April 24, 2019
- Alex Fletcher (digest.alex@gmail.com)
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Issue’s Topics:
CfP: Special Issue on Math Models of Inflammation for MBE
MBI Summit on the Rules of Life, Jun 24-28
PhD Position: Modeling the evolution of endosymbiosis, Umeå
Postdoc: Quantitative and computational biology, USC
Lecturer in Computational Systems Immunity, Cardiff
Deputy Director opening (RIKEN), Japan
(Deadline extension May 1) I2CELL Seed Award
NIMBioS Bimonthly Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2019
SMBnet Reminders
From: Evans Afenya <evansa@elmhurst.edu>
Date: Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 3:28 PM
Re-sent: Amina Eladdadi <eladdadi@gmail.com>
Subject: CfP: Special Issue on Math Models of Inflammation for MBE
Paper invitation for the Special Issue on the topic of “Mathematical
Models of Inflammation” for Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering
We would like to invite you to contribute a paper for the special
issue on the topic of “Mathematical Models of Inflammation”, which
will be published in Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering (MBE)”
in 2019. All submitted papers will go through a peer-review process,
and published papers are available online in open access.
Inflammation is the response mechanism by which the body attempts to
remove harmful stimuli and begin a process of healing. It is,
therefore, part of the body’s immune response. Without inflammatory
responses in place, it would be difficult for the body to deal with
infections, wounds, and damage to tissue. A number of diseases and
conditions such as cancer and rheumatoid disorders can result from
inflammation. Mathematical models can be employed and used to
understand the intricate dynamics that govern and drive various types
of inflammations. Such models could then provide insights into how to
deal with this phenomenon. It is in this light that we invite papers
that address the mathematical modeling of this phenomenon.
Full-text submission due date: November 30, 2019. Full paper should
be submitted online to the journal at
During the submission, please indicate the manuscript is submitted to
the special issue of “Mathematical Models of Inflammation”.
MBE is an interdisciplinary journal promoting timely research
activities at the interfaces of mathematics, biology, medicine, and
engineering. MBE focuses on new developments in the fast-growing
fields of applied mathematics, biosciences and engineering and will be
fully Open Access in 2019 (www.aimspress.com/journal/MBE).
From: Tony Nance <tony@mbi.osu.edu>
Date: Apr 23, 2019, 3:01 PM
Subject: MBI Summit on the Rules of Life, Jun 24-28
MBI Summit on the Rules of Life
June 24-28, 2019 (355 Jennings Hall, 1735 Neil Avenue, Columbus, OH)
Apply Here: mbi.osu.edu/event/?id=1251
Biological systems are extremely diverse and complex, possessing
enormous variation. Understanding the mechanisms by which biological
systems work is one of the fundamental scientific challenges of our
time. Rules of Life offer principles – which are broadly applicable
across bacteria, plants, and animals – that can be the basis for
organized research programs that address the challenge of
understanding nature. Unlike a traditional workshop or conference, the
format of the Summit is designed to build interdisciplinary
connections through provocative talks, panel discussions, and focused
break-out sessions. Additionally, talks on emerging technologies and
methods will broaden the perspectives of participants who may not have
prior exposure to these tools. This summit will support the
development of a networked community of researchers seeking to better
understand the fundamental mechanisms that govern biological systems.
Prominent biological scientists from across the world, together with
newer researchers and individuals with expertise in emerging
technologies and mathematical/statistical methodologies, will jointly
explore the common principles that govern biological systems. Video of
the plenary lectures, panel discussions, and emerging technologies/
methods talks delivered at the Summit will be live-streamed and
archived on the MBI website for later viewing. The Summit will lead to
two shorter follow-up workshops on emerging themes.
From: Eric Libby <elibbyscience@gmail.com>
Date: Apr 17, 2019, 4:25 PM
Subject: PhD Position: Modeling the evolution of endosymbiosis, Umeå
A Ph.D. studentship in mathematics as related to modeling the
evolution of endosymbiosis and the evolutionary origins of eukaryotes
is available in the research group of Eric Libby at Umeå University in
Sweden (ericlibby.github.io/). Candidates should have a
quantitative background with an interest in building mathematical
models of biological systems. The proposed work will feature
interdisciplinary projects done in collaboration with Chris Kempes at
the Santa Fe Institute.
For further details and to apply, see the official ad:
The deadline is May 15, 2019 with an anticipated start date in the
fall of 2019.
If there are any questions please contact Eric Libby at:
Eric Libby
Umeå University
From: Adam MacLean <adamlm@uci.edu>
Date: Apr 18, 2019, 12:11 AM
Subject: Postdoc: Quantitative and computational biology, USC
Postdoctoral position: single-cell analysis and multiscale modeling
PI: Adam MacLean macleanlab.usc.edu/
Apply by: May 15th 2019
We are recruiting a postdoctoral researcher to study mathematical and
statistical models of stem cell lineage dynamics. We study fundamental
questions regarding stem cell fate and its impact on disease using
mathematical models, computational data analysis, and statistical
inference. The candidate will use high-throughput multi-modal single-
cell data to develop new algorithms and models to describe cell state
transitions that control stem cell fate.
More details and apply: usccareers.usc.edu/job/los-angeles/postdoctoral-scholar-research-associate/1209/11513033
From: Peter Ghazal <GhazalP@cardiff.ac.uk>
Date: Apr 17, 2019, 1:33 PM
Subject: Lecturer in Computational Systems Immunity, Cardiff
The Laboratory of Immunity and Metabolism, Division of Infection and
Immunity based in the School of Medicine at Cardiff University, is
seeking a highly motivated and outstanding individual to join our
Faculty as part of a new hub of Systems Modellers in the cross-
disciplinary science and medicine programme of the Laboratory of
Infection and Immunity.
Candidates must have PhD or equivalent as well as significant
experience and a proven record of outstanding computational
accomplishments in the research areas of numerical modelling, complex
and dynamical systems. A background in at least one or more fields of
mathematics, physics, engineering or statistics would be required. A
strong interest in control and dynamical systems theory would be an
advantage. While knowledge of biological systems is desirable it is
not essential. The successful candidate will initiate and maintain an
original, competitive and independently funded research of
international calibre, aligned with key strategic objectives of the
Laboratory of Immunity and Metabolism. Collegial, team science
interactions will be an important element in success.
The 5 year strategic objective of the Laboratory of Immunity and
Metabolism is aimed toward addressing an urgent medical need for
recognising, predicting and treating sepsis, in extremely vulnerable
populations of the very young, old and sick
(www.cardiff.ac.uk/project-sepsis ). Underpinning this
strategic objective are numerous prestigious research awards and state
of the art resources including high end mass spectroscopy,
transcriptomics, automation, informatics including a growing systems
modelling hub, and embedded clinical research teams covering maternal,
neonatal, paediatric and adult sepsis. The Laboratory of Immunity and
Metabolism is a new flag ship multidisciplinary unit of the Systems
Immunity Research Institute
(www.cardiff.ac.uk/research/systems-immunity) and is part of
the Division of Infection and Immunity that hosts over 40 research
groups, focussed on infection, immunity and inflammation research at
Cardiff University Medical School.
Until 31 October 2022 this post is to undertake specific research
tasks (as detailed in the job description) relating to the
implementation and delivery of the Ser Cymru II Chair in Systems
Medicine, ERDF Operation (Case ID 80762-CU-106), which is part funded
by the European Regional Development Fund via the Welsh Government.
At the end of the project, the role will be funded by the School of
Medicine and subsequent work would be aligned to the School’s
strategic aims and goals.
This is a full time post (35 hours per week), open ended and
availability immediately.
Salary: £41,212 – £47,722 per annum (Grade 7).
Closing date: Friday, 31 May 2019
Please send enquiries to Peter Ghazal <GhazalP@cardiff.ac.uk>.
From: Gen Kurosawa <g.kurosawa@riken.jp>
Date: Apr 24, 2019, 8:07 AM
Subject: Deputy Director opening (RIKEN), Japan
RIKEN Interdisciplinary Theoretical and Mathematical Sciences Program
(RIKEN iTHEMS) ithems.riken.jp/en
is now seeking for a Deputy Director in the field of
mathematical biology. Feel free to distribute
this information.
Tetsuo Hatsuda
(Director, RIKEN iTHEMS)
From: Damien Lariviere <damien@FOURMENTINGUILBERT.ORG>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2019 04:37:45 -0400
Subject: (Deadline extension May 1) I2CELL Seed Award
The Fourmentin-Guilbert Foundation, a French non-profit organization,
is launching the I2CELL Seed Award to support an experimental research
project exploring the algorithmic processing of information in living
The I2CELL Seed Award:
– provides a fixed funding grant of 250,000 euros.
– is intended for Principal Investigators.
– encourages a collaboration with computer scientists.
Deadline for entries: May 1st, 2019
More information and the guidelines on www.i2cell.science
From: NIMBioS <newsletter@nimbios.org>
Date: Thu, Apr 4, 2019 at 2:03 PM
Subject: NIMBioS Bimonthly Newsletter, Mar/Apr 2019
Subject: SMBnet Reminders
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