Subject: Director Position, SNMS, ASU
Director of the School of Mathematical and Natural Sciences
on the West campus of Arizona State University:
Deadline: August 16, 2019
From: Whang, Kenneth C. <kwhang@nsf.gov>
Date: Sun., Aug 4 2019 at 21:22
Subject: CRCNS multilateral projects
In addition to domestic (US) and bilateral international
(France-US, Germany-US, Israel-US, Japan-US, Spain-US)
proposals, the CRCNS program encourages proposals
for projects involving more than two countries. For proposals
due November 25, 2019, the following multilateral country
combinations are possible: France-Germany-US,
France-Germany-Israel-US, France-Israel-US,
France-Israel-Japan-US, France-Japan-US, Germany-Israel-US,
Israel-Japan-US. Multilateral projects may also involve
unfunded collaborators from additional countries. For more
nformation about topical appropriateness, project scope,
or budget needs, proposers are encouraged to contact the
CRCNS Program Coordinator – NSF. You can find further
program details and updated contact information at
www.nsf.gov/crcns. For recent changes
in NSF and CRCNS proposal requirements, please see
Significant Changes and Clarifications to the PAPPG and
the Important Information and Revision Notes for the CRCNS
solicitation. Both the project summary and the project description
must address the NSF Broader Impacts review criterion, in
separately labeled sections for each. Results from prior support
must address sharing of data, software, and/or other resources.
Consult the PAPPG and the CRCNS Proposal Preparation
Instructions for details.
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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